Chapter 133 – Cold I
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Teyva sat atop the guardsman barracks for the Eastern gate, enjoying the fresh air. She could have found a spot on one of the outer paths of the city to sit on, of course, but she wanted to be able to get a good view. Children played out on the open field between the barracks and the road leading out of the city and into the Wildlands. Recently fresh work had been done on the road to extend it a bit further towards the Balthin Sea. With the Lydan gone, there were many people willing to find work building the road. Teyva pulled her knees up to her chest and watched one kid toss a leather ball at another. Nephral sat next to her, his chin resting on the dark red tiles of the building’s roof.

“Children are wondrous things,” Nephral said thoughtfully.

“You want children of your own, Nephral?” She asked, glancing at him with a wry smile.

Nephral blinked, looking up at her and then looking away, “That is not possible as I am the only one of my kind.”

“Could always summon another,” Teyva said, leaning back and kicking her feet out, “Maybe we’ll be lucky and it’ll be a pretty lady.”

“Summoning a Sphinx just so I can mate,” He shook his head and shuddered, “Something about that does not sit right with me, Mother.”

She chuckled, “You’re right, that, and I don’t know if Elat could handle two of you. Perry would be overjoyed though.”

Nephral scoffed and rested his head back on the tiles, “That said, it might be nice,” He trailed off as one of the children ran over waving up at Teyva.

“Princess Teyva! Did you see our game?” He shouted, a few of the others ran over and waved to her, repeating the question.

Teyva waved back, “Yes! It was impressive! You should play for an audience one day!”

The children cheered and talked among themselves before rushing back to start up another round of play. Teyva looked to the city as the wind picked up and blew her hair around her face. It had been a month since the festival, the Cardinal tribes had returned to their homes. The city had returned to its normal level of activity. Even so, it was even harder than before to go out these days. She had to use [Alter Self] constantly now in order to go shopping or visit the bar with Yaga. Citizens swarmed her and Azrael on a daily basis, just happy to see them. It was strange, feeling welcomed like that after all the fear directed at her for so long.

Teyva pressed her lips together in a frown and looked back to the children, feeling her heart ease a little. One of the children turned and waved at her before throwing the ball over his playmates heads. They all gasped in surprise as one on the other side rushed to catch it. He tripped and fell, letting out a cry of pain as he gripped his knee. Teyva let out a small laugh and sighed, slipping off the side of the building and stepping onto a glowing transparent tile that appeared beneath her feet. She descended quickly, steps forming as she moved until she was on the ground. From there she hurried to the boy’s side, sitting down next to him and checking him over.

“Hurt your knee, did you?” She asked, gently helping him into a sitting position.

The crying boy nodded, Teyva let out a breath and shook her head, “Be more careful next time, what if I’m not around?”

“Don’t say that!” Another boy shouted, “Princess Teyva will always be there, you’re going to be the Queen one day!”

Teyva gave the boy a smile and turned to focus on the injury, “<Restore Life>” she breathed, the verbal magic sending a brilliant white glow over her hands. The light passed over the injury and the bruise began to fade. When she pulled her hands away, the boy looked up at her in awe.

“Th-thank you, princess,” He said, his cheeks burning red. She reached over and pat him on the head before nodding to his playmates. He hurried to his feet, picked up the ball, and joined them.

She paused as her senses picked up on a presence behind her, got to her feet and brushed herself off, “Hello Conrad,” She turned and rest her hands on her hips as the fallen knight approached. He’d cleaned up since the festival, wearing long sleeves to cover this wightling hair and keeping his head hair up in a ponytail. He looked like a dignified Knight and much closer to his actual age with the hints of a goatee forming on his face. He still had lost at least twenty years of weathering after becoming what he was, but at least he didn’t look like a teen at the wrong angle anymore.

Conrad bowed, “Mother, The King is calling for you,” He said, standing up straight.

Teyva raised an eyebrow, “I wonder what for.”

“No idea, he said it was important though,” Conrad said, falling into step with her as she waved to the children, signalling her departure. Nephral flew in for a landing and trotted at her right, folding his wings and glancing at Conrad.

“You look well, Lord Conrad. Did you finally get some sleep?” Nephral asked.

“I sleep fine,” Conrad corrected him, crossing his arms behind his back.

“So you have not been harassing Lord Paraklytus for aspect stones day in and out, chasing him across the city and letting yourself get fooled into menial tasks for the lich?” Nephral asked innocently. Each statement seemed to wound Conrad further and Teyva could almost imagine him being struck with arrows the way he flinched. She burst into laughter and eyed him from the side as he rallied himself.

“Azrael is already ahead of me by having a Sovereign Aspect and I will not be left behind!” He declared, glaring at the Feline. “I’ll find a way to convince that bony bastard to open up his collection to me.”

“You could try being nicer about how you ask,” Teyva pointed out, “Instead of…” She turned and he was startled to see that her face was a perfect remake of his own on her body. She raised her voice, mimicking his own, “Raaah! Paraklytus you skull-faced bastard! Give me Aspect Stones!” She turned her head back to normal and laughed at Conrads bewildered expression.

He slumped and began dragging his feet, “You wound me My Lady.”

She reached over and pat him on the shoulder, “It’ll come, I won’t have anyone else but you as one of my Generals,” Teyva said, “Stop doubting yourself,” She scratched her chin with a talon, “Tell you what, I’ll speak with Paraklytus about it, I want you ready for anything.”

He turned to her, his eyes positively sparkling, “R-really?” He gaped only to cough, clear his throat, straightening his back and incline his head, “I mean, Thank you, Highness.”

She raised her hand to her mouth and laughed, “Don’t ever change Connie, even after I help you get your payback, promise me? No matter how dark our road gets,” She said, punching him in the shoulder and stepping away, her hands behind her back. He rubbed his arm and frowned at the nickname only for his lips to twitch a little into a smile.

They talked merrily as they made their way into the city, greeting Garnett along the way and meeting up with Batel who had stationed himself just within the entrance to the city so he could escort her. He reported on some of the details concerning the Akurai down below. Niko had become a magnificent go-between for their people and the people of Osan, explaining many of the cultural nuances of Azar society as well as helping them go out to shop and find work for themselves for the very first time. He embraced his work with enthusiasm, throwing himself into every task. It was honestly a little shocking but very welcome. After the briefing along the way to the lift, Teyva sent him back to the Akurai to keep up the work with Niko.

On the lift, Teyva, Nephral, and Conrad stood in silence for a little while, “What do you think the King wants?” Conrad asked.

“I need some air,” Teyva grumbled, running her fingers through her hair, “Hopefully a trip somewhere nice? Diplomatic mission to a tropical oasis?”

Nephral laughed, “There are no such places in the western region of this continent, Mother.”

Teyva glowered, “Let me have my dreams, Nephral, please,” She whined.

“If it's a trip,” Conrad said thoughtfully, “I would not be surprised if it were a diplomatic mission to the North. From what I understand the King has been working hard on developing an alliance with the Elves. The Winter Wastes are also only accessible for another month or two so now would be an appropriate time to leave and stay for the winter before returning.”

Teyva turned her head slowly in his direction and gave him a dreadful look, “That white bullshit from the sky? I hated it where I grew up. So don’t even joke,” She was well aware that her first Aspect had frost-like effects and that her body was cold to the touch but that didn’t mean she had to put up with snow. She rubbed her arms and shivered, visualizing a miserably bleak mountain range.

“I’ll remember that,” Conrad said, shrinking back.

They arrived at the Pinnacle and passed the guards into the Throne Room where the King, Azrael, Elat, and Paraklytus were waiting. Teyva stepped forward and inclined her head gently to the King while Conrad dropped to a knee. He got up after a gesture from the monarch who also rose to his feet and cleared his throat.

“Thank you for coming Teyva, I’ll get straight to the point. I’m sending you to the north to meet with the King of the Elves on an important miss-” He blinked, trailing off when he saw Teyva turn her head slowly in Conrad’s direction, her eyes burning. She whipped her head back in his direction and he cleared his throat again, “Important Mission. I trust you can handle it?”

Teyva inclined her head and forced out the words even as a vein throbbed in her neck, “Of course,” She was going to make sure to torment Conrad later for this one.

Journal Update!

[Peace with the North]

The King of the Azar has asked you to deliver an offer of an alliance with the Elves in the north. Travel north to the snowy realm of the Elves and meet with their leaders.

You must survive.

Arrive in the Kingdom of the Elves (0/1)

Deliver the letter from King Thrake (0/1)

Return to King Thrake and Report your Success after Winter (0/1)

Reward: Experience, Variable Reputation Gains, Additional Rewards, Magic Equipment

Accept the Quest?: Yes / No