Prologue – Slumber
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"Go! Seal the archive away!"

Amidst the chaos of a burning capital, a tall bespectacled man was leading the way to carry out the last order of his master. Holding on to his gloved hand was a flaxen-haired girl, silent tears running down her cheeks. Feeling distraught, the girl stops her feet, causing the man to glance at her.

"Milady? What's wrong?", the guy spoke in a gentle voice, with a tone of respect.

The girl trembled and asked, "Sebas, would I see Papa again?"

Sebas' expression darkened, carefully selecting his words.

"Maybe. I don't know.'', before he decided it was best not to say anything, urging the girl to enter the tall ornate tower.

Attached to the top of the entryway was a plaque that wrote: Prohobitus Autem Bibliotheca. The forbidden archive of the Ancients, it was the nexus of the capital, where all the knowledge in the realm was gathered. The Ancients were the most advanced civilisation in Wairua. Having had the blessings of the seven great elemental spirits, they created great technological advances in all fields, leading to richer lives. However, this sparked their greed, and they tried to become Gods themselves. This sparked the anger of the Gods, leading to the destruction of these people who were once great.

Having entered the tower, the pair quickly ascended to the highest floor as more explosions shook the capital. The girl was confused, looking around the floor they entered. It was the suite of the head librarian, the position of her late father. Taking out a signet ring, the man opened a hidden door through a switch on the desk. Within that room lay a capsule.

Recognizing what the capsule was, the girl could only feel sorrow. Sebas urged her to lay down, and she willingly complied, knowing her duty.

As the capsule started operating, the machinery made ticking sounds, like a bomb counting down to destruction. Sebas looked at the girl mournfully, knowing the duty that the girl is shouldering. Looking for words to say, he gave up and murmured a soft "Good luck".

The girl's eyes flashed a hint of sadness before saying, "May we meet again in Valhalla, Sebas."

The man smiled mournfully and replied, "See you too. May the Gods forgive us."

The girl's eyes fluttered shut as she entered a long slumber.

The tower disappeared as the capital was razed to the ground. From that day on, the great capital of the Ancients ceased to exist.

Many millennia had passed. The world had changed greatly. Kingdoms came and went, empires have risen and fallen, people have come and gone.

Opening her eyes, a faint beep sounded. Seeing the ornate ceiling above her, the girl was momentarily confused. She quickly got up and glanced around, taking stock of her surroundings. Seeing no one but her with only the silent tick of machinery to accompany her, a tear trickled down her cheek as the memories flashed through her mind.

Drying her eyes, the girl slowly walked around the study. Glancing at the many papers and books strewn about the library, the girl smiled ruefully, imagining the scene where her father had worked here.

Snapping herself out of her delusions, she approached the pantry. Preparing a cup of kaffe and opening the item box to retrieve a sweet bun, the girl enjoyed her small breakfast in silence.

Having finished it, the girl stretched and got ready for the day. Dressing up in the uniform for female librarians, the girl took a look at herself in the mirror. There stood a girl, looking about 16, with golden flaxen hair, gentle curves, looking chic in her uniform.

Pumping herself with motivation, the girl began her duties as the last librarian of the archives. Katia Librorum will do her best.

Hello to all readers, I, SmallHiki am a fledgeling writer, having just begun. So please provide reviews and support for however this should be changed. Tq.

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