Chapter 134 – Cold II
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Teyva put down her drink, staring at the glass and daring it to be empty. She hadn’t reached the point of drunkenness yet but she was beginning to feel warmth beneath her icy skin. Tonight was her last night in Osan for a while, Azrael and Elat had already left the table to return to the Pinnacle for some privacy. Barin Kot stared into his own glass, frowning, his thoughts elsewhere. Tiisha was sipping her drink as if she didn’t have a care in the world, glancing over now and then towards Yaga who was rubbing her own glass with her thumb. Argus downed his fifth drink in one obscene shot and set it down on the table, squinting at Teyva.

“Isn’t this supposed to be a damn party?” He growled, “Looks like a funeral to me.”

“Isn’t your idea of a party getting rip-roaring drunk anyway?” Tiisha quipped back at him.

“I don’t want to hear that from you, lady weak-booze,” Argus returned fire, grinning at her, “Drink something real for once.”

“Wine, I’ll have you know, is a perfectly legitimate beverage for drinking,” Tiisha said, “I don’t need to be plastered to enjoy my evening.”

“Nah, you just need a broad lap to sit on, preferably with a throne included,” Yaga chimed in, tilting her head and tapping her glass with her thumbnail. She glanced up at Teyva and grinned. Teyva chuckled and went to sip again but remembered her glass was empty.

“Worst kept secret in Osan,” Tiisha sighed, downing her wine in a few gulps and then setting the glass down. She looked up at the Bartender and pointed at Argus’ glass before pointing at her spot at the table. The man nodded and set to work preparing a drink, “Fine, I’ll have some of your swill.”

“Yeah! That’s more like it!” Argus laughed, “You gonna get a refill, Barin?”

“Argus, one of us has to carry you lot back,” Barin yawned, turning a sleepy eye on his comrade.

“Pshaw!” Argus waved a hand, “We’ll just call the Pinnacle Guard down or something.”

Barin rolled his eyes and glanced at Teyva, “You’re quiet tonight, Princess.”

“I’m going to miss Osan,” Teyva said quietly, running her finger around the rim of the glass and causing a line of frost to form. She glanced up at Yaga, “There’s a lot here that I’ve come to love.”

“You’ll be back in no time!” Argus grunted, inclining his head to the bartender who refilled his glass and knocked it back as if it were water. “Besides, some fresh mountain air is good for you. My home out west is in a small part of the northern range. The thin air is good for training the body.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” Teyva chuckled and made eye contact with Yaga again, she turned to see Tiisha giving her a coy look and cleared her throat, “I think I’m done for the evening,” She said, pushing her glass back and standing up.

“You depart fairly early, don’t you?” Barin asked, “Be well, Princess.”

“Yeah, what he said,” Argus grinned at her, “Don’t take any shit from those prissy elves either.”

“I hope it’s a productive visit,” Tiisha said, “And that you come home safely.”

Yaga pushed herself to her feet, “I’ll walk the princess back.”

“You do that,” Tiisha teased, “See you tomorrow.”

Yaga cleared her throat and nodded to Teyva who turned and made her way to the door. She stopped and looked back at the gathered members of the Four and smiled before stepping out. The city streets were largely empty this time of night, hours after dark. Teyva could already feel her poison resistance working against the alcohol and bringing a growing sense of clarity to her head. She glanced at Yaga who walked next to her in silence, the severe woman resting a thumb in her belt and watching their surroundings like a hawk.

“I wish you could come,” Teyva said quietly as they rounded a corner and began their approach toward the Pinnacle lift.

“Yeah,” Yaga mumbled, “My place is here though.”

“I know,” Teyva said with a sigh, “Stella is going to miss you.”

“She’s a strong girl, she’ll be fine,” Yaga said with a thoughtful smile, “Going to be tough as nails when she grows up.”

“I hope she doesn’t have to be,” Teyva said after a moment, they passed through the doors into the lift and Yaga keyed in their destination. Teyva walked over to one of the rails of the lift and leaned against it, allowing her disguise to fade. Her horns returned and her skin began to glitter again. She exhaled as the mental pressure eased and her maximum mana rose back to normal.

Yaga leaned against the rail next to her and chewed on her lip, “You’re beautiful like that, you know, you don’t need to hide it,” She said.

Teyva cleared her throat and felt her face warm, “You don’t have to tell me that.”

Yaga rounded on her and placed both hands on the rails on either side of Teyva, cornering her. “Don’t I?” She demanded, looking Teyva in the eyes. Yaga’s ferocious emerald green eyes blazed, “I think I should say it more often.”

Teyva pulled back an inch but felt herself press against the rail. She felt her chest tighten and felt her face burn as she tried to turn her head away. Yaga grabbed her chin and turned it back to face her. Teyva reached up and grabbed her wrist, “Don’t, it’s cold.”

“It’s fine,” Yaga said, “I don’t mind the cold.”

Teyva let out a shuddering breath, “Not here, guards at the throne room.”

“Let them see,” Yaga growled and kissed her, Teyva reached around and clung to Yaga’s back, her talons gripping against the durable fabric of her uniform. Their lips parted when the lift came to a stop and the doors opened. Teyva glanced to the right out of the corner of her eye and spotted the two guards standing out front of the throne room. They stood completely still but Teyva could see the minute reactions from both of them. She grabbed Yaga’s hand and tugged at it, walking her toward the doors to the Throne Room. “Teyva?” She whispered.

“Shut up a minute,” Teyva hissed, walking to the guards who bowed their heads at her approach. “May we go inside?”

“Of course, Highness. Court is not in session though,” The guard said, stepping aside and allowing them to walk in. Teyva pushed the doors open and stepped into the darkened throne room. As soon as the doors shut she spun and grabbed Yaga by the collar, pulling her in for another kiss, closing her eyes and savoring it this time. Her heart pounded in her ears and she could feel heat burning against her cold skin. Yaga reached down and fumbled with Teyva’s sash, breaking the kiss to look down and undo the tie.

“You tie this too tightly,” She hissed, breathless.

“Just for you,” Teyva laughed hoarsely, pulling back a few steps and out of Yaga’s grip. Yaga blinked at Teyva’s mischievous expression as Teyva turned and ran toward the throne. She willed her [Glasswalker] power to activate, stepping on the glowing glass-like platforms and ascending to the raised part of the room where the Throne sat. Yaga hurried after her, missing her platforms by just a second and having to run up to the wall and jump to pursue her. She landed just behind Teyva who laughed and turned around only to get pushed back and into the Throne. “Woah, Yaga, this is the-”

“It’ll be yours eventually,” Yaga growled, putting her hands on either side of Teyva and staring down at her. The two of them breathing heavily.

Teyva searched her face and leaned back, “Fine, treat me like a Queen,” she breathed, sticking a foot out.

Yaga grabbed her ankle, “Yes, your majesty.”

By some miracle the two of them eventually took their antics up to Teyva’s bedroom, slipping past a sleeping Marble and into greater privacy. They did their best to stay quiet, not wanting to wake Stella. By the end, Teyva was tired and sore, but relieved. She lay on her side, staring at Yaga who had rolled over to face her. Yaga reached forward and ran her fingers down through Teyva’s mess of hair and pulled the sheet up a little over her shoulder.

“To think this started as a booty call,” Teyva chuckled.

“What’s that?” Yaga asked, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s a phrase from where I come from,” Teyva said, “Consequence-free encounter.”

“I’d say there were consequences,” Yaga said.

“You aren’t wrong,” Teyva said, “But what are we?”

“I believe the word is lovers,” Yaga said flatly, playing with Teyva’s hair. “Would you call it something else?”

“No, I’m fine with that,” Teyva said.

“While you’re up there in the north,” Yaga said, “If you get lonely, don’t forget that you are an Azar woman. Take-”

“What I want and who I want,” Teyva finished for her, “Maybe, if I feel like it, but I’d rather it just be you.”

Yaga smiled and rolled onto her back, “I wish I hadn’t been so hard on you when we first met.”

“You didn’t know me,” Teyva said, crawling over to her and resting her head on Yaga’s chest. She felt Yaga’s chin press down on hers and an arm wrap around her body. It felt so good to be held. She didn’t mind doing the holding, but right now she just wanted to be comforted. “I understand.”

“I know, but I just wish I had more time with you,” Yaga said, “Now you’re off on another adventure.”

“You could come with us?” Teyva said.

“You know I can’t, my responsibility is to the Eastern Tribe and the Border. I have to stay here,” She said, stroking Teyva’s hair. “I’ll be thinking of you, though.”

Teyva drew in closer, “I love you, Yaga.”

“I love you too, Teyva,” Yaga whispered.