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I'm back with the next chapter of Change in Winds. Hope you like it.

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"Normal speech" people talking.

'Normal thought' people thinking.

"Bijuu/Summons" Bijuu or Summons Speaking.

'Bijuu/Summons' Bijuu or Summons thinking.

"Jutsu" is being used.


Change in Winds

Chapter 7


With Team 7

While the bridge construction was going at high speed, Kakashi decided to train his team further on the insistence of Sakura and Sasuke. While Naruto watched then asked with amusement.

"Ok, ok. I'll train you. But what should I train you in?" He said with a hand under his chin.

"How about breaking a Genjutsu?" Surprisingly, it was Naruto who suggested it and others turned to him in surprise. The blonde isn't the one to suggest anything.

He does what was told and separately trains more if he wants to practise something while his other teammates are stuck in the previous exercise. Though Sasuke was jealous, he couldn't do anything.

"Why Genjutsu in particular?" Kakashi asked in interest. That's a clever suggestion, yes. That's why the copy ninja is curious how Naruto got the idea.

"Well when I saw you fight Zabuza, you not only copied what he did but also put him under a Genjutsu. So I got curious how I would fare against it and suggested it." Naruto said with a shrug.

'It is useful to test how far you have mastered Sharingan and can also be a scale for me to push my Sharingan.' Naruto thought to himself.

What was left unsaid was how Sakura was useless to defend herself from the easy Genjutsu Kakashi cast on her during their team test which made the Pinkett swallow.

"That's a good idea, Naruto. Let's get started. But after this, you are going to spar and build your teamwork. You know-"

"Yes. We know. Now start casting already." Naruto cut the silver-haired man and Kakashi gave him an eye smile and removed the headband from his left eye. A lone Sharingan eye with 3 tomoes came into view for his team to see.

'It's the same eyes. The same eyes he has and I don't!' Sasuke raged as he gazed into his clan's Kekkei Genkai after a long time. If only he awakened them, he would be one step closer.

'Those are terrifying!' Sakura thought in fear. Inner Sakura supported the Pinkett on the matter.

'Yes! Show me, Kakashi. Show me how skilled I can be.' Naruto thought in glee. Though he was a blood clone, he is capable enough to endure whatever Kakashi threw at them and so began their training.

"Before I start, let me explain how to detect and break from a Genjutsu," Kakashi started, his team giving him their cent per cent. If he is going to train his team in something, he is going to do it completely. No half-assed training.

Either they are going to be winners or losers. No in-between. "You know what a Genjutsu is. Genjutsu is an illusion cast by a user by injecting their chakra into the victim's body and there are a few other methods to cast Genjutsu as well.

The well-known method is through the Uchiha's Sharingan in which the user sends their chakra through eye contact and traps the victim. There are methods to counter it as well.

First, if you are facing a Sharingan user, don't look them in the eyes directly. And there are several options to counter Genjutsu.

First is to disrupt the chakra flow of the victim if the victim didn't come out of the Genjutsu. This is most used in a team. It's easy, just channel your chakra into your teammates and the Genjutsu will be lifted.

Next is pain. Pain that is not caused by the genjutsu can bring victims back to their senses. Most used one being pinching hard or biting yourself or anything that causes physical pain will release you from the Genjutsu.

If a caster's vision is obstructed, such as by the Hiding in Mist Technique used by Zabuza, that at least prevents the use of ocular Genjutsu like with Sharingan.

These are the 3 main methods followed in Konoha. Now casting is a different case so I'll train you in evasion first." Kakashi finished and his team nodded.

Kakashi made 2 shadow clones, all three of them took one member of Team 7 and Naruto observed how the original Kakashi went to train Sasuke.

"I'll start with a low-level Genjutsu and will increase as you get adapted to it. Let's start." Kakashi said and all 3 students stared directly into the spinning Sharingan.

"Demonic Illusion: Double False Surroundings Jutsu," said all Kakashi's simultaneously. All the members of team 7 were put into the Genjutsu.

This Genjutsu, as the name suggests, will put his students into 2 Genjutsus, one surrounding the other. They generally can't identify the second one after dispelling the first one and make an easy target.

He wants to test their skills and use this as their first test. He knew Sakura won't stand this a month ago, can she stand it now? She fell for the False Death Genjutsu he put on her and thought Sasuke died after all.

And so began Team 7's training in Genjutsu and Naruto began to copy as many Genjutsu as possible from the copy ninja, who is unaware of the blonde's schemes.

With Zabuza

While Kakashi is training his team, Zabuza is also training the 2 under him. Naruto and Haku.

"I should have known you can use that clone jutsu well, brat," Zabuza said as he slashed Naruto with his long sword.

"Heh. How can I miss the opportunity to train under you? So I just used a clone." Naruto said with a wide smile. This is the original.

After sorting everything through, the original returned to Wave late at night and became the acting Daimyo. After assigning tasks to everyone, he replaced the clone with Zabuza who proposed to teach him and accepted.

"You have skill with the sword. But you can improve. Train with Haku using your sword and try to slice through all attacks. Kenjutsu is different from other forms of Shinobi arts. For other arts, your mind and body are enough to train and perform. But for Kenjutsu, you will have an additional tool, a Sword with you.

Treat it like an extension of your body. When you become one with your blade, only then the sword will show its true strength. It's true power. All blades of Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū are unique. They have something special about them and one of us takes that speciality to another level. That's why he is dangerous." Zabuza went on a tangent. He shook his head, coming back.

"The point is, you should use your sword as a part of your body and become one with it. Let me tell you, brat. When you truly master your sword, you will have no equal. That applies to any art you master." Zabuza said passionately.

"Wow, I didn't think you were this passionate about swordsmanship, Zabuza. Well, let's get started." Naruto said, bringing out Mayuri and charging toward Haku.

Haku is observing the blonde carefully. She didn't know why, after his entrance, her life changed. Changed for the better. She is going to Kiri with an Official invitation, which she never dreamed of.

Though how that turns out is to be seen, she knew the blonde in front of her is special. She has a new goal now. Bringing Kiri to her former glory and so with that vigour, she used her Ice and sparred with Naruto.

"Killing Ice Spikes," Haku said, ice spikes forming beneath Naruto, to pierce him. Naruto was only allowed to use his sword.

"You will certainly kill me if given the chance," Naruto said, jumping from the spikes and cutting them with his wind encased Mayuri before he landed.

"That's the whole purpose of this match, Naruto-kun," Haku said emotionlessly and charged with senbon after senbon at Naruto. Naruto simply deflected them.

"In that case, let me show how I fight," Naruto said, his body surrounded with a blue chakra and all soon focused on Mayuri, giving her an ethereal blue glow as he charged towards Haku.

Seeing the severity of the attack, Haku used her most powerful Ice Jutsu.

"Hyoton: Demonic Mirrors," she called, myriad ice mirrors forming around her.

"Nice try, but Mayuri can cur through them easily," Naruto said, cutting a mirror as a sample which made Haku escape the mirrors. Naruto continued his charge.

"Ice Crystals," she said, making Ice crystals around her to protect her and felt a hand on her shoulder and saw Naruto's hand on her shoulder and felt pain on her other shoulder and felt pain as the tip of Mayuri is touching her shoulder.

"Yield," Naruto called only for Haku to smile and crumble into pieces of ice.

"Hyoton: Ice Dome of Magnificent Nothingness," she called from a distance and Naruto saw ice mirrors forming around him, but this time they informed around him and looked thick. He can see Haku in each dome.

Even his Sharingan couldn't find the difference between them and knew it was a well-played move.

"Now Naruto-kun, let me show you why you shouldn't take me lightly." Said Haku, her voice reverberating from all mirrors. Naruto readied Mayuri.

"Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death," Haku called, sending thousands upon thousands of ice needles from each more and making Naruto try his best to not become a pin cushion. It went one like that.

3 Days Later

Team 7 trained well for 3 days and Kakashi saw improvement in his students and decided to push them a bit further and started using high-level Genjutsu as a test.

The most victimised member of the team is Sakura. Sasuke did fine. Kakashi noticed something when he used his Sharingan on the last Uchiha. His chakra coils seemed mature around his eyes but Sasuke hadn't awakened his Sharingan yet. That seemed peculiar to him.

Chamra coils are like nerves in a normal body but these are for chakra. They carry chakra throughout the user's body. That's why blocking even one is dangerous and why the Hyuuga had developed their Jūken (Gentle Fist) around it.

From his experience, Kakashi knew when the Chakra coils around the eyes are mature enough, the Sharingan awakens or it may also happen as per the textbook which is having something traumatic happen.

That's when he remembered the whole massacre and what Itachi did. 'So Itachi forcefully suppressed his Sharingan then?' Was a stray thought that made a lot of sense for Kakashi.

It is the young Uchiha prodigy Itachi he is thinking about. For a teen who killed his entire clan, it's not much to suppress a Sharingan of a kid. But why is what interested him?

Deciding to think of something light, he turned to his blonde student. Naruto's progress surprised Kakashi the most. He knew the blonde was the son of his late sensei. But he didn't expect this.

Naruto didn't only have developed chakra coils around his eyes, but the level of their maturity and imagining the amount of Chakra they can supply terrified Kakashi.

Even having Sharingan all these years, his chakra coils were not that developed. He knew it because of the Kyuubi Naruto had that much, but he simply can't believe it and had to do a double-take.

And the next thing the unpredictable blonde did was to break his Genjutsu like rice crackers. He became so good at breaking them that Kakashi had to resort to using a higher level once just to keep him locked and save some chakra.

Overall his team has become strong in these 3 days than in the last month or so they were together and he was proud of it and he is willing to help them if they keep up with their growth.

"Are you ready, team?" He asked, turning to the almost prepared Team 7.

"Yes, Sensei." They chorused and with an eye smile, he nodded.

"Thanks for taking care of us, Tazuna-san, Tsunami-san. We will take our leave now." Kakashi said with an eye smile and Tazuna and Tsunami smiled.

"It's our pleasure to have you, Shinobi-san. Please come to our bridge opening. You are our guests for the opening." Tazuna asked with a bow. Kakashi knew he wouldn't relent and nodded.

Though after seeing his students progress, he promised himself to train them more and see where they go. And not waste time. Especially Naruto and Sasuke. After seeing the boys show their excellent bravery during the first part of the mission. He can't let their potential go to waste.

They all moved to the bridge, which was now fully constructed and ready to be used. Azai was standing at the entrance to start the ceremony.

After making sure everyone was present, the young ruler of Nami started his opening speech. Kakashi can see Zabuza on a tree branch to the far right from the corner of his eyes.

"I know I came out of nowhere and took charge. But I thank you from the bottom of my heart for accepting me as your Daimyo. I promise to keep up with the expectations you have for me." Azai said with a bow and everyone clapped.

The bridge opening also served as the formal inaugural ceremony for the new Daimyo and everyone's hope for a brighter future.

"I decided on the future for Nami, which I would like to share with you all. But our bridge opening comes first. Tazuna, please open it." Azai called Tazuna, the surprised bridge builder, but couldn't form words.

Tazuna's eyes widened and as he was faltering, Tsunami pushed him with a reassuring and proud smile and he slowly walked up to the bridge and took the scissors. Cutting the ribbon that was neatly tied to the sides of the entrance tearfully.

Claps. Everyone clapped, seeing their future open up for them and cheered in joy.

"Thank you, Tazuna."

"What should we name the bridge?" Someone from the crowd asked.

"Since I'm the one who built it, it should be the Great Tazuna Bridge." The old man said with a boisterous laugh. Tsunami elbowed him, gesturing towards the son of their Daimyo.

"Apologies, Azai-sama, Tou-san is a bit drunk." Tsunami apologized. Azai waved it off.

"It's not a problem. But I do have a suggestion if you are willing to listen." He started and everyone turned to him curiously. Since he came back, he did everything for the development of Nami and they are willing to listen to him.

"How about the 光明(Hope) Bridge? It is built from the hope of one man for a better future," he suggested and everyone looked at him in awe.

"Yes, that would be perfect."

"Daimyo-sama is great."

"It's perfect."

"We can count on him!" Everyone cheered and named the bridge 'The 光明(Hope) Bridge'. Team 7 was satisfied with the turn of events and left Nami with joy. All the members have different things to be happy about. Sasuke, because of his increased Chakra control and Genjutsu breaking.

Sakura, for increasing her chakra control and reserves by a small margin and Naruto had many things to be happy about. While the original is in Nami, a blood clone was sent in his place to Konoha.

Kakashi was satisfied with their progress and the increased teamwork they are showing. 'Maybe I should teach them more.' he ideally thought as they moved towards Konoha.

"Thank you for helping our country when we are in need, Shinobi-san," Azai said with a bow and the rest of Nami's residence followed the Daimyo and bowed to the 4 shinobi from Konoha.

"We are happy to help," Kakashi said with a smile, his cheeks getting a tint of pink that no one could see. He is grateful for his mask.

"We will take our leave. Thank you for your hospitality." Kakashi bowed and with a final goodbye, Team 7 started their journey, first to cross 'The 光明(Hope) Bridge'.

All Nami citizens also followed behind Azai as all of them crossed the bridge and entered the mainland of Hi no Kuni. Nami and her citizens clapped in joy while Team 7 waved their goodbyes and left to Konoha.

After sending them off, Azai and Nami citizens returned to the island nation, crossing the bridge. As they settled, Azai started speaking.

"Dear citizens, I have decided about the future of our country," Azai said and all the chatter in the area stopped, everyone, paid close attention to their Daimyo.

"I'm going to appoint a committee which will oversee the daily activities of Nami and decided to train and develop our own security force. I will personally oversee this training.

We are also going to explore our construction expertise and go into the long term construction business." Azai said confidently and the people of Nami were shocked by everything the young Daimyo started speaking.

"Let me explain in further detail how this will work and the plans I made after going through Gato's belongings," Azai said and started explaining what he had planned for Nami.

With Zabuza

On the other side of Nami, Zabuza with Haku and Naruto was waiting for the Anbu squad sent by the Mizukage eagerly in the case of the former 2 curiously in case of the latter.

"So you sent a clone with Kakashi?" Zabuza asked boredly.

"Yeah. Your training is more important than the journey back to Konoha." Naruto replied with a shrug.

"You are one cheeky brat, you know that?"

"Never heard sensei. You are the first to say that." Naruto said with a smile. His respect for Zabuza increased a lot in the last 3 days.

"I didn't expect you to master all those katas this fast. If not for that, I would have handed you back to Kakashi myself."

"Never bet with an Uzumaki," Naruto said with a taunting smile.

"Didn't know that till now, brat. Do you think this will work? You will be allowed to Kiri?" Zabuza asked in a worried tone.

The blonde had done so much for them and he doesn't want to be pushed into a position to kill him. Not that he thinks he can. The brat is too sneaky for his own good.

"What will they do? Take me hostage? Then they would see another side of me." Naruto said with a shrug, not caring for the danger Zabuza is hinting at. They saw a ship approach and went on high alert.

Zabuza and Naruto are ready to draw their respective swords at moment's notice and Haku performs one of her escape Ice Jutsu instantly.

"Well, it seems they are here," said Naruto, which made Haku and Zabuza turn their heads to see a squad of Anbu with Kiri masks coming their way from the landed ship. They landed opposite Zabuza and one of them took out a scroll and gave it to Zabuza.

"Demon of Kiri, Zabuza Momochi, this is a letter from Mizukage-sama," he said and Zabuza took it from him and read it and nodded. The letter said that it is the group the Mizukage sent and the order for him to return to Kiri back at once. He nodded and rolled it up.

"Everything seems correct. Let's move," he said and burnt the scroll. The group started to move but observed Naruto was following them and stopped at once.

"Why is he still coming?" Asked a pigeon masked Anbu, presumably the leader.

"Well, it is an agreement of ours. He is going to come with us to Kiri and meet the Mizukage with us to make sure that you are not imposters or trying to kill us, as soon as we leave Namis borders." Zabuza said with a shark-like grin, though it can't be seen because of the bandages covering his mouth. They thought about it for a second and asked a question.

"What is your name, Boy?" Asked the same pigeon masked Anbu.

"Uzumaki Naruto, a pleasure to meet you, Anbu-san," Naruto said with a nod. The man was taken aback by Naruto's clan name, Uzumaki.

It has not been heard for years. Except for the last Uzumaki they heard, they couldn't forget. He gulped and nodded. Uzumaki we're not to be trifled with and he is going to be careful around the brat. Though he may seem like a Genin, he may be way stronger.

"It will take us 5 days to go to Kiri. We are the nearest team available. So we were sent with the letter. The ship is on the shore. What happens in Kiri will be informed to you when we reach there." He said in a steel tone and all of them nodded. They moved to the aforementioned ship and after a successful boarding, it started to move.

In Nami

"That's quite an elaborate plan, Azai-sama. Do you think we can do all this?" One of the countrymen asked doubtfully.

"We can do anything as long as we believe in ourselves. So yes, I think we can. Who else believes we can?" Azai asked looking at the mass of people.

"I do, Azai-sama!" Came a voice from the back of the crowd and everyone parted to reveal a small boy with a cap.

"Inari?" Tsunami gasped.

"Yes, Kaa-san. I'm sorry for being a brat all this time. I promise to work well for the future of Nami and make it prosperous and peaceful." Inari said with confidence and soon more children started joining him.

This made the adults ashamed of their lack of confidence and pushed them over the edge and they also joined in Azai's plans for the future.

On that day, with the new Hope Bridge as a witness, a new Nami was found, Azai standing at the helm of everything.

His plan was very simple. First, they should capitalise on the equipment they had and use Gato's shipping company.

Naruto already transferred them to his name and it was changed to Azai after that. With the help of the well-established shipping business, they can use their next resource.

Great builders. Nami has a great bridge and house builders and once was a prosperous nation before the greed of the Daimyo got the better of him and lost everything.

Now Azai wants to revive the lost expertise and with the help of Shipping companies, enter into the new markets with a package deal of shipping and construction.

It not only benefits the company but also the citizens of the country as they get employment and work to do while also generating income for the company as it is the link between the two.

Next was the huge bank balance Gato had. Though Naruto transferred most of it to his international bank account, he left enough money for Nami to recover and prosper.

This is where the security force comes into effect. The security forces can not only protect the country internally but can also be used to escort some of their important members abroad for self-security.

Naruto at least believes that though all of them can't use chakra, if he trained the younger generation well, they will have the basics mastered enough to defend a small group of shinobi.

Though he doesn't want to start another Shinobi village, the idea was certainly enticing. He would first train them in Taijutsu and some basic chakra control exercises.

At least that should be enough to defend themselves from a small group of thugs in addition to the swordsmanship. At least one sword will be given to elite members to allow them extra power to defend themselves.

He also had a more lucrative plan for Nami's future. Make Nami a port country. As Nami is located closest to Kiri, which is a complete island nation which needs external imports, if he manages to play it correctly and make a daimyo agree with him, he will have a developed Island country under him.

With all his ambitions running in his mind, Azai oversaw the election of the committee a few hours after Team 7s and Zabuza's departure from the country.

Unknown Location

In an unknown location, 10 rainbow silhouettes can be seen standing in the middle of a dark cave, looking at each other. Their attires and faces are indistinguishable from the rainbow colours.

"Report," called one of them and another started replying.

"Everything is normal in other nations. But changes are happening in Nami and Kiri." Said a figure in 2 tones. While the former was cheerful and childlike, the latter was cold and serious.

It was a figure distinguished by the two Venus flytrap-like extensions that emerged from their sides, enveloping their head and upper body as a shell, which they were able to open and close.

"What's going in Nami?" Asked the figure in a stern tone.

"Change of regime. They got a new Daimyo and Konoha had a hand in it." They said.

"And in Kiri?" Asked another figure to the other side and they all looked up to him to see a tall man his features unclear.

"Looks like the new Mizukage agreed to Zabuza's return and he was on his way as we speak." It spoke in a cheerful tone.

"Zabuza-kun, huh. Well, it's been so long since I last saw him. Maybe I should visit my home." He said with a shark-like smile.

"Not now. Is there anything to report?" The middle man asked and the figure nodded in negative.

"All of you continue on your current missions. No changes. Dismissed." Said the now apparent leader and all of them started disappearing.

"Konoha doesn't like to keep for itself, eh?" Said one of the figures from the other side which made a set of impassive red eyes look at them neutrally.

"Got angry?" He asked but before he can hear the reply, he was gone.

The figure didn't speak anything but simply disappeared from the cave with a lone thought. 'How are you doing, Sasuke?'

And Cut.

That's it for this Chapter folks.

Hope you have liked it.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Suggestions are welcome.

Black Infinity1289,

Ja Ne.