Chapter 41: Time Skipping
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Magnus got to work the moment he realised what the deal was. After sitting down on the ground, Magnus prepared to do something he should have down from the start of his journey.

Dozens of tentacles sprouted from his body and began creating dimensional rifts. Across his body, multiple mouths formed. In this way like a through eldritch devourer. Magnus began eating and gathering energy. In addition, to stave off boredom, he slowed his mind down, allowing his body to do things automatically. 

With this, in Magnus' perspective, 100 years passed relatively quickly. During this time, he had upgraded all his concepts and gathered enough energy to reach the 9th dimension. However, when he tried to ascend, he found an insurmountable obstacle in his way instead.

For the first time ever, Magnus felt stumped.

Retracting all his additional body parts, Magnus stood up and thought to himself.

' Do I need more energy?'

What he felt blocking him was a mountain. But it was simply one mountain. With enough energy, he felt like he could simply brute force his way through it. Sure, a person can cross a mountain by climbing it. However, Magnus did not feel like it. He also felt like he could use small secret tunnels that were somewhere along the base of said mountain. However, this would take a long time. So, in Magnus' not so humble opinion simply blasting it out of the way should do the trick.

So, he did the one thing a god does not do.

He looked straight down at the 6 lower dimensions and spoke to all intelligent beings in his range and for the first time, Magnus used his divine powers to issue a prophecy. 

" To all who hear me. I shall come one day. I shall come to devour your world as I have millions of others. Fear my arrival. My name is Magnus."

There were 3 ways to gain divine energy.

The first is through worship. The more preferred and normal way most gods gain energy.

Next is through fear, demonic beings, monsters and ugly beings tend to use this way since intelligent beings tend to avoid worshipping them.

The third way is to siphon from other gods. This is just bullying.

So, as the impatient man he is, Magnus decided to give his followers a response and the rest a scare to gain an explosive increase in energy. Of course, he excluded Dice's homeworld and its heaven. He did not want to ruin her fun.