6 – Learning
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I had fun writing so an extra chapter for today.




The request boards are big squares on the wall each labeled 'No Rank', 'G-E', 'D-C' and 'B-A'. They have papers on them, The 'No Rank' and 'B-A' have next to no papers on them. Once I get closer to the boards to look white arrows start to appear over most of the papers, confused. I stare at one and it opens up.


<Goblin Hunt - Easy

  20 Rans per Goblin

  Goblins are a general menace! Get rid of them!

  (1 Point)>


Oh! I can get points from requests. Not all of them have arrows but most of them do. I start opening all of the arrows and find something even cooler.


<Laboring - Construction - Easy

  100 Rans for the day

  People need muscle for building! Working out can be fun too!

  (Physical Strength Level Up)>


We can get Skills too! I'm a little interested as to who is making these very happy descriptions but whatever. As I'm pondering I see a green arrow.


<Alchemy for the Guild - Easy - Recommended!

  100 Rans per cast

  Learn Alchemy and help the Guild! It'll be useful later!

  (Loan - Alchemy Lvl 1) (Alchemy Lvl 2)>


I grab the paper and head towards the counter but I see another color. On the 'D-C' board half of them have Red arrows, The few on 'A-B' are all Red. I opened one.


<Fenrir Extermination - Impossible

  1000000 Rans

  Get rid of a Fenrir causing trouble on the outskirts of the Black Forest.

  (Summon +)>


Wow. It sounds cool but if it's saying impossible why put it up? Oh. This is probably one of my skills. I think Quest and the window from earlier opens up but it isn't just my personal quest but all of the ones that had Arrows are lined up as well. Helpful. I head to the counter after closing it.


"This one." I turn Stealth off and give the earlier man the paper. "You can do Alchemy?"


"Nnn. Can now." "O-ok. It starts tomorrow at the first bell." I nod and as I turn away my body makes a growling noise. Hmmmm. Did I get hurt? 


Ignoring that I head towards the stairs and go to the third floor looking for the reference room. Eventually I find those exact words on a door and enter. A man stands up from a desk and hobbles over. He only has one leg and is moving by leaning on a stick. He looks very messy and once I look at his black hair he quickly brushes the free hand through it.


"A-aah a visitor. Very rare here. What are you looking for?" He looks excited.


"Information." "What kind?" "Nnn… Everything?" "E-everything? That'd be one big book huh." I tilt my head.


"Well I'm gonna guess you're a newbie. Wait a moment." He hobbles around the shelves lining the walls and pulls a couple of books out leaving them on a different desk. Eventually after making a small pile he comes back.


"I've given you a crash course on adventuring. You can leave them on the desk when you're done. Barely anyone comes here anyway." "Thanks." I sit down on the desk and open the top book.


"Ahhh if you want to write any notes down, they sell cheap notebooks downstairs at the shop." Right! I open Quest and go to the Notes tab, it's empty like before but if I can write notes like he said. I think about adding something and… 'Something' appeared on the screen. Ok. I copied the title of the first book. 'Monster Encyclopedia'. I read through the book copying any important information into my notes. 


After quite a while I finish going through the book and read through my notes to make sure I haven't made any mistakes but it seems fine. Eventually I start on the next book. 'Known Skills and their Effects'. I flip through it quickly but it's basically a really bad version of my Point List and Analyze.


The next book however catches my eye. 'Jobs. Upsides, Downsides and How to acquire them' Now this is good. I can only see the Jobs I am eligible for. I flip through and note a few interesting ones that seem cool or helpful. Dragon Knight sounds awesome, Hero and Grandmaster Wizard also sound epic. I also note all Criminal Jobs for huntings sake. Overlord and Evil Champions sound scary though.


"You okay miss?" "Mmm." "O-okay well it's shutting time now so you gotta come back another time. You should also get some food." "Food?"


"Yea it's past dinner time and you haven't eaten anything, not to mention your stomach has been growling ever since you came in." It's a warning for food?


"Ok. Thanks… for help…" "You're welcome. Come again." I leave and head out of the Guild. I can't think of anything else to do so I guess I should go to the Inn. I need to find food too.


Eventually I got back to the Inn. "Welcome back Yui! I'm sorry again for earlier." Nora runs up and bows her head leaning her body forward.


"Nnn. Fine... Do you know?... I need food?"


"A-aah yes. I do know you need food. Any person does." Grrrr I need to try harder at talking.


"I need food. Do you know where?" "Ahhh ok! We sell food here. Let me go get my Mom, she takes the orders at night. This time I know you can afford it!" As she goes to turn around she gets a hit on the head again. 


"What did I say about mentioning the customer's money?" "Not too…" "That's right and what did you just do?" "Mention it…" "Right now sit down and let me handle her. Come this way Yui." She leads me to an empty table. 


"Now what would you like to eat?" "Food." "Yes. What kind of food would you like?" "I want to stop my stomach from growling." "Hungry are you? I'll just get you the Chef's Choice as it is usually a bigger portion." "Ok." "That's 25 Rans." I hand over the money and she disappears behind a door.


I look around and see another woman cutting something up and putting it into her mouth. I better Analyze to make sure I do it properly.


<Tenga Potato


  2 Rans>


Information on how these potatoes are grown and the conditions they need to thrive are put into my head but nothing on how to eat them so I intently watch the lady push her black hair away from her face and put the food in, she moves her lower jaw up and down and then keeps cutting the food and doing it over and over. Where is it all going?


"Yui! Here's your food. Enjoy!" She places a plate down in front of me and a cup next to that and then leaves. I Analyze all the food and it seems to be. Kaga Steak, Tenga Potatoes and Sharala Lettuce. I copy the lady eating the food, I cut the steak up and put it in my mouth.


Something happens in my mouth that I can't explain. It feels intense. Water starts filling my mouth. It makes me feel good. I let instinct take over and the food slid down my mouth. Oh wow. This is the best. I keep eating the steak bit by bit. It's absolutely amazing. Eventually the steak runs out so I move onto the Potato and Lettuce and they aren't so good but I run them through the 'sauce' left over by the steak. The potato tasted even better but the lettuce was fine by itself. 


Eventually I finished the food and I Analyze the cup. Sango Juice and Water. Sango is a sweet fruit that grows on trees and squishing them makes this juice. Water is something that people need to stay alive apparently. I'll keep that in mind.


I drink the juice and the same feeling hits me again. My mouth is happy and when it goes down my throat I feel great and my body feels better than before.


"Was it that good?" The lady approaches me again. "Nnn. Anything else?" "Oh back to the deadpan look. We don't really do deserts here but I can probably whip something up." "How much?" "Another 25" I quickly hand over the money and happily sip on the juice while waiting.


Not too long after she comes back with a bowl of something leaves it on my table and goes back. After Analyzing it I finally got filled with information on how to eat. Apparently since this is made of several things put together it is 'food' and I understand that most people eat two to three times a day. Water several times a day and now food. I'm gonna have to write this in my notes. After writing it down I finally tried this 'Cake'. It feels nice in my mouth, it tastes sweet and it goes very well with the little bit of milk inside of it. I'm content. Maybe eating several times a day won't be so bad.


I get up and head to the safe place I was told about when I came here. Remembering the instructions I head to my room and I understand straight away that I could pick this lock easily. Why do I even need a key? I open the door with the key anyway and head in. Locking the door behind me I look over the room Analyzing everything. Chest for storage, Window, Desk and Bed. After Analyzing the bed another thing comes up. Sleep. Apparently I have to be unconscious for at least 4 hours a day. 


This body needs a lot to maintain itself. Not to mention if I have to be unconscious for several hours, bad guys can easily get me if I'm not careful. Well if I'm having trouble, Point List can help. I better check before I go to 'Sleep'.