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I'm back with the next chapter of Change in Winds. Hope you like it.

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"Normal speech" people talking.

'Normal thought' people thinking.

"Bijuu/Summons" Bijuu or Summons Speaking.

'Bijuu/Summons' Bijuu or Summons thinking.

"Jutsu" is being used.

And, if you are interested in Naruro Harry Potter crossovers, check my new story (Destined Saviour). Show it some love as well.

Here is a short summary.

Unforeseen circumstances push Naruto into an unexpected journey. What will Naruto do when he finds himself in the world of Magic in a different body? Takes place in HPverse.

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Change in Winds

Chapter 9


6 days later, Kiri

After 6 days of uneventful voyage from Nami, Naruto with Zabuza and Haku reached Kiri. Much to its name, the village was hidden by a thick layer of Mist, which made navigating difficult if an expert who has adept knowledge of the weather and conditions of the sea is not with them.

Fortunately, they got a good navigator on board and so they reached the village without much problem, weaving through the treacherous waterways surrounding the village.

Overall, the journey was uneventful but because of the winds and bad weather, it was delayed by a day, which Naruto didn't mind as this gave him extra time to train with Zabuza.

Aside from that he also talked with the crew about the ship, here and there with others.

The Anbu didn't grant him much access to the whole ship as he is a foreign shinobi. He was given access to the deck, outside area, his room and his companion's rooms. Not even to the main engine room or to the captain's room.

They took him seriously after hearing his Clan name. Haku is a great girl to be around as she is curious enough to ask him everything about his life, career and general things.

As she was raised on the run, she is very interested and excited to reach Kiri and for the last 2 days of their journey, she spent every second on the outer deck, waiting to get the first glimpse of Kiri.

Naruto also shared as much as he could about his academy life and his graduation failures. She sympathised with him on that as she is a hard worker as well.

Though important details like how many students were trained in a class and what jutsu was taught were tactfully avoided by the blonde, Haku didn't press on them as she knew about village secrets and general Shinobi code. She also opened up about her childhood and her Kekkei Genkai.

Naruto was surprised to see her ice, creating cold air and particles in front of him. It was natural ice and all the things she could do with her ice were amazing.

Zabuza being the serious slave driver he is, pushed Naruto to his limits every day in his training and his training only intensified in the last 2 days as after reaching Kiri they are going to separate.

They both had a few sword battle sessions together in the Arena on the ship, which was used during the war and Naruto found later that it's a battleship which is used by Kiri and understood the Anbu's caution to not allow him everywhere.

Zabuza taught him some techniques about how to be in the perfect stance and quickly draw and read an opponent's body movement in a sword battle. Is the opponent trying to slash, cut, party or strike? And such.

Anbu insisted that he don't teach Naruto, but the man didn't care. He told them Naruto is a pretty skilled swordsman and the 'teaching' is a part of their agreement, which effectively shut their mouth.

They didn't question it after that. They seem to take this whole 'contract thing' seriously. Though teaching Naruto about swords is not in the agreement, Zabuza made a small change in it and taught anyway.

Naruto shrugged it off. Who is he to see a gift horse in the mouth? He took it in stride and his sword skills improved greatly after those sessions. No doubt the man is a powerful swordsman to be one of the seven swordsmen of Kiri. He had enough experience with his sword to lift and swing it around like a piece of paper while it was more than 100 kilos.

After they landed, Naruto's focus shifted to the village. He observed many differences from Kohana though the most striking one was the weather which is humid while Konoha is both warm and cool.

The architecture and building style of the village is also a stark contrast to Konoha. While they built homes with predominantly wood and some stone, homes here are completely made of stone.

Naruto can also see a lot of construction going on in and around the village. Many buildings were either half-constructed on going through final touches.

"When did the Civil War end?" Naruto asked curiously, trying to poke through the serious facade of the Anbu to see if they are willing to tell him something.

"It's been a few months. More than that, you are getting nothing." The leader said in a stern tone.

They are trying to take the blonde straight to the Mizukage Tower, but due to all the construction and other works going on, including repairs to some important buildings, they couldn't get there faster.

Naruto mulled over the little info the man gave and started to pay attention to the people and shinobi around them. He got quite a crowd and while most of them were civilians, he can see shinobi as well.

Seeing their entourage, some were curious while many were happy and Naruto can see the few who are angry as well.

'Interesting people and shinobi. They seem to have different styles of kunai and weapon designs when compared to Konoha though.' He thought.

He observed how everything had a camouflage theme in some parts and the kunai and shuriken he can see had the kunai blade curving inward, making the point sharper and more suited for stabbing or thrusting.

He also saw similar kunai and shuriken with Haku and Zabuza as well. He didn't pay attention to them then. But now he can't help but analyse them.

In his thoughts, he almost missed the Shinobi Academy of the village, but Haku was very excited and she pointed to it cheerfully.

"Naruto-kun, look, Shinobi academy. Isn't it beautiful?" She asked in excitement. Though Naruto felt the Anbu move in discomfort, he didn't say anything to object to them.

Naruto looked at what she is pointing at and nodded, sharing a few words about how it compared to Konoha's and Haku continued pointing to different things she found interesting and the rest of the journey was completed in it.

Soon they reached a large building in the middle of the village. It is impressive with its imposing visage, befitting a Kage Tower

Naruto easily knew the building is one of the largest buildings in the village, located in the heart of it.

The building has the kanji for "Water" (水) on the front of it. Similar to the kanji for "Fire" (火) on the Hokage tower. But the Tower itself is different.

Instead of the cone-shaped one in Konoha, this is a sturdy round white marble one.

It has extensions to other buildings like the Hokage tower with a different architecture and Naruto can see different messenger birds and Shinobi running around the building, performing their duties.

"This way," the lead Anbu said as they reached the Mizukage Tower and they walked in with a bit of tension when they reached the heart of the village and Zabuza was still not sure of everything.

The Anbu escorting them inside the building and dispersed into different corners of the tower and the 3 of them can feel many dozens of eyes boring towards them. They knew they were not the kind type and went on guard.

"Relax everyone, these are our own now. It's been long, Kiri no Oni, Zabuza." A woman from the front desk said. Zabuza gave a small nod in acknowledgement as she opened the Mizukage office door and all of them walked in, still on guard.

"How many times should I say you shouldn't allow things like this casually, Mizukage-sama?" A middle-aged man said grumpily. 3 of them looked up in confusion and came face to face with a weird bunch. A woman and 2 men are on her sides.

First the woman in the middle. She is tall and slender with fair skin. She has green eyes, long auburn hair styled into a herringbone pattern at the back, a top-knot tied with a dark blue band, and four bangs at the front. Two bangs are short, with one covering her right eye, and two are long, crossing each other on her bust, just below her chin.

The elegance will fit perfectly for her as she looks like she is in her 20s. She wore a long-sleeved, dark blue dress that fell just below the knees. It seems to be closed at the front with a zipper and is kept open on the front-right side from the waist down.

The dress only covers up to the upper part of her arms and the underside of her breasts. Underneath, she wears a mesh armour that covers slightly more of her upper body than her dress. She also wears a skirt in the same colour as her dress and, underneath those, mesh leggings reaching down over her knees.

Around her waist, she wears a belt with a pouch attached to the back on the left along with high-heeled sandals, shin-guards reaching up over her knees, dark blue nail polish on her fingers and toes, and usually shown red lipstick.

The 2 men beside her are in contrast to each other. While the man on the right is middle-aged with blue hair which is styled in a moused-up manner. His left eye was blue and his right eye was covered with a black eye patch.

He wore a talisman in each ear with the kanji for (承, shō), which was written on them twice on each side.

He also wore the standard striped, grey suit, with a green haori that had white trimmings that stop halfway down, over them. Naruto can say he is very experienced in combat as his posture didn't have gaps to attack.

While the other one is a young man maybe 2-3 older than him. He has short, tufty blue hair, and dark eyes. He also has pointed, shark-like teeth; a common trait of the members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen much like Zabuza and wore square, black-rimmed glasses connected to ear protectors, a blue pin-striped shirt and camouflage pattern pants.

He wears his forehead protector on the front of his holster which has a weird-looking sword in it. The sword itself is wrapped in bandages leaving only the double hilt visible. He also has shuriken holsters strapped onto each of his legs.

He looked more inexperienced compared to the other man but Naruto got a feeling that he is strong and kept his observations to himself. The Anbu who brought them appeared in the middle of the office.

The office itself is good, well decorated rather neatly with a blue rug and several cabinets lining both sides of the room. The Mizukage's desk sits at the back of the room, overlooking the village. The front of the desk is adorned with the village's symbol. The room also possesses a small waiting area with a picture of the world map above it.

Naruto can see all the regular things that his Jiji has in his office and checked all boxes, certifying the Mizukage's office in his boredom.

"Mizukage-sama, Momochi Zabuza is here with his accomplice." The Anbu leader said respectfully, interrupting the argument between the trio.



"Sorry," came the varied reactions from the trio and all of them looked up.

Naruto looked at them amused. They are contradictory in contrast to each other, it's hurting him not to laugh.

"Why are you apologising, boy?" The middle-aged man turned to the younger in displeasure.

"That's why I suggested picking older men you shouldn't have picked people of young age, Mizukage-sama. Back in my day, it used-"

'Old, Age, Mizukage,' are the only words the Mizukage heard and turned to the middle-aged man giving chills to Naruto and Zabuza.

"Ao, shut up or I'll Kill You!" She said with a serious tone and 'Ao' instantly shut up.

"Oh my. Where are my manners? Please take a seat, everyone. We have some things to discuss." She said with a sweet smile and the 3 of them followed robotically, not wanting to anger the woman.

"I'm Terumi Mei, Godaime Mizukage of Kirigakure no Sato. A pleasure to meet you." She said with a pleasant smile.

"This is Ao-san and Chojuro-kun. My aids." She introduced the 2 and they both gave a nod of acknowledgement, though Ao gave it reluctantly.

"Momochi Zabuza," Zabuza introduced, following the unsaid order.

"Yuki Haku," Haki followed with a respectful bow to the Mizukage, making the ol-sweet woman smile.

"Yo. Uzumaki Naruto from Konoha at your service." Naruto said with an elegant bow wiggling his eyebrows at them.

Naruto felt like being watched and saw how the veins around Ao's eyes bulged and narrowed his eyes.

'Byakugan? Only those eyes have this effect and signs. He stole it then, hmm,' he started thinking of many scenarios where such a thing could be possible.

For Ao, it's like standing in front of the sun. The amount of chakra Naruto dwarfed everyone in the room and his eye couldn't focus on anything.

'Uzumaki? And what is with such vast chakra reserves? What is with this kid? Even for an Uzumaki, he seems to have a lot of Chakra? Is he one of them?' He thought, deactivating his Byakugan as he didn't want to get blinded by the chakra's sheer quantity.

While Ao and Naruto are thinking in their worlds, Mei stared at Naruto curiously. She is now more interested after the mention of 'Uzumaki'. He is young and looks good, and is charming. If only she coul-

"Mizukage-sama, we should ask him about his business first." Ao as always interrupted.

Naruto knew 2 Anbu were watching him particularly and one wrong move can spoil everything. He wanted to get rid of the Anbu, but he couldn't as he a foreign shinobi and he knew of the protocol.

He is not in Kiri on an official mission but of his own volition. So, he is an unknown variable that can spark a war with one mistake and for a recovering village-like Kiri, they can't afford to make any more mistakes.

"Yes. Naruto-kun. Can you elaborate on your purpose here and how you encountered our estranged shinobi?" She asked in a sweet tone. Naruto was curious about the nickname the Mizukage called him, but answered.

"It all started in Nami-" Naruto started and explained everything that happened till now leaving out important parts or things they don't need to know.

"So that's how I found your letter for Gato and delivered it to Zabuza here," Naruto explained and it took them a minute to take everything in.

"And why did you follow them here?" Ao asked suspiciously.

"It's an agreement as I said as I want to make sure they will be safe." He said with a shrug.

"And how are you going to leave knowing they will be safe?" Chojuro asked curiously, talking for the first time.

"I want to take the Mizukage's word for that. I want Mizukage-sama to promise their safety." He said confidently and Chojuro looked around for help. Naruto stared into Mei's eyes, unflinching.

"Don't worry about that, Naruto-kun. I assure you they will be safe here and will be immediately drafted into active duty." She said with a cheerful smile, signing the paper and giving Zabuza and Haku new headbands.

"Thank you, Mizukage-sama," Haku said with emotion, bowing to the Mizukage who patted her with a smile. She always wanted to serve her country and help her people.

"We need shinobi like you, my dear. No need to thank me." She said and turned to Zabuza.

"I am very happy to have you back, Zabuza," Mei said in a sweet tone, but her eyes turned dark at the end.

"Ya. I'm happy to come back as well, Me-Mizukage-sama. It is a big surprise to know that Yagura was killed. I didn't think it was possible. But, we are here," he said sadly, remembering his old friend.

"I must agree that It is a bad thing to lose our Mizukage. But for the people of Kiri, it must be done. We can't have the war continue anymore," she said in a sombre tone. For a second, Naruto thought her face was darkened, but she managed it easily.

Ao cleared his throat, clearly signalling something for the Mizukage and she turned to him.

"Speaking of rewards, I must thank you for this help to Kiri, Naruto-kun. What can Kiri offer you?" Mei asked and Naruto can feel all eyes in the room are on him. Naruto for someone reason felt she pushed her bosom, trying to make them noticeable. Though he struck it off as his paranoia.

"I'm here just for my friends. If they are safe here, that's enough for me." Naruto said with sincerity. Though it was ridiculous for most to believe, it's what he was here for and he already had what he came for.

"Such an honest young man. I hope Kiri has people like you." Mei was with a wide smile. Though she wanted to 'personally' gift the young Konoha shinobi, it looks like she doesn't get the chance.

She stood from her desk and made some hand signs and pressed on the inner chamber of her desk and with a large puff of smoke, a large, old scroll came into existence.

"Though you don't want anything in return, I would like to give you this scroll," she said, giving Naruto a scroll which has kanji for 'Danger' on it and red swirl symbols on either side of the scroll.

"That is the most prized scroll that Kiri possesses. I don't know what it has, but as it was written 'danger' and it has Uzumaki clan symbols on it, it must have been stolen by our people or it's just a bluff, as Uzumaki were assumed to be completely wiped off and no one can open it.

I want you to have the scroll as a thank you and an apology for what my village has done to your village. I hope we can start anew and hold no grudges," she said hopefully with a lone eye sincerely looking at him for forgiveness and hope for the future.

Even though she is a Kage, she is a woman who lost her parents and brethren to war and knows how it feels like to lose everything you have in a war. So she can relate to Naruto to some extent.

"Thank you for your straightforwardness, Mizukage-sama. I accept your apology and thank you for giving this to me." Naruto said, mimicking the sincerity. Mei smiled internally. 'Such a sweet and well-mannered boy. Unfortunately, he is from Konoha.' She thought and smiled.

"My business in Kiri concludes with this. With your permission, I'll take my leave." Naruto asked respectfully and Mei nodded her approval.

"I'll ask one of our best ships to drop you in Hi no Kuni. Chojuro-kun if you can, please drop Naruto-kun at the docks."

"Hai, Mizukage-sama. I'll be on it." Chojuro said and walked towards Naruto. He said to follow him and Naruto followed.

Naruto left the office and Ao relaxed a bit after that. He can't believe the amount of chakra the blonde genin has even for an Uzumaki and decided to keep an eye on him.

"So Zabuza, can you report what else you did in these past years and where are those 2 lackeys?" Mei asked and Zabuza stood straight and started explaining.

In Konoha

"What a drag." A pineapple-haired teen said as he walked with his team towards the meeting spot with Team 7.

Their exercise with Team 9, a team of 3 teens a year older than them, had been completed and he didn't want to talk about them.

It's simply too troublesome for him. 'Damn it Tou-chan. Why is this exercise now of all times?' He mumbled as he lazily walked behind his team.

Their exercise and mission went well but Team 9 is too active for his likes and though he did his part, he couldn't find a proper balance in the team.

As a member of the Clan of great strategists, he can easily see the devotion Lee had for Guy sensei and their determination and all. But the 'youthful' spirit they had is not shared in the team.

Sure, they have great teamwork and are power-ups with Taijutsu, Bukijutsu and weapons experts and Hyuuga with a great Byakugan. But he can see the imbalance in the team.

Lee has no chakra for example and if he is caught in a Genjutsu, it will be very difficult for him to escape. But then the memory that scarred his team came to his mind.

'That thing is plain blasphemy. You can't forget it once you see it.' He grumbled, remembering the youthful moment Guy and Lee shared.

'Maybe that's their counter to Genjutsu. A stronger Genjutsu than the one used.' That's a good strategy.

Then comes Tenten. She has good at Taijutsu and Weapons Mastery. But she can't use any weapon to its fullest capacity.

She can throw them around and know the basics. But if she fought against a Wind User, she is done for as all her weapons become useless and can easily be deflected with Wind.

The Hyuuga boy is too good. But his attitude and perception need some repairs. Overall, they are good and have the potential to become a great team for Konoha.

"Ino!" He heard a girlish scream and saw Sakura coming toward the blonde girl in his team. They started talking after that.

He didn't pay any attention to them. He is more focused on the other members of Team 7. Naruto and Sasuke. They look different.

He heard about their team exercise with Team 8 and how resoundingly successful it was. He knew these exercises are introduced to let them know each other more and work as a perfect team.

His father is the Jounin Commander after all. Though the man hid important things, he would occasionally ask him about things and allow him to connect dots.

Naruto seems more composed and Sasuke is looking at them with a wide grin as this would help him in more than one way. Their Sensei? He looked around for the silver-haired man and found him on a tree branch far from the team, watching the interaction with his lone eye.

"Asuma-sensei, what are we doing here?" Choji, his food-loving friend asked with a confused expression.

'Did she forget to inform him?' Shikamaru sighed. They told Ino to inform Choji about today's drill and looks like the Yamanaka heiress forgot it.

The said girl is currently looking at the duck-butt-haired Uchiha with admiration and giggling with Sakura as if it's an inside joke.

"Troublesome, aren't they?" Naruto asked standing beside him while their smoking sensei started to explain the week's schedule to Choji.

"Yeah. It's a drag. Heard you went on an A-rank out of the village. How was it?" He asked with his lazy eyes, boring into the blonde's ceruleans.

"It went well and we met some interesting people there. Except for the appearance of Zabuza, there is nothing special after it."

"Running into an A-rank missing ninja is not special?" Shikamaru asked, his eyes taking a sharp edge.

"From a combat point of view, yes. Sensei and he fought and we managed to injure him. He retreated, playing dead and suddenly had a change of heart." Naruto said.

Shikamaru analysed. Sure, running into an A-rank nuke-nin is troublesome, but what Naruto said has merit. If they only ran into him and fought once, and were done with it, then it's a smooth one.

"The most interesting part is the appointment of the new Daimyo to Nami. He is just a few years older than us." Naruto said in a low tone as if it was a world-ending conspiracy.

Ino noticed the lack of 'troublesome' comments and turned to the 2 boys whispering and the gossip queen in her couldn't resist the temptation to know and she slowly walked towards them.

Sakura was surprised by the sudden change in the platinum blonde and looked where she was going and watched intensely. The Uchiha on the other hand is fed up. How long are they going to take to start the damn exercise?

He didn't let his impatience appear but patiently waited. His patience has awakened his Sharingan for him and so he is willing to wait now.

Though anything major but learning the Tree climbing exercise and some Genjutsu happened during the Nami mission, he is satisfied with his growth and after awakening his Sharingan, he is willing to wait and make his move.

Maybe Naruto's personality is rubbing off on him. The blonde doesn't make any unnecessary moves nor does he waste any time with them playing Shinobi. But learns patiently and when done, he practises them separately.

Sasuke liked it a lot as it helped him get rid of his useless pink-haired teammate bothering him. She started to take things seriously and practised more than talking these days.

If there is something he wants to learn after killing Itachi is to have the same patience as Naruto and he is going to be better at that. After all, he is an Uchiha, the elite.

He also noticed the blonde fangirl giggling and continued to stare aimlessly to not encourage her. That's when he saw the pineapple-haired boy.

'Nara Shikamaru, son of Nara Shikaku. Maybe he can be useful to me.' He thought staring at the black-haired boy.

"So we are doing an exercise again? And with, with Naruto's team?" Choji's sudden outburst brought all the genin back to the point.

"Yes, Choji. It's like last week but this time I think it will be more peaceful." Asuma said, taking a puff out of his cigar.

"What do you specialise in, Asuma-sensei?" Sakura asked curiously. Last week was a productive one for her.

Kurenai-sensei was very good at Genjutsu and taught them about Genjutsu theory and practice well. She even put them in many Genjutsu to give them a good feel.

While Team 8 was trained in teamwork and coordination by Kakashi. The conversation between Kakashi's dogs and Kiba was very hilarious to forget.

Flashback Begin

It's their 4th day and both Team 7 and 8 were already accustomed to the exercise by now and are doing well in their group missions.

Today was a practice session for Team 7 in Genjutsu with Kurenai while Team 8 will be taught about teamwork by Kakashi.

As usual, Team 7 arrived in time as Kurenai-sensei was punctual. Shino and Hinata arrived as well. Kiba was accustomed to Kakashi's time and came a bit late.

As soon as Kakashi arrived, he put his book to the side which came as a surprise to both teams and Kurenai and he turned to team 8 seriously.

"You are going to fight against my Ninken now. You are going to beat them in teamwork." He said and started performing a chain of hand seals.

Naruto activated his Sharingan and quickly copied them. They are similar to his Dragon summoning ones, except for one seal at the end.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu," Kakashi said and in a puff of smoke, various ninken came into existence.

"This is Pakkun," Kakashi said, introducing a small, pug-like dog with brown fur and a dark brown snout and ears. He has pink-coloured paws and wears a blue vest with the heno-heno-moheji seal and a Konoha forehead protector, but his is worn on top of his head in a similar style to Sakura. He also wears a bandage on his right front leg.

"Yo," Pakkun said waving his paw at them.

"Here is Bull," Kakashi said, pointing to the largest summon in Kakashi's ninken pack. Bull has dark fur and wears a spiked collar. He also wears a similar attire to Pakkun, which is a standard for his summons.

"Lastly, this is Urushi," he said, introducing the white and light-brown fur, along with long spiky tufts of hair on his head. His eyes greatly resemble angry eyes. His Konoha forehead protector around his neck with the same outfit.

"You will fight against these 3 in a spar. It's about teamwork and I want you 6 to retrieve a small flag I planted a few kilometres southwest from here." Kakashi said seriously and looked at the sun.

"And Go!" He said with a chop of his hand and Team 8 and Ninken all sprang into action.

The exercise was hilarious to watch to put it simply. Naruto can't forget Kiba's stupidity after that. Akamaru kept barking at the dogs, as if to distract them, Kiba tried calming him.

While Shino and Hinata tried their best to track the flag Kakashi hid. Pakkun was able to detect it with his powerful nose and Kiba called it unfair.

Instead of Kakashi, Pakkun started lecturing Kiba and Akamaru about the senses of a dog and how to use them while tracking while the Inuzuka boy stared in shock.

He went on and on, which stopped Kiba from moving forward while Hinata and Shino separated to search for it. Pakkun intelligently sat on Bull, who carried him.

Kiba, who is completely distracted and immersed in Pakkun's lecture, bumped into many trees and traps Kakashi laid and fell into many mud pools, got hit with stink bombs and finally, got dragged into a pit by the small pug.

At last, Shino and Hinata finally found the flag and brought it, avoiding a cleverly hidden trap by Urushi as Hinata's Byakugan showed it as clear as day.

When she tried looking at Naruto, she was overwhelmed by the brightness of the chakra and when she tried to focus, she fell unconscious due to overexertion.

Shino managed to catch her before she fell and brought her back to the starting point. Kiba soon followed, covered with dirt, slime and stinking very badly.

"What did you learn from this exercise?" Kakashi asked, visibly bothered by Kiba.

"We should always concentrate on the mission and shouldn't get distracted." Shino in a monotone, though it has some cracks in it.

"..." Hinata wasn't conscious to answer.

"Never follow a dog blindly," Kiba said intelligently with a burst of barking laughter as his stink affected him greatly.

"Guess you are dismissed for today," Kakashi said, no longer able to keep up.

'I didn't think they were this stinky.' He thought mentally, thinking of trying them on a youthful friend of his. Naruto was very much amused by it and the answer Kiba gave at the end only made it worth watching.

'Poor guy got affected by the disgusting smell. So bad smells affect him. Good to know.' He thought and went back to his concentration exercise.

Flashback End

"I am good at smoking and some wind jutsu," Asuma said with a smile. Ino glared at him at that.

"I mean, I'm good at Wind Jutsu and Taijutsu," he rectified and got an approving nod from the platinum blonde.

"Well, I'm good at laziness. So do some Chakra control exercises." Kakashi said with a shooing gesture and walked to a tree shade.

"What!? This is what we get when the billboard brow is getting trained by our sensei?" Ino yelled in a pitch that made Sakura proud and angry at the same time.

"You PIG!" Sakura replied in kind.

"We are going to see if you have any elemental affinities," Asuma said, making pinkett's head turn in a robotic manner.

"Let's see what you got," Asuma said with a smirk and pulled out three thick papers.

"It's not fair! We didn't get that!" Ino yelled again but got ignored. Team 7 was focused on the paper in the smoking man's hands.

'What should I train them in? They are good at Teamwork as it's carried down from generations. They are this generation's Ino-Shika-Cho team and I should teach them something useful.' Kakashi went into deep thought, remembering anything that can help the trio.

And Cut.

That's it for this Chapter folks.

Hope you have liked it. Connect your Discord with to join the server I created and get more benefits.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Suggestions are welcome.

Black Infinity1289,

Ja Ne.