Chapter 124 – Festival VII
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Azrael paled, “Are you insane?” She bellowed, glancing around quickly to get a feel for her surroundings. She was about ten yards away from the nearest wall. “You brought a wild aspect being into this place!” This was becoming a dire situation very quickly, she needed to come up with a new strategy. Even if he managed to control something like that, she couldn’t imagine that control lasting for very long. He was out of his mind! There had to be some kind of limit to bringing this thing here, she knew Conrad wasn’t stupid.

Conrad shook his head, “Hardly wild!” He shouted back, he threw out his hand and paused as the horror turned to look at him, canting its head to the right. It sat down on the ground and began to scratch at itself, yawning a little. Conrad’s arm fell, he blinked a few times and then looked over at Azrael who had also stopped in her movement to gain distance. She stared at him deadpan.

“W-when did it hatch?” Azrael asked bluntly.

Conrad scratched his nose, “Just before the competition.”

“It doesn’t even know how to fight you idiot!” She shouted, “Have you worked with it at all?”

“I figured it would fight on instinct,” Conrad admitted.

Azrael brought her palm up to her face and groaned, “You have got to be kidding me!”

Conrad let out a growl of frustration and waved his hand again, dismissing the creature. It let out a yelp of surprise and vanished into an inky dark hole. The black liquid rushed across the ground and rose back up into Conrad’s body. He turned to face her and blinked when he didn’t see her where she had been standing. A moment later he felt a boot crash into the side of his head. He stumbled, staggering a few steps but remaining standing. He barked out a laugh and shook the hit off, turning to drive a fist into her chest. She raised her right arm and used her barrier, the sheet of glass tanking most of the blow. She fell back and drew her sword, putting her bow over her shoulder.

“Where were we?” Conrad rasped.

“You were humiliating yourself, nice job with the summon by the way,” She teased.

“Oh come off it!” He growled back, darting toward her in what appeared to be a rage only for him to fall through the ground in the next moment. Instead of letting him catch her from behind, Azrael leaped into the air, shouting her movement spell to send herself hurtling up higher. She looked down and threw her knife at where she guessed he would be coming out. Just as planned he resurfaced only to be struck in the head again by her throwing knife. He cried out, reaching up to grab the weapon only to grasp onto air. Azrael somersaulted once and then gripped her sword with both hands, bringing it down with all her might as gravity added to her attack.

“Rip terrible wind, lash and fly my friend!” She shouted, the blade of wind forming but only staying a few inches ahead of her own attack. He looked up and raised his arm, preparing to block the strike.

“You’d have to do better than that!” He laughed, “More!”

Then Azrael struck him and burst apart into a cloud of dust and debris. He blinked, confused, “What the?”

“Everblowing gale that carries my spirit, bright wind, silver gust, rip and tear!” Azrael shouted from behind him, darting across the field and drawing her blade up in an arc, a silver current of wind whipping around it as she dug a slice across Conrad’s back and right arm, the blade cutting through flesh and scraping across the back of his hand. He dropped to a knee, letting out a shriek of pain, and rolled onto his side, trying to get her into his field of view. She stepped over him, drawing out her bow, breathing hard, and nocking it with a glowing arrow.

“Submit,” She ground out.

He looked up at her and grinned, “I submit.”

She sheathed her weapon and threw her bow over her shoulder before reaching down to grab his good hand and pull him to his feet. Both of them were breathing hard, golden-yellow blood trickling out of Conrad’s wounds. He grit his teeth and concentrated, his wounds beginning to rapidly close. When they’d healed he leveled her with his gaze, “Satisfied?”

She stood up straight, looked him over one more time, and then broke into a grin. “Yeah, I’m satisfied,” she laughed, “Teyva’s going to be pretty pissed that you threw out that Aspect Being though, don’t expect her to be very patient with you when we get back.”

He blanched as she started to walk toward the exit, the crowd roaring their approval. “W-wait what?”

“Teyva’s been ranting about people doing reckless shit ever since we came out of the University a few weeks ago, you’re going to have to do some explaining,” She laughed as he caught up with her.

He scratched his nose, “Blast it.”

“No worries Conrad, you’ll fit in just fine with us idiots I think. Gonna have to apologize to Elat first though,” She gave him a stern sidelong look.

“I’ve lost to you, if that is what you want, you’ll have it,” He said grimly.

“Good man.”

With that, the first round of the competition came to an end. Teyva stayed in the waiting room as the others filed out. The four and the King were in a bit of a hurry to beat the crowds and make their way back to the Pinnacle so they didn’t stay very long. Kastel was long gone, leaving only Niko with her as she waited for Azrael and Conrad to enter. The grim Azar stared at her from across the room for a while before finally speaking; “I underestimated you.”

“I know,” Teyva said, not giving him the courtesy of looking in his direction.

“It won’t happen again,” He growled, “You may have the others fooled but you won’t pull the wool over my eyes.”

Teyva tilted her head and looked in his direction. There was no fear in his posture but there wasn’t the cocky self-assurance that he’d carried himself with earlier either. He was composed, firm, and resolved. He really believed in what he was saying. She frowned and turned her body to fully face him, “Look, Niko, I don’t have any evil schemes in mind for the Azar. I don’t want a problem with you either, there are bigger issues in the world than some petty spat. Can’t we just put this to rest?” She asked, trying to sound sincere.

“No,” He said, shaking his head, “While I appreciate your candor I cannot acknowledge you. I do not trust you and I do not know your origins.”

“You sound like your sister,” Teyva said.

“That’s another thing,” He snarled, “You stay away from her. I see how she looks at you.”

Teyva raised an eyebrow and laughed, “A little late for that, dearie.”

His eyes went wide but he held his tongue, forcing himself to turn away. Without a word he stormed out the door, slamming it behind him just as Azrael and Conrad stepped inside. Teyva let out a breath and leaned against the wall, closing her eyes and calming her heart. She used a bit of mana manipulation to soothe her tension. Azrael glanced at her and frowned, “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Teyva said, “Just realizing that my next fight is going to be harder than I thought.”

“That Niko fellow is strong,” Conrad agreed.

“So are you two, that was some good stuff out there,” She turned and leveled Conrad with a look, “Though that Aspect Beast you conjured up was the most ridiculous, risky thing I’ve ever seen and I climbed the side of the Bound One,” She snapped, pointing a finger in the dark-haired man’s face. “Don’t do it again until that thing is ready to fight, got it?”

His eyes widened, “Y-yes mother.”

She exhaled and turned to Azrael, “I heard what you said, by the way, so did your father,” She said with a grin.

Azrael blushed, “Elat deserved an answer.”

“Boy did he get one!” Teyva laughed and clapped her friend on the shoulder, “Congratulations.”

Azrael smiled, “Thank you, Teyva.”

“And as for you,” Teyva said, turning back to Conrad. “Kneel.”

Azrael moved out of the way and Conrad looked at Teyva uncertainly. A realization came over his face and he dropped to a knee, lowering his head. “You want to join my team?”

He clenched his fists and nodded, “More than anything, you are the one who will give me my revenge and a new purpose once it has been meted out. You gave me my mind back and showed mercy despite my crime against your friend. I only hope I live up to your expectations.”

“I’m sure you will…” Teyva said as the prompt appeared.


Conrad Akos has requested to become your permanent companion! Once this decision is made it may not be revisited. Conrad Akos will gain the following benefits:

Access to a set of [Outsiders Tools]

The Ability to Level Up

Access to the Party Feature

Ability to absorb Aspect Shards

You will gain access to the following benefits:

Access to the Party Feature

Do you accept his request?

Yes / No

“Welcome to the team, Connie,” she said and accepted the prompt.