Chapter 6.1
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I consider this for a moment, but I can't shake off the feeling that it won't work, that Dober will just survive it or that I'll miss, and then I'll have to deal with the consequences. Another factor to take into account is the fact that despite our familiar oaths didn't cover not harming or killing each other, killing her would violate the spirit of the oath. It is bad karma to kill your familiar if it is not working against you.

I leave her alone, still struggling with the glamour, and head towards the library. I don't want to be anywhere near her when she finishes turning back.

The walk is long and I pass through many halls. Who even needs a house this big?

Once again, I find the secret entrance, this time I don’t pass my hand through the wall; I already known where it is.

The library is just as ominous as always, gutter water dripping down on me from above, lightbulbs flickering.

My original intent was to read Black Lambs Blood, which I have rolled up into one of my leather jacket’s pockets. I will probably need the help of the lawyers again at some point in the future, and they won’t help me unless I have read the book. With the way things have been going, if I don’t read it now, then who knows when I will have another chance. However, what makes me reconsider is the copy of Implementum lying on the floor where it was left the last time.

I am starting to get a feel for how this world and magic works, and I am fairly confident that The Abyss gave me an actual copy, albeit with the trap at the beginning. Synthia did mention it was one of the three important books.

It is a hard choice, but Implementum seems like the better one. It will give me personal power instead of a favor.