Chapter 2: Do it for me
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Chapter 2: Do it for me

After the incubus was fed, Eleric was allowed to get back in the pond, so his abused entrance could heal. The demon had pounded in him with wild abandon. He had never had any such experience before. He wanted more of it, even looked forward to the whip being brought into play.

"Now, for my harem. I have a vampire kink, elf kink, farmer kink..." the demon began to list.

"What kink don't you have?" Eleric snapped. After the hours he had spent panting under the man, he was suddenly being told he was not enough.

"Precious few," the incubus had to admit. "I can make you see stars, if we were not just the two of us in bed."

"We fucked on the grass, like animals," Eleric protested.

"We'll make it to the bed, eventually," the incubus told him.  "Now, do wash up, get in your clothes, and don't come back without a vampire for me to ravage."

"You want to use me as bait?" Eleric was not having any of it. Here he was, giving his all to this creature, and now he was going to be bait?

"Elf blood is a delicacy for vampires. If you are complaining now, I like to see how you will react, when I tell you to come back with a Naga," the incubus moaned at that, and Eleric's ears tinged red at the sound.

"Why can't I be enough?" He asked. With his ginger hair and freckles, he had often been called handsome. Surely, the incubus could see that?

"You will remain as a part of the harem. But, if I ride you until you drop, you won't get anything," the being told him.

"Ride me until I drop?" Eleric asked. "What do you mean?"

"If you haven't noticed, I like to take my time, morsel. As such, if I get carried away, I can keep you without water for days. That is why you need other people in my harem with you. To let me overindulge in your place," the creature then moaned again, probably imagining how it would look when he got a full harem.

"What is your name?" Eleric finally asked. In all honesty, it should have been the first thing he asked of the man.

"Fen," the incubus told him. "No last name."

"Well, Fen," Eleric got out of the pond, and lamented that he couldn't feel the cool water on his body anymore. "I will be going to bring you a vampire."

As much as Eleric didn't want to share, he also knew that what Fen had told him could happen could truly happen. His throat was perched, and he took out a water bottle, and drank it dry. A soft hand rested on his throat.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Fen asked him, kissing the elf's ear.

"I did, but..." Eleric still felt bitter that he had to share.

"Take some of the water with you. Offer it to the herbal shop. With my blessing. For feeding me," Fen kissed the earlobe, and then rested on the grass, naked and satisfied.

Eleric filled the water bottle with the water, and got dressed. He looked at the naked body of the incubus with longing, and then bit his lower lip.

"You would like to tell me something?" Fen asked, eyes ladened in a way that made Eleric want to tug at his own hair.

"I won't be excluded, when I...?" Eleric let his words trail off. It would be nice to come back to such a beautiful creature after a hard quest.

"Exclude you? You will find that I will include you in every meal. Don't you worry, my little elf," Fen's eyes traveled down to Eleric's crouch, and the elf blushed.

"I am not little," Eleric spoke, and then walked away from the pond. The nearest vampire lived in the village. Rented a room in the inn and only left it at dark. If Eleric was quick, he could catch him.

The elf made the short distance between his cottage and the village in record time. Then, he was in the inn where he had won the house from the witch.

He went to the barkeeper, and pushed a gold coin on the counter.

"Where is the vampire? Which room?" He asked. The barkeeper took the gold coin, and sighed.

"You want to be turned? He won't give you any blood. But, check room five, on the second floor," with that, Eleric went up the stairs, and knocked on the fifth room.

"Go away, elf," came a raspy voice from inside.

"Please, I need to talk to you," Eleric spoke. The door opened, and he saw that the vampire looked feverish. "Thank you, I..."

He was brought inside the room, and pinned to the door.

"You want blood?" Eleric asked, when he saw that the vampire's eyes were pinned to his neck. "I'll give you blood, if you agree to become a part of Fen the incubus's harem."

"You know, a witch proposed the same to me just last week," the vampire spoke, mouth edging towards the exposed neck.  "I didn't believe her."

"But I really met him. Heck, I fed him. If he didn't say he would fuck me to death if I don't find him a harem, I wouldn't be here," Eleric protested. The vampire had to believe him. He just had to!

"So, that is the strange scent on you that I smell," the vampire murmured. "You smell delectable."

"Drink and come with... ouch," fangs were in his neck, and Eleric closed his eyes. When the vampire was done, he peered into the elf's blue eyes, and smiled down at him.

"You know, I will get to have elf blood every day, and an incubus boy toy. I can't see the catch," the vampire then proceeded to kiss Eleric on the lips. The elf was led to the bed, and he relaxed into the movements. For the second time in so many hours, he was the one on the receiving end. The worst part? He was beginning to like it.