Chapter 125 – Festival VIII
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Azrael laughed heartily on the way back to the lift. She held her ribs, a tear forming in her eye. Conrad stared forward, trying not to react to her amusement while Teyva raised her hand to cover her mouth. Azrael glanced over at Conrad and grinned at him, “So did you enjoy our match Connie?” She asked, spluttering a little. The fallen knight’s eye twitched but she continued anyway. “I’m actually happy to have you on the team, Connie,” She cackled, leaning against Teyva as she tried to hold herself up. “S-so what aspects do you have C-connie?” She wheezed.

“Okay, okay,” Teyva chuckled, “Maybe the nickname was a mistake.”

“I don’t know, the woman seems quite taken with it,” Conrad said with as straight a face as he could manage. She could tell he was annoyed. He exhaled through his nostrils.

Azrael frowned, her good humor fading a little, “I am called, Azrael. Learn my damn name, beast.”

The fallen knight glared back at her, rolling his jaw. Azrael snorted and glanced at Teyva before letting out a sigh and turning away. “As soon as you learn mine,” He snarled.

“No way in hell,” Azrael growled, “Teyva and Elat won’t let me beat your ass so I’m going to take what I can get.”

Conrad rolled his neck and stepped closer to Azrael, “Very well, a rematch then. I will show you exactly what I am capable of!”

Azrael straightened her shoulders and looked him in the eye, “Holding back were you? I knew it!” She put her hand on her sword and dropped all pretense of teasing as if it had been nothing more than a mask. 

“Will you two settle down?” Teyva commanded, putting her hands on her hips. The two of them continued to glare at each other openly as they passed the alley that lead to the lift going down to the Akurai’s home. When she glanced down that way she saw Paraklytus waiting for them, hands behind his back. He raised a hand in greeting and inclined his head from behind his silver mask.

“Azrael!” He called.

Azrael paused and turned in his direction, “Oh, hey Perry.”

“I’m ready for you, young lady, come along,” He said, gesturing to the path toward the lift.

“Ready for what?” Teyva asked, frowning.

Azrael, suddenly excited and forgetting all about Conrad turned to Teyva and dropped into a quick bow, “I’m afraid that’s a bit personal for a street conversation, my Lady. I’ll talk to you about it later, I promise,” Azrael said, turning to Paraklytus and running over to join him. She glanced back and waved, “I’ll catch up later! Don’t wait for me!”

Conrad crossed his arms and watched her go, “I pity her husband.”

“Do you?” Teyva asked, turning back toward the path, they still had another few blocks before they arrived at the lift up to the pinnacle and people were starting to flood into the streets behind them.

Conrad nodded grimly, “She is tireless, intelligent, and without a hint of reservation, it is enough to drive a Katali man to madness. Women in Katal are reserved and polite.”

“You won’t find a lot of that here,” Teyva warned him, “Azar women take what they want, so long as it is not stealing, what does it matter?”

“I feel like you are quoting someone,” He rumbled.

“I am,” She crooned, “Now let's go get some rest. I’ll have Abba prepare some quarters for you.”

“I should be returning to the Arcanorum, my cell is more than enough accommodation,” Conrad said with a frown.

“No way, you’re one of mine now, you stay in the Pinnacle with us,” She said, slapping him on the back.

He grunted and shook his head, “Whatever you say, my lady.”

After setting up a room for Conrad with Abba and introducing him to the Pinnacle staff, Teyva retreated to her own room. She set down her satchel and peered around, noting something was missing. A low growl from the right hinted at what was to come. She turned just in time for Nephral to leap from his hiding place and land on her shoulder, wrapping around her neck and drooping his tail down over her chest. He purred loudly, pressing his face against hers. She laughed, reaching up and stroking the feline. “Enjoy your day off?”

“I would have rather been there with you, mother,” Nephral grumbled.

“I know, but I wanted to see if I could handle that first match on my own, turns out it was easier than I expected,” Teyva said, walking over to the crib and peering in to see a pair of big yellow eyes looking up at her. She broke into a smile and reached down, picking up the baby, “And did you behave yourself for Abba and Nephral, little Stella?”

“Ab-abab-ne-ne-wa!” The infant crooned, reaching for her mother’s face with her tiny clawed hands. 

“Wow!” Teyva laughed, “Look at you, trying to talk already!” She cast a thoughtful glance at Neprhal. 

The feline shrugged and nodded to the infant, “She is a new form of life, mother, she may develop more quickly than a being of your species.”

“True,” Teyva said, tapping the baby on the nose and letting the child grip her finger, “I just want her to enjoy it while it lasts, this world is harsh.”

“That it is, mother.”

The next morning, Teyva arrived with her group at the arena for the next set of matches. Unlike the day before she made sure to bring her satchel and Nephral with her. She had no intentions of leaving herself unarmed in any way when it came to Niko. The first match ended before it could even begin, the Azar who had made it through the second match had chosen to forfeit rather than face the King’s might. It was a little disappointing since she wanted to see more of what the King was capable of. As that thought drifted through her mind another thought occurred to her and she felt a pit form in her stomach. 

Barin Kot and Tiisha were up next, as they departed the King came over to sit with Teyva and Azrael. Unable to help herself she turned and confronted the King. “You’re doing this on purpose.”

“Whatever do you mean?” He asked, suddenly amused as he grabbed himself another beverage. He drank deeply while Teyva fixed him with a look. 

“Don’t think I haven’t realized there is a chance you and I could end up fighting one another in this thing,” Teyva ground out, “What are you thinking? I thought you said we’d never come to blows!”

Thrake burst into laughter, “Come now, Teyva. What’s a playful sparring match between Father and Daughter, right Azrael?” He raised his eyebrow at Azrael who’s eyebrows rose. 

She turned to look at Teyva and offered her sister a grin, “That’s right! You should enjoy it, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to scuffle with father. You should get to experience it at least once!” She paused, “That is if you get past me.”

Teyva crossed her arms, “Oh? You think you can beat me in a one-on-one Azrael? Paraklytus teach you some secret yesterday to help you get one up on your Lady?”

Azrael winked, “That’s a secret,” She teased, “And yes, you may have a lot of powers my Lady but I’ve lived in this world longer than you have and have a few tricks left. You won’t beat me easily.”

Outside the viewing box the Match was underway. Barin had quickly summoned his Aspect Being Patron and was on a fierce attack. Flames ripped across the battlefield while he quickly took to the sky, using his magic to levitate. He remained up there, hurling bolt after bolt of magic while simultaneously casting protective spells on himself. He almost seemed frantic the way he moved, hurrying to prepare himself for what was to come. It was only when pillars of stone began to burst out of the ground and dust spread about, extinguishing the flames, that Teyva realized exactly why Barin was in such a hurry.

Standing amidst the cloud of dust was Tiisha, a wall of iron jutting out of the ground between her and Barin’s onslaught. Behind her, an enormous dirt-scaled cobra lifted its head from the ground, rearing back and letting out a guttural hiss. Around Tiisha, dozens of magic circles glowed on the ground, formations cast by Barin to trap her if she so much as moved an inch. The serpent behind her had no such concerns though, easily moving around the circles and drawing closer to Barin. Barin’s Salamander moved to engage, a flame roiling in its mouth. Barin whipped his hand out and shouted another spell, a cloud of darkness wrapping around the Serpent’s head.

“Smart, he was prepared for her this time,” Thrake murmured.

“Tiisha’s Patron has the ability to petrify things with its gaze,” Azrael explained, “Combined with her ability to freely manipulate stone and minerals, it makes her a terrible threat.”

Teyva swallowed, “She hasn’t taken a step.”

“And she won’t,” Thrake added, “Tiisha has agreed that if the others make her move she will immediately forfeit the match.”

Teyva whipped her head in Thrake’s direction, “Are you joking?”

He shook his head, “Just watch.”

Barin raised both hands over his head, another incantation erupting from his lips as he drew lightning to his fingertips. He threw it down, sending arcing waves of electricity across the Serpent’s body. The creature shrieked, thrashing its head as it tried to dislodge the shadows wrapping around its head. The Salamander was quick to draw in close, leaping on the Serpent and digging its teeth into the Serpent’s scales. With the Serpent pinned down, Barin returned his focus to Tiisha only for something long and shiny to erupt from the ground beneath him and wrap around his legs. He looked down, wide-eyed, as a thin, glittering snake clenched his feet together and pulled him toward the dirt below. 

He shouted something and spun, dislodging the serpent only to be struck in the chest by a flying rock. He hurtled through the air, crashing into the barrier protecting the audience. Despite the injury he recovered quickly, rallying and preparing another spell. A crash on the opposite side of the battlefield drew his attention and he froze, watching the Salamander’s arms turn to stone as the Serpent, shadow-free, loomed over it. He cursed colorfully and floated down to the ground as the Serpent turned its gaze on him. Barin raised a hand, “I’m done!”

“And that’s that,” Thrake said with a nod.

“Wait, what?” Teyva asked, “He still had plenty of juice didn’t he?”

“You’re right, he did, but his Patron was in danger. When we summon our Patrons they send a significant portion of themselves to the field to join us,” Thrake explained, “If something unfortunate were to happen to them it would take quite a bit of time for the Patron to recover. This is a competition, not a war, and the Four know better than to cripple themselves just for some acclaim.”

Teyva looked back at the battlefield, filled with raised stones and cracked earth. In an instant the field began to reform itself, the ground becoming level once more. Tiisha stood where she had been the entire time, one hand raised and her eyes glowing. Teyva swallowed, “She really is a beast, isn’t she?”

“You don’t have time to think about Tiisha right now, young lady,” Thrake pointed out, “You’re up next.”

Teyva let out a breath and glanced over her shoulder at Niko who had been watching the match with equal interest. He frowned and glanced in her direction before turning to exit the room. “Right, it’s time to settle this.”

“He’s had it in for you,” Azrael chuckled.

“He also has a surprising amount of people agreeing with him,” Thrake added, “Defeating him soundly will reduce your detractors significantly.”

“Yeah, but his reputation is on the line too, especially after what I did to Kastel,” Teyva said, “Plus, given how he handled himself during the race, he isn’t going to pull his punches. He wants me dead.”

“Then meet his ferocity with your own,” Thrake commanded, “Show no mercy until he submits.”

Teyva looked at the king with surprise, “You sure?”

“Absolutely. You’ve already seen that Summons are more than legal in this competition. I daresay it is time for the people to meet the Mother of Monsters,” The king said with a wicked smile. Teyva got to her feet as Tiisha entered the waiting room, she gave a demure bow in their direction before going to sit next to the King. The king took another long draft of his drink and raised a fist, “Give him hell, daughter!”

“Kick his ass, Tey,” Azrael grinned, “I’m looking forward to our match.”

Teyva nodded and shouldered her satchel. Nephral settled around her neck and flexed his wings, “Let’s go mother, no time to lose.”

Teyva strode out onto the field with the roar of the crowd following her. The jeers were less noticeable than coming in to her first match. She glanced over to the section where the Akurai had been sitting and found her people once again cheering for her. This time Elat, Paraklytus, Batel, and Conrad were all sitting in the front row. To her surprise she saw Conrad and Elat speaking quietly with one another while watching the arena. Teyva raised her hand and waved at the Akurai who only increased the intensity of their cheers. 

“Your people love you,” Niko called out to her.

“They are my children, they care for me and I them,” Teyva shot back, coming to a stop in front of the severe-looking man. 

Niko raised his head and looked down at her, “As I said the other day, I underestimated you. I figured you for a temptress and a sneak. You certainly have power. I apologize for suspecting you of cheating during the race,” He said, raising his hand to his chest. “But that does not change my position, I do not see you as worthy of the position you hold and neither do those who support me. If you wish to earn our trust in your strength you will have to prove it in this arena.”

Teyva raised her eyebrows, “I didn’t peg you for a man of honor, I figured you for the sneak.”

His eye twitched, “The Azar have survived by any means necessary. To protect our own we will do anything, even if it means tarnishing ourselves.”

Teyva held his gaze and then nodded, “Right, then I’ll insult you no longer,” She said and held out her hand, her mask forming in her palm. She didn’t bother trying to read him, she knew his guard was up. She brought the [Masque of the Newborn Queen] to her face and felt the magic surge through her body. Her aura diminished and a hush fell over the crowd as people began to notice the change. The veil dropped over her lips, “Nephral?” The sphinx reacted immediately, leaping off her shoulder and growing into his Gnostisphinx form. He let out a low growl and flapped his wings menacingly. Teyva dropped her satchel as well and as she did, the coins inside began to swarm out, the low buzz of their tiny wings flapping carrying over the silent arena. The buzz increased in volume as a mental command sent them into the air, forming a cloud of glittering gold, silver, and copper around her body.

Teyva raised her head high and raised her voice so those in the nearest stands could hear, “Live up to your hype, Niko Yftha! Or you very well might die here!”