Chapter 130 – Festival XIII
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“There are two ways to become an Aspect Being,” Thrake said, his hands in his lap, “You are either born one or you meet a series of very particular requirements,” He continued, not even flinching as the flash of white light exploded around Azrael. When the light faded, Azrael had vanished only to reappear on the opposite side of the arena, flickering and jumping forward in an erratic and unusual way. It seemed like she would just vanish and reappear several yards away without any rhyme or reason. The others sitting nearby all looked to Thrake, disbelief in their wide eyes.

“Five aspects,” Paraklytus murmured, “That is the first step. Though the Labyrinthians called those with five aspects someone who had achieved ‘quintessence’.” He added.

“Do you remember the moment you changed?” Thrake asked.

“I am afraid not, I had been wallowing in the depths of the University for centuries, losing myself to my solitude, then at some point I awoke from my madness-sane once more,” Paraklytus said, “A curious thing.”

“I’ll clear it up, then,” Thrake said, “The second requirement is to embody something, to be an example of that thing. Not only that, but to accept that about oneself. To realize that you and that concept are immutable. That is when the sixth aspect begins to form.”

“Sixth?” Niko asked, “Even you only have five, majesty.”

Thrake raised his eyebrows, “Do I now?” He asked, “That’s news to me.” He chuckled and continued, “The third and final requirement is a catalyst. A moment where ego, acceptance, drive, passion, and the will to grow all coincide. A perfect moment of oneness with oneself.”

“With requirements like that, couldn’t it happen to anyone at any time? Even to a child?” Conrad asked, “I’ve never heard of this.”

“And you won’t, the only way to get five Aspects is to have an existing Aspect Being assist you in the process as only we are able to bypass the one aspect limit by granting it to you,” Thrake explained, “Naturally born Aspect Beings already know the prerequisites by their very nature and you don’t hear of them giving out this secret to just anyone. Entities like Paraklytus and Myself on the other hand of course exist but are incredibly rare because of that.”

There was another explosion of sound and they returned their attention to the fight. Behemoth’s arm had shifted into an enormous sickle like implement that a few of them recognized as the limb of a Rilk Queen. The mighty beast swung down, trying to catch Azrael only to cut through a cloud of debris and stone. Before it could turn to look for her, Azrael’s wolves, which had been harrying around the edge of Teyva’s summons, leaped onto Behemoth’s chest and went for it’s face. The enormous creature grabbed one in its other hand but not before the second bit down on Behemoth’s throat.

“How will we know that it’s happened?” Elat, who had been sitting in grim silence as he watched his wife do battle, asked.

“You will most certainly know when it happens,” Thrake said, “Everyone in the stadium will know, but they may not comprehend exactly what it is that has happened.”

Paraklytus leaned further against the rails, his eyes fixed on the encounter. Another flash of pink radiance exploded off of Azrael, knocking away a group of Mockeries only for her to get struck by the mighty arm of the Death Elemental. Azrael rolled backward, skidding across the ground and letting out a cry of pain as her back struck a raised stone that had been knocked loose during the fight. She staggered to her feet, her shoulders heaving. Around her feet shadows whipped and licked the air like an open flame. Across from her, Teyva raised her head high, looking at Azrael from behind her mask. More Manikins rose up out of the ground, arming themselves. Her body seemed unscathed but from the looks of it her stamina was reaching critical levels.

It was in the moment when they resumed their fight, Azrael charging and then dropping into the ground as if she had fallen into a hole while Teyva began the process of yet another summon that the world seemed to slow down just a little. Color became more vibrant, light bent, reality grinding against itself for just a heartbeat. Then words rippled through the minds of all those present.

I am the Mother of Monsters

I am her General in Shadows

Paraklytus gripped the rails, Conrad and Elat leaped to their feet, Niko and Batel stared agape, The King crossed his arms and smiled, the crowd let out a gasp as Azrael and Teyva clashed one last time.

Azrael had nothing left in the tank, she was thankful that it cost so little mana to use her abilities and that the strange shadow movement she was taking advantage of didn’t expend any at all. She’d been cut, hit, beaten and chilled to the bone. Blood caked her armor and frost stung her wounds. She could feel Teyva’s afflictions wearing her down. Even so, she had stamina to spare. She could keep going but she wondered if her body would hold out under the strain. One more attack, one more exchange, that was all she could muster. Any more was at the risk of her own life at this point. She kept moving in the shadows, trying to avoid attacks while she looked for that final opening.

Teyva took a shuddering breath, her health was nearing full again and her mana was rising. Her stamina was down to ten percent. She hadn’t even moved all that much! Yet the pressure that Azrael had put on her was something she’d never experienced before. Her monsters were holding out, the Death Elemental still having not been felled by Azrael’s new abilities. That said, she’d had to summon and resummon Behemoth over and over and every time she summoned a group of Manikins her stamina dropped by a whole chunk. Since when could she summon more than one of a monster at a time anyway? Not that she cared, she’d use whatever tool she had at her disposal. But where was Azrael now? She’d lost track of her when she dove into the ground during that last rush. She opened her senses to the Darkeyes, scanning the entire arena for her sister’s presence.

“Where did she- oh no,” She spun, looking up to the Death Elemental. The creature hesitated and looked up. Far above them, falling from the shadows created by the ceiling of the arena, was a hail of pink light followed by a streak of the same. The arrows hammered down, crashing into the Elemental followed by a decisive blow from Azrael’s sword against the creature’s icy skull. It howled in pain, reaching to grab at her only to begin to dissolve into particles of Mana. Nephral’s wings spread and he lunged at Azrael but the Azar was faster, stepping off of Nephral’s head and raising her weapon one more time.

“Defend yourself Teyva!” Azrael shouted.

Teyva’s eyes widened, even if her mockeries grabbed onto her, she’d be able to finish her attack. The Manikins were too far away and Behemoth was occupied. She could throw up a wall but Azrael was expecting that. She only had one tool left at her disposal. She threw out her hand and cast [Labyrinthine Shield]. Azrael’s anti-magic blade crashed into the defensive attack and to Teyva’s surprise the shield didn’t send her sister flying away. Instead, the attack cracked through the shield and continued, scoring a hit against Teyva. Teyva gasped, staggering as the cut dug against her flesh. She looked up and prepared to retaliate, blood leaking from the wound.

Azrael was on her knees, her body covered in blood and ice, she was breathing hard and her eyes were swimming in her head. “Out of mana?” Teyva gasped, gripping her chest.

“Yeah, out of stamina?” Azrael asked.

“Yeah,” Teyva breathed, feeling her legs wobble beneath her.

Azrael leaned forward on her sword, looking up at Teyva. “You’re still standing.”

“Barely,” Teyva laughed hoarsely, “Can you get up?”

“No,” Azrael coughed and swayed, “Damn these afflictions of yours. They’re rough.”

“You were incredible Az,” Teyva said, “I wouldn’t expect anything less from my First General.”

Azrael looked up and smiled, “Victory is yours, My Lady.”

Teyva quickly dismissed her summons, only Nephral and the Mockeries remaining as she rushed to Azrael’s side, stumbling as she did, catching her before she could collapse. “Someone get a healer out here!” She bellowed, “Hurry! I can’t dispel afflictions!” She got to her knees and held her hands out over Azrael, “<Restore Life>,” She breathed, her hands beginning to glow as the magic worked its way over Azrael. The crowd around them was chanting her name, overwhelmed by the match while several men in white robes hurried out onto the field with a cloth stretcher. One of them knelt down and tried to help Teyva up but she pushed him off. “I’m fine! Focus on her, now!” She barked even as she realized she couldn’t rise on her own, her stamina depleted.

Nephral stopped at Teyva’s side and she threw an arm around him so she could remain upright. She rested her face against his fur, gasping for air and reeling over what she’d experienced during the fight, all the while the crowd continued to chant:

“Teyva! Teyva! Teyva! Teyva! Teyva!”

Quest Complete!

[The Unification Festival]

With all the power you could muster you marched your way through the Unification Festival Competition and came through as the victor!

You must survive.

Place as high as possible in the Unification Competition.

Reward: Variable Experience, Variable Reputation Increase with the Azar, Variable Rewards

Calculating Experience Reward…

Kastel Tvar, Level 12 <Elite> : 7560 EXP (including 75% penalty)
Niko Yftha, Level 14 <Elite> : 10350 EXP (including 75% penalty)
Azrael Unabi, Level 11 <Aspect Being> : 10800 EXP (including 75% penalty)
Quest Experience: 21600 (including 75% penalty)


You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!


Skill Rank Up!
Your [Aspect Tongue] Skill has increased to level 5.
You may now use up to three words in an incantation.


Skill Rank Up!
Your [Aspect Tongue] Skill has increased to level 7.
You may now use up to three words in an incantation.


You have earned an Achievement!

[Lady of Unification] - You have overcome every opponent in your way during the Unification Festival and claimed victory. Your overall reputation has increased!

[Aspect Being] - You have awakened a sixth aspect and ascended past the bounds of what it means to be mortal. Behold your splendor! Your experience gains going forward are increased by 25% (Current EXP Modifier: 100%)


Your reputation with [The People of Osan] has increased from [Recognized] to [Beloved]

Your reputation with [The Azar Tribes] has increased from [Wary] to [Revered]

Your reputation with [King Thrake] has increased from [Respected] to [Beloved]

Your reputation with [The Four] has increased from [Friendly] to [Admired]


Your Quest Rewards have been added to your inventory.

You have acquired:
[Aspect Shards] x8 (New total 11)
[Aspect Stone of the Mother of Monsters]
[Ribbon of the Victor]


You have awakened a Sovereign Aspect: [The Mother of Monsters]

All of your attributes are now awakened and will grow naturally.

Your Sovereign Aspect rules over your other aspects, commanding obedience. Your upcoming aspect abilities have been modified. Changes, mutations, and evolutions as a result of your aspects will now complement one another. Your aspect abilities synchronicity has increased. Your inherited ability; [Accept Monster] has become an Aspect Ability. You may not use Aspect Shards in order to acquire new abilities from this Aspect, they are instead gained when you enter a new tier. You gain the following abilities:

Dominion Pool [Monsters]

Tier 1
No Rank

You no longer have a limit on how many of a specific creature you can summon. All abilities that specify a soft limit on the number of summons now no longer have that limit. Instead, all creatures have a set cost that is weighed against your Dominion Pool, a set number that defines how many creatures you may directly control at once. Monsters acquired by the use of [Accept Monster] do not count toward this limit.

Your current Dominion Pool Score is [xxx/100]

Multisummon [Monsters]

Tier 2
No Rank

At an additional cost of either mana or health based on the initial mana cost of the creature you are able to summon multiple creatures at the same time.

Uplift Monster [Monsters]

Tier 3
Active Utility
No Rank


You free the target summon from your direct control, turning it into an individual. Your relationship with the creature defines it's new disposition. This creature becomes more sentient as well as gaining other species specific perks and abilities. These uplifted creatures are considered to be <Elite>.


The prompts just kept coming as she was lifted onto a stretcher of her own and escorted out of the arena.