Joint Exercise
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I'm back with the next chapter of Change in Winds. Hope you like it.

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Here is a short summary.

Unforeseen circumstances push Naruto into an unexpected journey. What will Naruto do when he finds himself in the world of Magic in a different body? Takes place in HPverse.

"Normal speech" people talking.

'Normal thought' people thinking.

"Bijuu/Summons" Bijuu or Summons Speaking.

'Bijuu/Summons' Bijuu or Summons thinking.

"Jutsu" is being used.


Change in Winds

Chapter 8

Joint Exercise


Team 7 had successfully reached Konoha and Kakashi can be seen reporting to the Hokage after his team was dismissed upon reaching the village.

"What happened, Kakashi?" Sandaime asked, his eyes looking at the silver-haired Jounin.

"Firstly, the mission rank was mislabeled, Hokage-sama. It was an A-rank mission which involved Zabuza Momochi of Kiri. We had an encounter with him." Started Kakashi.

He went on to explain how his team dealt with Zabuza and how they found the real nature and decided to continue either way. Next, he explained the situation in Nami and his injury, his team's training and the removal of Gato. At this, his eyes turned serious.

"Nami got a new Daimyo. His name is Azai. He is the son of the late Daimyo of the country and he was trained in Tetsu no Kuni by the Samurais." Kakashi said which perplexed Hiruzen.

He heard many absurd stories, but to be trained by the honour-bound Samurai takes the cake. He looked at Kakashi seriously at this.

"Yes, sir. That's what the Daimyo claims and since he got the approval of the people, I didn't take any action. He chose to form a committee to govern Nami while he looks after a training academy." Kakashi explained.

He left a Shadow clone just in case and heard most of the plan the Daimyo's explanation to his country seeing nothing wrong, the clone dispelled, sending the knowledge to the original.

"That aside, anything else to report?" Hirizen asked, deciding to deal with this later. He knew what certain someone would do if they knew of this.

"My team. They have gotten better at teamwork and completed the Tree Climbing exercise. They also worked on breaking Genjutsu and achieved good progress." For a second, Hiruzen felt he heard a hint of pride in the lazy Jounin's tone and smiled.

"That's great."

"And I have some clarification regarding Sasuke." Hiruzen nodded to continue.

"Looks like Itachi had suppressed Sasuke's Sharingan, sir," Kakashi reported.

"What do you mean?" Hiruzen said in alarm, putting his pipe on the table in surprise.

"Sasuke's chakra coils around his eyes are well developed for the normal flow of chakra. So I came to this conclusion. And Naruto's chakra coils are also well developed." He added. Hiruzen nodded after a second of thinking.

"If that's all, you are dismissed." He dismissed and Kakashi vanished in a puff of smoke. 'Sasuke's was suppressed and Naruto's was well developed, huh. What a peculiarity. I should visit.' Hiruzen thought, smoking his pipe.

With Naruto

While the original was with Zabuza and on his way to Kiri, the clone was busy organising things and searching for the scroll his Tou-chan said about.

As instructed by his old man, the blood clone searched in the cabinet below the cooker in the kitchen. It has a blood seal hidden in all the patterns of the kitchen and he pressed a few drops of blood on it.

He can see the seal give a faint glow and open. With a puff of smoke, a large scroll appeared on the seal and Naruto took it. He opened it with another drop of blood.

The scroll has many parts and everything is neatly separated and named just to be clear and Naruto liked the way it was organised. 'Now show me what you have.' Naruto thought, reading through all the headings. Each having a scroll under it.

Chakra Control

Chakra Improvement




Elemental Jutsu




Advanced Seals

Read all the headings. Naruto was more interested in the two words his father said. Rasengan and Hiraishin. He first opened the Rasengan scroll and started reading it.

'Rasengan(Spiralling Sphere) is an A-rank short-range offensive Ninjutsu that I created after seeing the Bijuudama(Tailed Beast Ball). The Rasengan is a spinning ball of chakra formed and held in the palm, which is only known to 2 people right now.

Me and Jiraiya-sensei.' Started the scroll.

'Jiraiya? As if the Jiraiya of the Legendary Sannin? Is he Tou-chan's sensei? Then where is he? I didn't even see the man once!' Naruto thought.

Unknown to him, his thoughts turned dark halfway and he thought of many ways to take revenge on the man. But after a few calming breaths, he managed to suppress those negative emotions.

'So all the teamwork Konoha teaches is just a farce? Don't a sensei at least have a responsibility to see their students' son even once after said student's death? What kind of scum behaviour is that!' Naruto raged.

Though he can't understand what the man loses if he just greets him once in that hell hole they called his orphanage, he knows it's not that easy. But he can't come to terms with that.

'Let's just read about the Rasengan for now.' Naruto cooled himself and turned to the paragraphs explaining Rasengan.

'I spent three years creating the Rasengan, which I intend to be the highest form of shape transformation. Because it represents the high form of shape transformation, mastering the Rasengan helped me a lot in my shape transformation mastery.

The Rasengan does not require hand seals to perform. Once it is formed, it also does not require any additional chakra to sustain it, which means that there is no definite limit to how long the Rasengan can be maintained. However, the Rasengan will dissipate if it collides with something, even if it's an unintended target. It's a one-handed Jutsu as well.

On contact, the Rasengan grinds into its target, and propels it along the Rasengan's trajectory, causing severe damage at the point of contact.

I intend to add my elemental chakra to it and make a Wind and Lightning Rasengans. That's why I consider this incomplete. I want to complete this.' The explanation was over.

Below it was neatly drawn steps on how to do a Rasengan and its vague shape. Naruto can see the spiralling ball with arrows showing the direction of its rotation.

'The Rasengan requires extremely refined chakra control, something that very few ninjas naturally possess. For this reason, the Rasengan is difficult to master. The Rasengan is broken into three steps to learn. It took me years to refine it into steps.

Rotation - first, we should learn to spin our chakra in multiple directions at once. To help in this regard, we can use a water balloon so that you can see your progress by the churning water; this step is complete once you can burst the balloon with your chakra.

We need to know which direction our body naturally spins its chakra for this step (clockwise or counter-clockwise).

Power - We must increase the volume and density of chakra output. To help in this regard, you can use a rubber ball: there is no water inside to help burst the exterior and the rubber shell is thicker than a balloon's.

As in the previous step, once the runner ball is burst with chakra can be marked as mastery over the second step.

Containment - now we should combine the first two steps into a contained sphere. To help in this regard, you can use a balloon to help visualise the intended shape; if the balloon is popped or otherwise moves, mastery is not yet achieved.

Completion of the final step is by far the most difficult. It took me months to finally master this step. Maybe I can find an alternative way to make this faster.' It ended.

Naruto moved to Bukijutsu to read as it has a special heading when he heard someone knock on his door. He quickly resealed the scroll and sealed it in the same blood seal and adjusted the cooker into the same spot.

As the person was about to knock the second time, he was at the door, opening it. He opened to see Sandaime waiting for him.

"Jiji? How are you?" Naruto asked, opening the door wide, allowing the old Hokage in. Hiruzen smiled at the familial recognition by the blonde and walked in.

"I'm fine, Naruto. How are you, I heard your mission in Nami was a big success." Hiruzen asked as he sat in a chair in the lounge area.

"Yea. We learnt a lot and saved Nami. And the surprising thing is that Nami is getting a new Daimyo and he is just a few years older than me." Naruto explained, offering the Hokage water to drink.

"Thanks, Naruto," Hiruzen said and gulped some much-needed water. Naruto observed the envelope in the Hokage's eye and rose an eye curiously.

"So you observed. This is your mission payment. You did a great job, Naruto-kun." He said, patting the blonde's shoulder in appreciation. Naruto gave him a megawatt smile.

"How does it feel going out of Konoha for the first time?" Hiruzen asked curiously.

"I felt distant for some time. But after getting settled in Tazuna's house and the humid climate in Nami, I got adjusted." Naruto explained. Hiruzen nodded.

"Adapting to our surroundings is one of the important skills to a Shinobi, Naruto-kun," Hiruzen said with a wistful smile.

"Did you complete those books I gave you?" He asked with interest and Naruto eagerly nodded.

"Long ago. They were done before I left for Nami and I practised them to perfection there." Naruto explained and Hiruzen's eyes widened.

He didn't think Naruto would read books much less the books on Fuuinjutsu and complete them this fast. They would normally take 6 months and he completed them in half time.

"That's marvellous. How about you show me how well you mastered and I'll give you the intermediary level once?" Hiruzen proposed.

"How about I impress you with my mastery and you give me both Intermediate and Advanced levels once?" Naruto bargained.

"Hmm, fair. If you manage to impress me, I'll give you both Intermediate and Advanced level ones." Hiruzen nodded. Naruto nodded in agreement.

"Let's see. Show me what you can do with this small paper." Hiruzen said, handing Naruto a piece of sealing paper and Naruto thought of different ways he can impress the old Hokage.

Deciding to hide his full prowess and only use what was needed, he took the paper and started drawing seals on it and drew many common seals on the paper, filling it, not overlapping any of them.

Hiruzen was impressed by the improvement in Naruto's strokes and the precision he was able to draw the seals with and nodded in satisfaction.

"Guess I had to keep my promise." Hiruzen said, giving Naruto a small scroll which has the title of 'sealing' on it.

"There are some advanced things like Chakra suppression and Blood seals in them. Be careful with them. They are dangerous." Hiruzen said and Naruto nodded with a big smile.

"Now let's go to Ichiraku and celebrate this," Hiruzen said and Naruto bounced excitedly and moved to the Ramen shop to eat. With a wistful smile, Hiruzen followed the bouncing blonde.


With Sasuke

The last Uchiha was training his best to beat that man. He has been pushing himself since he came back from Nami and repelled the useless attempts of his dead-weight female teammate to ask him out.

He didn't understand what was the deal with her. She acts as if she was the most intelligent in the class but was utterly useless when it came to defending that drunk bridge builder.

But she also has small chakra reserves and was able to master the Tree climbing exercise easily. He was at least satisfied with the fact that he had larger reserves than her.

And his blonde teammate was a different matter entirely. Naruto, he knew his name was, has been acting very differently since they graduated. It's as if a switch was turned off.

It's as if the goofiness and idiocy are just a ploy to get rid of that worthless thing they called a Shinobi Academy. After facing the harsh reality, that's what he can call it. Worthless with all of them playing ninja.

He can still remember the fear he felt when he faced Zabuza and he wasn't strongest at all and then there is a matter of Kakashi having Sharingan, his clan's most revered Kekkei Genkai.

All these only pushed him hard and as he was remembering all the dark things that happened on that night. They pushed him to a breaking point and he can no longer bear them.

He turned to the wooden dummy he was training with and an image of him replaced it. With all his frustration, rage and vengeance, he charged toward it, a kunai in his hand.

"ALL THIS IS BECAUSE OF YOU! ITACHI!" Sasuke shouted to the heavens, charging the kunai with all his pent-up anger.

The kunai hit the dummy's head at lightning speed, the head was severed and thrown off into the distance. As the flashes and adrenaline calmed down, Sasuke felt something different.

He can see more clearly? He felt the strength leave his body and fell to one knee. 'What is this feeling? It was the same as that day.' He thought in frustration in his head.

He walked to the river to wash his face and get back to training and after washing his face, he looked at his reflection to see his eyes.

Instead of the trademark Onyx of the Uchiha Clan, his eyes were blood-red with a small black dot and a tomoe in each eye, looking back at him. He couldn't believe it.


"I FINALLY AWAKENED MY SHARINGAN!" Sasuke shouted like a madman with a grin that perfectly fits a madman. His hysterical laughter echoed through the empty streets of the Uchiha district.

"I AM ONE STEP CLOSER TO KILLING YOU, ITACHI!" Sasuke shouted, elated that he was a step closer to getting his revenge. He hurried to his home, eager to read all the Jutsu his clan had stored for him.

Next Day

After a day of rest, Team 7 met again at their meeting spot, all of them coming 3 hrs late as per the usual schedule.

As they met, in a puff of smoke, Kakashi appeared with his orange book in hand and the usual eye smile.

"Yo!" He greeted cheerfully, happy to meet his team after a successful mission.

"Hi, Sensei." They chorused.

"Today we are going to continue your team exercise. But this time with other teams. You will work with one of the other 3 Konoha rookie Genin teams one team a week." Kakashi explained, confusing his students.

They knew only 9 passed in their class and so when their Sensei said there were another 3 teams, confused them.

"First team you will work with is Team 8," Kakashi said and took them with him, not elaborating any further.

Though the clone was confused, he didn't give a damn about anything the man said as he was busy revising all the things he learned about Rasengan and other Bukijutsu in his Tou-chan's scrolls.

They soon reached a training ground, where Team 8 was waiting for them. They knew all the faces and Naruto happily waved at them.

"It's Naruto's team, Shino," Kiba said in a boisterous tone, his pup, Akamaru barking in agreement.

'Na-Naruto-kun's team? I didn't see them in a while.' The blue-haired meek girl thought nervously.

'Why are Naruto-san and Sasuke-san different? And what are those chakra levels!' Shino Aburame, a recluse boy, thought in alarm.

He always measured everyone's chakra in his class with his Kikaichū, a special species of an insect used by members of his clan. They resemble small, flight-capable beetles.

After graduation, Naruto's chakra changed, as if a weird mix was included in the mix and now the change is simply alarming. It's as if a large lake compared to the small bucket of water he has.

Though he didn't feel any jealousy towards the blonde, the change was not in any calculations he made and changed everything he had planned in case of any emergency.

Sasuke's on the other hand was brighter and got a bit larger compared to the last time he checked and the thing both of them had in common was a mysterious tint in them.

Shino despite all these conclusions, maintained his stoic face but when Naruto's gaze turned to him, he felt a bead of sweat appear on his face. The look was common to anyone.

It was casual, as if scanning surroundings, but to someone who understood and mastered the art of being ambiguous, Shino can see the knowing smirk the look had.

Naruto knew what the small beetle that landed on him did, but he didn't intervene as he knew how Shino is. But decided to let him know he knew.

"Kakashi, it's good to see you taking your team seriously." Kurenai Yuhi, Team 8's Sensei said with a cheerful smile.

Kurenai is a fair-skinned beautiful young woman of slender build in her 20s. She has long black untamed hair reaching her upper back, and very unique eyes that are red, with an additional ring in them, closely resembling a Sharingan. She wears make-up consisting of red lipstick and purple eyeshadow. Her regular outfit consists of a red mesh armour blouse with only the right sleeve visible.

Overall, this is a very broad material which resembles bandages with a pattern on it similar to those of rose thorns. Her hands and upper thighs are also wrapped in bandages and she wears the Konoha forehead protector and regular Shinobi sandals.

"Can't say I can take all the credit," Kakashi said, still reading his orange book. Though Kurenai gave him a frustrated look, she didn't comment on it.

"Team, greet Team 7." She asked her and Team and everyone introduced themselves officially, Team 7 followed suit, not waiting for their Sensei's order.

"We are glad to be with you," Naruto said, bowing to Team 8 in respect which made Hinata blush, Kiba laugh, and Shino and Kurenai raise eyebrows.

"Heh. Look at that, Akamaru. Naruto is bowing like a well-mannered idiot." Kiba laughed, Akamaru barking in agreement from his hood.

"Thanks, Naruto. Let's start the exercise. You are going to spar with my team and we are going to do a couple of D-rank missions together." Kurenai, Kakashi paying no mind and happily reading his porn (cough, cough) literature.

"Wait a minute! Didn't you go on an A-rank mission?" Kiba yelled in accusation, pointing a finger at the relaxed Team 7.

"What of it, mutt?" Sasuke asked, speaking for the first time since they arrived.

Kiba always lost to Sasuke during their sparring matches in the Academy, and so he feels jealous of the Uchiha every time but gets annoyed whenever the same emo speaks as if he is special.

Sasuke on the other hand is itching to show off his new Dōjutsu and this mutt is just delaying it, which he didn't like. But he also wants to brag about the mission as well. The mission only proves his superiority as an Elite and so he is fine with talking about it.

"Shut it, teme. Who asked you?" Kiba growled, taking a step towards Sasuke. The rest of the 2 teams just looked, unable to do anything in case of Hinata and Sakura and not interested in doing anything in case of Shino and Naruto.

But Kurenai had enough as she wanted a peaceful joint exercise. She moved between the 2 teens with an angry face, as if daring them to make a move.

"Quite. If you want to fight that badly, then spar. Kakashi, take care of this. Rest of you, with me." She ordered and Kiba and Sasuke readied to spar while others went with Kurenai.

"Ma, ma. You shouldn't be like that. But anyway. The same rules as other spars apply. No killing and if the opponent yields, you win." Kakashi said, not taking his eyes off his book.

The Sandaime decided to engrave that killing is part of their life and so instructed his Jounins to bring killing in every spar just to make their teams desensitised to the word and killing after that.

Everyone noticed the mention of killing by Kakashi which made Sakura gasp and Hinata shudder while Naruto remembered his first kill and Shino sweat dropped.

Sasuke and Kiba on the other hand are in no mood to listen and eagerly waited for the spar to begin. Kurenai felt unhappy about using that word but remained silent.

"Hajime," Kakashi called and Kiba and Sasuke charged toward each other, Akamaru standing to the side. They started with Taijutsu and started punching and kicking each other.

With Kurenai

Kurenai brought the remaining members a few meters away and started instructing.

"While they 2 spar, I will train you in chakra control and Genjutsu. You can ask any questions if you have doubts." She explained and all of them nodded.

"Are you all familiar with the Tree Climbing exercise?" She asked and all 4 nodded in agreement.

"Show me how well you can do them and I'll teach you the next stage." She ordered and one by one, Shino, Sakura, Hinata and Naruto showed Tree climbing and Kurenai tested them by shaking the trees and attacking them with kunai.

After getting satisfied with their mastery, she started explaining the next stage.

"The next step to control your chakra is Water Walking." She said, walking on water, showing how it is done and explaining the theory behind it.

"Now start practising it and be careful for the first few times. You may slip." Kurenai instructed and all of them sprang into action.

Even though Naruto, Hinata and Shino knew about the exercise, they followed without question and as expected, Sakura drowned after a few steps.

Naruto did it blindly, keeping an eye on the sparring match between Sasuke and Kiba while Shino and Hinata did it as they don't want to disturb others.

With Kakashi

As soon as he began the match, Sasuke and Kiba hit it hard. They exchanged rapid blows with their fists and legs and tried to throw each other.

Kiba being physically stronger than Sasuke got a good grasp. But Sasuke was faster than Kiba and so he managed to land some critical blows when he was caught, thus releasing himself.

"Damn it. That bastard is good. Are you ready, Akamaru?" Kiba asked and the white pup barked in agreement and with a puff of smoke, changed into a clone of Kiba.

"Beast Human Clone," Kiba said as Akamaru transformed into his clone.

They stood in a front and back position and soon started rotating. The rotation took speed as it continued and as it reached a high speed, it took off into the air.

"Gatsūga(Fang Over Fang)," said Kiba's voice, charging towards Sasuke at high speeds. This is a special Jutsu of an Inuzuka and their ninken companion where they rotate their bodies and deliver a series of rapid body blows to a target.

To coordinate their attacks, thus ensuring targets have no opportunity to defend themselves, Inuzuka and their ninken synchronise with each other as much as they can: breathing in unison; using the Four Legs Technique; using the Beast Human Clone.

Sasuke knew he couldn't let it hit him and so he used the best thing he could to escape the charge. His hands performing a rapid set of hand seals.

"Katon: Hiendan(Fire Style: Flying Flame Bullet)," Sasuke said, gulping large amounts of air and releasing it as Kiba approached him, directly towards the spiralling fangs.

Kiba felt the heat before the fire touched him and at the speed he was moving, he can't dodge it and so he faced It head-on.

Sasuke seeing the attack hit, cut the fire, thus stopping Kiba from getting severe burns. As he was half burnt, Kiba yielded and Sasuke won the match.

Sasuke got a smug look at that. His new Jutsu worked. He can now learn more Jutsu from the scrolls. Kakashi raised an eyebrow at the new attack.

He didn't know Sasuke knew anything other than Fireball jutsu as it is the Uchiha right of passage. Maybe Sasuke did know and he didn't pay attention? With that concussion, he declared the Uchiha the winner.

Sasuke and Kiba joined to train with Kurenai after applying a burn healing ointment to Kiba. The exercise continued, Sasuke eagerly learning everything Kurenai was teaching.

And Cut.

That's it for this Chapter folks. Hope you liked it.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Suggestions are welcome.

Black Infinity1289,

Ja Ne.