144. Sanctions
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"Hey Jenny? What was it you were saying last night, about another project to upgrade your android body?" Sarah asked as she helped herself to a mug of coffee.

Our android crewmate smiled, "Good morning to you too Sarah."

The sleepy blonde grimaced, "Sorry. G'morning Jenny, morning Cam. And thanks for the coffee, Amanda."

She'd just wandered out of our cabin half-dressed, in panties and a tiny t-shirt. Not that I was much better, I'd been up for fifteen minutes but all I had on was a nightshirt. On the other hand Cam and Jenny were both fully dressed. The cat-kin was looking very cute again in another of their new outfits. This time it was a simple lavender sundress and sandals.

"You're welcome," I told my girlfriend as I continued preparing breakfast for everyone. Or everyone that was up, at least. Neither Rebecca or Tamsin had made an appearance yet.

"Good morning Sarah," Cam added as our engineer slumped into a chair at the dining table across from them.

Then Jenny said, "In answer to your earlier question, I've procured a backup copy of the proprietary power and data bus unit that houses all the safety protocols and overrides for my body. I've also acquired the parts I'll need to fashion a custom replacement. Which I've already begun assembling, based on a destructive tear-down and reverse engineering of the spare proprietary unit."

"That's exciting," I responded. "If I remember right, that was the component that forced you to comply with direct orders from your 'owner'?"

The android nodded, "That's right. As I said, it's home to all the safety protocols and system overrides that prevent me from true free will while my android body is in autonomous mode. It also prevents me from handling weapons under any circumstances."

I noticed she was in autonomous mode again this morning, or at least she still had that pink fringe in her hair. But before I could ask about that my girlfriend suddenly spoke up again, after quietly sipping her coffee for the last minute or so while the rest of us were talking.

"So you've already started reverse engineering the original unit and building your own replacement?" Sarah asked. "I guess you've been doing that while the rest of us were off-ship. Do you need any help with this?"

"I think I've been making pretty good progress on my own," Jenny replied, "But I would certainly welcome your assistance. Even some guidance and oversight would be appreciated."

She added, "I'll definitely require your assistance when it comes time to actually replace the existing module with my own design. Unfortunately I'll have to be completely offline for that procedure."

"Of course Jenny," Sarah nodded. "Anything I can do to help, any time you need me, just ask."

Cam added, "Same. I don't know much about synthetic bodies, but I'd be happy to lend a hand."

Our android crewmate smiled, "Thank you both."

My cute blonde girlfriend had another long sip of her coffee. Then she smirked, "Was that the only thing you're working on? You didn't happen to get yourself any furry or floofy accessories, did you?"

The only response Jenny had to that was an exaggerated eye-roll.

Luckily I had my back to the table as I focused on the pancakes and bacon I was preparing, so I didn't have to hold back my smile. After a few seconds of silence I changed the subject, "I wonder how late Rebecca and Tamsin are going to sleep in this morning?"

"Depends on how late they kept each other up last night," Sarah responded with another grin. "That's assuming Tamsin got enough of our captain, maybe they're still going at it this morning?"

I rolled my eyes, "I guess I'll make enough for them, and they can just warm it up whenever they want to eat."

When everything was ready I served it up for the three of us, and left the rest on the counter incase the boss and our guest joined us. Then I joined the others at the table as we all started eating.

"Thanks cutie," Sarah commented between bites. "Delicious as always."

Cam nodded in agreement, "Thank you Amanda."

"You're both welcome," I replied with a happy smile.

As we ate Jenny asked, "Have you all made more plans for today?"

"Not that I know of," I told her. "I need to stop by Vesfar Urox today, I've got a message to send Nyssa. I figured maybe we can do a bit more shopping or sight-seeing? Or just take it easy."

"Did you have anything else you needed to do Jenny?" Sarah asked. "Or do you need us to get you anything?"

Jenny shook her head, and that's when I noticed the fringe in her hair had finally turned back to purple at some point. Possibly while I was making breakfast.

Meanwhile she continued, "I was just asking out of curiosity. Although I have been monitoring routine communications and information around the shipyard, and found there's someone looking for a ship to haul cargo to Regulon-4. I know that's our next planned stop, so if Rebecca ever does leave her bed I thought she might be interested."

I thought for a moment then replied, "As first officer I'm interested. What can you tell me about the shipment?"

"It's fairly routine," she responded. "Three pallets of industrial computer systems, meant for controlling heavy mining equipment. They are due at the Regulon mining installation in seven standard days, and the shipping fee is set at twelve thousand ecks, to be paid upon delivery."

All the various lessons and training I'd received from Rebecca flashed through my head, along with the Gorath sector navigation chart. I munched on a strip of bacon as I thought it through, then commented "At Jump-0 it's a six day trip from here to the Regulon system. So we'd probably want to ship out no later than this evening, to ensure we made the delivery on time."

"Jenny do you know how long that job's been available?" Sarah asked. "Has it been sitting there for a while?"

Our AI crewmate replied, "It only just came up less than twenty minutes ago. As I said, I've been monitoring the shipyard while we've been here, and it seems jobs like that tend to be snapped up fairly quickly. From what I've seen most jobs tend to be claimed within the first hour of being posted."

"How do we go about claiming a job here, do you know?" I asked. "Do I have to go to the port authority, or some other office to register that the Demeter is available?"

Jenny shook her head again, "Not on this world. It can all be done automatically and electronically. If you give the order, I could submit a claim for that Regulon job right now."

I was quiet again for another a few seconds, as I considered the job over a forkful of pancake. I knew the pay wasn't great considering Regulon was a difficult port to get in and out of. It was a fair rate for three pallets, but that was assuming you filled your hold with a bunch of other shipments all going to the same place.

On the other hand, we wanted to go there regardless, and having a shipment would give us a legitimate reason to be there. After all, Regulon-4 wasn't the sort of place you went for fun.

"Ok," I finally nodded. "Jenny please do your thing and accept the job for us. And please keep your eyes open for anything else that comes along for the mining colony, we've got plenty more space in the hold."

"Yes ma'am," she responded with a smile.

Sarah was grinning too as she commented, "Way to go cutie, making command decisions over breakfast like that."

"And without any pants on," she added as her grin became a smirk.

I just rolled my eyes and had another forkful of my pancake, but I could feel my treasonous tail wagging behind me. Meanwhile both Cam and Jenny looked like they were trying not to smile, although I noticed that the AI wasn't trying very hard.

We were just finishing breakfast when Rebecca and Tamsin finally emerged from the boss's cabin. Sarah looked like she had a few witty comments or observations in mind, but when we heard what the other two were discussing any jokes were forgotten.

"... have proof of this?" Tamsin asked in a shocked voice.

Rebecca sounded sombre as she replied, "We have actual samples of the stuff they're testing on the miners, along with a datacrystal documenting the test protocols. It even references the high mortality rate of the earlier tests."

"That's barbaric," the ravenette mechanic stated as they both joined the rest of us in the mess.

Neither of them had dressed yet, the boss and her friend were just wearing a pair of nightshirts for now. They sounded wide awake though, and I had a feeling their conversation had been going on for a little while.

"Morning folks," Rebecca greeted us as she moved to the autochef to get coffees for herself and Tamsin.

After returning the greeting I added, "There's pancakes and bacon there for you two, you just need to warm it up."

"Thanks Amanda," the tall redhead replied. She didn't go for the food yet though, instead she joined us all at the table with her coffee. "I'm sure you already got the gist of it but I've been filling Tamsin on the situation we uncovered at Fuminja Epsilon."

After a sip of her morning beverage she added, "I'm sorry I didn't talk to the rest of you about it first. I didn't exactly mean to bring her into the loop. I was trying to explain that we might not be able to come by here for another visit for a while, and..."

"And I needed to know why," the petite ravenette stated. "I've always said Rebecca's like a sister to me, and honestly I feel like the rest of you are cousins or something? Partially because you're Rebecca's crew, and partially because we all share a sort of bond thanks to Jenny."

Sarah nodded, "I get it. I don't mind that you told her, boss. Now I'm wondering if there's any way you can help us do something about it, Tamsin?"

Our guest grimaced as she had a gulp of coffee. Then she shook her head, "I can't really think of anything off-hand, unfortunately. For one thing I'm still a 'new arrival' here, but there's not much I could have done as Mel either. I was never involved in any politics, I didn't know any government officials. At least, none who weren't involved in shipyards and ship certifications."

"Assuming there was some way to alert the authorities, do you know offhand what they could do? If anything?" I asked her.

Tamsin looked thoughtful for a few moments, then shook her head and shrugged. "Not really. There's no interstellar laws, nobody here has any jurisdiction over what happens anywhere else in the sector. If they tried to import or use that stuff here that'd be different, but I have a feeling by that point it'd be too late. From what Rebecca said, if they get their hooks in a few of our leaders and maybe the right government ministers, they could potentially seize control over everything."

"That's a worst-case scenario," Jenny responded. "And while I don't believe they're capable of it just yet, it's not outside the realm of possibility that they're working towards that goal."

"I'm glad they're not there yet but it's still very concerning," Tamsin said as she made a face.

I finally got to my feet and started gathering up the dishes, then I got Rebecca's and Tamsin's breakfast warming up. At the same time I asked, "There must be something else? It feels wrong that worlds like Rolandan-2 would just sit on their hands and do absolutely nothing, if they knew this threat was coming together practically on their doorstep. The Fuminja Cluster is what, fifteen days away at level-zero jump? A day at Jump-1?"

Our guest looked thoughtful again for a few seconds before responding, "Ok there's a few things I can think of. First off, if there was definite proof they'd share that evidence with the other systems. Second, they'd impose sanctions against Fuminja Epsilon specifically, possibly the entire Fuminja Cluster. Basically no Rolandan-2 individual or company would be allowed to do any business with them. No imports, no exports, and possibly no travel either."

"The last thing I can think of is a bit of a long-shot," she added. "Regulon-4 is an airless rock, nobody working there is a 'citizen'. Everyone comes from somewhere else. If it turned out that any citizens of Rolandan-2 died there under mysterious circumstances in say the last year or so, and we could reasonably convince the government they may have been part of these immoral human tests, our government could impose sanctions against the mining corp there too."

Rebecca commented, "Sanctions seem like a slap on the wrist compared to what's going on out there."

Tamsin sighed, "I know. There's not much else they can do though, at least not publicly. Rolandan-2 isn't likely to dispatch its own self-defence forces to go storm a private mining facility. They'd be even less likely to try any kind of military action against the Fuminja Cluster. Regulon is a corporation, Fuminja has an actual population and a government. Moving against them would be an act of war."

The last two meals were ready so I served them up for the boss and our guest. Then I asked, "You said they couldn't do anything else publicly. What about privately? Or secretively?"

"That's what we're doing," Rebecca stated. "A covert operation, to put a stop to the illegal and immoral work."

Cam had been quiet again but they asked, "If that's something the Rolandan-2 government might do, then maybe we should leave it to the professionals?"

Rebecca Sarah and I all exchanged a glance. Then the boss shook her head, "We could turn all our evidence over to the Rolandan government, then we'd get bogged down here in hearings if we're lucky, interrogations if we're not. If they believe us, if they decide to do something about it, and if they decide the situation requires more than harsh words and economic sanctions, then maybe they'd be ready to act in half a year? You can guarantee Kelsonian and her people would be tipped off long before then. Assuming they haven't already finished up and sold it all off to the Imperium, or started using it themselves in this sector."

"She's right," Tamsin agreed with another sigh. "I hate to say it, but turning it over to the local government doesn't seem like the best choice. Or at least, it shouldn't be plan A. And if you do give it to them, do it anonymously."

The boss nodded slowly, "All right. I'll think about that today. Maybe we leave a copy of the datacrystal behind and see that it gets into government hands after we're gone."

"What other plans have you all made for today?" she added, looking around the table at all of us.

Jenny spoke up with an answer, but she addressed me rather than the captain. "I've just received confirmation Amanda, we have the job. The cargo will be here within the next two hours."

Rebecca raised an eyebrow as she looked at me, while I felt my cheeks colouring slightly.

"I uh, got us some cargo?" I told her. "Three pallets of goods, due at Regulon-4 in seven days."

"And she did it without even putting on pants," Sarah added with a grin.

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