Keen Interlude 02
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Sorry about missing wednesday's chapter! I've been a bit... occupied.

Keen Blade was bored.

It had been 5 days since the hidden realm trial had began, but waiting around outside was just so tedious. There was no way to see inside and watch the interesting going-ons; neither was there a way to properly focus on other matters. The roiling portal above took care of that.

Over the encampment, a huge array of Qi was constantly shifting about, keeping up the connection to the hidden realm until it was time for the trial to end. It wouldn’t open again for a bit more, but just maintaining the connection was sending the Qi in the surroundings into a frenzy. Keen Blade could hardly cultivate in such conditions.

She couldn’t leave the vicinity either—rules dictated that one elder had to always be present outside the portal, and she was the only one here. A privilege of being the acting vassal ambassador.

So, her days were rather uneventful. She laid about in her tent, occasionally sipping on some of the wine that elder Thousand Lakes had brought her. It really wasn’t the same without the company.

I wonder what he’s up to inside there? An elder playing about with the juniors—something interesting has to have happened. I wish I could do something like that... Dutifully taking care of my duties just takes so much time! Maybe I should just push it all on the juniors like the other elders.

She let the idle dream hang for a moment, then sighed and slumped down onto her wooden bench. Of course, there was no way she would actually dump all her work away—but it was nice to dream, right?

She rolled over on the bench and stared at herself in the mirror. A pretty woman with ruffled-up hair stared back. It had been pretty fun to doll elder Thousand Lakes up according to her tastes—she had always thought it would be nice to have a little sister or something of the sort to play around with.

The look suited the man pretty well, most would no doubt be fooled. Perhaps he had even stirred the hearts of some dashing young men in that getup? Keen Blade had to laugh at the thought.

Of course there’s no way something like that would happen. He is a dignified sect leader after all.

Though, that thought made her pause. Dignified. Was that the right word to describe the man? It was a word all elders were supposed to embody, but she had felt little of that in their talks. If anything, he seemed to only keep up a facade of dignity for appearance’s sake. His true self was more real, more relaxed.

And was she not, right now, acting the same?

Laying about in a tent and drinking spirit wine alone could hardly be considered that dignified of a pursuit, and she was being careful to make sure nobody witnessed her. She hadn’t really acted like this before, had she?

Ever since that visit to check on the man’s taxes, Keen Blade had occasionally found herself loosening up—taking a bit of time here and there to unwind and ignore more official matters. Have I really been affected that strongly by him?

It was a bit worrying, noticing that you had changed so much from such a little bit of interaction. Still, she relaxed as fast as she had gotten worried. The change that had come over her wasn’t a bad one—she was feeling a lot better these days.

Besides, she didn’t mind elder Thousand Lakes. He was... well...

Suddenly, she felt a shift in the Qi around her as the portal began to open up again. Oh, it’s time for the trial to end already? I thought it wouldn’t be for a while yet.

She rolled herself off the bench and began straightening up her hair and patting her robes back into order. She checked herself in the mirror to make sure her look was fine and dignified enough, then decided to add a bit of eyeliner. Maybe I should loosen up with my getup a bit too.

Satisfied with her appearance, she headed outside to await the opening of the realm. Her mood was brightening up steadily as she thought of the interesting tales she would get to hear—it was always a nostalgic experience. Her own experiences in the lower-level hidden realms had been exciting and full of danger and competition, just as any young cultivator’s journey should be.

She would also get an opportunity to chat with elder Thousand Lakes a bit more, his tale would surely be the most interesting one of all.

She brushed her hair up one more time to ensure it was in order, and then stood patiently, waiting for the realm to open. A dignified reception was important in times like these—ceremonies always had their place.

The Qi roiled, and the portal began to slowly open up. Keen Blade sensed the approaching people through it, though they were moving unusually fast. Usually after events like these, people tended to walk out exhausted.

As the presences neared, she prepared her voice, and started giving her speech. “Welcome back victorious challengers! It is always a—”

Elder Thousand Lakes rushed through the portal, panic on his face.

Keen Blade’s eyes widened as she took in his panicked visage, still in that feminine form, and her speech stopped. The would-be mysterious swordswoman did not slow down at all, and soon shouts could be heard from behind her.

First, a stark-naked man rushed through, speeding his steps with gouts of steam. “Please wait! I want to thank you for all of your help!”

Another cultivator followed, this one a young man who emitted the aura of an early second realm. Keen Blade gasped as she realized that the first-realmer from the Thousand Lakes sect had actually managed to find fortune inside the realm. His shout was no quieter than the previous.

“Fair lady! Please allow me to show my gratitude!”

A few more similar figures appeared, young men addled with infatuation. However, another faction soon followed. These men bore thunderous expressions, mouths twisted in sneers and eyes blazing with anger. Many wore Slime sect robes, though other factions were well represented as well.

“You harlot! I’ll have my revenge!”

“I would have won that fight without your interference; I’ll have you for this!”

As soon as they were out of the portal, the two factions noticed each other, and a massive brawl began. Keen Blade watched it with wide eyes, amazed at the chaos that had been caused.

With his chasers otherwise occupied, Elder Thousand Lakes managed to shake them off and flew next to Keen Blade. He gave her an apologetic smile.

“Sorry, I’m afraid things got a bit out of hand.”

Keen Blade sensed that he now emanated the power of someone with two Qi strings, and not weak ones at that. As expected, an elder would manage to secure success in there. Still... She looked at the raging brawl, displeased. She turned to elder Thousand Lakes.

“You owe me at least two bottles of spirit wine for this one. Fine ones too, I’ll expect something good.”

The man nodded, then slowly crept behind her, shielding himself from any stray gazes. Keen Blade sighed and began preparing a weave. She would need something to properly catch everyone’s attention here.

She drew out her sword hilt and activated her [Divine Slicing Water Dragon Blade of the Twin Moons Blessed by the Stars]. A torrent of water gushed forth from the hilt, and she adjusted the Qi to ensure it wouldn’t be lethal. She then extended her domain, connecting it to the gout of water.

She drew the blade out and sliced it down at the brawl.

The clouds in the sky above split, and all the disciples were drenched in the water, stopping the brawl in its tracks.

She let her domain spread through the water and cast out a message to all in it.

“The trial is over, so all fighting shall cease. Any who continue to brawl will be reported to their elders, and I will recommend a strict reprimand. Return to your camps. You are all dismissed.”

She released the technique, and the mass of water fell to the ground, then began draining away. The disciples looked embarrassed, ashamed, angered, some even relieved. None protested. They all began silently striding away.

Keen Blade turned to the man behind her and gave him a look. “Well, you certainly have a tale to tell, don’t you? Nobody has managed to rile the people up like that in centuries!”

Elder Thousand Lakes nodded, then shuffled on his spot awkwardly. “I’ll be sure to tell you, but...” He looked at the disciples retreating to his own camp, and saw the disciples there, still looking around for any sign of him. He turned back to Keen Blade.

“These pills still last for five more days, right? I really don’t think I should be appearing amidst my disciples as I am now—things would get... awkward. Could you perhaps... help me out a bit.”

A smile almost quirked its way through Keen Blade’s lip, but she clamped it down. She made sure to keep up a stern face. “So, after such a display, you come seeking more help? I can’t be too favorable to you, you know. People will notice.”

This time the man in front of her smiled confidently, and Keen Blade felt herself grin back in return. He certainly was infectious in his mood. “Well, I won’t be relying on you without offering anything in return.” He took up a mysterious air and gave a conspiratorial look. “What if I were to tell you I discovered a deeply hidden secret of the realm—something that hasn’t been found in generations. Surely such information would be in value. It allowed me to gain great power, and even find the inspiration to form a new weave.”

Well, he certainly doesn’t disappoint. Something like that... It could be worth a lot. He’s willing to share it with someone from another sect?

“Are you sure you’re willing to share something like that? Such finds are usually kept as hidden secrets.”

The man smiled. “What’s the point of a secret if it’s never shared? I would, however, appreciate some extra assistance related to the matter. Could you arrange for me to get some manuals on dream Qi? I fear my own libraries are quite lacking in that.”

Keen Blade started walking back to her tent, motioning for the man to follow. “Well, if that is the case, we’ll want to get you some jade slips from the Twisted Fantasy sect—we should be able to manage that.”

She made sure her head was facing forward, away from the man, and allowed herself a quick, private smile. With this, I’ll surely have some interesting days ahead. Goodbye boredom and tedium!

“So, to solve both of your issues, how would you feel like visiting the Liquid Sword sect for a few days?”

So, I'll probably be putting this story on a bit of a break for now—at least some weeks. My new series has, to put it mildly, really been blowing up on RoyalRoad. I've been pretty surprised at how positive the reception for that one has been, especially considering how mixed of a reception this series got there. 

With that series doing so well, I want to ensure I nail the launch. Therefore, I won't really have the time to write more of this fic until I've stabilized my weekly schedules. I do hope to write more, there are at least two arcs I've thought up that I really want to write. 

I also need to generally charge up my xianxia batteries more—I don't think I've read any at all since starting this series, and my inspiration for cultivation is running low. Help me find some inspiration, and recommend some good xianxia. My own recommendation would be "Ascending, do not disturb", which is actually the biggest inspiration for me making this series. Check it out if you want some fluffy, relaxed feel-good cultivation. 

What have been your favourite moments of Easygoing Sect Leader so far? I haven't planned the next arcs that far, so I'll be interested to hear what the main appeals have been.

Until next time, thanks for reading!