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Daymar hadn’t taken her eyes off of John even for an instant and continued while placing the wine glass back on the table “after the first god left, an era of peace was established. It lasted for a century before humans faced a calamity in the form of diseases. However, this marked the coming of the second god. He was the lord of alchemy and healing, he could make potions without side effects and command elements freely. He fortified the kingdom and expanded the kingdom. He was an avid follower of the first god and honed her teachings to heart. He also spoke the language of the gods’ and gave a book before he left. This book was the holy book of medicine and alchemy. He also had many followers and he taught some select few his language. The people were going on a journey uphill. This lasted for several years after lord second left.”

“Then what happened to all those speakers of English? If there were many of them, I would have heard someone speak it by now. Not even you are speaking it, which means…?” John asked quickly, unable to contain his curiosity.

“Well, people are after all people.” Daymar smiled at John and continued “eventually, many centuries after lord second left, the descendants of the disciples grew in power. Noble families were formed and many factions arose among them. All of them had one goal which was to control and rule over the rest as an emperor. As the humans became greedier, the continent entered a warring period. During those warring period, the first emperor to unify the empire came into being. He was called Derek Noakes and he unified the empire with brute force and cruelty. He killed anyone who spoke the Gods’ language. Many nobles tried to flee the empire but they were all assassinated along with their families. He detested the gods and killed anyone who spoke their language. After he died on a hunting trip at the Dark Woods, the people who knew the language in the empire were none. They spoke whatever little words they knew like ‘sorry’ or ‘thanks’ or ‘me’ etc., the script, on the other hand, was lost altogether. All the books written in it were seized and burned by the emperor personally. He hid the book of the first god as it couldn’t be burned and the book of the second god which was enchanted was kept in the royal library. It was as though he was laughing at the misfortune of the people. No one knew which clan he belonged to or what his true motive was but one thing was certain, he hated everything and everyone. He painted the castle walls with the blood of the innocent. After his death, the empire was finally calm and the only language here was Boli, the language we speak. My great grandfather Lord Norris Knovell took over its administration and it flourished to the current empire. My father is the third emperor of this empire and I am his only daughter.” Daymar eyed John playfully.

John just smiled widely at the newfound opportunity as a royal language teacher. ‘I’ll be able to live a luxurious life’ he thought inwardly after figuring out what all benefits he would get a teacher. He decided to propose “the language is really difficult to learn and is spoken in a way that the spelling remains a myth. But, if you want, I can teach it to you although it may prove to be a bit expensive. I think you could manage it just fine.”

‘Wow’ Daymar thought merrily ‘this man has just made my life easier. Now, no one knows of his origins except me and the slave traders who are doing a good job of rotting in their graves. If I could portray him out as a god, then the empire is as good as mine. But this naive fool should be trained first, he should be properly brainwashed to follow my commands blindly. This can be easily managed by seducing him but any attempts now would seem suspicious and out of character, I should make him fall for me eventually. He will be the placebo husband god and I will be the empress. For that to happen, he should not be allowed to contact the outer world until he becomes a puppet.’ A grin involuntarily appeared on her face.

However, John wasn’t as naive as Daymar thought him to be. John, who had met many people and was a victim of bullying of many had developed a sense to read peoples’ bad motives from their expressions. ‘Hmm, this woman is scheming something bad, a sly wolf she is. I should follow her around for now but never should I trust her blindly, it’ll be my fall if I did.’ John thought as he acted as if he didn’t notice the grin.

Daymar, who had no idea of what was going through his head covered the grin up with a smile. “We shall tour the palace tomorrow morning. A maid shall show you your room after dinner, let’s just eat heartily now.” She said while beaming widely.

“Thank you,” John said in English. “It is a way we express gratitude for something good in our words” John continued in Boli.

Daymar nodded to this in amazement and said “Thank-you” in English.

John smiled at her and said, “When someone thanks you, you must say ‘welcome’.

“Oh, sorry! Welcome, John.” She said shyly.

After John finished eating and a failed attempt from Daymar to kiss his cheek due to embarrassment, the maid who stripped John came for him to lead him to his room. Rita was with her and was to be led to the maid’s room when she started tearing up. John requested the maid to let her stay in his bedroom and she accepted after eyeing John suspiciously. John finally slept on the fluffy bed with Rita on his side who was still sighing.

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