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Luvra sat in the now empty main hall, staring out across the palace grounds. Letting the cousins live was unlikely to prove popular with most of the other gods. Glorz might approve, but the rest…

The little Goblin’s attempt at a legal defense was shaky at best, and likely to be seen as an insult to all of magical law in the views of most of the Twelve. But—well, the Dragons had been so very close to breaking through her defences when the pair had arrived. 

Then, well…the Gorc girl had made Luvra feel alive for the first time in… to be honest, she wasn’t sure. Even Neraph’m hadn’t put so much effort into making her enjoy intimate moments. Gragya had brought a jow that had filled every corner of Luvra’s body. After receiving such pleasure from her, Luvra felt quite incapable of sending the Gorc to her death. Yet she wasn’t sure how long she could keep her farce of a ruling she’d given in her court.

Vansence would call out the deeply questionable precedent it would set and Nyl would no doubt demand the deaths she was owed. The others… they’d probably be less outspoken, but would still push for blood. 

Luvra stood up to pace across the stone room, her footsteps echoing across the empty room. She needed to find a way to get rid of the cousins. Something that wouldn’t seem like favouritism or anything that would risk seeing Illyxa move to the side of the Draconic League. As the Goblin sorceress did have significant reasons to choose to side with them, once her payment had been processed. Assuming they forgave her for breaking one of their armies.

A flash in the dark hall caused the Moon Goddess to spin about, ready to deal with the source. Only to realise she was looking at another deity. Though it was not one she was familiar with. They had blue skin, green hair, large round glasses, and wore earthen coloured clothing. The shirt was quite loose and flowing, while their lower garment seemed to be tights, though made of an oddly thick material for tights.

“Hello?” Luvra said, eyeing the oddly dressed being of unclear gender with hesitation.

“Hello! Apologies for intruding, but… I have been asking around, looking for heroes to protect my world,” the new arrival said. “I was told by a friend that your world may be a good one to turn to.”

“Heroes? What might you need those for?” Luvra asked.

“I—well, I raised life upon my world without magic, in an effort to hide it from a dark threat—buuut said threat has found them now and they are quite defenseless,” the being replied. “I don’t have time to teach any of them magic, so I was hoping I could outsource.”

“Ah… if it is magical assistance you need, I may be able to provide you with champions,” Luvra said. “Though, I would like to know your name before offering them.”

“Oh! Oh yes! Apologies. Bit scatterbrained with everything going on—and I never really bothered with one. Still, my people have given me a couple. They’re usually calling me Gaia or Mother Earth these days. Even if I’m not specifically a woman. Never really understood that ‘gender’ stuff, to be honest.”

Luvra nodded, finding this ‘Gaia’ a bit odd, but the timing was quite convenient… it seemed her luck was still working.

And there we have it, book one is done, ending on the hook for what was actually the original idea. I just wanted to get the character’s personalities and the mechanics of magic figured out before writing the reverse-isekai story.

And, as promised, the links to where you can buy the edited final version of the story, which is something like 7K words longer:

Amazon - kindle and paperback

Itch - ebook and pdf

And stay tuned for book two, Illyxa & Gragya Save the Earth coming… um, eventually. 😅