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Titles The Source
Origin of All and Everything
Father (Se'ouasmu'ouars)
Mother (Ve'oueidin)
The Perfect N-Sphere
Core of Existence
Omitter of Eternity
Offsprings Se'ouasmu'ouars (son)
Ve'oueidin (daughter)

Beginning of Everything

Far ago, when there was no space, where there is no time, a single point exists. It had no needs, it have no wants, it's just it. It had existed for an instant, for there is no time, and that was all that needed for the point to explode into every direction possible. The energy from the explosion thrummed away from the point, now an n-sphere with a diameter of plexes upon plexes of googols of meters, and coalesced into two beings, Se'ouasmu'ouars, the Infinite Cosmos, and Ve'oueidin, the Void In-Between.

The Source, Origin of All and Everything

Quoted from a research on a slow moving Tri-Dimensionally Bound Valid Space
...Our telescopes had detected definite signs of something moving away from us, not only through space, but through time as well. The readings shown a progressively smaller spherical object when compared to the data in our Time Bound Memory Banks. Our Temponauts on the Universal Time Station had also observed this particular region of space, and it is suffice to say that we are getting closer to the origin of our universe, perhaps even proving the existence of others...

On an entirely unrelated note, this chapter is related to...
I don't know what the fuck I'm trying to say.