I will Preach you to Death! Part 2
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Okay then no need to convolute life too much so: 


  • Entry lvl Acolyte
  • Second lvl Priest
  • Third lvl Arch-priest
  • Fourth lvl Bishop
  • Fifth lvl Patron/Matron
  • Sixth lvl Pope
  • Seven lvl Saint
  • Last level Oracle/ Voice of God


To be honest I could totally do a cheap job like priest bishop pope but this doesn’t sit well with me. Like I already made some scary and biologically viable monsters that could overrun the world I might as well. Oh and System? Could you change the titles/jobs based on the current state? Like in peace the names will be like so but in times of war they will change and give bonuses to fighting?

Congratulations on Establishing your Faith!

Due to eight different positions in unusual order, the System decided to make bonuses from this Faith less worth it in comparison to other religions. But If an individual manages to climb to the last position through his own efforts it will get an [Avatar Of Organic Dungeon] title which will grant it lesser abilities of Organic Dungeon and 20% of maximum mana Organic Dungeon can store.

Pick at least 1 individual that will get an occupation of Oracle, you can pick at most eight of them. Each will get minor boosts to fighting during wars or invasions and minor boosts to reproducing and minor aura of increased stamina regen.

If an individual gets recognized by the system as for example Acolyte of this faith the individual will get 0.001% of mana the Organic Dungeon can store and will have better understanding of plans the Organic Dungeon have.


I gathered each of the oldest species I have which turns out to be queens or already turned CN plants. There were six of them so I granted the titles based on seniority with the exception of CN plant that got the saint position. 


Next thing I did was to make an unofficial rule that every individual in positions from level five and up will have to retire and work as advisor or Bishop every 10 years. I also Granted myself indisputable law that I can change any rule within the church. The Idea was to stop the possible corruption among the ranks.


Done with the system I let the time pass. Thankfully the current onslaught of surface dwellers counted as “Invasion” so members of the church excelled at combat. Also I managed to break through the mental and mana interference ore. It was a curse in disguise though.


Not a meter into the smooth soil the ceiling broke letting a big amount of water in. It wasn’ that big of a problem thanks to Zodarii mages. Wait, I didn’t tell ya about it? Well Here goes wonderful retrospection!


Day before the spill...


I was still upset at not being able to manipulate rock around me so I made a decision to make a mage caste.


I grabbed a regular Zodarii and shrunk it a little. The next thing I did was to make it’s carapace absorb ambient mana and grow small mana crystals.


Secondly, I made the armour detachable and semi separate entity that remembers any spells casted by the mage and upon death the armour will then transfer all of the spells to the new mage so it could experiment and enrich the database of spells indirectly aiding future mages without teaching them. 


Thirdly, I made it so the mage can enlarge itself with the use of mana or food to properly fit the carapace. Also I made bodies of the mages passively absorb mana and use it to form crystal cores inside of them which should work as a small storage for magic power.


Fourth, I made a change to their society so the old mages near death or unable to fight will detach their armour and will begin manipulating mana and feeding it to the eggs allowing infant mages to form better cores. 


Fifth, Their society will make them cherish their ancestors and treat any armour left by the old as treasures. I did that so the mages won’t devolve into wuxia/xianxia characters that treat everything like trash being trash themselves. God, I hated those tropes when I was still alive grrr..


And lastly I made old eggs work just like the armour so when the mages go into battle where they will possibly die they can copy all of their knowledge into an egg. Also I made it that the eggs when not used will move slowly on their own and eat plants to grow and house more infant mages.


Oh I forgot to tell you my wonderful audience that is probably an effect of my insanity! Because of System recognizing miners as a sapient race I evolved all of my species to sapient level in hopes of receiving a reward from daddy System. I didn’t get anythin tho, saddest face.


Oh, also because of mages I managed to pushbak the invaders. I even made a small ceremony announcing to the almost dead invader that fell through the opening, that I declare war of total annihilation on them to y’know keep the buff form System goin!