Chapter 22: Quips and Payments
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Hendricks started up the Appalachia and pulled it around the Baron towards the Gomorrah allow the rest of the crew to catch their first glimpse of the new colossal sized ship that AGI had just pressed into service. As they flew by they saw several AGI shuttles that looked like flying blue and yellow rectangular boxes with two small fins on the bottom towards the back of the ship docking with the Baron presumably filled with AGI soldiers.

They received permission to dock with the Gomorrah, and rather than allowing them to board the Gomorrah the captain agreed to meet them in the airlocks connecting the two ships.

Several guards who were covered head to toe in blue armor with yellow stripes carrying assault rifles were already waiting to ensure that none of them got onto the ship, and after a few minutes Captain Lich arrived. He was a human male of average height with short black hair, brown eyes, peach fuzz, and pasty white skin. He wore blue pants with a yellow stripe down the sides, and a blue button-up coat with yellow buttons and stripes on the sleeves along with yellow trimmings.

When he walked he carried an aura of power and authority, and kept his shoulders perfectly square with his chest puffed out. He looked like the poster boy for what a good soldier should look like, except when he approached Captain Starforged he was frowning.

"Well Captain that was some good work", he said professionally while there was a look in his eyes that said he was mocking him. I didn't expect your signal to come on an open frequency from within the ship itself, but what's done is done."

"There were some complications", Captain Starforged explained to him. "Apparently they were still able to jam us despite the upgraded comms system AGI generously provided us with, but one of our own managed to send out a signal using one of their channels nonetheless."

It was easy to tell that the two of them were mocking each other, and Rebecca got the feeling that they had issues but decided to ask about it later.

"This is why I initially wanted to us agents from within AGI itself", Captain Lich stated trying to get underneath Captain Starforged's skin. "We wouldn't have had this problem because we could have setup a quantum communicator if it were one of our ships."

"If it were one of your ships they would have been suspicious, and you probably wouldn't have been able to draw them out", Captain Starforged retorted. "And besides if any of you AGIB's got caught up in the situation we did you'd of chocked from all the pressure. This is a lot harder than guarding brothels all day."

Rebecca could see Captain Lich start to cringe when Captain Starforged referred to him as an AGIB, but wasn't sure what that meant. "What in the cosmos does AGIB mean?" She asked confused by the insult.

"I'll give you a hint kid", Captain Starforged stated. "The AGI should be self-explanatory, but as for the rest… the words start with B, and it rhymes with Lich", he said emphasizing the AGI captain’s name.

Rebecca covered her mouth with her hand to try to hide her laughter, but to no avail.

"I figured it was an appropriate insult for a force of AGI lapdogs who spend more time in brothels then guarding actual shipments", Captain Starforged declared while mocking Capetian Lich.

"The only reason we work the brothels is because it pays well, and the boys like to get paid to show off." Captain Lich declared.

When Captain Starforged heard him say this, he raised an eyebrow and snickered at him. "The way you said that makes your men sound like a bunch of working girls Captain", Captain Starforged explained while laughing.

Seeing the look on Captain Starforged's face Captain Lich realized how what he had said sounded and hung his head for a moment. "Well, I guess you got me there Starforged. AGIB is really fitting now, isn't it?" He cringed while admitting he lost this verbal battle. "Well, I've already sent you the payment for the job, and the finder’s fee for the cargo and slaves we recovered from their ship."

"It's been a pleasure working with you", Captain Starforged said sarcastically while holding his hand out to shake hands with the captain.

"Anytime." Captain Lich said while shaking his hand.

The crew of the Appalachia closed the airlock door behind them as the returned to the cockpit of the Appalachia, and as they walked away Captain Lich thought to himself "fuckin mercs."

Once they sat down in the cockpit the crew filled Rebecca and also Bar-moon in on their mission. They explained how they were hired by AGI to steal a fake package and present it to Tranquil Blue who they suspected was involved in the theft of cargo from AGI transports, and how they intentionally let Tranquil Blue stab them in the back while they landed a bug in his shop to catch him in the act.

They initially planned to immediately contact AGI once the pirates arrived but the stronger jamming equipment wasn't in the plan so that threw everything off.

"So, what you’re telling me is that my plan to warn you guys about the impending ambush was pointless", Rebecca asked already knowing what the answer was going to be.

"Essentially yes", Captain Starforged declared. "But you have proven to be a capable enough fighter, and useful crew mate, so if you want the job you can come with us."

Rebecca couldn't help but smile when she heard this. She began to think of everything that happened to her since she got on this ship and knew she'd be in for a crazy ride if she joined this eccentric captain crew. However, she was bored with her old life, and was looking forward to adventure.

"Well then, I'm onboard Captain", she stated while jokingly saluting him.

"Welcome aboard kid", he said while giving him a warm smile trying to be welcoming by to his new crew member.