Chapter 8
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Frank was happy. He had gotten 35 animals adopted, all the ones that were due for the lethal injection were rescued and some that were supposed to have their turn, next week.

But that didn't mean he could relax. Little Alex was yet to be adopted. Sure, some people came to see him. But ultimately, they had left either empty-handed, or with different pets.

Today, Frank had brought dog Frank to see his son. He let the two dogs play in the little enclosure that was in the back of the shelter, and got to work.

Feeding the animals was done in record time. Giving them baths took a bit longer, but, still, he worked faster, but no less diligently, than usual. Then, when the clock showed 12:30, instead of going on a lunch break, Frank went to the front desk.

"Emily, may I see the list of the next batch of animals that need to be put down?" Emily pushed some papers around and handed him a small sticky note.

"This time it is just three. You did good work so far," Frank looked at the list. Two hamsters and a cat. The hamsters he wouldn't have many problems with. But the cat had a mean streak a mile wide.

"What are we going to do with Shadow?" Frank worried his lower lip. Shadow was a beautiful cat, but she had bitten him a couple of times during bath times. She would have scratched him, too, if Emily, who was one of the few people the feral beast let near herself, hadn't put some socks on her paws.

"I don't have high hopes for her, either," sighed Emily. "Which is a shame. She has been through a lot. And now, she might have to be put down because she was abused."

"What is her story?" Frank looked down the cat row and saw the Russian blue cat looking at him with hatred in her eyes. She had never forgiven Frank for the baths.

"She was rescued from a home that was in the ghetto. The household had three children. All being rough with Shadow. The neighbors reported that they would strangle her, beat her and even starve her. So, I suppose that, she had become so mean as a way to protect herself," Frank gulped. Truly, the cruelty of children surprised him.

He knew that there were countless children, like little Edward and Bobby, who cared about animals. But he couldn't kid himself that there weren't cruel children out there, too.

"What if we calm her down, somehow?" Frank asked. He went to shadow's cage and opened it. The cat hissed at him and spittle flew from her mouth.

"Do you want a walk?" Frank stepped away from the cage and the cat jumped out. She stretched and ran to a dark corner, where a couple of cardboard boxes were stacked. She got in one and then silence reigned in the shelter.  

"Do you think that, if we give her more freedom, she will turn around," Emily was next to him, looking at the cat, who had, for all intents and purposes, prepared for a siege.

"I think we need a specialist," Frank pulled out his phone. He had heard about a TV show called my cat from hell. After beginning to work for the shelter, he had begun following it. He was sure that there was an episode about two little girls and a cat that bitt the feet of the more active one. He had to just remember what the name of the episode was.

As Frank searched, Emily returned to the front desk. She still needed to make the report about the expenses of the shelter.

Hours later, Frank set down his phone, now with a game plan. He went to the kitten section of the food storage, and pulled some fish in a can. It was normally there for when the kittens had to take the anti-worm medicine. But he was sure that Emily was not going to scold him for just taking one can.

The former weightlifter placed the opened can next to the cardboard fortress, and waited. Shadow came out and sniffed the can. She looked at Frank with narrowed eyes, but took one of the small sardines out of the can and ate it. 

Frank smiled down on the cat and waited until Shadow ate the entire meal. Then, just as the cat was going to go back to the boxes, Frank motioned his fingers in a come here sign.

"I won't hurt you," Frank promised. "Come and let me give you a couple of pets."

Shadow edged closer to Frank; her steps small. Frank raised his hand and the cat stiffened. Then, he petted her head to back once, and pulled back his hand.

Shadow headbutted his hand and he repeated the motion. Emily, who had been watching the entire time, smiled.

Shadow let her handle her, but not pet her. This was great progress. Sure, the cat was never going to be a lap kitty, what with the troubling life she had led. But Emily was sure that, if anyone could soften the hurt animal's heart for just a week, then it was Frank.

She had to pull a lot of strings to get Frank hired, back when he applied. He had no experience and looked like he knew next to nothing about animals.

The first couple of days, he had always tried to fill the food bowls to the brim, until Emily explained to him that the animals would eat until there was no food left, not until they were full.

But, for all his lack of knowledge, Frank had a good heart. As dog Frank and the rest of the animals of the shelter would attest. Frank didn't just feed them. He made time to learn all their names and greet them. To give them a couple of pats and to make sure they were not lonely. And, he played with the animals during bath time, which Emily found endearing.

In a way, Frank and the animals had similar fates. Frank couldn't do what he loved anymore, and the animals were trapped here. But Frank was trying to make the best of his situation, and he was brightening the animals' days while doing so. Emily could see such a guy as a family man and wondered why he still was not.