Chapter 1
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This is only going to be six chapters as I wrote it as practice to implement some of the things I learned from Starship/Spaceship Reincarnator before starting my next series.

I actually put a picture up. I was thinking about putting up one of the reference pictures I used for the girls, but none of them had a pokemon in them, so I decided to use a shiny Vulpix for Mina's vulpix, Annabelle instead.

On a neglected road at the boundary of an insignificant city and the foothills of a mountain range that ran as far north and south as the eyes could see, ran three girls. The girls ignored the yellows and reds of the fall leaves of the trees that lined the road, and focused on a den made of sticks and rocks some distance from the main road leading back to civilization. 

“Come on Angie!” Yelled an energetic girl with bright brown eyes as she turned to point to the two Eevee running to hide in their nest, “Chad’s gonna get them first!”

Angie, struggling to keep up with the first girl thanks to the too fancy dress she wore, replied in a soft voice, “I’m hurrying! You know mother will kill me if I get my dress dirty.”

Mina, a girl with long dark brown hair accented by a single braid tied with a bow behind her right ear, brown eyes that almost seemed red showing a calm and gentle expression that was matched by her near constant smile, smoothed her elegant green dress with a squared white collar and white sleeves as she jogged just behind her two friends, giggling to herself at the exchange, “Immy, Chad’s not coming. He was just teasing you, again. He won’t steal your first pokemon.”

Immy, crinkled her nose, “I know. You won’t stop reminding me.” She slowed to a stop as they neared the Eevee nest, “Mina, get Annabelle out. I’ll get ‘em out.”

Mina regarded Immy as she studied the Eevee nest. Immy was an energetic girl whose emotions showed on her face as she felt them.  Her chin length brown hair was usually a mess, but she had recently started wearing a green beret so Mina would stop trying to get her to comb her hair. She wore a casual outfit that consisted of a worn out yellowed blouse and equally worn out jeans that had dirt on the knees and butt from recess earlier that day.

Angie looked between Mina and Immy, pulling an empty pokeball from her purse that matched the blue dress she wore, “Be careful Mina.”

Mina looked at Angie. Angie was a petite girl and probably the smallest in their grade. She had black shoulder length hair with two hair clips in an ‘x’ on the left side of her bangs. She wore a yellow newsboy cap with a purple bow on its side. Her most striking facial feature were her large green eyes that showed the worry apparent on the rest of her round, childlike face as she watched Immy approach the Eevee nest.

Immy pulled out some food and tossed it in front of the nest.

An Eevee poked its head from the nest and sniffed at the food.

Mina took a quick breath to prepare herself as she pulled out her pokeball with Annabelle inside and readied it.

Immy tossed some food a little further away, “I think it’s the mom.”

The Eevee wearily looked at the three girls, but they had been coming here daily so it had gotten used to them and took the food after only a few moments.

Mina tossed her pokeball, aiming between the mother Eevee and the nest, “Annabelle!”

Mina had gotten a lot of practice lately throwing Annabelle’s pokeball and the ball landed almost exactly where she’d wanted it.

There was a flash of light as the pokeball opened, releasing Mina’s shiny Vulpix Annabelle.

Mina took a step forward, “Annabelle, quick attack!”

Annabelle reacted immediately and attacked the surprised Eevee.

Mina and Angie flinched at the same time as the Eevee did.

Mina hated fighting pokemon and felt bad everytime she fought them, but Immy dragged her out every day since she didn’t have her own yet.

Immy turned to Angie and waved toward the Eevee, “It’s weak! Try catching it!”

Angie gave Mina an uncertain look, but Mina nodded in encouragement, and Angie threw the pokeball at the Eevee.

The pokeball landed close enough to the Eevee.

The ball wiggled for a moment as the Eevee trapped inside struggled to get free, but eventually stopped.

Immy jumped and cheered, “Yeah! We got her!”

Mina gave Angie a proud smile, “Good job!”

Angie blushed and clutched at her dress, “Thank you.”

Immy scooped up the pokeball with the newly captured Eevee then turned to the nest, “Looks like Jumper’s coming out!”

Mina turned to look at the nest and saw the boy Eevee they’d named Jumper, because well…, “Annabelle!”

Annabelle turned to face Jumper.

Jumper mewed in fright as it saw Annabelle turn its attention toward him, but stood its ground.

Immy cheered, “That’s my Jumper! Not running from a fight!”

Mina knew Jumper was a lower level than its mother, and Annabelle was level eighteen so she couldn’t use a normal attack on it or it would faint and they wouldn’t be able to catch it, “Annabelle! Confuse Ray!”

Annabelle opened her mouth and shot a beam of energy from her mouth, striking Jumper.

Jumper’s posture became unsteady and it looked around unsure what to do.

Jumper lashed out, but stumbled, injuring itself.

Immy pulled an empty pokeball from the small backpack she wore and tossed it at the confused Jumper, “Come on!”

The ball landed next to Jumper, trapping it inside after a brief struggle.

Immy jumped and whooped, “Got ‘em!”

Mina walked towards the nest and looked inside, “Come out Isabelle. We’re going to become best friends.”

The last Eevee, Jumper’s twin that Angie had named Isabelle, cowered in the back of the nest.

Mina felt terrible doing this to the frightened Eevee, “Annabelle, confuse ray!”

Annabelle fired a confuse ray at Isabelle.

Isabelle resisted the confuse ray and stared at Annabelle with babydoll eyes.

Annabelle’s posture relaxed a little.

Mina repeated the attack, “Confuse ray!”

Isabelle took the confuse ray and began wobbling on her feet, but charged at Annabelle, missing her.

Isabelle was already confused and Mina didn’t want to attack it directly so decided to return Isabelle’s first attack, “Annabelle, babydoll eyes!”

Annabelle looked at Isabelle with a look that made Mina melt every time the vulpix used it.

Isabelle relaxed a little, and turned to run away, but smacked head first into one of the rocks that lined it’s nest, injuring it.

Angie didn’t hesitate this time and threw an empty pokeball at Isabelle.  

Isabelle disappeared inside the pokeball, but after a few wobbles, broke free.

Immy cheered, “Izzy’s got some fight!”

Mina giggled at Immy’s very Immy reaction, “Babydoll eyes!”

Isabelle relaxed a little, but ended up hurting herself on a different rock.

Angie pulled another pokeball from her purse and threw it, “Eh!”

Isabelle disappeared inside the new pokeball, and after a short struggle, was captured.

Immy cheered again, “Maybe I’ll take Izzy instead. She’s a scardy cat, but she’s tough!”

Angie pushed past Mina and Annabelle and scooped up Isabelle’s pokeball, “We already decided!”

Immy laughed and scooped up Jumper’s pokeball, “I know! Just teasin’ ya!”

Angie pouted as she studied Isabelle’s pokeball.

Mina giggled, “Jumper seems more of an Immy pokemon, anyway.”

Immy raised Jumper’s pokeball into the air triumphantly and screamed, “I finally got my first pokemon!”

Angie looked up from Isabelle’s pokeball and smiled, “Thank you for waiting for me.”

Immy turned to Angie and grinned, “I thought it’d be fun if we got our pokemon at the same time!” She glanced at Mina and her grin widening, “Even if Mina couldn’t wait.”

Mina recalled her birthday seven months ago, “My dad and Michael didn’t know about our promise…”

Immy shrugged then turned to Annabelle, “Yeah. Still, I wish my dad and brothers were cool enough to get me a shiny pokemon for my birthday.”

Angie giggled, “You wouldn’t stop reminding them about our promise.”

Immy laughed, “Oh yeah!”

Mina leaned over and pet Annabelle, “Good job, Annabelle!”

Annabelle cried happily at the attention.

Mina picked up Annabelle’s pokeball, “I’ve got your favorite treat for you when we get home!”

Annabelle circled once happily, then got returned to her pokeball.

Immy tossed Jumper’s pokeball into the air and caught it, “Angie, let’s look at these three on your pokedex!”

Angie pulled the brand new pokedex she’d gotten today for her tenth birthday from her purse, “Okay.”

Immy held out Jumper’s and Momma Eevee’s pokeball as Angie turned on her pokedex, “Here ya go.”

Angie placed the proffered pokeballs in her purse and looked at Isabelle first, then Jumper, and finally momma Eevee, entering their names when prompted:


Name: Isabelle

Level: 1

Attacks: Covet, tackle, babydoll eyes, and growl.



Name: Jumper

Level: 1

Attacks: Covet, babydoll eyes, quick attack, tackle.



Name: Roseline

Level: 5

Attacks: Covet, sand attack, quick attack, tackle

Immy shook her head as Angie entered momma Eevee’s name as Roseline, “Mina let you name her pokemon again?”

Mina nodded, “Angie’s really good at giving cute names.”

Immy shrugged, “I guess.”

Angie handed Immy Jumper’s pokeball, “Let’s go to the pokecenter. I don’t like thinking about Isabelle being hurt.”

Mina nodded in agreement, “Mom’s waiting too.”

Immy clutched Jumper’s pokeball to her chest and looked extremely giddy, “Yeah! Gonna play with my new best bud a lot tonight after I get home from the birthday party!”

Mina giggled, “You’re going to find the first wild pokemon you can and catch it.”

Immy laughed, “Yeah, like I said. Gonna play with my new best bud a lot tonight! Can’t leave him at level one forever and I want to see how fast I can evolve him to a Jolteon!” 

Angie put her hand on her purse where she’d safely stowed Isabelle and Roseline, “I think Eevees are cute like this.”

Mina thought for a moment, “I don’t know. I think Sylveons are pretty cute too.”

Angie nodded in agreement, “Yeah! Maybe we can evolve Roseline into a Sylveon!”

Mina liked that idea, “And let Isabelle stay an Eevee?”

Angie smiled, “Mmhmm!”

Mina turned down the path they’d come and saw her mother watching them from in the car, “Let’s go.” She glanced at Immy, “We can train Jumper and Roseline together.”

Immy grinned and started running, “Race ya!”

Mina and Angie started walking, making no attempt to race with Immy and, by the time they arrived at the car, found her eagerly showing off Jumper’s pokeball to Mina’s mother and little brother, Raphael.

Mina’s mother had gotten out of the car and was smiling politely as she watched Raphael listen with excitement.

Immy made a motion with her head mimicking Annabelle’s confusion ray attack, “...and Jumper started wobbling around and fell on his face. That’s when I threw my ball and got ‘em!”

Mina looked at her mother. She was well proportioned with a large chest and hips. Her dark brown hair was pulled in a bun, and framed her large light brown eyes and round face that had just enough makeup to be noticeable. The clothes she was wearing was a fashionable, yet not too expensive white dress with a simple yellow flower pattern.

Mina’s mom smiled politely as she reacted to Imoen’s story, “That’s amazing. Seems like you girls did a good job.”

Immy turned to Annabelle, who was walking next to Mina, “Yeah! Annabelle was super cool!”

Mina pet Annabelle, then hugged her around the neck, “Annabelle was amazing.”

Mina’s mother pat Annabelle on the head, then looked at Mina, “Put Annabelle away, dear, then get in the car. We need to take your new pokemon to the Pokecenter.” 

Mina held out Annabelle’s pokeball towards Annabelle, “I’ll get your treats when you get home.”

Annabelle let out a happy bark before entering the pokeball.

Mina’s mom turned towards Raphael, “Raphy! Time to go!”

Raphael turned towards the car, “Okay!”

Soon, everyone was in the car, and on their way to the pokecenter. They were currently in Tree Town, which didn’t have a pokecenter, so they had to drive one town over to the one in Sharon City.

Once Mina’s mom parked the car, she turned to the girls, “You girls go ahead.” She turned to Angie, “I need to call your mom, Angelique.”

Angie smiled politely as she waited for Immy to open the door, “Thank you, Ms. Almenara.”

Immy jumped from the car as soon as she opened the door, “Jumper, I’m gonna heal you up real good!” Then fixed her beret as it had bumped the door when she jumped out.

Mina climbed out the front seat and grabbed Angie’s hand as she spotted some nuisances, “Come on, Angie.”

Angie didn’t resist, and followed Mina, “Chad saw us?”

Mina glanced at the group of boys their age having a pokemon duel in the small duel area next to pokecenter, “Uhuhn. They’re too busy watching their friends’ matches.”

Angie watched the group of boys, her face filled with worry, then glanced at Immy, “Let’s come back when they’re gone.”

Mina sighed as she watched Immy disappear into the pokecenter, “Let’s go inside and wait for my mom. They’ll leave us alone if we’re with grownups.”

Angie still looked worried, but nodded, “Okay.”

Mina did her best to keep cars between them and the group of boys, and they managed to make it inside the pokecenter unseen.

Imoen was already at the counter waiting for Jumper to get healed.

The attendant handed Immy Jumper’s pokeball as Mina walked up to the counter, “Here you go, Ms. Pontipee. Good luck training your new pokemon!”

Immy was grinning ear to ear, “Next time I’m here, I’ll show you all the new pokemon I catch!”

The attendant smiled politely, then turned to Mina and Angie, “May I help you young ladies?”

Mina smiled and held out Annabelle’s and Roseline’s pokeballs, “Can you please heal my two pokemon and,” she turned to Angie, “my friend’s?”

Angie held out Isabelle’s pokeball, “Please. I would appr… appreciate it.”

The attendant took the proffered balls, “Of course!” then put them in the healing machine.

Immy turned to Mina, “Let’s have a match!”

Mina recalled the group of boys using the duel arena, which made her lip curl slightly in disgust, “What about Angie’s party?”

Angie nodded, but didn’t look very enthusiastic, “Yeah. My momma wanted us to come after we healed our pokemon.”

Immy’s mood fell, “Ugh, don’t wanna think about seeing your mom.”

Mina giggled, “It’ll be okay! You know she doesn’t really hate you.”

Immy slouched forward and hung her head, “She sure acts like it.”

Angie shifted awkwardly since she never felt comfortable talking about how her mother felt about Immy, “Um…” She pointed to an obese man, with stringy, thin hair, bad acne, and was wearing an old greasy trainer jersey that didn’t help his image, “Oh… look… It's the gym leader.”

Immy didn’t seem to care about Immy’s bad attempt at changing the subject, and turned to look at the gym leader, “Geh. It’s Mike.”

Mina wasn’t a fan of Gym Leader Mike either, “Mike is… okay.”

Angie stuck out her tongue in disgust, “He stinks.”

Immy nodded her agreement, “Don’t think he takes a bath very much.”

Mina cocked her head to the side as she looked at the gym leader, “But he’s a good gym leader.”

Immy shrugged, “Yeah, but I’m not fightin’ him. His pokemon are creepy too”

Angie turned to Immy, “You don’t want to be a trainer anymore?”

Immy dropped her head again, “Geh… Right… I have to fight ‘em if I want the gym badge…”

Mina was about to make a comment about using nose plugs, when she forced a smile on her face and turned to the door, “Hi Chad.”

Immy froze, her face a mix of disgust and surprise, “Geh…”

A boy with tousled short brown hair, blue eyes, an open green jacket with white shirt underneath, exercise shorts, and a face that had a near constant cocky look, walked up to the counter, “You finally got a pokemon, Poopie Pee?”

Immy turned to Chad in a huff, “Go away, Chaddle.”

Chad crossed his arms, his cocky smile widening, “Want to fight? Your pokemon must be so strong! I might have to use more than a Magicarp to beat you.”

Chad’s faceless friends laughed.

Immy’s cheeks started to turn red from anger, “Jumper would…”

Chad waved a hand dismissively at Immy, and turned to Mina, “Hey, Smiles, you sure you won’t duel me?”

Mina felt her smile twitch, “No thank you. It’s Angie’s birthday today, so we need to go.”

Chad turned to Angie, “Can I come, Dolly? Your parents are loaded. I bet’cha there’s lots of awesome food there.”

Chad’s faceless friends gave their agreement.

Angie moved behind Mina and grabbed her dress.

The attendant returned with Immy and Mina’s pokeballs and placed them on the counter.

Mina took the balls, “Thank you.”

The attendant glanced at Chad, then looked back to Mina with a look of concern on her face, “Is everything okay?”

Chad laughed at Angie hiding behind Mina, then turned to the attendant when he noticed she was starting to look like she would intervene, “On second thought Poopie Pee will be there so it’ll stink.”

Chad turned to the attendant and handed his pokeballs to her.

Immy was clenching her fists, and looked like she wanted to hit chad.

Mina hurriedly grabbed her and Angie’s pokeballs from the counter, “Thank you.” She then turned to Immy, “Let’s go. My mom’s waiting.”

Chad glanced at the wary attendant before turning to Immy, “Watch out for the Poke Sucker! Wouldn’t want your precious Jumper to get its soul sucked out too.”

Mina grabbed Immy’s hand and pulled her away before she could say anything.

Immy looked relieved Mina had pulled her away, “Stupid Chadders…”

Chad turned to his friends and said something that made them all laugh as they watched the girls leave.

Once outside, Angie stopped clutching Mina’s dress, “I hate Chad.”

Immy shook her head,  “First Chad, and now I have to see your mom. Uh…” she turned to Angie, “Sorry Angie.”

Angie didn’t look offended, “It’s okay.”

Mina’s mom saw them and waved at them, “You girls ready to go?”

Immy waved back, “No! Uh… yeah.”

Mina giggled.

Angie looked at Chad and his friends through the glass entrance door to the pokecenter, “What’s a Poke Sucker?”

Immy thought for a moment, “I think that’s what they’re calling that thing that killed those pokemon last week.” She raised her hands and wiggled her fingers at Angie in a scary manner, “Turned ‘em white like their life had been sucked outta them.”

Angie didn’t look scared and more interested, “Oh! I remember! It was… um…”

Mina had watched the same news program, “North of Crossroad City.”

Immy nodded, “Yup! Should be fine down here.”

Angie didn’t seem convinced, but they arrived at the car, so she said nothing and climbed inside.

Angie’s house was back in Tree Town, so a few minutes’ drive later, they pulled up in front.

Angie’s house wasn’t a mansion, but it was pretty large. The house itself had a large brick wall surrounding an equally large and well kept lawn with flower beds lining the outside of the house. The house was two stories, with four bedrooms and two baths on the second floor. The kitchen, two offices, a large living area, a bathroom, and a three car garage were on the first floor. There was a basement with a movie lounge and the utilities one would expect in a house.

Mina’s mother pushed the remote to open the gate to the driveway, and pulled inside.

Angie’s mom came outside just as the car came to a stop. She was a petite woman with raven black hair cut in a bob. Her eyes were a striking blue that Mina envied. She had a narrow face that contrasted Angie’s more round one. She wore a smart gray business women’s suit that went well with her usual cold business-like demeanor. 

Angie’s mother met Mina’s as the latter stepped out from the car, “Thank you, Anne. Did the girls get their pokemon?”

Mina’s mother smiled politely, “Yes. I am sure the girls are excited to show you.”

Angie’s mother turned to the girls, “Hello, Mina.” She turned to Immy, her expression turning ever so slightly cold, “Ms. Pontipee.”

Mina smiled politely, “Thank you for inviting me to Angelique’s birthday party, Ms. Barnette.”

Immy did her best to smile politely, but it was obvious she was faking it, “Thanks, Ms. Barnette.”

Angie’s mother turned back to Mina’s mother, “Josh, Gabrielle, and Michael are already inside putting on the finishing touches for the decorations.”

Mina’s mom motioned for the girls to go ahead as she turned to pick up Raphael from his carseat in the back of the car, “Go ahead, girls.”

Immy gave a wary look to Angie’s mom as they walked past her, then walked quickly into the house.

As soon as she entered, she stopped and snickered, “Angie! They put your whole name up!”

Angie’s face turned red as she and Mina entered and spotted the banner hanging on the far wall of the spacious living room.

It read: Happy Birthday Angelique Victorica Jeanne Barnett.

Mina smiled as she read the banner, “Your mom really likes your name.”

Angie’s face turned even redder.

Immy was grinning as she turned to Angie, “Well, I think it’s cute.”

Mina nodded her agreement as she turned towards the petite girl, “Me too.”

Mina’s brother Michael, a seven year old boy with brown hair, eyes, and a face that wasn’t worried for once, ran up to the group of girls, “Mina! Didj’ya get your Eevees?”

Immy spun to face Michael, putting her hand on her hips, “Sure did! You shoulda seen it! Annabelle was awesome, and the Eevees are so cute!”

Michael pouted, “I wish I coulda come, but dad made me come here to help. It’s not fair Raphael got to go.”

Immy patted Michael on the shoulder, “I’ll show you Jumper,” she turned to a large table under the banner filled with foods, snacks, and a large three tiered cake, “after I get some of that!”

As Immy ran off to the food table, Angie’s mother came inside with Mina’s mom, Raphael, and one of their classmates that must have come right after they came inside, “Angelique!”

Angie turned to Mina, “See you later.”

Mina giggled, “I’ll come with you.”

Angie shook her head, “I’ll be okay.” She glanced at Immy, as the energetic girl grabbed food from the table, “Um… Immy… She’s going to get sick.”

Mina giggled again, “I’ll do my best!”

As Mina kept Immy from getting herself sick from eating too much, Angie’s birthday party started.

Mina looked around the room and was glad to see that much of the decorations of Angie’s Paris obsessed parents were put away in lieu of birthday decorations. She never understood why they liked Paris so much, because the last time they’d gone, they came back with something called ‘Paris Syndrome.’

As more guests arrived, Mina wished it had been just the three friends, as none of the other guests were her or Angie’s friends and were just there for the party. Still, they’d at least gotten to catch Immy’s and Angie’s first pokemon today, so at least they’d had that time just to themselves.

Immy came to Mina with a plate full of French pastries, “Wanna do some trainin’ after the party? Gotta get goin’ or Chad’ll get a gym badge before I do.”

Mina wasn’t interested in becoming a pokemon trainer herself, but she too hated Chad, and if training with Immy would help her beat him, she’d do it, “Sure!”

Immy grinned, “Thanks! I’ll ask Angie for some of her potions.” She pointed to a large decorative bag filled with potions, “She got tons from her mom for her birthday.”

Mina began loading a plate of snacks for herself as she thought about their new pokemon. She would have to put in some effort herself if she wanted to help train Immy’s pokemon. But, for now, she wanted to enjoy the party.