Chapter 6
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Edward looked on hopefully at his parents. They had agreed to check out the shelter. Not for Alex, the puppy that Edward wanted to squeeze until it fell in love with him, but for something smaller. Like a bunny or a hamster.

The four of them, Edward, his mother and father and auntie, entered the shelter and saw a camera crew inside. There were muscular men inside the shelter, checking out the animals.

"What?" Belinda, Edward's mother, uttered as the four made a couple of uncertain steps forward. They did so just as they were nearing the camera crew, so they could hear a bit of what the man who had hanged Alex's posters was saying.

"Yes, I can't compete anymore.  But that doesn't mean that I am not a part of the weightlifting community anymore. You can make the weightlifter stop lifting, but you can't make him forget," Edward stared at the reporter woman who then proceeded to ask another question.

"Why an animal shelter, Frank? Surely, with your achievements, what with you winning the nationals, you could have become a coach?" Edward saw a pained look crossed through the man's face, then, it was replaced with a smile.

"To tell the truth, I was just looking for a job, at the time. But this place here, it is special. I think that, medals and trophies are not equal to a tally of adopted animals. Please, I know that you want to ask more questions, but, if you would like to do some good, film the animals."

The camera crew turned to the cages and Frank began to tell about each animal's good qualities. Edward had stars in his eyes. The children of the playground had play pretended to be famous, before. But this man was actually famous. And, instead of speaking about himself, he was trying to get more attention to the animals!

"Maybe we should come back later," Kristine, Edward's auntie, said. Already making a couple of steps away from the camera crew. But, Edward was having none of that. He took his mother's hand and tugged her to the area where the rabbits were kept.

The boy greeted each rabbit in turn and, when a single one came to the cage and poked its nose out, Edward poked it.

"I want this one," Edward pointed at the cage, where the rabbit was just staring at him and sniffing the air.

"This is Archie. And, I am afraid you are a bit late. Another person has taken a liking to him," Edward turned to stare at a strawberry-blonde woman with a kind smile.

"Who?" Edward pouted. This rabbit was by far the friendliest and the most intelligent. He wanted him as a friend.

"That would be me," Edward turned to his father's gasp.

"Are you, by any chance, Hugo Schmidt?" Jake, Edward's father, spoke with awe in his voice.

"Oh, you have heard of me?" The muscular man rubbed the back of his head, and Jake began to list all the tournaments he had seen Hugo in.

"You should have seen Frank. He made a stir in junior league and even got on the Olympic team. But, then, he got sick," Hugo looked at his former colleague, and he sighed. "Real shame. Before he got the condition, he could lift two-hundred and more without a problem."

Jake looked at Frank, who had opened one of the cages and was now holding a cat with a missing tip of the ear.

"Maybe he could have won us a medal," continued Hugo, looking forlorn. "I guess I would have to fill in his shoes."

"I am sure you will do just fine. You have been in competitions for years," Jake gushed and Belinda nudged him. "Right. Uhm, are you dead set on this rabbit?"

Hugo looked down at Edward, who had a hand pressed against the bars of the cage. His lips quivering.

"Why not let Archie choose?" Asked Hugo. He motioned to Emily and she opened the cage. She took the rabbit out and set it down on the ground. Like lightning, Archie began to circle around Hugo and Edward. It circled once, twice, and then settled to circling around just Edward.

"Archie choose me!" Edward pumped his little fist in the air, looking relieved.

"Well, guess I will take this one instead," Hugo pointed at a black rabbit that had a hipster fringe and who looked like he was above being in a cage. "Unless another toddler barges in?"

Emily giggled, and she took out the black rabbit and handed it to Hugo.

"I am not a toddler. I am a man grown," protested Edward and Hugo ruffled the boy's hair, which earned him more grumbling.

"I am certain that you will become a man grown, one day. But, for now, you are a toddler. Or, as the people of Japan, where the Olympics are held this year would say: a chibi."

"Sir, will you win?" Edward had scooped up Archie the bunny and was looking Hugo straight in the eyes.

"I will, if you watch the competition. With someone who is so well liked by rabbits rooting for the team, I am sure we will bring many medals," Edward nodded. He had never watched an Olympic before. Or, maybe he had. Last time that one was held, he had been just a baby.

"One day, I will become an athlete, just like you," Jake ruffled Edward's hair after those words, proud that his son had a purpose.

"That is nice, but you know what?" Hugo bent down so that he was next to Edward's ear, and he whispered. "The world needs more people like Frank, instead. I hear there is a soup kitchen in town. How about you volunteer there every Sunday after church? I am certain that, even a chibi like you, can be set to do good work there."

"You want me to get a job?" Asked Edward, eyes wide. "But only grown-ups have jobs." 

Hugo grinned.

"Weren't you a man grown?" Edward sucked in a breath, his cheeks puffing up, and he nodded. Hugo gave him a one-armed hug, his other hand being occupied by the black rabbit, and he walked to the front desk. Glad that he could inspire the future generations.