Chapter 7: Choice
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Last time we left Francine at her lowest point. Will she be able to get up again?

"Lady Francine."

I look up. There's a voice I don't hear too often.

"Lord Gabriel."

Soft-spoken, but with a purpose. He rarely says much unless he feels it is necessary. So why has he come? Has he approached me even once in all these playthroughs? Perhaps. We have spoken at several points, I know that much, but he's not really the type to initiate conversation. I actually quite like him, but I'd be shocked if he feels the same way about me.

"You are on your own today?" he asks.

"Yes, I... yes." I asked Bella and Eloise to leave me for the day. They worry too much.

"May I take a seat?"

I put my book down. "By all means." He sits down, and looks at me. It's really hard to read anything in those dark eyes of his. "What has brought you here?" I ask.

He waits for a moment before replying. "I am not one for small talk, so I shall speak plain. I have come on behalf of Emma."

A chill runs down my spine. I'm not sure how to respond to that. "Pardon?"

"Normally I would not approach a bully, but as you appear to have changed your ways, I agreed to make an exception." Every word feels like it hits me like a hammer, despite his soft voice. Was he always this imposing? "You see, Emma has expressed frustration that Lord Paul has been unwilling to help her. So she broached the idea of asking Lord Arthur to talk to you. I believe, and you likely agree, that would not be a great idea. Hence I volunteered to go in his stead."

"Pardon?" I am floored. Not just at how much Gabriel is saying, but also what he's saying. "Why would she..."

"I can only speculate. She has mentioned how lonely you look. Such compassion for someone who tormented her for months." His smile is cold.

I flinch. But I can't deny it. "Yes. Grenier is a good person. I am not." He doesn't argue, nor did I expect him to. "Is that what you came to say?" I feel like I would rather be alone again.

He shakes his head. "No. Emma wishes you would stop avoiding her."

My heart skips a beat. I stare at him as if he just told me the sky is red. "But... why?" I probably sound pathetic, but it's all I'm able to say.

"She wishes to speak to you, but you always retreat if she comes near. I have cautioned against this idea, of course, but she has been quite adamant." He sighs lightly.

I don't understand. She is free. "Why would you agree to tell me this? You know what I've done." That confuses me as much as any of the rest of this.

"Yes." His gaze feels rather oppressive. "But if I didn't, then she would find someone else. Someone not aware of the full extent of the situation. Under the circumstances, I thought I was the better option."

I feel battered. The way he speaks, the impact of his words, makes it clear he is not happy about being here. He never raises his voice, and on the surface he has a flat, neutral tone, but somehow I can still sense what lies underneath. Perhaps he enjoys seeing my discomfort as a result. A taste of my own medicine.

Yet he's here nonetheless. "I still don't understand. Do you really think I deserve to speak to her?" I ask.

His brow furrows just a little. "If you are asking me personally, then no. I believe your current course of action to avoid her is the correct one."


"However." He cuts me off. "I'm sure we all have our opinions on what is best for Emma, but should that decision really be up to me, Lord Paul, or even you? She is a good person, yes, perhaps even a little naive, but she is also a remarkably strong person. Shouldn't the choice be hers? Don't you at least owe her that much?"

* * *

It is with some trepidation that I head towards class today. I thought about Gabriel's words long into the night. The choice should be Emma's. Not just because she's the protagonist, but because it's likely none of us would be happy about having others decide what is right for us. If she wants to talk to me, I owe her... no matter what she wants to say.

Valleroy won't like it, and I'm not sure it's a good idea myself, but if it's just to talk... I don't expect to ever be forgiven for what I've done. I'm not even sure there's any way to fully make amends for it. But maybe I could protect her... no, don't be silly, Francine. All you're going to do is listen to what she has to say, and then convince her that it's for the best for you to stay away from each other. To close this issue. That's it.

There she is. She's just standing alone in the hallway outside class? Is she... waiting? For me? The urge to flee is rising. I cast nervous glances towards Bella and Eloise. Maybe I should have been brave enough to face Emma alone, but... I'm not sure I trust myself that much. They show me encouraging smiles. While I haven't told them every single detail, they basically know as much as anyone by this point. Whether or not they approve of me talking to her... I haven't dared ask.

Emma spots me. "Lady Francine!" She quickly steps closer.

I shouldn't be doing this. "Good morning," I say as calmly as I can.

"Good morning," she says. "I was hoping for a chance to speak with you. I've been worried."

Worried? About me? She is too good. Too kind. I don't deserve that at all. I want to- no, focus, Francine. You know what you have to do.

"Emma, listen. The only reason I agreed to speak to you is because I owe it to you to hear you out. After that it's truly for the best that you stay away from me. You understand that, right?" If I let her get whatever she wants to say off her chest, then hopefully she can move on.

Why did it suddenly go quiet? Why are they all looking at me like that?

"L-Lady Francine..." Why does Emma look like she's about to burst? "You called me Emma!"

Oh. Crap.

* * *


I march right up to his desk.

"Lataille?" He gives me a confused look.

"I need your help."

"You what? Why would I help you?" He narrows his eyes at me.

I nervously twirl my hair around my index finger. "It's Emma. She won't listen to me."

He stares at me in utter disbelief. "... what? Wait, when did you start calling her Emma?"

"That's not important."

"Yes it is!"

"No, listen! We both know she's better off away from me, but she won't listen. You're her friend, explain it to her," I insist. I'm at my wit's end.

"Wha... why would... no, I mean you're right... but..." He seems to be experiencing some internal conflict. "I've tried!"

"Please!" This might be as close to begging as I've ever gotten. But if Emma keeps insisting on talking to me, I don't know how long I'll be able to resist. I'm not strong enough. "She needs to stay away."

"I know! But she won't listen to me either!" He sounds both annoyed, and frustrated. And maybe a tad confused. "What's gotten into you, Lataille?" he asks.

A very good question. "I don't know..." I groan.

This isn't like me at all. Why did I think it was a good idea to ask him? I'm not thinking straight.

* * *

"Hear me, Lords and Ladies of class 1-A!"

The teacher has just left the room, so everyone's attention turns to Otto Giltstern, standing up by the head desk.

"I propose that we go ghost-hunting tonight!" He declares with a wide grin.

The classroom fills with murmurs. Only a few students look like they actually have a clue what he's talking about. I'm not one of them.

"What do you mean?" Valleroy asks, saving the rest of us the trouble.

"Well! You see, there have been rumours about strange noises, weird sightings, and eerie lights over in the east building. Apparently it always starts not long before midnight. There are no classes tomorrow, so no need to get up early. Why not go see what we find?" He certainly seems quite keen on the idea.

"Ghosts aren't real, Prince Otto," I point out.

He has the nerve to wag his finger at me. "How can you be so sure, Francine? Spectres exist, after all. Isn't that almost the same thing?"

"Definitely not," Arthur speaks up. "While spectres are indeed classed as spirit creatures, there is no evidence to support the idea that they're spirits of the dead. And there has never been any sightings of a spectre this far east."

"Oh really? Maybe the two of you are just afraid to go check it out?"

"Of course not," both Arthur and I say in almost perfect concert.

"You're in, then! Good, good!" Otto looks very pleased. Right... of course. He was baiting us, and we fell for it. "What do you think, Gabriel? There are spectres residing in your lands, correct?"

Gabriel nods. "Yes. They are mostly harmless, though attracted to magic. But I concur with Lord Arthur that it's unlikely one has found its way here."

"Good man! Your expertise shall be invaluable!" Otto turns to address the whole class again. "Now I don't blame anyone who would rather pass, but anyone who wants to go should find a partner to go with. Maybe more than one, though I think we should keep our groups at a maximum of 4-5 people. It's a big building to search through, after all. We'll meet at the entrance to the building an hour before midnight, and set out!"

I don't recognise this event at all. Another new thing added to the game? I suppose that is the only explanation. Ghosts... what a ridiculous notion. I should ignore Otto's baiting, and simply refuse to go anyway.

"Lady Francine?" Emma is suddenly standing by my desk. I didn't even notice her approaching. "Would you like to go with me?"

My mind goes blank. My heart pounds really loudly. What did she just say?

"What? No! You can't go with her!" Valleroy protests.

Emma looks at him. "Why not? It's my decision," she says stubbornly.

"But... she..."

Unfortunately I agree with him. As nice as the thought is, I don't think it's a good idea. "Listen, I think Valleroy is right..." As much as I hate to say it.

Valleroy looks surprised. Emma looks disappointed. "You don't want to go with me?" she asks.

"I..." That's not fair, Emma. If you look at me like that, how am I supposed to resist? "That's not what I meant... exactly... I just..."

"Good. It's decided, then." Her expression brightens up. Too bright.

Did she deliberately bait me as well? Am I the one being bullied now?

"Well, then I'm coming with you," Valleroy says.

Before I can think of something to say, Emma puts her foot down. Literally. Stomp. "No. You two will just bicker the whole time. I'm not having it."

"But Emma-"

"I said no." It seems almost funny for a girl of her size to stand up to a boy nearly twice as big as her, but Valleroy is the one who looks about to back down. It's that strong will, and determination of hers. In the boys' routes she eventually finds the courage to start standing up to my bullying, and stop taking my shit. Every happy ending has me being humiliated, or rendered irrelevant in some way. I suppose something similar is happening here, except now she's standing up for me. How ironic.

"Not to worry, Paul!" Otto comes swooping in. "I shall escort the ladies, and make sure they have a good time," he says, and pats Valleroy on the shoulder.

What does he mean by that?

"Thank you, Otto!" But Emma is quick to accept his offer before I have a chance to ask.

Wait... did those two plan this together?

* * *

The academy is quite different after dark. I've never had cause to go at this time until now. There was no event for it, and I had no reason to go on my off screen hours. After assembling at the entrance, everyone quickly split up. Emma, Otto, and I head to the third floor with two other groups, and then we go in different directions to search.

So far there's been nothing. Of course we've barely started, but... there's going to be nothing, right?

While he was initially being his usual bold, talky self, Otto has ended up walking a little bit ahead of us. We can still see him clearly, but... it's almost like he's giving us room. Meanwhile Emma is right next to me. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to act.

"Are you okay, Lady Francine?" Emma suddenly asks.

I very nearly jump just from that. Never been particularly fond of the dark. "I'm... fine. Though not entirely sure what I'm doing here." I didn't mean to say that out loud, but too late to take it back now. Maybe saying what's on my mind isn't the worst idea. "Why did you ask me to come, Emma?" I've not been able to stop wondering.

"Mm... I want to talk to you more," she says quite simply.

"But why? I promised to leave you alone. You don't have to..." I'm not sure how I want to finish that sentence.

"Hm... I don't mean to sound rude, but... you look very lonely sometimes, Lady Francine."

I blink, and look towards her. I do? I mean, that's not entirely incorrect. "Even if that was the case, so what? Isn't that what I deserve?" I try not to sound bitter, but I'm not sure if I succeed.

"No, I don't think so." How is she able to say that so sincerely? She is far too good for me. To me, I mean.

My gaze drifts towards the floor. "I hurt you." I can't hide my shame.


"A lot."

"... yes."

"So... why?"

There's a moment of silence. "I want to understand you, I suppose."

"Huh?" I blink. It didn't sound like she's joking.

"You've changed since the start of the year, Lady Francine," Emma says. "You seem almost like a completely different person." If only that was true. "It makes me a little curious. And..."

There's an extended pause. "And?"

"No, it's nothing." I can see her smile from the light of the lantern. Why does she have to be so cute? It makes me want to... "Huh? Where's Otto?" Her question stops my train of thought.

I look up. He's nowhere in sight. "Wasn't he right there?" I wonder out loud. I glance behind us. Nothing there either. Well... it's not like we can see that far into the darkness, but Otto has a lantern of his own. The other groups also have them. But I can see absolutely nothing. There are some lamps in the courtyard outside, but they don't really illuminate anything in here.

"Otto?" Emma raises her voice as she calls out.

Has he hidden somewhere? "This isn't funny!" I call out. "Come out here!"

Calm down, Francine. He probably just thinks he's being clever. Sure, it's dark, but you haven't heard, or seen anything. You have a lantern. Emma is right there. There's no such thing as ghosts.

"Lady Francine?"

"Huh?" I look down, and realise I've grabbed onto Emma's sleeve. I let go. "Sorry about that..."

"It's fine. Do you... do you think the ghosts got him?" Emma asks in a shaky voice.

"O-of course not! Ghosts aren't real! Ahaha..." My nervous laugh isn't a good sign. Keep it together, Francine. Think rationally about this. "I-I'm sure Prince Otto is just playing a prank on us... eek!" I heard something. I'm not sure what it was, but I think it came from in front of us. Otto. Has to be. But I can't see anything...

Wait, there's a light. Definitely Otto. I'll give him an earful, prince or no. Uh... why is it so dim? It doesn't look like a lantern... it doesn't illuminate anything, it's more just... floating there. Just a prank. Has to be. There's no such thing as-

My lantern goes out.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" I cling on tightly to the nearest thing I can find. It clings back. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!"

* * *


"Stop laughing! It isn't funny!" I'm fuming.

"I strongly disagree," Otto says smugly, before laughing some more.

We're back outside, and Otto laughed basically the whole way here. He had used his wand to fake a ghostly light, and then knocked out our light.

"I think I might be bruised..." Emma says.

"I'm so sorry..." I say. Though the same might be true of me. We both held on really tight, and we're both quite strong. If I hadn't been so terrified, it might have been quite enjoyable. And I wouldn't say I'm opposed to the idea of my hand-prints on Emma's body... no, stop it. That's just my wild heartbeat talking. It's refused to calm down since the scare.

Otto looks so pleased with himself. I almost want to slap him. "Well, we didn't find any ghosts, or spectres," he says. "But at least you two got a bit closer. Literally, even! Hahaha!"

"Wait, was that your plan all along?" Surely he wouldn't do all of this just for that.

He shrugs. "I had hoped to actually find a ghost, but... I've sensed some tension between you two, so when I had the chance to do something about it, I took it."

I just stare at him. "You..."

"Isn't it the duty of a royal to look after the people?" His grin is so irritating.

"But we're not your people!"

"Don't be like that. Royalty transcends borders, Francine."

"It does not! That is literally what kingdoms are about!" I glare at him. I know I shouldn't raise my voice, but he's being insufferable.

And he starts laughing again.

Why isn't Emma saying anything? I look towards her. She's just... smiling. Why does she look so happy? She's beautiful. My heart...

Ugh, no! "I'm going to bed!" I declare, and walk off. I don't even care whether I look petulant as I stomp my way towards the dorms.