[Luna POV]
“Hmmm. How should we make an entrance? Just appearing in a bright flash of light is boring and over done, but we can’t…Fufufufufufufufu.”
{Got an idea?}
“Ok, so let’s try this.”
I detailed a plan for us to show up and we soon put it into practice.
*Going back in time a few minutes*
[Amagi POV]
While watching as Luna and Tamamo made their vows, I had to physically keep Deacon restrained so that he wouldn’t start sobbing loudly. To his credit, he was doing his best holding it in, but I could tell the dam was about to burst. Luckily for us, as soon as their vows were finished and they sealed their marriage with a kiss, everyone started to applaud. After an adequate amount of time, me and several others turned to leave and give the newlyweds some time alone before the celebration. What we did not expect was that we would be suddenly teleported back to the couple’s home.
“*Sniff*” (Deacon)
“Fufu. Let it out, Deacon. You only have a little bit before they show up again with a more than likely flashy entrance.” (Amagi)
Deacon then burst into tears in an almost comical way.
“She-she was so beautiful! I’ve never felt so proud yet sad before! My little girl has finally gotten married!...” (Deacon)
I turned to look at Deacon in worry since he went quiet so quickly.
“Amagi.” (Deacon)
“Yes?” (Amagi)
“We need to travel the world and spread the word that our most glorious daughter has gotten married.” (Deacon)
“Don’t worry my old friend, you don’t have to travel the world to do that. I can guarantee that, once we get back home, I’ll start having people set up a festival to celebrate the occasion.” (Lobo)
“You fail to understand, Lobo, this is an event that needs more than a single festival.” (Deacon)
“Hmmm. How about a month long one to celebrate both her ascension and marriage?” (Lobo)
“…That’s a compromise I’m willing to go with.” (Deacon)
“How about the both of you stop and not do that. I’m pretty sure Luna will smite you if you blow all of this out of proportion.” (Amagi)
“Honestly, she’d probably smite someone just for planning something like that.” (Blake)
“I can see big sis doing that a bit too vividly.” (Soleil)
“Amagi, it might be better to keep these two away from each other for the day so that they don’t go on a planning spree that ends with a year long festival.” (Ana)
“BRILLIANT!” (Deacon)
I smacked Deacon on the back of the head which managed to snap him out of his overly doting mode.
“Previous topic aside, I’m happy to have been invited to this, though I fear for the day when my daughters want a wedding as grand as this one.” (Lobo)
“Lobo, you know won’t ask for such a thing. Even they know it’d be unreasonable to compete with a divine wedding.” (Blanca)
“Hello Blanca.” (Amagi)
“Hello Amagi. Congratulations on your daughter’s wedding.” (Blanca)
Our group was still exchanging small talk when the area around us started to get a bit darker. In the sky above us the stars started to move until they formed the shape of a set of double doors. They opened up slowly and, though it was faint, the sound of music could be heard.
Once the doors finally opened all the way, a shining staircase appeared one step at a time. Once it reached the floor, two figures could be seen descending side by side. They both had all ten tails on full display and they made sure that they had the full attention of all those present. Once the two finally stepped off the final stair, it disappeared in reverse and the doors in the sky slowly shut. When I looked at Luna’s face once the spectacle was over, I could see her with her usual mischievous smile.
“I think we nailed it, Tamamo.” (Luna)
{I completely agree, Luna.}
I chuckled a little as I walked over to them. Before they said anything to me, I pulled them both into a hug.
[Luna POV]
The second we finished with our grand entrance we were both pulled into a hug from mom.
“Even though I was there to help both of you prepare, I still have to say it. You are both stunning and the ceremony was equally as beautiful. I’m so happy for the two of you.” (Amagi)
I smiled and wrapped an arm around mom and hugged her back. I glanced at Tamamo to see she was doing the same and we stayed like that for a few minutes before mom let us go.
“Sorry, I got a bit ahead of myself there.” (Amagi)
{It’s fine.}
At the same time we were placating mom, a few others came up to us. The group was all the people from home, minus Velvet and her parents.
“Luna!!!” (Deacon)
Dad jumped at me but before he reached us, I caught him in some chains.
“Dad, calm down. I don’t want you messing up our dresses with tears and snot from your ugly crying.” (Luna)
“…” (Deacon)
“Hahahaha.” (Lobo)
“Hello, Lobo, Lady Blanca, Selene, Selena.” (Luna)
“HAH!” (Deacon)
“Shut it Deacon.” (Lobo)
“Hehe. No need to be so formal, in fact we should be the ones acting formal in your presence. It’s good to meet you for the first time.” (Blanca)
“Come to think of it, we haven’t actually spoken for longer than a minute before. Anyway, thank you for coming to our wedding. I hope you enjoy yourselves before going home.” (Luna)
{Indeed. Eat, drink, and have fun, this is a celebration after all.}
“Thank you for inviting us. Later once you finish your greetings please come and find us so we can chat.” (Blanca)
“We look forward to hearing what it’s like here, Luna.” (Selene)
“And I’d like to know what it’s like having ten tails.” (Selena)
I chuckled and nodded before turning my attention to Ana, Blake, and Soleil.
“Congrats Luna.” (Blake)
“Thanks.” (Luna)
{Thank you, Ana, for helping me with my dress earlier. It was more complicated than I thought it would be to put on, so I had no idea what to do until you and Amagi came.}
“It’s no problem. If, and it feels strange to me for saying this, we’re going to be family soon, then it’s only natural that I’d help you out. Not to mention that I’m your Apostle, so it’s also my job to help you.” (Ana)
{Ufufufu. To think that I’d get more family than just Atmos when Luna showed up.}
“You forgot Grey.” (Luna)
{I didn’t forget, just left him out.}
“Isn’t that a bit cruel of you?” (Luna)
{Not really.}
“If you say so.” (Luna)
“Huh. To think that I’d join a Goddess’s family one day. Guess you never know where life will take you.” (Blake)
“Congrats, big sis, big sis Tamamo. You both look beautiful.” (Soleil)
“Tamamo?” (Luna)
{I could get used to being called that. From now on you must always call me that, Soleil.}
“Yes, big sis Tamamo.” (Soleil)
We moved on from that group to Velvet’s where we got more congratulations and compliments on our dresses and the ceremony. This same thing happened with all the other people I’d invited, though there was something off about Vince when we spoke with him. After greeting all of my guests, we moved on to the people Tamamo invited. The first people we spoke to were Atmos and Grey.
“Well, well, well, the newlyweds look even better up close, don’t you agree Grey?” (Atmos)
“I do. Makes me want to go commission a dress for you from the same people.” (Grey)
“I wouldn’t decline if you did that. Even I like dressing up fancy from time to time.” (Atmos)
“Since when? Not once have you dressed up fancy like they are. Not even at our own wedding.” (Grey)
“That was the part where you just nod your head in agreement, Grey.” (Luna)
“Oh.” (Grey)
{And it’s not like I got these for free. I had to do something for them as well.}
“Wait what?” (Luna)
{It’s not like every god and goddess owes me a favor, Luna. And besides it was something that I’ve done for them before, so it wasn’t much trouble. Though now that I mention it I’ll have to teach you some more things when we get some time.}
“Ok, we’ll talk about it later then.” (Luna)
“Anyway, I think everything was perfect. It was like the place was made just for that specific moment.” (Atmos)
“There IS something about two kitsune in a grove of cherry blossoms and red maples that just fits.” (Grey)
“That was one of the reasons I chose that as the venue, though only a small part. Most of it was just because I like stuff like that.” (Luna)
{And I for one think that decision was perfect since I feel the same. It just feels natural for us to be somewhere like that.}
“Yep.” (Luna)
We chatted for a few more minutes with the two of them before we moved on. We greeted Quetz and another god who was with her that I learned was Java. After talking with them I somehow ended up walking to the next group with several special bags of coffee. Next up was Crate, Gear, and the God of Statuses, Stadia. Similar to every group so far, our chat consisted of compliments and congratulations. Crate tried to give the two of us several things but he was dragged away by Gear before anything major happened. Stadia just looked tired, but Tamamo later told me that was normal. We then moved on to the group with Skadi and Ophidia. They were joined by a woman that look very much like Skadi only with hair that looked like flowing water and blue eyes that seemed to suck you in.
“Master.” (Ophidia)
“Ophidia.” (Luna)
“It was a wonderful ceremony.” (Skadi)
{Thank you. Also, I’m happy to see you were able to come, Ina.}
“Of course I’d come. I’ve been wanting to meet the person that Skadi’s fiancée calls master for some time now and thought that this was an opportune time to do so.” (Ina)
“So you ARE Skadi’s mother. I’m Luna, it’s nice to meet you.” (Luna)
“Well met, little kitsune. Thank you for taking care of my little Skadi and finally getting her to become more outgoing. I was starting to worry she might never make any real friends, but imagine my shock when she comes home one day saying that she not only has made friends, but even gotten engaged to someone.” (Ina)
“M-mom! Why!?” (Skadi)
“Now, now, you know I’m happy for you, so why shouldn’t I thank one of the people that have helped you get to this point?” (Ina)
“That’s not the problem here!” (Skadi)
“Ah, flustered Skadi is always fun.” (Ophidia)
{She is indeed cute.}
“Very much so.” (Luna)
“Oh, since it’s the whole occasion and all, how have your wedding plans gone?” (Luna)
“Pretty well. We chose the venue the other day and, while it won’t be to the level of your dresses, mom said she’s going to do something for us since she’s wanted to do this for me for a long time apparently.” (Skadi)
“We’re holding it next month as well. That way it doesn’t overlap with the enjoyment of yours, master." (Ophidia)
{You know neither of us mind if it overlapped, right?}
“Maybe not, but others that actually care about stuff like this might have. Especially where mortals are concerned. Since most of Luna’s friends are mortals and also happen to be Skadi’s friends, they might think something was going on, even though there isn’t.” (Ina)
“Oh well, we’ll be there, so have fun and enjoy yourselves when the time comes.” (Luna)
We moved on to Fenrir and Mio after chatting with those three a little longer. Similar to Skadi and Ophidia, they had planned their wedding to a degree, though they were still trying to figure out the date. We moved on shortly after that since the two of them had a hard time not flirting with the other for too long. We were now approaching the last group. This one consisted of Crisis, Mordred, their daughter, Tonya, and the primordial family.
“It’s good to see you again, Luna. And you as well, Tamamo.” (Mordred)
“Indeed. Tamamo is one thing, but you don’t show up hardly ever anymore, Luna. What’s up with that? I want you to meet Evelyn. And what’s with the thing hiding in your tails? Hey, Evelyn, say hi.” (Crisis)
“Hi.” (Evelyn)
I was taken aback by Crisis’s quick-fire questions and before I could say anything Miss Order spoke up.
“In-chan, calm down. It’s not like you show up all that much anymore either, though it’s understandable in your case. As for Luna, it makes sense with how things have been happening back to back recently.” (Order)
“It’s not my fault! I’ve missed out on so much because I’m having fun teaching Evelyn things and having steamy fun with Mordred.” (Crisis)
“You’re lucky I love you or I’d be fed up with how you brag about that so much to people you’re close to. Nobody needs to know what we get up to and why am I even saying all of this?” (Mordred)
“Hehehehe. Momma is all flustered again.” (Evelyn)
“Hehehehehehehehe. Let’s get her even more flustered. You see-” (Crisis)
“Nope.” (Mordred)
Mordred put her hands on the shoulders of the two that were doing their best to get her flustered and they vanished through a void portal.
“Well that happened.” (Luna)
“Sorry about her. She really tries to behave, but as you can see, it doesn’t last long.” (Order)
{It’s fine. We have an Atmos so we know what it’s like.}
“OI! I HEARD THAT!” (Atmos)
{That was the point.}
“OI!!!” (Atmos)
“That aside, congrats Luna.” (Payto)
“Thanks.” (Luna)
{Also, thank you for your help. I was able to get Luna’s gift finished just in time with your help.}
“No problem. If either of you need anything, just ask and I’ll try to accommodate it. Now, we should probably go since it’s not very good for us to be here for too long.” (Payto)
“That and Astraea looks tired.” (Order)
“It was nice seeing you again and I’ll be sure to come by more often.” (Luna)
{See you all again.}
They left and Tamamo and I moved back to everyone. Since our greetings were finished, the celebration could truly start. To say it was a wild party would be an understatement. By the end of the night pretty much everyone was asleep from being too drunk. The only two left that were completely sober were me and Tamamo. We moved over to the hill with her lunar sakura and looked up at the sky.
{Since we finally have some time for ourselves, do you want your gift?}
“If you’re ready to give it.”
{Then look at the island.}
I turned my gaze at the floating island. Tamamo then snapped her fingers and the sight started to shift like a mirage before the familiar looking island changed completely.
“Wha!? When? How? I love it, but eh!?”
{Well, I remembered what you said you wanted to turn the island into one day, so I thought I’d surprise you. I went to Payto to see if he could get the detailed plans for those Hanging Gardens of Babylon and he did. I then called in my favor with some gods of architecture and they got to work in the times when we were out. The hardest part, though, was keeping the illusion strong enough for you to not notice it, but I did it.}
I hugged Tamamo tightly.
“Thank you, Tamamo.”
{Anything for you, Luna.}
I smiled at her and then moved my face next to one of her ears and whispered.
“How about I send everyone home now and I can fulfill my promise to you?”
{I love the sound of that.}
I saw that Tamamo had a seductive smile on her face to match my own and I immediately put that plan into action. I did feel a little bad about basically kicking everyone out, but since it was my wedding night, I think they’d all understand.
After 3 weeks I finally caught up and I gotta say, you chose a really bad title (and synopsis). I had this absolute masterpiece hanging in my plan to read list for like half a year and decided to give it a go only because I ran out of things that sounded more appealing
Okay, that's Twice it's been referenced... So What the Heck is living in Luna's Tails? Is it an Abyss Spirit somehow? Or did she Feed it after midnight then get it wet, Mogwai Style, and now her tail is full of Gremlins?
No Chapter featuring Zan and Geif, where they silently compare notes and recipes with The God of cooking? And Atmos? (And anyone else) A bit Disappointing... honestly I like the Thinly Veiled Street Fighter Reference.
And What is up With Cerberus? I expected It to be involved in the ceremony Somehow... Like They Ride it off into the moonrise or something... THEN reappear via Moonlit Stairway.
And I am INCREDIBLY disappointed that The Thunder Gods Didnt Showup Begging Luna to be their "big Sis"... Yakuza Style... I mean, they were described as brutes, So I've been picturing One Dressed like a Taiko Drummer, one Dressed like a Yakuza(with a pompadour), And the third Basically Being Raigo.(the Japanese Thunder God.) And I am sad they became a throwaway joke.
Dude, where the f*ck did you think you could demand things like this, just enjoy the f*cking chapter and keep those dissapointments to yourself instead of being a f*cking d*ck
@Naty I wasnt demanding anything. Just sharing my opinion. It IS disappointing that Apollo's Team Weren't mentioned, At all, When They were specifically listed As Potential Guests... And a lot of us wanted to see the Reactions of the three who didn't know Luna was Destined to become a goddess.
AND its incredibly Disappointing that The Thunder gods being Lunas Fans Was set up, then became a throwaway Gag.
The rest were honest Questions. They had a Huge Reception, Tons of people in their home, and NOBODY mentioned the three headed dog. That's Something that would draw attention. It's well behaved, and can turn giant... I expected it to be used as a mount at some point...
The only one being a
f*cking d*ck
here is you. I simply shared my observations, a few questions, and personal opinion. Its called Honest Feedback.
@Darkakuahebi While I understand that, this is my excuse. I was writing the chapter with a brain working at less than half power. I worked a seven hour shift that was extremely busy.
@Paytoechip completely understandable. I love the Story, the chapter is Great... I just shared my opinion on how it could be better, or possibly An idea for a side chapter later... and This person Got Incredibly Agressive About it. I Really Would like to see the reactions of those few, and Possibly a scene of Luna Meeting those thunder gods, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that, but It's not My Story, So while I might be a bit disappointed, It doesn't mean I disliked the chapter... Nor was I demanding Anything. I really don't think it seemed much like I was, either... That person just extremely overreacted.
Take your time, Man... if It comes down to it, No-one Would mind waiting a bit for chapters. Don't Burn yourself out. I get it though, inspiration strikes at the most inopportune times...
@Darkakuahebi you got bit*hed at cause your comment came across as very demanding and your follow up makes you sound like an entitled prick. Your "extremely overreacting" bit makes you sound like a hypocrite.
@Kaithar thank you, didn't know how to word it without making the whole interaction even more high strung
@Kaithar how did a simple list of a few questions, and two or three OPINIONS, Seem Demanding? Saying that I, Personally, Was Disappointed in something Is in no way Demanding, it is Simply Sharing My Opinion. Asking Why The Cerberus Wasn't mentioned or Included, And why certain Characters weren't Mentioned, Then Sharing that I LIKE the Street Fighter Reference Characters, Is Also Not Demanding.
Its simply Asking A few Questions, Then sharing my opinion. AT NO POINT did I demand Anything, Nor did I at any point Imply I didn't enjoy the chapter. I simply Shared My Thoughts, in list form. Like So many Others Do. And got attacked for it.
Now a few chapters ago, Several People Commented on A certain Dragon, And LITERALLY made demands of the Author... Where was This person Then? I didn't see any of them Cussed at for Stating their opinions, Some of which were ACTUAL DEMANDS.
As for my comment, I posted it in the Hope that, in the future, Some of it might be Addressed... Even if it's just a reply in the comments. I in no way Implied that these were demands, in any way.
As for my response to being Cussed at, It made me seem Entitled? WELL GUESS WHAT, MOTHERf*ckER, That's Your Opinion! SO BY THAT LOGIC, I guess I'll cuss you out for Sharing it, like that Rude Bastard did to me, you know, just to keep things Fair.
@Darkakuahebi you pretty much just proved my point. But, take this for example:
And I am INCREDIBLY disappointed that The Thunder Gods Didnt Showup Begging Luna to be their "big Sis"... Yakuza Style...
You're stating a very specific scenario you think should have happened, worded in a way that is really passive-aggressive, and written in an obnoxiously over capitalised way that reads like you're raising your voice. The problem isn't that you gave an opinion, it's that you gave it in a way that implies your opinion is more correct/important than the author's choices. You sounded entitled and rude because your entire comment was a list of "explain this" and "you should have done this"... nothing you said came over as positive or even neutral, just a big blob of negativity about the chapter.
Since you bring up the dragon... yes, some of use didn't feel the character deserved to be killed, but we were speculating on what would happen in the coming chapters. I personally was surprised that the character got a reprieve since it seemed like a significant amount of change to the planned chapter. It's not giving an opinion that's problematic, it's the tone of the opinion and the way it's delivered.
You sounded like an entitled prick in large part due to you then using Paytoe's response to repeat your requests in a way that sounded aggressive and confrontational.
You sounded like a hypocrite because you were saying and doing precisely the things you were objecting to other people doing.
As a closing point... how is it that you read the entire story and didn't grasp that it was written by someone who likes those throw away jokes you were so disappointed by?
@Kaithar The Allcaps Were SARCASM. as for the scenarios, they were all taken from comments by other people in past chapters, things they were hoping to see.
I have ZERO ISSUES with the Throwaway jokes... Nor was I actually That disappointed. Yes, I'd like to see The Thunder gods, whose Brief Description as "always fighting" Made me think of Yakuza And Mob Families, Actually meet Luna. It would be hilarious, AMD deepen the gag, rather than simply being a passing Reference AFTER the Original Joke. My initial post was written in a SARCASTIC MANNER, A Quite OBVIOUS Sarcastic Manner, Hence the Allcaps. The rest was, as stated, MY OPINION, on ways The characters could return. AS MY INITIAL RESPONSE to the Unnecessary and Uncalled for ATTACK, Explained. In a clear and concise Manner. Which The Author Dosen't seem to have minded OR been offended by. However, you and the other person Have decided that, In YOUR OPINION, my Comments were demanding and rude. And apparently, You Think that makes It Fact. It is not. It is just Two Fools who misinterpreted Something... I Don't Particularly appreciate that you, who dont know me, jumped to defend the person, that also dosent know me, who IMMEDIATELY resorted to inflammatory Language, Based upon their Misunderstanding of my Halfway-Joking, Sarcasm Heavy, Opinion filled Post. It's both Rude and Uncalled for. I Definitely Do not Appreciate That you also Insulted and disparaged my Simple Explanation that I Wasn't Demanding Anything... And Seemed Insulting and condescending, While being Quite Condescending yourself. So I Would Reply in kind, But... Perhaps the words I'm using are too complex For you. Perhaps this.
Perhaps That will be more understandable.
@Darkakuahebi I am not even going to attempt to read more than the first couple of lines of that horrible text wall. The constant abuse of capitalised words is far too unpleasant to parse. And no, allcaps don't mean sarcasm.