26 Recruitment Part Three
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Here's another 3,040 words.

Vicky and Amy had sat there in the living room, completely stunned, and had watched their friends thoroughly screw each other for about an hour. They were both soaking wet after seeing such a display of carnal delights and the slamming door knocked them out of their stunned state.

“Did we just see that?” Vicky asked.

“I don't know. That was too unbelievable to be real.” Amy said.

“Dean's never done anything like that with me.” Vicky complained.

“Maybe he doesn't know how or something.” Amy hedged.

“We both know Taylor and Vista were virgins before meeting Alex and you saw what they were doing.” Vicky said. “If they can learn stuff like that at their age, why doesn't Dean know about it?”

Amy wanted to keep her mouth shut, she really did. “Maybe he does and just doesn't want to do that with you?”

Vicky made a growling sound and turned to her. “Excuse me? What did you say?”

Amy decided that she was going all in, thanks to Vicky's reaction. “You two fight all the time and you've spent more time apart than you've been together, despite you both being capes and patrolling together.”

Vicky glared at her.

“I don't think he loves you enough to do those things with you.” Amy admitted. “Or maybe he's not mature enough to tell you he loves you, or not enough to try to, anyway.”

Vicky lost the glare and sighed. “Ames, he... he's the only one that can look past my Aura and...”

“No, he isn't.” Amy almost spat and Vicky's eyes widened. “I love you and I'd like to try those things with you.”

“Ames!” Vicky gasped. “I... I... you're my sister! I love you too, only... not like that.”

“I didn't either. At first.” Amy admitted. “I loved having a sister and someone to share my life with. You are so bubbly and confident and everything I'm not. I have always wanted to be near you. After your trigger, your Aura let me realize why I was so against hanging around boys. It let me see the truth.”

“Ames, I... I don't think I can return your feelings.” Vicky said, sadly. “Not that I don't want to.”

“I know. That's why I've never tried to do anything besides the things you're comfortable with.” Amy said and she reached over and took Vicky's hand and intertwined their fingers. “Hugging you and cuddling you has been great and that you let me do that just let me love you that much more.”

Vicky blushed and looked down at their hands. “Ames, I... I'm not sure...”

“You don't have to do anything you don't want to. I love you too much to hurt you like that.” Amy said.

Vicky looked up from their hands to her face. “But... you want to...”

“...dig my tongue so deep between your legs that I'm in danger of having my head crushed with your thighs?” Amy asked and Vicky blushed. “Yes, I do.”


“I let you dress me up however you wanted for this entire trip. I even let Alex see me practically naked in those swimsuits you like so much.” Amy reminded her.

Vicky smiled. “I told you all he would do was stare at us.”

“Half of his erections were our fault.” Amy said.

“They really were, weren't they?” Vicky said, a bit proudly.

Amy used her free hand and reached over to lightly touch Vicky's face. “When I told you that half of the school drools over you, I didn't only mean the guys.”

Vicky looked surprised for a moment, then she blushed. “Ames, do you really...”

“Unlike anyone else in your life, I decided not to keep my feelings about you locked up anymore. I love you, Vicky. Even knowing you won't ever love me back the same way, I wanted you to know.”

Vicky looked conflicted. “I... well...”

“I won't ever ask you for kisses on the lips, because I know you think it's awkward.” Amy said and Vicky nodded. “I will sneak kisses on your cheek sometimes, just like you used to do to me when we were younger.”

“That was back when we both thought boys were icky.” Vicky smiled again. “I grew out of that phase and I guess you didn't.”

Amy shook her head and slid off of the couch to kneel on the floor. “I didn't outgrow needing affection from you and I never will.”

Vicky blushed as Amy held onto her hand and eased her legs apart with her other hand and pushed her nightie up. She didn't say anything as Amy stared at the wet spot between her legs. Amy very gently touched Vicky's belly and goosebumps formed instantly.

“Ames.” Vicky breathed.

“It's okay, Vicky. If you don't want me to try, I won't.” Amy said and Vicky didn't say anything. “If you don't like it and you want me to stop, I will.”

Vicky nodded and caught her breath as Amy caressed her hip and pulled her panties down.

“Look at that. It's beautiful.” Amy whispered and Vicky blushed.

“You've seen it before. We change together all the time.” Vicky responded.

“Yes, but... this is the first time... you're soaked and...” Amy gave her a look of pure desire and Vicky's heart sped up to that of a hummingbird's. Before either of them could chicken out of it, Amy leaned in and gave Vicky's glistening slit a tentative lick.

“OHHH!” Vicky gasped and came right away.

Amy didn't need another invitation and dug in there with enthusiasm. Vicky's moans and groans as Amy did exactly what she said by probing her as deeply as her tongue could reach, drove Amy on to do more and more. Her fingers and lips joined in and she worked Vicky over to the best of her ability. She hadn't done this with anyone else and she copied some of the moves she had seen Alex and Taylor use.

“OH, GOD!” Vicky yelled and moaned as she gripped Amy's hair tightly and came, and came, and came some more. She wasn't sure why she was getting off so quickly. Dean had never gone down on her and the sex she thought was wonderful, never gave her the same fantastic orgasms that Amy's tongue could.

Vicky felt Amy's hands fondle her breasts and pinch her nipples, and that drove her to another orgasm. She wrapped her legs around Amy's neck and let her head to go help her grip her breasts how she liked it. Amy took the direction easily and Vicky got off again and again, more times in the last hour than all of the times she had shared sexy time with Dean since they had started dating.

When Amy was done and Vicky had a blissful expression on her face, she had no trouble carrying Vicky to her bedroom. The girl had started floating at some point and she was constantly softly giggling and moaning, which was as cute as it was sexy.

When Vicky was lowered to the bed, she seemed to wake a little. “Ames? Why did you stop?”

Amy laid down beside her. “Because this is my first time.”

Vicky blinked her eyes. “Wait... you've never...”

“No.” Amy shook her head.

Vicky took in a deep breath. “You gave me your first time.”

“Well... not yet.” Amy said.

“There's more you can do than that?” Vicky gasped.

Amy nodded and pulled off her own panties, then she straddled part of Vicky's lap and reached down to play with herself a little, then she sat down to rub herself on Vicky's soaked opening in a classic scissor pose.

“OH! It's boiling HOT!” Vicky shouted and then moaned as Amy ground herself into her.

The two of them were soon panting and rocked their hips to get each other off. Neither of them had felt it this way before and they both really liked it.

“OHHHHHH!” Vicky and Amy moaned as they came together.

Amy collapsed beside Vicky and closed her eyes. “God, that was... god.”

“Hey, I was... supposed to say that.” Vicky panted. “I didn't think... girls could... you know.”

Amy chuckled. “I wasn't sure... it would work, either. First time, remember?”

Vicky smiled. “We did awesome for a first time.”

“Yeah.” Amy said and opened her eyes to look at her. “Thank you.”

Vicky blushed and then giggled. “What are you thanking me for? I didn't finger you or licked you to get you off.”

Amy took her hand and intertwined their fingers once more. “I was thanking you for not saying no and you didn't tell me to stop, even though you don't like girls like I do.”

Vicky gave her hand a squeeze. “Ames, if I thought you wouldn't hate me for it, I'd ask you to give Dean lessons on how to get me off properly, because he is nowhere close to getting it right.”

Amy looked surprised for a second and started to giggle, then she loudly laughed. Vicky giggled as well and then laughed full out, too. The laughter died out eventually and they turned to each other, pulled each other close and cuddled, and felt content.

It wasn't the love that either of them thought they wanted; but, it might just be enough to not ruin their lives. That Vicky didn't outright reject her, had Amy feeling happier than she ever had before. She knew it wasn't going to be a relationship, because like Vicky said, she couldn't return her feelings like that. If she was lucky, they could fool around and go on the occasional date when she and Dean were fighting.


The trip back home went by quicker than the trip out had. Glory Girl and Amy gave me thank you hugs and waved happily as Dragon took off again to deliver Vista, Taylor, and myself to the Rig. She didn't tell us she had received a priority message until we were being dropped off on the helipad.

“Get yourselves inside and locked down. The Slaughterhouse Nine are coming to Brockton Bay.” Dragon said and closed the loading ramp, then lifted off and flew away.

The three of us exchanged surprised looks, picked up our bags, and ran inside. We were barely inside the door when Miss Militia intercepted us and told us the same thing. We were brought to our rooms and we dropped off our bags, changed into our costumes, and we were brought to the large briefing room to be given the details.

Apparently, the villain group had somehow found out about me and my adaptability and took their time as they travelled across the country, practically incognito, to reach Brockton Bay. They still stopped a couple of times and wiped out a town or two along the way, just to stave off boredom.

The surprise was the PRT was being run by a man named James Tagg and not Emily Piggot. She had demoted herself and assigned herself to command a mobile unit. This man was as asshole and didn't care about the unwritten rules and had removed all the Wards from their homes, essentially outing them to the public, and sequestered them on the Rig.

The idiot also ignored the consequences of that action by also abandoning those families. He wouldn't listen to the argument that he had just endangered the very people the PRT had promised, by contract, to protect to the best of their ability.

I saw the worried look on Taylor's and Vista's faces, so I took out my cell phone and texted Amy about it, told her to tell Vicky, and the both of them were to tell their mother that I was hiring her on behalf of the Wards. Carol Dallon was a high priced lawyer and she would love a case like this. I also sent a text to the Youth Guard directly and not to the local representative that had never visited me.

“YOU!” Director Tagg asked and pointed at me. “What are you doing breaking containment?”

“I'm getting the legal representation needed for you intentionally endangering the Wards and you'll be removed from office by the end of the week.” I said and my phone beeped at me. Both messages had confirmation and I smiled. “I hope you're going to enjoy your time in prison for violating our rights and breaking all of our contracts.”

The man stalked over to me and tried to take my cell phone.

I kept it out of his reach. “Now you're trying to steal private property? Have you no shame?”

“You are in defiance of my orders, Mister Powers!” Tagg exclaimed and waved at the PRT officers standing by the door. “Put him into Master / Stranger protocols until I decide he's not under the influence of an outside force!”

“But, that's you.” I countered.

Tagg smiled. “I hope you enjoy your time in solitary, Mister Powers.”

“Actually, because you broke my contract, I am technically no longer under your authority, James.”

The man's smile disappeared and he looked angry. “How dare you use my name!”

“You used mine and not my cape name in a public setting, despite me being in costume and there are officers here that didn't know my real name.” I said and stood up. “How did an asshole of your calibre ever get to the rank of director? Did you put them all in jail and no one could tell you no?”

“Arrest him.” Tagg said and pointed at me.

“What's the charge? Defiance of an asshole?” I asked and held my cell phone out of his reach.

“Resisting arrest, interference in a police investigation, belligerence... and if you try to run, federal fleeing, escaping police custody, and going villain.” Tagg said, his anger replaced with righteousness. “Your cape career will be over before it begins.”

Everyone in the room gave him disbelieving looks, especially Armsmaster and Miss Militia.

“You really are an idiot.” Assault's voice said into the silence.

“Quiet you fool, or you will be joining Mister Powers in isolation.” Tagg said with satisfaction.

“I think I've recorded enough of your stupidity for the court case. I'll have Dragon requisition the other records of your behavior for background and establishment of your personality.” I said and took a step back from him.

Tagg motioned to my cell phone. “You will be handing over PRT property immediately.”

I smiled. “This is my personal cell phone, jerkface. I left the PRT one in my room.”

“It doesn't matter. You used it in the commission of a crime. Hand it over.” Tagg said and waved the PRT officers over again. They didn't move. “You two! I order you to apprehend the suspect!”

The two officers exchanged looks and looked back at Tagg.

“Sir, he helped Alexandria kill an Endbringer.” One of them said.

“So what? He is under my authority and he will learn his place!” Tagg nearly shouted. “Now do your jobs and arrest him!”

“I know my place already and it's not under the command of a moron.” I said and poked his chest.

“That's assault!” Tagg exclaimed. “I've got you now!”

I poked the exact same spot and the man's eyes rolled up into the back of his head and he dropped to the floor. “Armsmaster, would you be so kind as to recite the appropriate regulations needed to detain him for a day or so? The lawsuit should be filed by the morning.”

Armsmaster gave us a rare smile and stood as he spouted from the rulebook that almost no one had read. It sounded official and quite damning, too. When he was done, I used a zip-tie and secured Tagg's wrists and ankles.

“Gentlemen? Please put this man into M/S protocols.” I said and easily lifted the unconscious man and carried him over to the officers. “Thank you.”

The two officers accepted the bundle and carried the man out of the meeting room.

“What are we going to do now?” Aegis asked.

“That's simple.” I said and looked at Miss Militia. “Issue immediate orders to retrieve the families and friends of the Wards and bring them here to the Rig. There's no point in trying to keep the secret Tagg let out.”

Miss Militia nodded and stood as she started texting everyone. “I'll send out all available teams right away. They should have everyone here in half an hour.”

“What are you going to do?” Vista asked me.

I handed her my cell phone. “Me? I'm going to be an idiot again.”

Vista opened her mouth to tell me not to, then sighed. “I know. You don't have a choice.”

“Thanks to Tagg, not anymore.” I said and bent over to kiss her. “I'll try to end this quickly.”

“You better.” Vista said and used my cell phone to call Dragon. “Yes, Myriad can't resist the temptation. Any chance you have a surveillance drone nearby? Great. Send it over to the Rig.”

“Thanks.” I said and she nodded. I turned as Hive Queen stood. “I'll be careful.”

Taylor unhooked her mask and lifted it just enough to give me a quick peck on the lips. “Bonesaw's not to be messed with. You know she's an accomplished and sadistic bio-tinker.”

“Take her out first? I'll try. I doubt Siberian and Mannequin will let me, though.”

“Don't let your powers make you overconfident. Do not hesitate. They are ruthless killers.” Armsmaster said. “I cannot recommend you do this and I cannot advise you not to.”

“Yeah, I feel the same way.” I said and looked around the meeting room at everyone's faces. “I'll do my best to stay in once piece with minimal collateral damage.”

Most of them nodded while Battery gave me an odd look before she smiled and nodded, too.

I gave Taylor a brief hug, hugged Vista, and walked over to the door. Miss Militia intercepted me and her eyes told me everything about how she was feeling. I stepped close and gave her a hug. She let out a sigh and hugged me back, then she let me go and stepped aside. I gave her a smile and left the room.

I had a date with a pack of murderous psychos to get to.