Chapter 4: Your harem is big enough!
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Chapter 4: Your harem is big enough!

Eleric woke up in Anmu's arms. They hadn't been chained because the Naga had refused. Which proved to be an option, when it came to Anmu. But now, the elf was thinking really hard on his predicament.

Alistair and Fen were both sex fiends, there was no denying that. But he and Anmu were not. He was fairly certain that Fen was full to bursting, and Alistair had his fill of blood.

He didn't want to share these three with anyone else. Nor did he care about all the kinks the incubus had. This patch of the forest was his, and he was not going to play as bait much longer. If Fen wanted to stay, and not get freed, then he would have to agree to Eleric's terms.

"Fen, we need to speak," the elf spoke, as the incubus cracked an eye open.

"What is it? Surely, you don't expect me to take another bite, morsel?" Fen propped himself on his side so that he could see Eleric better.

"Your harem is big enough," Eleric snapped, and Fen's eyes narrowed.

"Come again?" He hissed.

"Your harem is big enough, and I won't invite anyone else to it," Eleric spoke. "Furthermore, you have to tell me more about your imprisonment."

"I can't go away from the house unless the owner is with me," Fen mumbled, and Eleric nodded.

"Then, you can come with me on quests. All of you can," the elf heard a snort come from the vampire.

"You and quests?" The disbelief in Alistair's voice insulted Eleric.

"I'll have you know I am quite the bowman," Eleric snapped. His bow was back in the house. He tried to get up, but Anmu didn't want to let him go.

"Don't leave me with those two," the delectable half-snake pleaded. The things he had seen done and participated in still made him uneasy.

"Come with me, then," Eleric got up, and eyed the pond. The Naga got up too, and slithered after him.

"You are behaving like the incubus is harmless," Anmu murmured. "Like he is just a spoiled child. A toy."

"That is how he behaves," Eleric spoke. He grinned back at the Naga. "Do you fight, Anmu?"

"I am a healer," the Naga told him.

"Well, that is great. Alistair has a broadsword, so he is probably a berserker. As for Fen, I don't know. But he must know how to fight. All demons do," they made it to the house, and Eleric went inside. He got his bow, made of redwood and with unicorn hairs for the strings, and got his arrows as well.

"You are going to prove to them that you are strong?" Anmu asked.

"That is the idea, yes. Before she left, the witch Paula told me that there was a mythical beast that liked to eat children in the area," Eleric had meant to bring it down before, but had been busy with Fen.

"It must be brought to justice," Anmu agreed.

Eleric took some food from the cupboard, a relic from the witch, and swung a bottomless bag over his shoulder.

"I am an excellent tracker, Anmu. You will see," Eleric boasted, and the Naga chuckled.

"I don't doubt it, Eleric," and they were off. Finding the lair of the creature was not hard. They just needed to follow the small bones. Its red eyes sparkled from within the cave, and Eleric nocked an arrow.

"Get behind me," the elf spoke with a smile. This was it. This was his element. Tracking beasts, killing them, so they wouldn't plague the land. This won't be any different.

"Hey, come out," Eleric yelled, and then he heard thundering footsteps. The creature before him was shaped like a boar, but it had the horns of a cow.

Eleric faked aiming for the eyes. When the creature charged, he charged straight at it. Wanting to impress Anmu, he jumped over the horns, and lodged an arrow in the spine of the beast.

He heard a gasp, and knew that his acrobatics had the desired effect. He then distanced himself from the creature, and began to circle it. The child-eater circling him in return.

Eleric let loose three arrows. Two the beast dodged, the third lodged in its right eye. It gave a roar, and charged. Eleric let it come closer again, and then jumped over it one more time. Lodging another arrow in the spine.

He smirked viciously, and then fired five more arrows at the legs of the being. Three struck home, and the boar-like animal fell down. Deciding to cut to the chase, Eleric took off his dagger, and pressed it to the thing's neck.

"Sleep tight," he couldn't help himself. He always got like this when there was a spectator. He slit the neck in one flowing motion, and then looked to Anmu.

The Naga was looking at him in amazement. Eleric winked at him, and continued with the butchering of the animal. When he got to the heart, he cut it out, and offered it to Anmu.

"Should I cook it for you, or?" Before he could say even a single thing more, Anmu was already eating the heart. Blood dripping from his lips.

"This is really good. Could you please get me the liver as well? I love livers," the Naga spoke between bites.

"Anything for you," Eleric said. What if he was the toy of an incubus and the one of the harem, he was closest to was a mob? Anmu was a vision, now even more so, with the blood dripping down his lips.

The elf handed the Naga the liver next, and watched him as he ate. When Anmu was done, he licked his fingers from the blood, and glowed softly.

"Ah, Anmu, what just happened?" Eleric asked.

"Well, I gain the strength of the animals I eat," Anmu told him with a shy smile. "You will get me more like this creature, won't you?"

That smile made Eleric's heart race. Those doe eyes were bewitching him. The chestnut braid swayed softly in the wind. He was in love, and he knew it.