Chapter 136 – Cold IV
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Teyva spent the majority of the first week deep in meditation, building up her Mana Manipulation. Azrael joined her after the first day and before long everyone in the carriage was carefully managing their mana to pass the time. Elat fumbled with it at first but after some coaching from Azrael and Paraklytus he managed to find his own peaceful state of mind. Teyva allowed the comforting energy to wrap around herself and Stella, lulling the child to sleep with her presence. Before long, Teyva’s skill in [Mana Manipulation] began to go up.

Skill Rank Up!

Your [Mana Manipulation] Skill has increased to level 11.

Your current mana cost reduction for spells and abilities is 11%

When the prompt appeared, Teyva pulled herself out of her trance and looked up to see Paraklytus staring at her. He raised a finger to his bony mouth, indicating that everyone else was still deep in meditation and it was best not to disturb them.

Private chat? Teyva asked through the mental connection.

Such a useful tool. Paraklytus agreed, You’ve grown rapidly, a result of your origins?

Who told you? Teyva asked.

Well I had my suspicions given the way you arrived in this world, but in truth I questioned the King about it, Paraklytus admitted.

Have you met someone like me before? She asked.

I’m afraid not, this ‘cycle’ that the King referred to is a mystery to me. It did not exist during my time, the lich admitted.

I wonder how it started, Teyva said and then moved to a different subject, I have a question.

Speak it, majesty.

Do you think I’m ready? She asked, looking at him earnestly.

To face Rani? He rubbed his chin and looked over at Azrael for a moment and then back at Teyva, You may only have one chance to attempt it, but I do feel you are at a point where you could contest her. I have not tested your willpower in some time but you were already strong when we first began training.

Teyva thought back to the weeks after leaving the library, the visits from Paraklytus and his applying his obscene pressure on her using his mana. She’d been able to resist to a degree which he had said was remarkable. A quick glance at her stats showed that her willpower had almost doubled since then. She frowned, I would rather you not do it while I’m holding Stella.

On the contrary, Paraklytus said, his eyes flashing, Let us see what strength your maternal instinct grants you.

Teyva blinked and her eyes widened, he wouldn’t! His eyes began to glow and he pushed his mana forward in a narrow band, careful not to wake the others before sending it washing over her. She felt the pressure build around her neck and then at her nose, pushing down to her throat. In her arms she heard a tiny, barely audible, hiccup of discomfort. That was enough, she bore her fangs and glared at Paraklytus, pushing back with every ounce of willpower she had daring him with her mana and shoving it back in his direction along the thread he had extended toward her. His eyes brightened even more and she felt him try to fight back, she grit her teeth and leaned forward a bit, pushing harder.

Skill Rank Up!

Your [Mana Manipulation] Skill has increased to level 12.

Your current mana cost reduction for spells and abilities is 12%

He leaned forward now, putting his hands on his knees and actually grunting with the strain. She planted her feet and took a deep breath, settling her mind and digging as deep as she could. She would not allow him to so much as offer Stella even an ounce of discomfort and he would pay for the tiny amount that he had caused. She let out a bestial growl and crammed her mana down his throat, shoving until he eventuall threw up his hands in resignation, his eyes dimming a bit as he submitted to her mental attack.

My word, Paraklytus marveled, I cannot fathom what kind of might you will possess when you reach my level.

Teyva let out a breath, I warned you not to do that around the baby.

Apologies my queen, forgive me, but it seemed like the best way to test your resolve, He admitted.

She frowned and looked down at Stella who squirmed a bit before drifting back off to sleep. She looked back up at Paraklytus who gave her a meaningful look, I think you are ready.

Teyva leaned back and exhaled, leaning her head back and drawing her mana back around herself. She looked up at the ceiling and centered herself again. Soon, then, I want to be somewhere safe.

“Are you two done with your little wrestling match?” Conrad asked from Teyva’s right. Teyva almost jumped a little, glancing over at Conrad who was leaning his arm against the wall of the carriage with his eyes still closed.

“Y-you noticed?” Teyva blurted, “B-but.”

“It was like two lions were roaring in the middle of the damn carriage,” Azrael groaned, dabbing her brow, “What the hell, guys, scared the crap out of me, poor Elat is out cold.”

Teyva looked up at Elat who was leaning against the other side of the carriage with his arms crossed but his eyes fluttering in unconsciousness. Paraklytus laughed, “Boy needs to build up his mana manipulation more. We’re in for a very different kind of culture when it comes to that, isn’t that right, Conrad?”

Conrad still didn’t open his eyes as he sighed, “Yeah, the Azar seem to consider forcing your presence on another to be a taboo, the Elves judge one another on their ability to present themselves with Mana. What you guys consider a taboo they consider a handshake.”

“I’ve never heard of that happening with the elves in Osan though,” Teyva said, looking to Conrad.

Conrad opened his eyes finally and shrugged, “Because they aren’t stupid. When in Osan do as the Azar do.”

“Point,” Teyva said, feeling a little embarrassed.

“I don’t think you’ll have much to worry about, majesty,” Paraklytus said, “Though this would be an excellent chance to really refine your mana presence. Don’t hold back when we arrive, really let it all out.”

Teyva glanced at Azrael who chuckled, “I kinda want to see how this goes down,” She snickered and stretched her arms, peering out the window and smiling. “Look at that! We’re almost to the Northern Tribelands!”

Teyva leaned over Azrael’s lap and looked out the window, spotting what looked like spires of stone jutting up out of the earth. As she squinted she began to make out what looked like seams in the rock. They weren’t naturally occurring at all! They were made of enormous bricks! There had to be hundreds of structures joined together by long bridges of stone held up with carefully designed supports. It was like a forest of stone. Teyva straightened back up and let out a whistle, “That’s seriously impressive. It’s Tiisha’s homeland right?”

“Yes,” Azrael said, “The Northern Tribe has the best relations with the Elves and is known for being sharp-witted but reserved. They also have one of the largest markets in the Wildlands thanks to the number of human villages that have set up east of their territory,” Azrael said, “You can find a crazy selection of goods up here. Maybe even more so than the Osan market.”

“Seriously?” Teyva asked, excited, “I can’t wait!”

“We obviously cannot stay long,” Paraklytus warned, “We do need to arrive in the elves territory before the snows come.”

Teyva and Azrael groaned in disappointment, Conrad let out a laugh, “Let them have fun, mother hen,” The fallen knight teased the lich. Paraklytus turned his head slowly toward Conrad.

“Want to say that again? Boy-who-wants-aspect-stones-from-my-collection?” He growled.

Conrad paled and held up his hand, “A-aha I mean, you’re absolutely right, Archlich.”

Teyva and Azrael glared at Conrad and muttered at him simultaneously, “Traitor, whipped, definitely whipped, jerk.”

By the time Elat woke from being stunned by Teyva and Paraklytus’ tussle, he found Teyva and Azrael muttering to one another, Paraklytus laughing, and Conrad slumped in his seat looking as if his soul was about to leave his body. Elat looked around the room, scratching his head, he clearly didn’t remember why he had blacked out. “I feel like I’ve missed something.”

Azrael shot a glare at Elat, “Elat dear, you think we should take some extra time to explore the market in the Northland, right?” She asked, widening her eyes a little in warning.

Elat held up his hands and looked between the members of the group, trying to quickly get a sense of the situation, “I-uh… r-right! Of course! It wouldn’t do to skip over possibly useful supplies, r-right?” He asked, looking up at Paraklytus who stared at him with his glowing eyes before letting out a sigh.

“Very well, we have a majority,” The lich grumbled.

“Yes!” Teyva and Azrael cheered, loud enough to wake Stella who began to bawl. Paraklytus could only laugh as the two women frantically tried to settle the child down.