Chapter 135 – Cold III
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On the morning of the departure, Teyva found herself standing next to Azrael outside of Osan, little Stella in her arms. The Marble was with them as well, standing infront of the pair as stoically as ever. Teyva held out her hand and pointed it at the animated wall, first casting [Create True Mimic]. The ever-loyal creature shuddered and grew in size, it’s heavy body appearing even more dense than before. It opened one of its eyes and examined Teyva closely, curious about what she was doing. She tilted her head to the right and smiled at him, “You’ve earned this, big guy,” She said, and cast [Uplift Monster]. Another flash followed the casting and the slab of marble grew even larger.

“How do you feel?” She asked, wondering if she’d get the same response as Queenie.

Happy. Thank.

She chuckled, “You’re welcome, so can you change shape for us now?”


Teyva pointed over at one of the carriages near where they were standing. The creature’s eyes opened and eyed the carriage before looking back at Teyva. “Can you turn into one of those? With room for us to sit inside of course.”


The marble slab began to melt, its body contorting as it began to form the various parts of a carriage. The wheels and axels took shape and the cabin rose up until it formed itself completely. Soon the gold-infused stone began to take on a varnish-like appearance until it looked more like wood than marble. Small windows took shape and the creature even produced curtains. Before long a full-sized carriage had come to life, it spun its wheels a few times experimentally before opening the doors and letting the two women peer inside.

“Not bad at all,” Azrael said, pressing her fingers against the cushions, “He’s got good taste.”

Teyva pat the side of the carriage, “Good boy,” She said, “Thank you dearie.”


The sound of hooves against the ground drew their attention and Teyva looked back to see two sets of cavalry approach on horses fitted with strange dark collars. Each of the collars had a red stone set on the side just within reach of the rider. The first set of Cavalry was led by Batel who was fitted with traveling armor and a helmet. Behind him ten men on horseback also bore the glowing blue eyes of the Akurai. The next set of cavalry came to a stop, all of them were Azar wearing the uniform and armor of the royal guard. At the head was a surprise for both Teyva and Azrael.

“Majestys,” Abba said, looking down from her horse. She looked so different in armor. Her short pale hair completely covered by the helmet and her sharp eyes looking battle ready.

“Abba! What are you doing here?” Teyva asked.

“I am also a member of the Royal Guard, as well as Lady Azrael’s attendant, it goes without saying that I would be here,” She said, inclining her head to Azrael.

Azrael chuckled, “Sometimes I forget that,” She said scratching her neck and glancing at Teyva who gave her a wide-eyed look. “Sorry.”

Teyva laughed and shook her head, turning to Batel, “Captain.”

“My Queen,” He responded respectfully, inclining his head, “We are ready to depart at your leisure.”

“This will be the main carriage,” Teyva said, gesturing to the mimic behind her. Those gathered looked at the carriage and frowned. She smirked and the carriage backed up a little of it’s own accord. Batel’s eyes widened and Teyva inclined her head, “He will provide a great deal of protection for us as well.”

A trio of figures came into view behind the gathered knights and Teyva was pleased to see Elat, Paraklyuts, and Conrad approach, talking among themselves. The Lich looked up and offered a polite wave when he caught sight of Teyva. She returned the gesture as they drew closer, coming to a stop and examining the carriage. Elat was the first to speak, “Where’s the driver and horses?” He asked, confused.

“It is a mimic,” Paraklytus said, chuckling, “I can sense its life force.”

“Got it in one,” Teyva said, “It’s The Marble.”

“Really!” Elat blurted, walking up to the carriage and putting his hand on the side, “Good to see you my friend.” An eye formed on the side of the carriage where Elat was standing and the vehicle let out a pleasant growl, he chuckled and pat it on the side again before turning back. Azrael gave him an amused look and he frowned at her. “What? The Marble and I go back, we made a pretty good team fighting Conrad.”

“Ah, the slab,” Conrad said, eyeing the carriage, “I do not know how I feel about riding inside the belly of a beast.”

“You can walk,” Teyva laughed.

“Please do not bully me, highness,” Conrad complained.

Soon even more people arrived, The Four accompanying the King along with Nephral who flew overhead before landing atop the carriage. Teyva caught Yaga’s eye and smiled at her, the mighty leader of the Eastern Tribe scratched her nose and shot a grin back. When they came to a stop the King looked over at the other set of carriages waiting to depart. There was a small cadre of foot soldiers inside of them as well as supplies and additional room for sitting and resting. Teyva and Azrael approached the King and he opened his arms to pull them into an embrace. Stella let out a squeak of surprise and he looked down to examine the tiny creature.

“Little Stella, look at you, growing so fast,” He chuckled, tapping the baby on the nose and looking up at Teyva.

“She wants to walk,” Teyva said, “I’ve caught her getting up now and then.”

“Impressive!” The King crooned and put his hands on Teyva and Azrael’s shoulders. He knelt down a little to get to their eye level, “Thank you, girls, for doing this for me. This alliance with the Elves is vital for the future and I firmly believe it could not be in better hands.”

“We’ll do our best Father,” Azrael said, “Thank you for trusting us with this.”

“We won’t let you down, Father,” Teyva said.

He hugged them again and kissed them both on the head. “Be safe.”

Teyva looked up from Thrake’s embrace at Yaga who stood off to the side, rubbing her arm. She pulled away after Thrake held it a little too long and gave her adoptive father a teasing look before approaching Yaga. The baby in her arms squirmed a little but relaxed when she saw Yaga above her. “You want to say bye to Yaga?” Teyva asked the child, looking down at her and pressing her shoulder against Yaga’s. Yaga looked down at the child and ran a finger over her face.

“Look at that grin, going to be as dashing as her mother,” Yaga said.

“Please,” Teyva laughed, nudging her.

“I’ll see you soon little Stella,” Yaga said, squeezing her tiny hand.

“Baauu bauuu,” The baby tried, making grasping hands at Yaga. Yaga looked up at Teyva and shrugged before handing the baby over to Yaga. Yaga took the baby in her arms for a moment and whispered to the child before handing her back to Teyva. “Ya ya,” The baby babbled.

“Yeah, that’s Yaga, she loves you very much,” Teyva said, winking at her lover, “As soon as spring comes.”

“As soon as spring comes,” Yaga nodded, “I’ll see you soon, Teyva Akura.”

“Teyva! Quit flirting! We gotta go!” Azrael shouted at her from the carriage.

Teyva and Yaga blushed and cleared their throats simultaneously, “I’m going to miss you,” Teyva said.

“Get going,” Yaga said, “Spring, remember?”

“Right,” She leaned forward and kissed Yaga, the first time she’d done so publicly. There was a whoop from the carriage and Teyva rolled her eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you more,” Yaga said and stepped back, “Now get outta here devil woman.”

Teyva smiled even as her heart ached, it hurt to have to leave her behind even for a little while. They’d grown so attached over the past few months she couldn’t imagine going a day without seeing her. Teyva cleared her throat and forced herself not to look back, though, she didn’t want to worry Yaga anymore than she already was. She made her way to the carriage and found Conrad waiting outside of it, two spots left to sit. Teyva pat him on the cheek and climbed inside, settling in next to Azrael and across from Paraklytus who took up two spots on his own. From above, Nephral tapped the roof and let out a roar, excited to go exploring.

Teyva settled in as Conrad got himself situated, “Here we go,” Teyva said, letting out a breath.

“Are you going to be okay, Majesty?” Paraklytus asked.

“I’ll be fine, absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that,” She said, stroking the baby’s head as Stella squirmed a bit.

“A beautiful sentiment,” Paraklytus mused, “I have not heard it before.”

Elat glanced at Azrael, “How about you?”

“I’m fine, knucklehead,” She said, crossing her legs and looking out the window. “Looks like the lead carriage is heading out.”

Teyva glanced to the ceiling, “Marble, dearie, follow that carriage.”


The carriage began to move, turning to the left and giving those inside a view through the window of the prosperous city of Osan. It would be months before they returned but at least they knew it was in good hands.