Arc Fifteen. Chapter Four Hundred Twenty-Nine. Glow Bugged
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Natasha’s bad mood was shared by Carol but for a much different reason.

She hadn’t spent as much time with the group. Staying in space and then being hurt had limited things. She was happy enough to be on the sidelines and really hadn't thought about what it meant to be part of a large group.

Don't ask don't tell was still a thing, and sharing a shower with a squad had definitely put her in the don't tell category. It was hard not to know you were gay when your dreams were filled with your friends.

Peter had been her one male attraction, and she had fallen hard for him. It had been a booty call at first. Was she really gay or would a man prove satisfying? He had proved immensely satisfying, and she doubted a toy would ever replace him. It was he cared for her, and took the time, he stomped right into her heart and firmly lodged himself there. Carol wasn't normally sappy but after the Kree, to actually feel anything was a blessing. Peter had made her feel alive, wanted, and loved, and she had poured all of her heart back at him. 

It was everyone else who opened that crack more. She jumped at the chance when Peter suggested Felicia join them. The first time she let Peter guide the pace, the second, she didn't. She stopped dreaming of Maria and started to take what she wanted. Nobody cared she was more into women than men. In fact, everyone was happy to accommodate her. Even Peter. Sure, she laughed when he asked if he could watch, but that was all he did. If they said no, it was girl time, he stayed away.

So when Natasha had quietly knocked on her door, and explained her feelings Carol jumped on her. She knew what the feeling was like, and let Natasha experiment and, for once, be in control of what happened. It was her way of paying it forward. No longer that shy virgin, she was now a strong powerful woman, in control of her life. That was what she told herself.

She could still hear that bastard's thoughts in her head. ‘Conform, Obey, Comply’ always echoed and Ravage was constantly pushing back against it. She had been at the mercy of the Kree and the Supreme Intelligence for too long. They wanted a weapon and had failed to force her to become one. So instead it wiped out her emotions, and her past, and left a good little blank slate ready for the Kree to fill up. Vers had been a good Kree and went along with their fascist militaristic bullshit.

Which was why right now she just flew. Her flight still worked, after Rogue had ripped her life away again. The thoughts had come back, 'Comply, Conform, Obey' and she hated them. She couldn't let the other know that cracks were showing in her armour. She was the strongest of them all, and if she fell, nobody could protect them against the Xandarians.

Anger that she had missed out. Anger that they had taken her life from her. Anger that she couldn't just reach out and ask for help. She was her own worst enemy, but as she had touched Natasha she had finally felt a connection. She finally felt like her old self again, she was finally home.

And until that feeling stayed, she would keep flying, keep pushing herself.

“Captain Danvers. You are to stand down. Under direct order from Shield, and from the United States Military. This is not negotiable. Failure to comply will result in a court-martial.” The soldier holding the loudhailer held up a piece of paper, with 'Pardon' written on it. “As a sign of good faith, we have prepared a legal pardon for you. We know you are a wanted fugitive on Xandar and we have negotiated the terms of your surrender on your behalf. As a citizen of Earth, you will be given special rights and treatment.”

That just pissed her off. When she had returned to Earth, and explained she was stripped of her military and Shield rank. There was no mention of an incident on Xandar, but to be safe all her old contacts just dumped her. They washed their hands clean of her. Now the Xandarians had actually showed up on Earth, she was military again. She knew why. She was powered.

“Yeah, how about you go fuck yourself.” She was not in the mood for the power plays of idiots with medals they never earned. It was easy to pat yourself on the back when your hands were clean.

The man's face fell. “Captain Danvers. I repeat-” but a hand from inside the jeep stretched out and he looked down. As he bent down he nodded and opened the jeep's door.

The woman stepped out. Carol's breath caught in her chest. She recognised that hair and the face was unforgettable. The last time Carol had seen it, it was a giant frizzy mess, and the face was a lot younger. “Monica?” Carol laughed. Monica Rambeau was the daughter of her best friend and first crush. But Carol hadn't aged a day, Monica was no longer the cute little girl she remembered.

“Stand down Carol. I'm only asking because of mom.”

Carol frowned. Definitely not a cute kid anymore. There was no missing the anger in her voice. “How is she?”

Monica crossed her arms. “Dead, five years ago, cancer. Cancer they say exposure to that alien crap of yours caused.”

Carol frowned, “What? My powers don't cause cancer. That's bullshit.” She was upset that nobody had bothered to tell her about Maria. “Nice get up.”

Monica smirked. “Yeah, the military collected everything you left. They were pretty pissed you took the cube and the ship. But a few alien rifles and a few DNA samples were all they needed.” Taking off her jacket, Carol could see it was a Kree uniform. The colour shifter must have broken as it was black with a white star in the chest centre. “Now, Stand down, I won't ask again.”

Carol raised her hands, "Hey, I'm not the bad guy here. I was just out-” She was blasted back, Monica's hands glowing the same white shimmer that coated her own.

“Yeah, not just Kree DNA but yours too. I am Captain Marvel, and dead or alive, you are coming with me.” 

Carol picked herself up, the blast hadn’t hurt anything other than her pride, but that was enough right now. “Monica, What the hell is wrong with you? The Xandarians don't have jurisdiction on Earth, and neither does Asgard." She stood up straight, "Unless that pardon was bullshit and you're here to arrest me." Carol shook her head, "I was brainwashed back then, and arrested under false charges. This isn't right."

“Not right? Duty? I didn’t think you’d remember those things. Not right is leaving when the world needed you. Duty was to return and follow the proper chain of command, not go off chasing some man and leaving the army behind.”

Carol took a breath, calmed herself and let her power begin to cycle, “Leave? They kidnapped me, took my mind apart and then made me think I was some kind of defective soldier. I fought back, I saved this world when nobody knew it needed saving and duty? When I came back to Shield, I was told that my power would be used for military purposes. So when I refused to let them dissect me like a lab rat I was ignored. Dishonourable discharge for failing to obey an illegal order. I loved your mom, and it was the hardest thing to leave her. I'm sorry they used you to test out whatever stupid bullshit this is.” Carol took in a breath and let it out slowly, feeling the photon force flow through her. “but if you don't move that stupid blind ass of yours, I’ll move it for you.”

Monica snorted. “They refined the process, even without the cube. I'm faster and stronger than you. And if some dumb bitch thinks I’ll let her endanger the lives of my men.” Her own powers flared as she tapped into the photon force as well. “Or interfere in the lawful execution of the law, then I'm not the one who's blind.”

Pete, they pulled rank on me. Not just jail either, they have a friend of mine here, I can’t fight her Pete, I can’t.

It’s fine Carol. Don’t fight back then.

Love you, and be safe.

“Monica, please, don't do this. I don't want to fight you.” 

Captain Marvel just smirked. “Then surrender, let us take you into custody, and stand trial for your crimes.” 

Carol sneered and shook her head. No, she had said to Peter, she couldn't fight. But now, now she was feeling that anger rise. Her crimes? Her only crime was her unwillingness to let power-hungry idiots dictate terms. This was the Kree all over again, and this time she wasn’t going to take it lying down. “Fair trial? Do you think this nazi bullshit will mean I get a fair trial? Your mom would-” 

Monica yelled, interrupting her, and blasted Carol with a full-force beam of energy. “You don't get to bring her into this.” As she glowed she lifted from the ground. “Mom was heartbroken when you left and never said goodbye. But she also knew where the lines were.” As she tilted forward she sped towards Carol and drove both glowing fists into her. Her photon force exploded against Carol's chest, blowing her back into a parking lot.

Carol sat up, the blast hadn't burned her, but it still hurt. She wiped off the small amount of blood from her lips. “Yeah, your mom knew where the line was, and she would have kicked your ass for crossing it. I miss her,“ and Carol took a deep breath, ”and as she’s not here, then I’ll gladly take her place.” As she floated up she let Ravage cover her in her full symbarmour, glowing and full of energy.

Monica smiled and pressed the front of her uniform. A black and white helmet covered her. “Oh it's on Goldilocks,” and the pair sped towards each other.

Carol dodged a fist and backhanded Monica across the face, sending her flying. She responded by blasting out a photon beam and Carol crossed her arms to absorb it. The beam didn't hurt as much as she thought, and she remembered Gargoyle and his stupid hammer. She didn't care if Monica knew their powers were useless against each other. She had been training with Peter and Logan, so instead opted for a fistfight.

Flying forwards once more Ravage grabbed Captain Marvel and headbutted her. The Kree helmet was good, but nothing compared to a Symbiote. Her thicker helmet dented the front of the Kree uniform but Marvel was unfazed.

“You can’t beat me. I'm stronger than you.” This time, as Captain Marvel glowed and blasted her, Ravage didn't even move to avoid it.

The beam hit her square in the chest and left a tiny single mark. As Ravage waved the small amount of smoke away she shook her head. “You're not stronger. The Stone can’t act against itself, we’re too similar.”

Under the half mask, Monica smirked. “So I don't use it.” She lifted her hands and they turned from a bright white colour into a pale yellow. “I don't need to use its power. I have my own,” and the brighter yellow beam hit Ravage in the chest once more, this time blowing her back.

As she hit the side of the building Ravage looked down at the hole in her armour. Marvel had managed to burn through Ravage and she winced seeing her red and blistered skin.

Are you okay?

We are but we are angry, eat her, take her strength.

I am not eating her. As she lifted herself up Captain Marvel's hands changed colour once more. This time they flickered a pale blue colour.

“My code name was going to be Spectrum, but I felt you didn't deserve yours. I took it, and I will use it to make my mom proud.”

“Proud? Defending the imprisonment of people like us would make her sick. You make me sick,” Ravage yelled back.

Use it. And on her back, the armour unfurled. She had been hesitant, feeling it was a betrayal of her powers and Ravage. She didn't need armour. She had travelled at light speed through the universe. She had danced in a nebula, watched a black hole spin, and marvelled in awe at a supernova. Armour meant she was less, meant she was weak. 

Hmpf, Peter uses armour, and he is not weak. Tasty things come in shells, and now, so do you.

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