Chapter 3 – Caught with my pants down.
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Trigger Warning: What you will read now is going to be full of intended controversy and futuristic darkness and what I envision a far superior, logical, and thriving galactic human empire to do to Earth and its denizens. Some parts are even SUPPOSED to trigger you. This novel is DARK, and you need to understand it.

Note: The text in the enclosure (Trump sucks) is Eddy's thoughts/opinions. Footnotes like this[modern_footnote]Writing is hard[/modern_footnote] are exclusively my thoughts/opinions.

Day 29:

It has been three days since the Aliens took Alex to meet his protagonist destiny. I miss him already.


Since the Vrax Empire conquered the planet, they started changing things according to their liking. They posted these changes on their website and I have been reading them at my leisure at night in my sponge-bob pajamas(I like it, and?) for the last couple of days on my laptop.


First, and foremost, all the nations of the world are officially abolished. We are now called Harelion XK-98 Zeta, and that's it. The previous country names will be converted into zones, and continent names will remain the same. Our currency will be changed into zone-based currency, and trade with other planets will be mainly based on barter and Imperial Currency.

Also, each zone will now be governed by local governors or alien governors if needed, and the planet will be governed by an alien "High Lord", or whatever he is. He is currently residing in high orbit, watching us from high above until he decides to come down for an inspection I guess.


Secondly, as any good galactic-scale empire, the Vrax Empire began its indoctrination with the children's education and sense of belonging.1Hah... China.

The Aliens began modifying the learning curriculum of the schools worldwide to learn the Vrax Empire's official language, "Terran.", as a second language. They also announced that it will replace all of Harelion XK-98 Zeta's(Earth) languages within five generations, becoming the world's singular language, while other languages will be kept as secondary for cultural and artistic value.

"Terran" is a dutch-like language with 26 letters in its alphabet and is simple enough for most English speakers to learn. For places that embraced Germanic-like languages, like America, Europe, and Australia, this language is relatively easy to accept and adapt to, but in Asian and African countries, it became quite a challenge, and there were some protests.

They also added theology(The Emperor's faith) and the history of the Empire and Mankind to the curriculum.

As a side note, I have already started learning Terran. They already created online books and videos in all the main languages that anyone can view for free. As they say, when in Rome, act as the Romans do.

The Vrax Empire also officially declared Harelion XK-98 Zeta(Earth) as a so-called "Paradise World", an exoplanet with ideal conditions for Humans to thrive in. Such planets are the homes of the "Baseline" humans, IE, unmodified and unevolved pure-bred humans. Such humans are treasures as their so-called potential is not limited by genetic enhancements and certain adaptive evolutionary branches. Base-line humans are also preferred when selecting "Chosen".

Furthermore, such planets serve as the resort worlds for the top echelons of the Empire and serve as places where warriors can train their bodies and minds for war.

In the galaxy, there are less than 100 such planets, so it could be imagined the weight they place on us. As such, we will be treated differently.


First, we will receive well-fare from the Empire! Yay!

For starters, we don't need to till the land anymore(Figuratively and Literally). Specialized agricultural worlds called Agri-Worlds will provide the food for us. No more world hunger. Of course, they will allow us to grow food on a small and controlled scale, but it would be at most secondary, but they did encourage wine-making for some reason.

Also, toxic industrial and chemical factories will be gradually shut down, replaced by imports from specialized industrial worlds and Megapolis worlds, and the extraction and burning of fossil fuels will stop within three years, replaced by renewable green energy sources through advanced alien technology. Woodcutting and deforestation are going to be limited as well, and some farming areas will be re-converted into woodlands.

They will also give us special purifiers to gradually remove the great contamination we have brought over the past few centuries.

And finally, they plan on initiating animal protection programs on the planet and even restoring some lost species through genetic cloning.

In other words, they solved the world pollution and global warming problems of our world and solved the problem of endangered species.


Second, they judged our planet to be overpopulated and declared that drastic measures were in order, so they implemented a law of one child per female, just like China did back in 1980. Their goal is for our planet's population to be reduced to around one billion within five generations, then stabilize it between 1 and 1.5 billion. To enforce it, women that have given birth at least once and are not currently pregnant will undergo an (allegedly) harmless sterilization injection, and fetuses with discovered physical or genetic flaws will be aborted by law(Abortions won't count against the number of births allowed). They also declared that men and women with serious genetic flaws would be sterilized. (Being born without limbs or organs, Autism(It is genetic), Albinism, missing senses, inherent serious malformations and growths, genetic diseases, Inherent mental instability, homosexuality(It is also partially genetic), serious psychopathy, etc.)

On the other hand, females tested with superior genetics(Very high IQ, Superior looks, Very High EQ, good body structures, superior senses, better functioning organs, better immune systems, etc. Basically, the top 1 percentile.) will be allowed and encouraged to birth more, up to three children, and will be given extensive child support. (Basically, selective breeding, increasing the finer stuck while decreasing the sick and bad stuck.)2I based this on how Hitler tried to do it with Aryans, laughably thinking that the Aryan race is superior to others based on the words of guys decades before him like Max Muller. The aliens are also doing this, but they are not misguided by racism, but guided by pure and calculated rationality, like a cold-hearted yet effective machine.

For obvious reasons, they also banned the inbreeding of up to seven generations apart.

Other than that, they allowed people to freely marry and reproduce with each other. Except for some extreme cases, this doesn't hamper people from marrying and loving each other. (In other words, they are doing indirect selective breeding based on females and female judgment(or lack of). A very feministic yet rational approach in my opinion.)

As rational and logical as this move is, humans are hardly rational creatures.

Most non-religious people didn't have a problem with it as many of them had few and even no children, but most of those who believed in the Abrahamic religions protested heavily against it. It caused great controversy and unrest, and there were actual riots about it on the streets. However, the Aliens did what they did best, killing the chicken to scare the monkey.3Chinese idiom.

A few thousand dead rioters did the trick, as most people were too scared to riot or protest again. 4Like China, just more extreme


In the field of medicine, although they did manage to find cures for cancer and all sorts of nasty diseases, such treatments are expensive, saved only to the upper echelons of society. Anti-biotics have also lost their efficiency completely and are now outdated.

However, they did manage to create dirt-cheap permanent enhancement to the immune system of us humans in the form of a once-in-a-lifetime injection. It makes the immune system "Smarter", able to replicate faster, and able to identify and react to situations better.

In fact, from what the aliens say, the immune system becomes so smart and efficient after the injection, that deadly viruses such as Rabies, Syphillis, Ebola Virus, COVID, and HIV are now history in the Empire, and cancer is something only very old people with failing immune systems get.

Best of all, this injection is not mandatory. If you don't want it, you can choose not to take it.

The only "downside" is that its efficiency is related to the vitality of the body, so old people will only have the immune system of a normal middle-aged adult instead of being almost completely immune.

Just yesterday, since we were not suspicious of its validity, my parents and I received an injection at the local hospital that should enhance our natural resistance to all diseases and cancer.

They also introduced far more advanced and affordable bionic and biological implants to the masses. They function and look like our natural limbs, with some of them even surpassing our own in functionality(Although those are limited to the elites and army). They also don't require much maintenance, only a casual visit to the doctor once a year.

One of my neighbors has already scheduled a bionic limb implant for next week.


In terms of the Army and self-protection, we will be protected by 50 regiments worth five million troops and 50 giant battleships at all times. They place a rather heavy emphasis on our protection. As a result, mandatory army service is officially absolved, and mercenary work is becoming nonexistent.

We are also allowed to train ourselves and our bodies in the arts of war(Martial Arts + Shooting), and voluntary admission to the Empire's Army is welcome.


In terms of religion, the aliens started replacing the holy leaders with loyal puppet leaders that started preaching the Emperor's Faith, replacing God/Allah with the Emperor, Jesus/Moshe/Muhhamad as a carrier of his will, replaced demons and devils as "The Alien Menace", and replaced angels of god in the form of the "Chosen". They even replaced heaven with "Joining the Emperor's light in death".

The funniest thing is that it is popular, with (allegedly) hundreds of millions already converting to the faith(including the Fletcher family). People are truly buying this shit, even atheists, and for good reason. "God" and "Allah" are things that have no solid proof of existing except for the decrepit and questionable writings of men who exited two millennia ago, and are more like a best-selling mixture of fantasy and history rather than facts.

The Emperor's faith, on the other hand, worships a real living man-god who fulfills the role that God and Jesus had previously, and it is a fact that he exists. It is also a fact that the Bible teaches us that our world is the center of the universe and that we are the only ones who exist, but the far superior aliens disproved it completely and even pointed out that we are just one out of millions of planets out there with human life, causing many to drop their faith in the Abrahamic religions.

Therefore, as visual creatures, humans will tend to believe in this new faith, rather than the old and illusory one.


The weirdest change, however, was that the aliens put the biggest emphasis on recreational activities. Art, music, surfing, hiking, horseback riding, canoeing, wine tasting, etc. They even Legalized prostitution in certified brothels worldwide. (Is this because they are turning us into a resort world?)5Yes, it is.


There are many other changes and planned changes, but I planned on reading about them gradually.6Actually, I just thought that this became too much of an info dump, so I decided to cut it short.


Finishing my evening read, I stretched my back and sighed, "The world is changing so quickly, and I am not sure if they are good or bad changes. Still, a Paradise world is most definitely better than being a Megapolis or industrial world. We got ourselves a good bargain overall."

That is the fact. Megapolis worlds are so overpopulated that the population has to live indoors and wear special breathing masks outdoors to survive the toxic air outside. Industrial worlds have a much lower population, but because of the heavy industry on them, they are even more toxic than the Megapolis worlds. To be born in a paradise world is really like winning the lottery.

Shaking my head, I closed the alien's news website and started musing on what to do for tomorrow.

"Hm... tomorrow is Saturday, so should I do trekking or carpenting? I wanted to continue making that throwing spear, though... Whatever, ill go trekking tomorrow, and if I have spare energy, I'll continue working on that spear. That spearhead I ordered from Amazon should arrive in three days anyways. Oh well, I'll just take off some steam and go to sleep early."

With that decision, I took out lotion and tissue from my drawer, opened my favorite porn site, and took off my pajama pants, revealing god's cruel joke, my 9-inch long and 6.7-inch thick burrito, my source of male pride, and the reason I broke up with my girlfriend(I was too big for her, and it caused A LOT of bleeding, and I got too scared of sex since)7Can happen., put on my earphones, and started fapping to a porn flick I liked.

I wasn't afraid of my parents opening the door, because I just didn't give a fuck, it's their problem for not knocking(I mean, I don't have anything to be ashamed about). My signal that I am not to be disturbed is when I close the door, and they need to knock first.

While I was in the middle of fapping away with the volume turned up on my headphones, the door suddenly opened violently, followed by a loud female voice.

"In the name of the Holy God-Emperor, Citizen number 27XKYFPMDBJ, you have been granted the privilege to be selected to... to... hah?"

While she spoke, I finally managed to turn my head in shock, forgetting to even hide my long and erect spear.

Three female Imperial soldiers wearing futuristic green full-body armor were at the door, with the leader being a female soldier without a helmet on. She was a 5'8 tall brown-skinned beauty(About an 8 out of 10 in my books) with velvet eyes and braided long black hair slung over her shoulder, a tear-shaped black tattoo below her left eye, a brown military coat with badges, a capped military hat with the Empires golden eagle symbol on it, and a military decoration on her left shoulder, signifying her as a Lieutenant, a junior commissioned officer. She also had a laser pistol holstered to her right hip.

Currently, she was staring at me with wide eyes, her gaze zoning on my proud spear. (Is it just me or does that gaze seems a bit... Hungry?), and the two female soldiers behind her were stifling their giggles.

The air seemed to be frozen for a bit longer before she recovered, her lips and eyes twitching as she continued speaking, trying to look at my face and not my shaft.

"Y-You have been granted the p-privilege to be selected to join SURVIVE, the greatest game show in the galaxy. Any refusal shall be met with immediate execution. You have one minute to get dressed before we depart. Luggage is not required."

As I listened to her, I was shocked. (What is this?! What the fuck?!)

"W-Wait, what do you mean I was selected?! What game show?! What depart?!" - I shot questions in a hurry, too shocked to comprehend what was going on.

"50 seconds." - The brown beauty replied with a playful smile, still zoning on my proud spear with a hungry gaze.

"FUCK!!!" - I cursed in a panic as I immediately put on my boxers and sponge bob pajamas since I didn't have enough time to rush to my clothes cabinet and get proper clothes, the two soldiers' giggles ringing painfully in my ears. It didn't help that I was still erect, as it wasted a couple of seconds to get my underwear and pajamas on. I also didn't have time to put on a proper pair of shoes, and I could only compromise and put on a pair of slippers.

Just as I barely finished getting ready (In my pajamas), the female officer placed her gloved hand on my shoulder and ordered.

"Time is up! Follow us!" - The female officer said as she forcefully turned my body to the door and led me out, following the two female soldiers' lead. (Fuck she's strong!)

Without much of a choice, I could only follow them, forcefully led by the surprisingly powerful female officer.

As we went downstairs, I saw that my parents were anxiously looking at me, with two more soldiers blocking their way.

My father couldn't help but nervously shout, "Why are you arresting my son?! What has he done to you?! Is killing my eldest not enough for you?!"

The female officer looked over at my father and corrected, "We are not arresting him or killing him. Your son has been granted a very noble and much-demanded privilege that few can receive in the galaxy. It is an honor and opportunity."

"Then why are you forcefully taking him all of a sudden?! Why threaten us with death?!"

The female officer stopped for a moment and patiently explained.

"The word of the emperor is law, his law is absolute, defying it means challenging his will, challenging his will means insurgency, and insurgency is punishable by death. That is all." - She said as if it is the most natural thing in the world.

"T-This..." - My father struggled, wanting to berate her for her nonsensical words, but no words flowed out. He was just a normal man, and he was scared of the armed aliens and death just as much as any normal man would.

"Miss, will my son be okay?!" - My mother approached and asked, but one of the female soldiers pointed her gun at her, forcing her to stop.

"It will depend on his performance." - Is what the officer said as she continued dragging me along.

"I'll be fine, mom! Don't worry!" - I lied through my teeth as I was dragged out of the house, not even allowed to give a goodbye hug.

There was a green armored troop carrier (APC?) parked outside, large enough to fit around ten people inside. There was also a manned gun turret on the roof of the car, and there was already a driver in the seat, awaiting orders.

I was then dragged inside the truck of the car, having two empty seat columns with seatbelts. I sat in the middle of one of the side benches, with the two female soldiers flanking me on both sides and the officer sitting right in front of me, facing me, as the car started and drove to the unknown.

Hey guys, if you like a chapter, make sure to favorite it so I will know. It motivates me to write more.


How much does this look like a Chinese regime?
  • One to one, with the only difference being the faith thing and no racism, and more extreme. Votes: 3 21.4%
  • NO!!! They are nothing like the Chinese government!!! I love china! (Scared shitless of china) Votes: 6 42.9%
  • dont be ridiculous! Its nothing like china at all! Except forced sterilazation, indoctrination... Votes: 4 28.6%
  • But americans are also racist! (I am an apologist) Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Despite all the very real flaws of the chinese gov, I still love it. (I have been brainwashed.) Votes: 1 7.1%
Total voters: 14