Chapter 5. Senior Love Interest
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I was looking at the souvenir shop windows with interest, thinking about what is currently trending among the current youth. After all, if you think about it, it was the first time I bought a gift for a child.

I wonder what Ruby will like? She must have had the typical interests of children her age. I should have bought something plush or cute. So I decided: figuring that there is nothing complicated in this task.

I looked at one cute teddy bear with button eyes with a smile on my face. I think this is what you need! Count Crick's servant grunted behind him, tired of waiting for us to finally leave here. I waved him away with my hand.

After all, it was his job. So was it worth complaining? According to the accepted rules of etiquette: he brought me, which means he has to take me back.

Meanwhile, the bear caught my eye again. Ruby will definitely like this toy! Since this was my first gift for her as an aunt, I definitely wasn't going to make a mistake. In addition, the toy will help smooth out her worries from moving to a new place.

In short, having decided that I would buy it, I intended to go to the store to clarify the price. But at the very entrance, someone suddenly interrupted me. The bell rang and the door swung open. We almost collided— from the surprise I almost lost my balance myself. But fortunately my hand was picked up in time and I hung in the air.

— Ugh!

A relieved breath followed from my mouth. It's good that I didn't have to meet one place with the earth… The stranger helped me up and we finally missed each other. But when I saw his face, I was speechless.

That was definitely an unexpected meeting.

My knees were shaking like a teenage girl—who had the chance to see her idol for the first time. In front of me stood a young man with short scarlet hair and an unperturbed expression on his face. Blue eyes like two blocks of ice. Unshakable, like a stone rock.

Roger Dickens.

The future captain of the royal guard and also one of the main character's love interests.

Reading his biography in the game, I knew in advance that he was the son of a count's family who ran away from home at the age of sixteen. Since then, he has studied hard to realize his main dream — to lead the army and defend the empire.

Roger was the most adult of the love interests, and by the time he met the heroine, he was already twenty-six years old. Perhaps that's the reason I chose him.

Not to say that I fell in love with Roger at first sight. More precisely, this choice was based on sober logic. Neither the emperor's cloying nephew, nor the lovelace teacher, nor the archmage seemed so worthy in comparison with him. Roger was the epitome of nobility and courage. Besides, he's almost my age! It couldn't help but add points to him.

However, I did not expect to meet him in the game in real life.

Since Grace Weinstein was a minor character and did not participate in the plot in any way, my meeting with the other characters seemed simply impossible. However, we ended up almost nose-to-nose in the middle of the street.

I stood in front of him and at first froze in my tracks, not knowing what to do next.

Roger came to me first.

«Lady, are you okay?» — he asked in his cold voice, which I heard so often in the game.

I finally «thawed out» a little.

— Ah… Y-yes!

If you think about it, despite the fact that Roger was the most adult of love interests, I was still five years older than him. Even though we are the same height — he is a teenager and I am an adult woman. It was a little awkward for me to address him.

In addition, just this year, Roger will have to leave his parents' house and join the imperial army. I found a key moment in the biography of one of the main love interests! To some extent, you can be proud of this.

— Did I accidentally hit you?

— N-no, what are you…! — I waved away.

— I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I should have walked more carefully.

I couldn't help admiring: so young, and already filled with justice. Any other teenager in his place ran away a long time ago and did not apologize. But Roger really felt guilty for this oversight. That's what a born knight means!

In the future, Roger will go through a lot of difficult events that will harden his character and make him look like a stone. To get a romantic branch with him, you need to try hard and spend money on paid elections… Otherwise, this rock, called the «captain of the guard», simply cannot be moved from its place! Even in scenes with the heroine, a man rarely shows real emotions and smiles.

But all this will happen later. The current sixteen-year-old teenager simply could not be so harsh. The guy was genuinely embarrassed in front of me.

We crumpled, and I kept waiting for him to offer to disperse. For some reason I didn't dare to say it first. But instead, the heroine's love interest suddenly looked at me carefully.

— I think I touched your dress.

— And…?

I noticed it too. As it turned out, the fabric on my sleeve was slightly torn. It probably happened at the moment when Roger grabbed me. I felt indignant: damn it, this dress cost several tens of thousands! There were basically no cheap outfits in Grace's dressing room. So why do craftsmen use such unreliable fabrics?

I sighed, but realized that there was nothing to do. A dress made of such material can't be repaired anyway… You will have to wear it as it is or sell it on fabric. Anyway, unlike the real Grace, I didn't care about my appearance so much. I could very well sell her entire wardrobe if I needed it one day.

Roger, meanwhile, noticed the expression on my face and hastened to assure:

— Don't worry. I will definitely reimburse everything!

I smiled and shook my head.

— No need.

— Hmm?

«It's just a dress. I don't need money for it.

For the first time, the guy's cold expression wavered.

—Are you serious…?» he asked, just in case.

— yes. Thank you for bothering.

I was going to end this dialogue and get back to my business. But he suddenly stopped me.

— Wait. It was my mistake and I want to make amends.

«But I did…

— It's all right. If you don't need money, I can invite you at least for a cup of coffee.

I was speechless with surprise. This is really a twist: the love interest himself invited me to a meeting! I'm not sleeping, am I?! If it weren't for the fear of sounding like a fool, I would have pinched my cheek immediately. But everything seemed quite real.

— What do you think?

— Ahm… me…

This suggestion put me in a stupor.

At first I tried to refuse, but it didn't work. Roger Dickens was surprisingly persistent. Does he really want to repay me so much? Even so, I was too embarrassed to go to coffee with him. I didn't plan to get involved with any of the main characters at all…

But it looks like I have no choice here. In the end, I gave up.

— good… Let's do this.

Roger's lips closed in a faint smile.

— Great. When is it convenient for you to meet?

— Hmm… — I thought, — How about this Tuesday?

— It'll do for me, — the guy nodded, — Then we'll meet at three o'clock in the coffee shop opposite.

I looked in the direction Roger pointed. There really was a cozy unremarkable coffee shop. Now that we had made an appointment, I didn't know what I was feeling. Joy or excitement?

Meanwhile, I remembered one important thing. If I go to the cafe, who will Ruby stay with? I couldn't leave the child to the maid forever. After all, she's my niece and I have to take care of her personally.

Based on this, I decided to put one more condition in our meeting.

— Excuse me, — I was embarrassed, — Do you mind if my niece also joins us?