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 It has been a couple of days with Hana. I was happy to have someone I can talk to. As the girl wasn't much of a talker. She only orders or demands of me. The girl wasn't happy at all with me hanging out with Hana.

Every time we slept she would grip me tight into her bosom. Sometimes I couldn't even breathe at all. I struggled at first but then I got used to it. She would alway eye Hana as she was trying to heal me. Hana alway felt chill when she talked to me. 

The girl was dominating me. She wouldn't even let me be alone for one second. She alway had her tail around me. Her prickly tail alway wraps around my stomach. The first time she went out for food I told Hana to escape, but she refused. 

She told me the beast would catch her, it was a Noble beast. I didn't know what a Noble beast was at all. So I asked her. She didn’t answer at all but rather looked even more depressed.

It was awkward with me and Hana alway alone so I tried to strike a conversation with her.

“Hana what did you do for a living?”

I asked her. 

As she wrapped a bandage around my ankle.

She looked up at me.

“An adventure. I travel around the realm searching for treasure and monsters.”

She nonchalantly told me.

“Wow! That sounds cool.”

I show excitement.

“No. it isn't as fun as you think. Sometimes your life could end at any time. Like this.”

She looked at the girl behind me.

The girl was glaring at Hana. If look could kill Hana would’ve died a million times already. 

Once she was done wrapping the bandage she gently put my legs down. She then walked toward her prison cell. It was a corner. She sat down and started writing her journal. I felt sad. I hung my head down a little. The girl was alway behind me. 

As my wound got better the girl was more aggressive toward Hana. She would hit Hana if she saw me in pain. I tried to stop the girl but she would lift me up with her tail and bash Hana.

Once hana was done with her journal she would take a nap. Her stomach growled but she would ignore the hunger. She curled up and just went to sleep. I felt sad for Hana.

Every time the girl brings some kind of food. She would divide all the food toward me and her. Only the leftovers were for Hana. Once I tried to give Hana some of my portion. The girl freaked out and beat up Hana and took the food back from her. She then would give it to me.

I tried to stop the girl but she would just wrap me with her tail and tie me down. As I struggled to get out of her grip, Hana would get beaten up. As long as Hana could do her job the girls wouldn't care if Hana died.

Feeling daring today, I look at the girl behind me. I tug on her tail. She looked down at me. Her sunflower eyes stare deep into me. I jumped a little. But I mustered up my courage.

“Umm..I… your name.”

I stutter.

She just glared at me.

She then gets to my eyes level. 

She then creeped close to my ears. I shriek. Was I about to get hit again? I was scared. I shake. Then I could feel warm breath slipping into my ear. She then gnawed at my ear. I felt lightning rushing through my body. Her tail wrapped around me wildy. She then pushed me down.

“I don't have a name.”

She told me.

“Call me whatever you want, Nivest.”

She then locked eyes with me.

I could feel her heavy breath as she gazed into me. Her amber eyes examine every part of my body. Her hands slither all over my body. I didn't like her touch so I tried to push alway. She was strong and I could even budge her at all. I struggled again but she just grabbed my limbs and tied them down.

She then sniffed all over my body. As she got closer to my breast she stopped and laid her head down. My chest was cycling a puff of air. She then looked up toward me. Her golden eyes were staring intensely into me.

“So what will you call me, my Nivest?”

She softly whispered to me.

My mind was thinking of a name for her.


I whisper back.

It didn't have any meaning. But it was hell living with her so I just called her Hel. Lets just hope she won't get angry and punish me.

“Hel. I like that my Nivest.”

She said warmly.

I couldn't figure Her out. One minute she was angry and beat Hana or me up, but the next moment she would care for me. She was bipolar as hell. I can never figure her out at all. It was treading on ice, one minute you could break it.

Hel then calmly stroked my face. 

“I’m sorry I hurt you.”

She warmly voiced out.

“I had no choice. You were trying to escape this place where I could protect you… I'd rather keep you disable than lose you…”

Hel spoke and lost her voice half way.

She then lifted her head and was face to face with me. She then laid her head next to me. She then nibbled on my ear. I felt her wet tongue playing with my ear. It was weird but I felt something hot.

I hated this girl, what is her thought process? Make me disable so she can protect me, is she crazy? She must be. I laid there staring at the ceiling, while she played with my ear. As the night went on Hel fell asleep, but I didn't.

She was quite the aggressive sleeper. She would wrap her tail and legs around me. Her warm body craves me. I turned and looked at Hana. She was sleeping. I saw her sweating. She would toss and turn. She must be having a nightmare. 

I haven't had a nightmare for the past couple of days. I guess I must’ve adjusted to this place. This cave is my home right now. Then my vision started to hurt and I went to sleep.

That night I had a dream, not a nightmare. It was a pleasant dream. I made a shortcut through the forest and spurted outside my backyard. I went and unlocked my door and went upstairs and headed to bed. The next morning I was woken up by a streak of light hitting my face. 

I woke up and yawned and spread my arms out. I then went downstairs and breakfast already made. It was eggs and bacon.  As I took a bite off the eggs. I felt something was wrong. I didn't know why. But it was wrong. As the eggs inch closer to my mouth it turns into a carcass of a dead animal. As the blood oozes down from the fork. It drips onto my plates. 

The once bacon was gone now replaced with a human head. But I happily took a bite of the things. As the blood gushed into my mouth , a smile creeped up toward my ears. I took another bite of the eggs. It was just heavenly, before I noticed it was already gone.

I tried to stop my hand from eating. I grab onto my wrist but my will overpower me and the fork plunders into the bacon. I pick a piece up. I urged my mouth shut, but as the fork came in closer a scent hit my nose. It broke me. It was a sweet and pleasant armora. It broke my iron will and my lips pluck open. Just as I was about to bite into the thing. I woke up.

I wasn't sweating. No rather drool was slithering down my lips.  I brush the drool off with my hand. It was a weird dream but it wasn't the first weird dream I had. Though it worries me a little. I was dreaming. 

As I looked beside me and saw Hel cuddling next to me. Her arm wrapped around me. She opened her eyes for a split second. The moment she saw me she closed her eyes again. Then I looked around for Hana. she was still in her corner. Curl up and shiver. 

The wind was blowing quite hard today. Hana tried to grab onto her robes to keep herself warm. I tried to get up and comfort her but I was stopped by Hel. Hel strong arm couldn't be budge.

I was stuck. I wiggle my way out of Hel and escape from her grips. I then tried to crawl toward Hana, but then I felt a grip on my leg. It was Hel. Her eyes crimson as her teeth were showing hostility toward me.

“I..m.. just..trying to help her.”

I softly said to Hel.

Hel’s grip highent and it was hurting me.


I cried out.

As Hel hears my voice her grip loosen. She crawled toward me and wrapped her body around me.

“ I won't let you go. I will go where you go.”

She demanded. 

I couldn't argue with her at all. She was the one in command, not me. I nodded my head. I then crawl toward Hana with Hel behind me following me.

I then threw the skins of animals I got from one the meal Hel brought. Hana then cover herself with the blanket and stop shaking. I felt better. I was happy knowing I had helped someone. 

I smile at Hana. The moment I smiled at Hana I felt something furry wrap around my waist and it was tight. I turned around and saw Hel with her teeth out and claws ready.I was confused. Then I followed her eyeball and saw it toward Hana. 

“Hel, Stop! Why are you ready to kill her?”

I argue.

Hel ignored me and punched Hana. The punch woke Hana up and she defended herself. She was ready for battle. The moment Hana saw Hel she gave up hope. Hel was ready to throw another punch but I rushed toward Hana and was right in between Hel line. She barely hit me and stopped her motion. She then looked at me.

“Hel, Please stop. Hana still needs to heal me.”

I rebuttal toward Hel.

Hel stopped her fist but I could still see her anger. Blood drips from Hel hand. She then got up out of rage and ran toward the exit of the cave.

Both me and Hana look toward the exit and both our shoulders drop. The threat was gone. 

Hana then got something out of her hatchel, it was an oiminte of some kind. She rubs it around her wounds. 

“I’m sorry Hana. I tried to help you and you got injured.”

I said sadly.


She didn't say a thing.

I knew I was in the wrong. It was my fault. Hana got hurt because of me. Everything I do needs to be approved by Hel.I had no freedom.

“This is the last session. Your wounds are closing up and it seems like you are getting better.”

She voices toward me.

The moment I heard those words I hung my head down. She was about to leave me. But I knew Hana had to escape here and live her life, unlike me. I was a prisoner toward Hel.

“I need your help. I need you to stop the girl for a good minute. I don’t care how you do it but stop her. I know she is about to…..kill….me.”

Hana's voice grew weaker as she told me her plan.

I looked at Hana and her eyes grew dull.

“Hana, how could I stop Hel? She is too strong.”

I voiced my worries.


Hana looked at me

“Her name is Hel. She didn't have one so she asked me to give her one.”

I told her.

“You gave that beast a name? Ha..ha.”

She laughed as she heard me say it.

She wasn't smiling but rather a hint of bloodlust could be seen from her.

“Please do a favor and stop Hel so I can escape. I already helped you to the best of my ability. I don’t think I can last long with that thing. My supplies are running low but I can make one last attempt.”

Hana told me her plan.

Hana was right, she has helped me. She healed me up and told me a little of this world. The least I can do for her is help her escape from Hel.

“I will Hana, I will help you anyway I can.”

I acknowledge her.

That night me and Hana made plans to outsmart Hel.

Author Note: My bad last night i rushed out the chapter. I deleted ch.5 and this the new one and better or ver.2 . The original chapter 5 was so bad it wasnt up to my standard so I had to delete. There are some mistakes here and there but I'll fix them at a later date. Also sorry for not pushing out chapter. As I wrote about it in the last author’s notes, it's probably deleted by now. Sorry for not releasing much chapters but work a bitch. Also thanks for the peeps who saw my grammar mistake.