Chapter 108 – People VI
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Teyva and Yaga rode the lift up through the prison in silence. Teyva stared off into space, her thoughts elsewhere. She hadn’t come down there planning to do what she did though she had known it was an option. If he hadn’t mentioned his desire for vengeance against the Count she probably would have left him to rot. Her frown increased as she thought about telling Azrael about her decision. Elat had seemed okay with whatever decision she came to, but Azrael clearly had wanted blood when they had parted in the Pinnacle. So had Teyva, to be honest, but Paraklytus’ words had resonated with her. It was time she started thinking ahead more.

“What a strange man,” Yaga murmured.

Teyva looked up at her, “Hm?”

“Conrad Akos,” Yaga clarified, “You offered to speak to the king about his release and he refused you.”

“Once a Justicar always a Justicar, I guess,” Teyva said, “You mentioned once that they were lawbringers. He probably feels like he needs to serve a sentence for what he did.”

Teyva looked up to the slowly approaching ceiling, closing her eyes and letting out a sigh. There was so much to juggle now. It had been her and Azrael at first, that had been easy to manage. Now she had the Akurai to worry about. She had to accept the fact that she’d chosen, whether consciously or not, to give them a new life. Paraklytus had joined her cause because of her actions and that had been a huge boon for her. She wondered about the dynamic in her party though. Azrael and Paraklytus seemed to disagree about a great many things. She hoped it wouldn’t become a problem later on.

“You’re thinking too much,” Came a gentle whisper behind her as a pair of hands wrapped around her waist. 

She sighed and leaned her head back, resting it on Yaga’s shoulder. “Up till now I haven’t been thinking enough.”

“I can’t argue with you there. You’ve been pretty reckless,” Yaga said.

“Yeah,” Teyva said, “I’ve done a lot of stupid things. I can’t believe I chased after the Lydan like that,” Teyva muttered.

“You’ve got to forgive yourself for your mistakes, Teyva,” Yaga urged her.

“I know,” Teyva muttered, straightening up and turning around to face Yaga, “I need to be better. Can you teach me?”

Yaga raised an eyebrow, “Depends on what you want to know.”

“As much as I can.”

The pair arrived back at the Pinnacle a few hours later, stopping to eat together at a small shop. Word had begun to spread about the King recognizing the frightening looking woman as one of his children and the shift in atmosphere had been almost unsettling. The looks of fear and confusion had been one thing, but the looks of awe and jealousy were something else entirely. She had to remind herself that she didn’t know the people of Osan all that well yet, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t have her opportunities as they came.

When they made their way into the residence they found Batel and the other guards waiting patiently, talking amongst themselves. Paraklytus had taken to one of the sofas and was reading a book while Azrael and Elat were nowhere to be seen. When Teyva glanced in Paraklytus’ direction he simply shrugged and nodded toward their bedroom door. Teyva rolled her eyes and made her way over to the seats nearest Paraklytus and sat down as well. Yaga excused herself, but quietly promised to return later in the evening. Finally sitting and without much else to do Teyva went through the remaining prompts she hadn’t sifted through yet. There were plenty left behind even from when she’d awakened in the university after the battle.


You are now Level 10

You have 15 (3 Base + 12 Racial) attribute points to spend.

You must rest for at least one hour to use your attribute points.

An Aspect Shard has been added to your inventory.

You have gained a Respawn.

You may unlock one ability per aspect at this level.

You have become [Threshold]! Your abilities can now reach the [Threshold] Rank!
You have unlocked Tier 3 abilities for your Aspects.

Level ten, at last. A self-satisfied smile crossed her face as she read over the details. She moved on to the next prompt which was a list of ability improvements.

Ability Improvement!

Your ability [Chill Touch] has improved to [Threshold] rank!

Your ability [Simple Shift] has improved to [Capable] rank!

Your ability [Eyes of the Halls] has improved to [Capable] rank!

Your ability [Create Mockery] has improved to [Threshold] rank!

Your ability [Create Wall] has improved to [Capable] rank!

Your ability [Cry of the Siren] has improved to [Capable] rank!

Your ability [Changeling] has improved to [Capable] rank!

Create Mockery and Chill Touch were both at Threshold rank now. She wasn’t sure how that changed things but it was certainly a sign that she was finally starting to grow in the right direction. She dismissed the prompt and the next one appeared.

[Grasp of the Tomb Guardian] Weapon Set, Unique Rarity, Growth Item
The combined left and right arms of a Tomb Guardian.

Pathetic Attribute: The palms of this weapon may be used to damage and decompose material.
Capable Attribute: While wielding the Grasp of the Tomb Guardian, ability and spell mana costs are reduced by 20%.
Threshold Attribute: While wielding the Grasp of the Tomb Guardian, your base magical resistances are increased by one stage.

[Razorchain of the Bound One] Weapon, Unique Rarity, Growth Item
An accursed chain that had bound a Tomb Guardian beneath the Balthin Great Tree. Infused with madness and accursed power.

Pathetic Attribute: This weapon’s length can be adjusted with a small amount of MP.
Capable Attribute: Decent Chance on hit to conjure magical chains that slow the target for 3 seconds.
Threshold Attribute: This weapon can travel through connected surfaces at the cost of MP.

Finally, her next improvement for her growth items. She grinned, both new abilities were incredible! She already had a few ideas of how to use them.

Skill Rank Up!

Your [Mana Manipulation] Skill has increased to level 10.
Your current mana cost reduction for spells and abilities is 10%

You have unlocked a new feature of [Mana Manipulation]:

[Soul Link] - You may touch the soul of another being, entering their place of the soul and communicating with them.

[Soul Feast] - You have learned to grasp the soul of another, you are capable of committing the ultimate taboo by ripping their soul from their body and using it for various purposes (such as for sustenance). Committing this heinous act will permanently destroy their soul and essence, rendering them unable to pass on to the afterlife.

Teyva froze, [Soul Link] was what she had used twice now to connect with a creature and follow up with her [Embrace Monster] ability. [Soul Feast] on the other hand was something that disturbed her, she had remembered someone calling out to her while she was attacking Batel with her mana. She glanced up at Paraklytus and found him engrossed in his book. She looked back at the Skill and swallowed. This was probably the line he was talking about. She shivered and dismissed the prompt, pulling up the next one and letting out a breath.

Quest Complete!


You have traversed the ancient university of Nulakam. In doing so you have acquired powerful allies, resources, and knowledge for yourself and for the people of Osan.

Reward: Experience, Reputation increase with Osan, Reputation increase with The Azar Leadership, 5x Aspect Shards


Your reputation with [The People of Osan] has increased from [Wary] to [Recognized]

Your reputation with [King Thrake] has increased from [Friendly] to [Respected]

Your reputation with [The Four] has increased from [Suspicious] to [Friendly]

From suspicious to friendly? Teyva frowned. She and Yaga had ironed things out, so which members of the Four distrusted her? She supposed up until now they really didn’t have a reason to trust her either. She rubbed her arms and dismissed the last of the prompts as her experience rose on her character sheet. While the numbers filled out she took some time to think about what she needed to do next. 

She still had Rani to worry about and Paraklytus couldn’t make any progress without the mask that Barin Kot was working on. That left the Akurai, who she needed to go check on, and her own babies in her room. That didn’t even touch the need to begin coming up with some kind of plan to make good on her promise to Conrad to help him with the Count. She figured she had time to work on that, though, since he was in self-imposed imprisonment.

Letting out a sigh she drew out her Aspect Shards and began to go through her abilities. She had three now from leveling up that she could use all at once or rest between uses and see if she could get to a Tier Three ability. That didn’t include the five she had just gained from completing the quest. Eventually she settled for taking three more tier two abilities seeing as there were a few more she was interested in snagging before she moved on to tier three. She would hold on to the other five and use them later after giving her abilities some more thought.

[Pale Dawn]


Your [Pale Dawn] abilities now have a chance to trigger the affliction [Chillblains]

  • Affliction: Chillblains (Disease)

The infected targets takes 3 damage per second for each instance of Chillblains. This disease must be cured.


Create Manikin 

Summon | 150MP

Using nearby material, create a medium-sized humanoid creature capable of taking on various appearances as if it has access to [Alter Self] as the ability. It is incapable of natural speech. This creature is capable of wielding weapons but otherwise possesses no attacks of its own. Manikins created with this spell have 56 HP. Once created, the creature exists until destroyed. The creature is loyal to you upon summoning. This ability’s power is based on your influence.


Create Darkeye

Summoning | 15MP

You create an aberrant monster known as a Darkeye as your servant. You and the Darkeye are capable of sharing senses with one another within a maximum range of 100 yards. The Darkeye is intelligent and capable of speech and you may communicate through the Darkeye. The Darkeye possesses no attacks of its own and when created has 15hp. The Darkeye persists until it is destroyed.

There was still one more tier two ability she was very interested in, that being the next stage up on the Titan aspect. However, having acquired two new summons already she was beginning to wonder if she should take some time to get comfortable with them in her kit before she added yet another. [Summon Elemental] sounded absolutely badass though, and she promised herself that it would be the next ability she would take.

Summon Elemental

Summoning | 252MP

Choose one magical element. You summon a living mass of elemental magic to fight on your behalf. The creature obeys your commands and will fight relentlessly until it dies or is dismissed. The Elemental possesses its own suite of combat abilities and has a notably high amount of mana and offensive power. The Behemoth has a weakness to its opposing magical element. Only one Elemental may exist under your control at any one time.

She looked up to Paraklytus and was about to ask him a question when a prompt forcibly appeared in her vision.


You are not permitted to carry living things in your [Inventory], [Kakaraneng’s Last Egg] will now be ejected.

“Oh?” Was all she could manage before her [Bag of Holding] appeared on the ground in front of her. Paraklytus stopped reading to look down at it and then up at her.

“My Lady?” He asked, only to be cut off as the egg leaped from the bag and landed in her lap. Teyva gasped and hurried to catch it as it wobbled and nearly fell off her lap onto the floor. Nearby her guards got to their feet and rushed over to see what the commotion was about. Teyva felt the egg shudder and shake, something inside struggling to break free. Another prompt confirmed her suspicions that it was ready to hatch.


[Kakareneng’s Last Egg] is ready to hatch!

As its owner, you are able to charge the egg with your Mana and Life Force, altering the nature of the creature inside.
Additionally, you may use [Embrace Monster] as part of the hatching process.

Would you like to Charge the Egg? [Yes / No]
Would you like to use [Embrace Monster]? [Yes / No]

“What is it?” Batel asked in wonder.

“The last egg of a Rilk Queen,” Teyva said quietly, reading over the prompt.

“You are just full of surprises!” Paraklytus laughed, “Is it hatching?”

“Yes, the system wants to know if I’d like to alter its nature. No idea what that means,” Teyva said.

“I can only imagine it must be in a way beneficial to you,” Paraklytus suggested, “I say do so.”

The guards looked at one another and then at Paraklytus who had set down his book to watch the process. Nearby, the door opened to Azrael’s room and she poked her head out, dressed in a simple sheer gown. “What’s going on?”

“The egg from the Rilk Queen is hatching!” Teyva called.

There was a clamor followed by rushing footsteps, soon a partially dressed Elat and Azrael had joined the circle of people. Teyva looked around and spotted Marble standing in front of her door. She gave him a quick mental command to open the door and out came Nephral followed by a swarm of golden coins. Nephral landed on her shoulder and peered down at the egg as Teyva waited for the small crowd to settle in around her. Teyva let out a breath and chuckled, “Okay is everyone here?” She asked.

“Hurry up!” Azrael urged, “I want to see this!”

Teyva laughed, “Okay okay,” She looked back down and hit yes on both questions.

O Mother of Monsters, would you accept the precious soul you hold in your hands?

Yes / No

The change in the prompt wasn’t lost on her even as she hurriedly hit yes again. She felt her body grow weaker and weaker and her vision began to swim as a headache approached. In the corner of her vision her health and mana began to plummet. She slumped in her seat, barely holding onto the egg as light began to pour out of the interior of the shell.

Something inside began to change, its body twisting and shifting. The glow grew more intense and the heady scent of mana began to permeate the air. Soon everyone nearby was holding their hands up to their noses, except Paraklytus of course, as cracks began to form in the eggs surface. The egg increased in size, growing and growing until it filled her lap. Teyva gasped, struggling to hold onto it as it thrashed about. 

Then the first piece fell away and Teyva tried to peer inside the shell. A yellow eye peered back at her as another crack formed and another piece broke off, and another and another. Until they stood there, dumbstruck, staring at the strangest thing they’d ever seen. The infant was the size of a newborn baby but that was where the similarities ended. It’s humanoid body was covered entirely in white chitonous plates that seemed to sparkle with starlight. The child had four small, black claws on each of its two hands that were curled tightly into tiny fists. Her little chitinous human legs twitched here and there, her feet ending in two tiny claws. Small, conical ears poked out of either side of its head and framed a vaguely human face fitted with two big yellow eyes that stared out beneath ridged eyebrows. Just at the crown of her head a pair of tiny antennae jutted upward, twitching now and then. It struggled for a moment, the egg’s mucus clinging to its body and making it difficult to move.

“Towel, get a towel!” Azrael urged Elat, who hurried back into their room. 

The infant whimpered, trying to cover her eyes as the light seared into her corneas. On pure instinct, Teyva leaned forward and used her body to cast a shadow over the child’s face. Elat came back a moment later, pushing through the awestruck gathering and hurriedly handing Teyva a large cloth. Teyva quickly wrapped the baby up and lifted her off the remains of the egg, pulling her close to her chest. She looked down at the infant in wonder and then looked up at Paraklytus.

“This… she is not a rilk,” She managed after a few heartbeats.

“I daresay she is not,” The lich said, amused, “Reminds me a bit of her mother though,”

Teyva looked down at the baby, wide eyed, and ran her fingers across the child’s face. The infant wiggled and shuddered, giggling at the ticklish touch. Teyva looked over at Azrael who was smiling ear to ear. She slipped into the seat next to Teyva and admired the tiny creature in her arms. “Absolutely beautiful.”

“Looks like a baelnut,” Elat grunted.

“Oh hush you,” Azrael reprimanded him, “What will you name her?”

Teyva whipped her head in Azrael’s direction, “Name? Me? What?” She looked down at the child. Had she unwittingly made a baby for herself? How in the world could she be responsible for a child when she was barely functional herself. She swallowed, closing her eyes as fear settled in. Her heart rate went through the roof and she forced herself to look down at the baby again. Nephral prowled down from her shoulder and sat down next to the infant, eyeing her carefully before looking back up at Teyva.

“Mother has an heir,” He said, sounding immensely pleased, “I shall of course play a role in her education.”

“Teyva, breathe, it’s going to be fine. You knew a baby was going to come out of that egg one way or another, right? So it happens to be humanoid, suppose that makes it easier to care for, right?” Azrael pointed out, “You’ve got all of us. I’m sure combined our group makes a half-decent parent.”

Teyva felt a tension leave her shoulders she hadn’t realized was there. She looked down at the child and took a few steadying breaths, she was pretty cute. Very cute. “The cutest,” Teyva murmured and reached down to gently tap a talon against the child’s strange little nose. The child squeaked and giggled, her chiton shimmering with little spots of starlight. Just like her mother. “Stella,” Teyva said after a moment. “Stella Akura.”

As the small group surrounded mother and child. As they did, Teyva couldn’t help but think about what the King had said when she’d entered his court. ‘Queen’s do not kneel’. She ran her fingers over the child’s face. This child had been a part of the world for only a few minutes and she already felt like she would do anything for her. The Akurai were her children too. Her monsters, her people. What lengths would she go to for them? Teyva had tasted just a small drop of ruthlessness when she had lost her arm. She had sipped at it when she had faced Conrad in the prison. 

She smiled and leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on the child's head. She was going to have to become a real monster, wasn’t she? She sat up a little and admired the irreplaceable precious creature in her arms. For her, for them, she’d become a monster. After everything she’d been through, she was fine with that.