Chapter 127 – Festival X
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Teyva and Niko left the arena together, the two of them walking side by side with Nephral taking up the rear. The roar of the crowd continued well into their trip down the hall and into the waiting room. When they opened the door the both of them froze in place at the sight of Yaga’s angry face. She looked between the two of them and then reached out with both hands, grabbing them by their shirts. She pulled them in close and looked them in the eyes, “I don’t know which one of you I’m angrier at,” Yaga growled, “No, wait, I do,” She corrected herself and turned to hurl Niko to the ground.

“You imbecile! Fatal death magic?” She demanded, stomping toward him. 

Teyva reached out to grab her arm and tugged, “Wait! It’s fine!”

Yaga rounded on her, “No it is not!” She bellowed, “You wait right there, I’m not done with you.”

The door opened from the viewing room and Thrake stormed out, his fists clenched. Azrael and Tiisha came through behind her and all of them took up formation around Niko. Thrake leaned forward and looked the First Elder in the eyes, “You have committed a serious crime, Niko, you understand that, right? Killing your opponent is expressly forbidden. Magic that does not give our healers time to heal the victim is also forbidden. What you did was…” He shook his head and stood up straight. “I’m disappointed.”

Niko righted himself, dropping to his knees, “I have no excuse,” He said to the ground.

“You’re damn right you don’t!” Yaga bellowed. “I should put you down here and now for-”

“Enough!” Teyva roared, “Shut up all of you!” 

Everyone in the room froze as Teyva walked over and stopped next to Niko, “You tried to kill me,” She said.

“I did,” He confessed.

“You’re very lucky that I’ve been immune to death magic since as far back as I can remember,” She said, drawing a surprised look from Yaga. “I knew I’d be fine,” She said and knelt down to look Niko in the eyes. “You got pretty caught up in the moment, didn’t you?”

“That’s no excuse,” Thrake growled.

Teyva stood up and looked the King in the eyes, “You’re right, it’s not. But I’m the victim here, right?”

“Yes,” He conceded.

“And you expect me to start making decisions on behalf of the Azar, right?” She demanded.

“Yes, but-” 

“Then I take responsibility for Niko Yftha,” Teyva said, “I pushed him to the point where he went to his very last resort. He is a good and loyal Azar who loves his people so much he is willing to go to any length to protect them,” Teyva said and looked back at Yaga, “While what he did was wrong, he deserves mercy,” Teyva said, straightening her back. “This is my decision to make. You can be mad at me all you want, Yaga, but I knew what I was doing and I know what I’m doing now,” She let out a breath, “I’m sorry I scared you.”

Thrake crossed his arms and looked down at Niko, he considered it for several heartbeats before letting out a sigh, “To think I would lose my head like this,” He shook his head, “This breach cannot go unpunished, though.”

“You’re right,” Teyva said and reached down to put a hand on Niko’s shoulder, “Put him in my care.”

“What?” Yaga blurted, “Doing what?”

“Community service,” Teyva said, smiling at her, “I’ve been thinking about asking if Azar from the various tribes could come and meet with the Akurai and teach them about life in Osan, ease them into their new lives in this time. Niko is passionate about his culture and his people. He knows a lot,” She looked down at Niko, “He would be good for the job, but it would require him leaving his role as First Elder.”

“Stripped of his title and forced to serve the one he assaulted while providing a service to Osan,” Thrake murmured and glanced over at Azrael, “Your sister has grown it seems.”

Azrael shot her father a smug smile, “Told you.”

“So you agree?” Teyva asked, turning to Yaga.

Yaga hesitated and then let out a sigh, scratching the back of her head and smiling at Teyva. “I can’t beat you, can I?”

“Nope,” Teyva laughed and knelt down to look a stunned Niko in the eyes, “Niko, I’m going to punish you now. Do you accept it?”

Tears welled in the Azar’s eyes and he turned to press his head to the ground at Teyva’s feet, “I accept your judgement, highness.”

Teyva swallowed and got to her feet, glancing at Thrake who gestured for her to continue. Teyva cleared her throat and improvised as best she could, “First Elder Niko Yftha, in the name of the Azar Royal Family I strip you of your title and authority and place you in the service of Osan and her People, you will dedicate yourself to fostering relations with the Akurai people on behalf of your kin. Do you understand?”

The Azar let out a quiet sob and nodded, “I will never forget your mercy, highness.”

She held out her hand, “Now get up,” She said softly. He reached for her hand and she pulled him to his feet. “I’m trusting you Niko, with my children. Don’t betray that trust.”

“I swear on my life,” He choked, bowing one more time.

“You may go, one of the guards will escort you to the Pinnacle where we’ll talk more,” She said.

He nodded and left the room, a guard who had been summoned by Yaga following him out. Teyva let out a breath and sat down on the nearest bench. Nephral shrank to his smaller size and jumped to her shoulder. “I am exhausted,” She groaned, rubbing her face. She held her head in her hands for a while, taking in everything.

Thrake turned to Azrael and then looked up at Yaga who nodded. “Well done, Teyva,” Thrake said, and made his way back into the viewing room with Azrael and Tiisha.

Yaga stayed behind and came to Teyva’s side, sitting down with her and wrapping an arm around her waist, “You saved my brother’s life,” Yaga whispered, she rested her head on Teyva’s shoulder, “You’re still not off the hook though, I’m pretty mad about that stunt you pulled.”

“I know,” Teyva said, “I’m sorry.”

“I know you are,” Yaga said, “I never thought he’d go that far.”

“I just hope I made the right call,” Teyva said, “Was there something else I could have done that would have been better?”

“Don’t doubt yourself, you made the best decision possible,” Yaga said, taking Teyva’s chin and looking her in the eyes, “Thrake was impressed. You’ll make a good queen when the time comes.”

Teyva smiled weakly and rested her head against Yaga’s, “I love you.”

“I love you too, devil woman,” She murmured, “Just don’t go scaring me like that again, got it?”

Teyva nodded, “Yeah, I got it.”

“Good,” Yaga said, giving Teyva a gentle kiss, “At this point, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Probably have a lot less frost-bites,” Teyva quipped.

“Oh hush, pervert,” Yaga laughed, giving Teyva a slap on the arm.

A throat cleared behind them and a decidedly red-faced representative of the competition staff put his hands behind his back, he shifted on his feet a little, “M-Master Yaga, un-unfortunately…” he trailed off.

“Yeah I know, can’t stay in here if I’m not an active fighter,” She said and turned to Teyva. “I want both you and Azrael to win, it’s hard for me to choose, so I’ll root you both on. Either way, your father is in for a treat. Good luck, Teyva.”

“Thanks Yaga, go on, I’ll look for you in the stands,” Teyva whispered. Yaga got to her feet and lingered for a moment before stepping past the representative and out of sight. The representative dropped into half a dozen bows of apology before Teyva finally got him to buzz off. She pulled her knees up to her chest and forced herself to breathe. She’d been through so much since she came to Orum, but if she had to pick the hardest moment of them all, the last half hour had been beyond difficult.

“You okay?” Azrael said behind her.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” Teyva said, “Sorry about the scare.”

“Oh, I already knew you were immune to death magic, remember? I told father immediately, he thought it was hilarious,” She chuckled, “But a crime is a crime.”

Teyva smirked and nodded, “Yeah. Are you okay with this, Az?” She asked, looking up at her dear friend and sister.

Azrael crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, “Teyva, how many times do I have to tell you? I never wanted the throne, I don’t care for it, I don’t need it. I want to support someone who deserves it, who can use it to do the right thing when…” She frowned, “...if something happens to dad,” She cleared her throat, “I swore an oath to you to be your knight, I couldn’t be more proud of the person I chose.”

“This is hard,” Teyva croaked, “I’ve been keeping this act up for so long.”

“I know,” Azrael whispered, sitting down with her and pulling her into a hug. “I know.”

Teyva felt the tears begin to fall and finally broke down in her friend’s arms, clinging to Azrael’s back as she let it all out.