Chapter III A Girl’s Humanity
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“Here you go ladies put these adorable collars on for me okay”   Suzuna winked tossing the collars to both girls.   The collars were leather and well worn and heavier than she expected,  you could tell with a passing glance that these collars had seen their fare share of use over the years.

“Ugh these tacky old things, why can’t we have those premier collars that the others have?”   Marin groaned as she struggled to tie it the collar around her neck.   Suzuna had produced a candy lollipop and started to suck on it blatantly ignoring the girls complaints.

“So how exactly does this game work?”  Yuri questioned softly adjusting her collar,  the constricting leather had started to make her skin itch which was an irritating sensation to say the least.  

“I got this!” Marin said sheepishly removing her feet from the table and picking up one of the two six sided dice that rested upon it.    “The games electric evens and odds and it’s a simple game so even a dumb bitch like should be able to follow along.”


The Rules of Electric Odds and Evens.

 Rule 1:  At the start of each round both players will guess whether the set of dice will roll odd numbers or even numbers,  whoever guesses correct gets a point and the first person to reach five points wins the game

 Rule 2:  The person who guesses incorrectly will be shocked by the shock collar,  the intensity of the shock collar will be increased slightly  for both players at the beginning of each round.

 Rule 3:  The Enforcer will be responsible for the rolling of the dice to establish a sense of fairness.


“As you can see us Tier 4’s don’t have a lot of resources so EOE is one of our go to games”   Marin said

“So, EOE Is essentially a betting game where the the luckless are admonished?  Yuri questioned

“Well shit the airhead was paying attention, that’s exactly right!  It’s all a gamble, no skill involved”  Marin answered.

Suzuna was rolling the two dice between her fingers while waiting for the two girls to wrap up their conversation.  “Okay if you two are quite finished,  let’s get this show started.”  

Clapping her hands together Suzuna’s thrall crawled towards her master holding a disposable red cup.

Taking the cup from her thrall Suzuna took her own seat sitting atop her precious little pet,  “Now than ladies what’ll it be odds or evens?  Oh and fair warning if you’ve never been shocked before it stings like a bitch”

Suzuna shook the cup violently as the shrill sound of the dice rolling around filled the room with a sense of excitement and dread.   Displaying blistering speed Suzuna slammed the cup down on the table and a deafening quiet fell over the room.


“Evens!” Marin shouted without a shred of hesitation her brazen confidence capturing Yuri off guard.

Yuri remained in silence a smile still pressed firmly upon her sweet innocent lips.

“What’s the hold up,  Chisaka?”  Suzuna said not trying to mask her irritation at the games delay.


“I’m um really thirsty, could I possibley get a glass of water, it’d really calm my nerves!”  Yuri asked


“Seriously?  That’s all you wanted,  very well,   Get in here Sota!”  


The door opened again to reveal a hollow eyed boy with messy brunette hair and the same dog collar fixed around his neck.  “Go fetch me a glass of water and be snappy” Suzuna commanded and her thrall obeyed bowing and departing the room as quickly as he had appeared.


“A second one, how many Thralls do you have?”  Marin said her mouth agape.


“It’s hardly surprising the winners at this academy have several at their beck and call,  obedient dogs that you can do anything too, well besides killing them obviously,   but don’t look so glum Marin, you might have your first Thrall before too long, or maybe you’ll become hers.  Either way I’ll be entertained”


“Me, a thrall?  That’ll never happen” Marin scoffed.


“Don’t you have anything to say,  Chisaka?”  Suzuna probed


“Nah I’m good,  still thirsty though”

Who's going to win Electric Odds and Evens?
  • Yuri Votes: 39 81.3%
  • Marin Votes: 9 18.8%
Total voters: 48