Chapter 52 – Did She Lose Her Focus?
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Up to Chapter 61 for first tier patrons, and chapter 63 for second tier.


Leen woke up the following morning, and found mail within her memory files. There was a flashing indicator to tell her to open it when she woke up. She opened the file and heard a soft sigh.

'Mm, last night was delicious, Leen.' Aya's voice startled her. 'I wanted to wake you up personally, but my aspects wanted some attention. If you should want to get some upgrades, come over to the office. All four of us will overwhelm your mental defenses, and break into your consciousness like a tidal wave.' Leen shivered, but smiled a little.

On the second merging, she had begun to sense other parts of Aya's mind, the other aspects who had moved their senses elsewhere. Their stares were intense, and hungry, which made her a bit fearful, but also aroused.

'Four of them. All at once. I wonder how long I would last with four of them in my mind?' Leen said, but she smiled a bit. 'I should get up and get moving. The boss said there were some people looking our way, and would make us quite busy in the future.'

'I wonder who they are.'


* * *


"Mer, take Janet to her cell and have a bit of fun with her. I think she's still tender, so take care not to injure her." Leen said as she walked around the Domination Chamber. Mer pursed her lips, but looked at the eager look in Janet's eyes and nodded.

"You'll handle the security walk through?" She asked.

"Kata will help me before she goes at poor Jessie again." Leen said with a grin. Kata's cheeks colored a bit, as it was a reminder of how much she enjoyed all of Jessie's responses. "Jessie, make sure you wear the half mask today. It will allow you to obscure your mouth and eyes, but still unzip for fun. We don't know who will come in today, and our girls should always be discreet." Jessie nodded reluctantly.

"I really want to tell everyone how much I love how that gorilla fucks me, but I'm still a proper housewife, aren't I?" She said with a slightly off expression.

"When you need to be. Don't worry. If he becomes combative, we have a few things to quiet him down. Now get in your cell and behave." Leen took her by the shoulders, turned her, and slapped her bottom. The chirp from her lips, and the soft murmur that followed, showed them that Jessie didn't rebel. She just wanted to be handled a bit more firmly. It was her nature to be submissive and be led, not told.

"What's wrong?" Kata asked as they walked around. "You don't need anyone to help."

"I have to go over to the office today. It might be a complete rebuild, but Ally and Lina are on their way home today as well." Leen turned to Kata. "There are some eyes on us, and the boss thinks they are potential customers." Kata looked into her eyes.

"I see. You're not completely sure if they are." Kata nodded. "The boss knows our intentions, but other people might still be out of her reach to predict. As she didn't point them out, she might sense them watching, but have not identified them." Leen shook her head. "What?"

"Your brain works a lot faster now, Kata. We always knew you were smart, but you never say anything." Leen smiled and tapped her friend's shoulder. "Who would be good to watch the front? The boss suggested that we employ Janet in the future. Put her at the desk, and let a pet go down on her." Kata grinned.

"Not a bad idea. Jana perhaps? We should do another run though. I'm fucking like a pro, but I've got this enhanced body now, and I haven't given anyone a beat down. My fists are getting itchy." Leen grinned.

"Agreed. Now go fuck Jessie for a bit, you gorilla." Leen smirked.

"Bite me, slut. No, I'll go bite Jessie instead."


* * *


'We should try it, Asset.' Upgrade said. 'The bots are ready for it.' Aya pursed her lips.

'Leen is coming over today. I don't want to experiment on her, but it is a good opportunity to use non invasive means. Do we have enough of them built?' She looked at Optimization.

'We do. We should increase production though, and add a skeletal frame team or two.' She looked at Asset Aya. 'Why did you ask me if we had enough? Aren't you in control of our assets?' Aya blinked. 'You are distracted?'

'I want more.' Aya said simply. 'Of her. Inside us.' Aya admitted it to her other aspects.

'Was she that good?' Creativity said and looked into Asset's memories. 'Oh, Asset. She became an aspect for a few seconds?' Optimization focused, and read the memories of the night before.

'No wonder you're slightly out of it. You were in sync with her, and now you feel like something is missing.' Optimization thought for a moment. 'If we can't rebuild her frame just yet, we can optimize her for integration, and allow complete mental augmentation and connection.' Aya nodded quickly. 'Wow, you do feel her lack, don't you?' All her aspects quickly wrapped around her.

'Don't feel alone, Asset. We are a part of you. Soon, she will also be a part of you too.' Her other aspects understood how she felt. With their deep connection to the other women in their lives, Coral, Connie and Ginger, they also felt some sense of incompleteness.

'We will have to take it slow, Asset.' Upgrade said. 'You don't want her to lose cohesion and disperse, do you?' Asset shook her head, and inhaled deeply, to calm herself.

'No, I don't.' She let out a slow mental breath, and calmed her senses. 'I almost lost her twice last night. If we upgrade her properly, she can integrate, and merge with us permanently. I want her to be able to maintain her own consciousness without being drowned within us.'

'Agreed.' But her aspects were a bit concerned. Aya seemed a little bit fragmented, and unstable. Her attention kept on the move, and would not lock permanently onto one person. First, it was Tandy, followed by Jill. Danica became her focus, followed by Sol. Then Ginger. All the while, she wanted Coral, and her mom. She was now on to the girls.

What was going on? Why was she so unfocused?


* * *


'Creativity, what is going on? Why is Asset losing her focus?' Optimization said.

'I don't think she is.' Creativity said. 'She is evolving again, and her girls are the key. All of her girls are key.' Optimization thought for a moment, and had a thought.

'She will use them to expand her consciousness?' She asked.

'Not just expand her own consciousness. Theirs as well. Leen is probably just the first.' Although they felt concern about this advancement, they were also excited.

Soon, they could also merge with Leen, and have her inside them. Just the idea of such a deep connection filled them with hunger.