Chapter 2: The Girl and Spirit in Unsterblich Forest
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Third Person POV

Deep, in Unsterblich forest, where there is few animal life and even fewer civilization, a girl, no older than 6, can be seen wandering aimlessly. Her eyes were open, gazing at everything she can see and her mouth was agape.

Cold breeze passed by, and the tall, lush trees swayed side to side almost as if it was listening to music. Clouds, although plentiful, made room for the sun's rays to infiltrate. 


Suddenly, a low and familiar sound appeared. The girl's faced scrunched, hugging her tummy, she bent down. 

"How could I feel so hungry, when didn't feel to eat for a week!"(Reiko)

She whined, stopping in her tracks.

"Should I try eating the leaves?"(Reiko)

After saying that, she grab a nearby red bush and put it in her mouth and started chewing.


Reiko speedily spat the bush out, she stuck her tongue out and rapidly brushed it. Her eyes were shut closed and a small tear could be seen escaping one of them.


Little did the girl know, that she ate the volcanic pepper bush, a key ingredient in Aunt Filomena's famous devil curry.

Reiko frantically ran in random directions, not looking at where she was going.


A couple minutes later, Reiko finally calmed down, her breaths were shallow and her eyes were wet with tears. Her head hung down and she was on her knees.

Reiko raised her head and her eyes widened, shining like a diamond. A smile as wide as the ocean horizon surfaced in her face.

"A village."(Reiko)

Swiftly getting up, she darted towards the small town, almost tripping at some points, but just like a child on Christmas day, she didn't care, all she wanted was get to the village.

As she got closer and closer, her pace steadied. Her previous excited face shifted. Her once wide eyes shrunk, her smile dissipated and the energetic vigor was replaced by crawling uncertainty.

You see reader, this village wasn't an ordinary village. The wooden houses rotted, moss started growing on the stone pavement and many spiders called home on every cottage. The world changed, turning murkier, the sky darkening to a blue with a greenish tint. In many ways, this was a ghost town, it was abandoned by the residents, a husk of its former self. 

"H- hullo? Anyone there? Anyone?"(Reiko)

Reiko managed to stutter out that sentence, putting her guard up. 

Gradually moving one leg at a time, Reiko made her way down the old cobblestone path. Houses were destroyed unnaturally, almost like it was from a natural disaster or a raid. Fields were overgrown with weed and infested with bugs. However, the strangest thing was a medium sized cutlass, that was pushed into a wall. Something happened...

Suddenly, Reiko felt something cold on shoulders, it was not just cold, it was ice cold. She twitched her head to see what it was.


Reiko let out a bloodcurdling scream, her eyes bugging out. Colour was drained out of her as she fell down onto her butt. She hectically backed away until she hit the wall of a lodge.

She was backed into a corner.

Panicked and no escape plan coming to her mind, she did the only thing she can do, that being curling into a ball.

A pair of green, transparent eyes peered at Reiko. The ghost resembled a young but mature lady, cladding chainmail and leather armor. Her battle axe hinted that she was a warrior but no scars were present. For the most part, she looked normal, that is, except for the fact that she was see through and her levitating.

Every second she was floating closer to Reiko.

Reiko's heart was beating at a 300 miles per hour. Her entire body fidgeting in unrelenting restlessness. 

"Hey, hey. Calm down, I'm not gonna hurt"(Ghost Lady)

In a soft and gentle voice, the spirit tried to put Reiko at ease.

Ever so slowly, Reiko started to relax, lifting her head, just enough to peek at the ghost.

"Want to hear a joke?"(Ghost Lady)

Reiko didn't react, she was still tense.

"Why did the farmer win an award? He was outstanding in his field!"(Ghost Lady)


"..."(Ghost Lady)


Reiko started to giggle, easing up

A small smile formed at the corner of the phantom's mouth.

"You must have been scared, when you first saw me. I'm sorry for scaring you. I wont hurt you, I promise, so can you uncurl yourself?"(Ghost Lady)

She was a bit hesitant, but for some reason, she trusted the specter, she felt comfortable around her, but she didn't know why. While uncurling herself, the ghost reached her arm towards Reiko, placing it on her head, and started patting her.

Reiko blushed a little, for she has never been treated this way and a bit confused.

"D'awweee, you're so cute, I can just gobble you up! Oh yeah, hey little girl are you lost?"(Ghost Lady)

"Y- yes..."(Reiko)

"I see... Where are your parents?"(Ghost Lady)

Reiko froze, pondering if she had parents or not. Thoughts like 'should I tell her I am not from here' and 'should I just tell her I didn't know' came and went.

"I- I don't know... I don't think I have parents..."(Reiko)

A look of shock was plastered on the specter's face which changed quickly, her brows lowered and she sucked up her licks. 

Waiting a small moment of time, the woman charged towards Reiko, putting her in a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry."(Ghost Lady)

The lady mustered into Reiko's ears, her eyes were closed shut as she hugged Reiko, not letting go.

For some reason, Reiko's cheeks started getting wet. Usually when someone got this close to her, she would push them away, but this time it was different. She didn't know what was going on, she didn't understand why she felt like this, 'was there something wrong with me' she would think but no answer came. Even if she usually doesn't like being this close to people, this time she didn't mind, and just let it happen.

It has been a while since she was hugged, the phantom starting releasing her and found her composure.

"Oh wait, I forgot to introduce myself. Hello my name is Cheryl Gunther, it is nice to meet you and I am indeed deceased."(Cheryl)

Cheryl said before making a small courtesy. 

"And what might your name be?"(Cheryl)

"My... my name is Re- Reik- Reiko..."(Reiko)

"That's a lovely name!"(Cheryl)

'I don't think so...' (Reiko's thought)

"wh- what happened here and, why are you like that!?"(Reiko)

"That's.... a long story, as for me I am bound to a magical necklace after death."(Cheryl)

Cheryl said whilst gesturing towards a diamond-shaped silver necklace adorned with sapphire. 

'did she say magic?!'(Reiko's thought)

Reiko's mouth opened slightly and her eyes sparkled a little.

"*breathe in* a long time ago, I-"(Cheryl)




"hahahah. You must be hungry, there should be some fruit nearby. Wait here while I go get them."(Cheryl)

Reiko was flushed red with embarrassment, her head hung down as she drifted away.

Cheryl came back with a handful of red, apple-like fruit that had an orange patterns on it and a worn out white shirt.

"Put this on, since you are, you know"(Cheryl)

With her cheeks a bit red, Reiko nodded her head and complied.

After putting on the shirt, that looked more like dress on her, Reiko hesitantly picked up the weird fruit.

"What's wrong, never had a karikari aka?"(Cheryl)

Reiko shook her head left and right.

Cheryl raised one brow.

"I see... It's completely safe to eat, I promise"(Cheryl)

Reiko, although still doubtful, eventually took a bite of the fruit.


Reiko's eyes glittered and shined like the night sky, there was a euphoric quality to her.

'It's so, GOOD!!! It's so sweet and tasty and crunchy and and DELICIOUS!!'(Reiko's thought)

Her joyful atmosphere was contagious, creeping a smile to Cheryl.

"It's getting late, here I'll start a fire"(Cheryl)

Right then and there, a vermillion glow erupted from Cheryl's hand, shooting a fireball at the ground, making a small fire.


Cheryl couldn't reply, she was just simply baffled, she knew the child in front of her was not normal, especially with her weird right eye, but this, this was something else. How could someone not know something this common? Even the least educated would have known something about it.



Cheryl felt her blood sugar rise.

'How could something this cute exist?'(Cheryl's thought)

"Of course! But right now let's try to get some shut eye ok?"(Cheryl)


In the dark night, the only noise that can be heard was the crackling of flames and soft snoring of the small animal girl.

"How long has it been since I last saw another person? Heh, I can't even remember."(Cheryl)

"Wakey! Wakey!"(Cheryl)


Reiko lazily opened her eyes, she then took the karikari aka that Cheryl offered. With a light-hearted smile she happily ate her breakfast.

"Alright! Let's begin!"(Cheryl)

Cheryl said after Reiko finished her breakfast.

Reiko nodded with determination in her eyes, and the lesson began.

"Magic is ran by mana, and every living thing, and some non-living things, have mana. There are 8 main magic types, of course there are more but they are considered secondary. Those types are: flame, water, earth, steel, wind, life, frost and the very rare space. All living beings can use at least 1 magic type, but there are times where one can use more than 1, for example me! Yup! I can use 3 magic types~"(Cheryl)

Cheryl puffed her chest up.

"Back to the topic, we can't really see your type, but we can try have you use mana to see what type will come out. Ok, to use mana you must try to circulate it, imagine magic flowing through your veins and more specifically to your hands."(Cheryl)

'Alright Rei, you can do this!'(Reiko's thought)

Reiko tried to do what Cheryl had told her. She felt something in her blood vessels, it was refreshing to her, like having a cool glass of orange juice on a hot summer day.

'It's happening! IT'S HAPPENING!!'(Reiko's thought)


Nothing happened...

5 hours later...

Reiko was holding back tears, it was just unfair to her. Wasn't it supposed to be easy for reincarnated people, then why couldn't she make any progress. 

"Hey hey, it's fine, I think you are doing great. Most children your age give up after 10 minutes!"(Cheryl)

Reiko wanted to refute her, but then realised that from her point of you, she probably looked like any other kid.

"Just remember to circulate your mana."(Cheryl) 

1 hours later...


3 hours later...


6 hours later...


The sun had set, the moon taking over the night shift. Reiko laid on a house wall, dejected, Cheryl by her side. 

"Miss Gunther."(Reiko)

"Cheryl, call me Cheryl."(Cheryl)

"...Miss Cheryl."(Reiko)


"Cheryl... why are you still here with me?"(Reiko)

"What do you mean?"(Cheryl)

"Aren't you frustrated that I can't do anything, that what animals can do, I can't, even when I try really hard. Aren't I just useless?"(Reiko)

Reiko said while hugging her legs, her head hanging down, her white bangs covering her eyes.

Cheryl only stared at the girl, not knowing what to say. 

"Welll, besides the fact that I physical can't go too far away, I won't just leave a lost person alone, especially a little kid. And well, I also have my own reasons."(Cheryl)


A deep, animalistic growl could be heard. Reiko's ears perked up because of it. Turning her head, she saw something unbelievable.

It was, a monster to say the least. Its dark purple fur blended to the background, the only things visible being its piercing yellow eyes and two long feathers at the end of its tail. The creature approached Reiko, slowly. The beast's two large front legs looked like it could break anything and it's razor sharp teeth could be seen. It was obvious the animal was hungry, and Reiko was the main course meal.

"Back away!" (Cheryl)

Cheryl shoved Reiko away, grabbing a nearby tree branch.

"Wh- what is that thing?"(Reiko)

"It's a scavenger, it's infamous for eating corpses and..."(Cheryl)


"Little children..."(Cheryl)

A shiver ran down Reiko's spine, as Cheryl charged the scavenger. She knew Cheryl could do it, she knew Cheryl would be fine, but.... She couldn't just stand there and do nothing, not anymore. 

Reiko picked up a small stone and threw as hard as she could. Hitting the beasts, she caught the scavenger's attention.

At that moment, the scavenger began chasing Reiko causing her to run for her life.

Reiko's legs were hurting, her heart was beating at extreme speed. Regret, Reiko was regretting everything. The scavenger wasn't swift, but neither was Reiko. Eventually she was going to get cornered, and she knew that. She had to think quickly. Looking around she saw something, something illuminated by the moon.

Immediately, she dashed towards, the scavenger following her. She was cornered and the scavenger was ready to leap, to rip her tiny head off like a doll. The creature put strength to its hind legs and leapt towards Reiko!

Swiftly she ducked avoiding the creatures. However the animal was already set on biting and accidentally bit the thing behind her, it bit the volcanic pepper bush.

The animal was in sheer panic, in pain, clawing at the air and moving wildly.

This was her chance, she had to do something.

'Anything Reiko! Think of something! Something to kill the scavenger'(Reiko's thought)

Her hand was glowing, as energy and light materialized, forming a small white ball.

Not knowing what to do, she threw it at the scavenger. The ball quickly darted towards the scavenger and when it came to contact, it exploded.

The explosion blew up its head.

Reiko fell down, in disbelief. Yes she was overjoyed for using magic, but she, she just killed something. She didn't know how to feel, she couldn't move, the only thing she did was stare.

At a distance Cheryl's mouth was wide open.

"Reiko, what are you?"(Cheryl)


Major character introduced. Ps I am planning on making chapters as long as this