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The following dissertation has been a labor of love. Ever since I read the chronicles of the Quonset Manager as a child, the story stuck with me, like so many others. It is considered by most to be the definitive story of the beginning of the Aurora era. While his stories would not come to light until 2082, and were originally a propaganda piece put out by the Vancouver Empire, since the fall of that barbarous civilization the stories have sparked pride in the human spirit and it's ability to overcome.


In the years since, few expeditions have traveled to Great Bear island. The island is fully abandoned since the destruction of the Great Bear Air Fleet in 2088 (The infamous "Vancouver Bear Force"). It's inhospitable climate preventing long term human habitation without aurora crystal technology. Few people wish to travel there, and none remain.


My expedition went there on an archeology dig to see if it was possible to uncover more evidence of the Quonset Manager. The actual Quonset garage having been found and investigated decades ago. We do know the Quonset Manager duplicated many of his journals and hid them in various caches all across the island. I am proud to announce that me and my team were quite successful in uncovering several of these back up copies as well as some video footage.


It is unknown exactly how the Quonset Manager managed to figure out how to build a Faraday cage around his video and computer equipment that could withstand the aurora particle electron surges with the materials he had. It is just another sign of the indomitable spirit of "QM", as he liked to refer to himself. Another indication that there is a blurred line between brilliance and insanity.


His technological advancements parallels the development of the crystal based technology that allows us to harness the aurora particle that fuels our technological paradise. However, there is no evidence that he figured out how to harness it for it's anti-gravity properties, even if my team of investigators has determined that he came close to figuring it out several times.


The Quonset Manager's journals can be divided into three types of entries: Technical, philosophical, and personal. The three did tend to blend from one to the other. It is hard not to be read his works and not want to know more about the brilliant wild man of Great Bear.


Others have had better insight into the technological journals of the Quonset Manager (I would direct the reader to Professor Giorgio A. Tsoukalos the 3rd's ground breaking book, Ancient Icarus: Were the pyramids built by Atlantis in an Aurora Era?) and thus we will not be looking into that aspect of his journals. Instead we will be delving into the question: Did he die alone?


We have yet to find any journals that indicate to us as to what may have finally killed the Quonset Manager. Given his haphazard and erratic nature, there is no rhyme or reason to where he kept his journals, as well as the nature of the journals themselves made deciphering them difficult. He found a great deal of red ink pens used by accountants which allowed him to write over the pages of other books, but in the later years his supply of ink ran dry and he fell back to charcoal, etching into sheets of metal, carving into rock, and stitches using tanned rabbit hide and old fishing lines.


Which raises the question of Jennifer.


The original telling of the Quonset Manager story was a propaganda piece and as such had many embellishments. The entire story of Jennifer was created whole cloth by the propaganda minsters of the Vancouver empire, but was based on one particular entry in the journal that they found. In the two other expeditions to Great Bear, nobody found any more entries that indicated who Jennifer was or if she even existed. Historians have speculated that it was simply another manifestation of his deteriorating mind.


We have uncovered new entries that include many new details and insights into who Jennifer was as well as their relationship. Unfortunately we cannot provide any answers into the actual existence of Jennifer. The Quonset Manager's video equipment broke down completely long before Jennifer entered his life, so we have no images of her. We simply cannot find any physical evidence of her existence, and the journal entries, even the ones that supposedly she wrote, are all in The Quonset Manager's hand writing.


This of course means nothing, since the Quonset Manager was known to create up to five different duplicates of entries he deemed important and scatter them over the island in sealed plastic containers. She could have indeed written the entries themselves and we only found a copy that she transcribed and he duplicated. If there is an original out there, I pray future archeologists will find them.


Alas, the building Jennifer was purposed to have used as her home burned to the ground, unlike the Quonset which was found buried in ice. We may never know the true story, but having read the entries, and the radical shift in writing style, I like to think that Jennifer was real, if for no other reason then the Quonset Manager seems to have found some solace in her presence.


Of course she may have been just another imaginary character in his life, like EF and CB. A much more nuanced and real character then the bottle of lamp fuel and the car battery that he frequently had long conversations with. It is this nuance that makes me think she was real. I like to write off any inconsistencies in the journals to embellishment. The Quonset Manager was nothing, if not a good showman.


So if you are looking for the definitive work on the existence of Jennifer, you will not find it here. I leave it up to the reader to make their own conclusions on the matter. As for the eventual fate of The Quonset Manager or Jennifer, well, I wouldn't want to spoil things. As the Quonset Manager would say, "There are no destinations, only the way points of your life and how long you choose to spend there." How long you linger here, is up to you.




Keep Surviving, Survivors.

Professor Charlton Györgyi

University of Hawaii