CH1: System check
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It's cold. God damn it's cold and I'm soaked. Something feels wrong. I'm getting weaker and it's getting even colder.


Oh. Breathing is a thing I still need to do. I'm still cold and wet but now I can concentrate on my surroundings.

Now that I'm concentrating the first thing I notice? How weird having eyes on the side of my head is. It's not too bad, must be because of my affinity, but the second thing I notice is that I'm surrounded by rabbits. By the process of elimination the big one must be the mother, and the three small ones are the children. Continuing with the process of elimination I must also be a rabbit, since I was just reincarnated and I'm in the middle of a litter of rabbits. Honestly this isn't the best start. I was thinking I'd get like a wolf or a horse or maybe a dog, something carnivorous, but a rabbit? How am I supposed to become strong if I'm a little herbivorous rabbit?

Continuing my look around I can now see that, well, I'm outside. I thought rabbits lived in holes in the ground. I have so many questions. I should start with the thing that can give me some answers. How do I do this, though. In animes and novels they just need to think or say status right?


Nothing. Maybe I should try hand movements?

I start moving my forepaws and wiggling my nose, just about anything I can think of. I was making this weird noise sound too, something like "ch, ch" I can't describe it. Anyway I succeeded in summoning my status screen, still not sure which one did it.

Name N/A

Race: Plains Hare (Leveret Buck)







Agility=12 Primary (1)

Perception=6 Fourth (1)

Charisma=6 Fifth (1)

Intelligence=4 Sixth (1)

Wisdom=2 Tertiary (10)

Luck=7 Secondary (1)

(F)ree (P)oints=0

Notice: Free Points shall be abbreviated to FP






Full Reincarnated: You were reincarnated with all of the memories you had. If wisdom is below Tertiary in Priority force it to Tertiary and increase it by 10 ignoring the Priority cap. When you use your knowledge you may gain skills or talents.

Light Footed: You have light feet, literally, you are less likely to set off traps and you know how to adjust your weight to lose less stamina over time.

Wood stomach: Your race digests harder foods than most. If you upgrade this talent you will keep it through evolutions.

Bunny Boxing: Your race boxes during it's mating rituals. If you upgrade this talent you will keep it through evolutions.

Lifespan: 5 years

Level cycle 2.5 weeks

Level: 0

This is a lot to take in.

To break it down, there are 5 parts to this.

First is the things like my name and race. I don't have a name, do I need to be named by someone else? Next I'm a Plains Hare. I thought Hare was just a fancy way to call rabbits?

The second part is the attributes on my status... What the Hell is going on here?! Isn't there supposed to be a priority in every category?! Why is my Strength at three and why doesn't it have a priority?! Am I just unable to increase my strength?! 'Phew' ok, breath in, breath out. Thinking about it, there must be a limit to Priorities that I can have. It might be like Classes and I could get more, or it might be that I only get six, forever. Maybe I have an attribute that's normally hidden? It might be wisdom since that one talent forces it into position.

Moving on, let's skip the skill section since its empty. There is the Talent section. I have 4 talents, two which say they are because of my race, and one which is from reincarnating. That leaves only one talent to figure out. Where did I get the Light Footed Talent? Since it says that its because my feet are light is it because of my being a Hare? But if that's the case why doesn't it say it is from my race? It's breaking everything I know about the system. 'Sigh' alright skip this one too.

The last section... I HAVE ONLY FIVE YEARS TO LIVE?! Is there some way to change it?! Oh right different races should have different lifespans too. Afterall things like dragons and vampires have incredibly long lives while things like goblins die really quickly. So if I get really strong I should be able to live for a long time. Ok, now that I have a plan to try and change my lifespan, What the heck is this next one. I'm missing a lot of information on the system. I can't even guess what a 'level cycle' is. It says something about 2 weeks so I'll figure it out then?

That seems to be everything important. So my first priority is to survive and to level up. I still need to find out the details about my name, my Titles, my Attributes, my Skills, and the level cycle thing. There's still so much I don't know the details of but I'll make sure to figure it out.

My new question is, should I evolve into a humanoid? I can't change systems, but if I get the right Skills I could blend in enough to find information, maybe even find a job and settle down. The problem is I have a hard time getting Skills in this system, and Supervisor implied that Skills and Classes are required in their society.

It's either that or I find out the hard way, but I don't need to devote any time to camouflage or status hiding skills immediately. I also won't need to learn the language, or deal with their customs. For all I know these people practice slavery, or they have a corrupt church that declares humans to be the rightful rulers, or more practically, there could be Skills that find monsters disguised as humans.

Another benefit to evolving into a humanoid is that I could use weapons. Since this is a fantasy world there could be weapons made out of super metals or super monster materials. If there are Skills that tell you whether the other is a monster or not, there is still the chance that the other person could be unsettled from seeing a humanoid monster, especially if I look like a child, after all I'm what, a day old? If the Skill translates my age, it could be like a four year old fighting fully armored knights or something.

I think fighting with weapons would be useful, and even if I don't do it immediately, I could still learn the disguise Skills later, it's not like there's a limit to the number of Skills I can have, just the time I spend on them. Plus I think just having a humanoid form would give me a buff to gaining Skills, I don't have any backing behind it though.

Alright, I've got my life planned out now. I'm going to level up and evolve until I have a lifespan I'm satisfied with, then I'll train Skills until I'm satisfied, hopefully in a humanoid form. I'm going to level up, get information on how to surpass the system and then I'll talk with the supervisor again and I'll get the detailed answers to every question I have. She better have a physical form for me to look at by then, it'd be too boring otherwise.

All of that starts tomorrow however, since I'm exhausted and my siblings are all asleep. I didn't do anything today except eat some grass nearby and drink my mothers milk, I didn't even leave the nest. Sweet Dreams.





[Sweet Dreams]