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Marina : "Really? you will help me with this!?"

Elliot : "Yes... If you don't mind... I can help scout for you"

Marina : "Ahh.. thanks goodness... my hands is tied... I can't leave here after all"

She felt relieved because she got help for this event. She felt more optimistic for this event now.

Elliot : "Do you at least have the name of possible band to scout"

I at least need something to start. With the purpose of this live house in mind. I think scouting for girl band that was popular in this area will be better.

Marina : "Of course"

She went to the counter in the back and took a note and gave it to me.

Marina : "It was not much, but I think This cover all of the rising and famous band in this area"

I looked at the list that she gave to me.

Even though I didn't hope much but, she gave me quite a detailed information. My opinion of her rose a little. The information mostly consist of the name and member of the band. their leader and their recent activities.

Poppin Party, Afterglow, Pastel*Palettes, Hello,Happy World!, Roselia, Chispa, Glitter Green and the list continued. Now that I looked at the member of the band, I spotted quite a lot of familiar names. Maybe this mission will be easier than I thought.

Elliot : "Is there any band here that I should give a priority?"

I just arrived here recently, so I didn't know about the popularity of the band. To ensure this event a success at least we need a band that had quite a big popularity.

Marina : "Hmm"

She thought a bit about it before deciding to answer

Marina : "I don't think you need to mind it that much... The one in that list already have quite the reputation around here"

Elliot : "Oh, is that so?"

I didn't expect it when they talked about it in school. Maybe those girls were really good in this band business.

Marina : "But if we are talking about popularity outside this area, I think these two bands will be my bet"

She pointed to two name of bands. One of them is Pastel*Palettes and the other is Roselia. I kind of understand why she point to Pastel*Palettes.

Elliot : "An Idol Band huh..."

I looked at the information from Marina. I spotted quite familiar faces in the information. Hina, Maya, and Eve are member of this band.

The band had five members. The other two were a girl with pink hair named Aya Maruyama and a girl with platinum blonde hair named Chisato Shirasagi. Even though, they are called Idol band, It seemed they also can play their instrument well.

Marina : "Like you guessed... because they are Idol, they belong to an agency. Their agency helped them to get their popularity... They showed in several TV shows... and their album sold surprisingly well."

Elliot : "then what about Roselia?"

I looked to the other band. The band which have similar name to a flower. From the information, two of the girls came to the same school as me. They were in their second year so I didn't have the chance to meet them.

Marina : "They are quite the talk in the music industry of Japan right now... Their vocalist Minato Yukina can be called a true professional in every sense of word... Her skill can be compared to famous vocalist in Japan right now"

Elliot : "ohh that sound amazing"

She praised her really highly... I need to see their performance first to decide whether its true or not.

Marina : "I don't want to get my hopes up for Roselia... but please at least get a girls bands with a different genre of music to play"

Elliot : "Don't worry... I think I know how to get the bands for the event"

From the list, I think I at least have connection to member of at least 4 bands. Some members of Roselia also attend the school, so at least I can approach them.

I decided to at least call Saaya to ask whether it was possible for them to perform. But when I started to reach my phone, the door of the live house was opened.

Kasumi : "yay... I am the first one~♪"

Marina : "Wah! Wh-who are you?!"

Marina was really surprised by the sudden visitor to the live house.

Kasumi : "I'm Kasumi Toyama! Nice to meet you!"


She introduced herself with smile. She really was a bundle of energy this Kasumi girl. I didn't think I will meet another person who barge into building and introduce their selves. After some time another girl also entered the live house.

unlike Kasumi, she looked haggard when entering. Her breathing was rough like she was just running for her life.

Arisa : "*hosh* *hosh* Ahh.. Phew... Caught her... You just don't listen to anyone, do you?! We were shouting after you back there!"


Like her fatigue was a lie, the girl Arisa started shouting at Kasumi. After that she showed a polite smile toward us.

I guessed they didn't notice me.

Arisa : "... Ahaha~! I'm sorry for my friend barging in here like this. We'll just be going now..."

Before she went out I put my hand on her shoulder while grinning.

Elliot : "Why are you in hurry... come on stop for a bit"

Arisa : "geh... the pervert is here"

She seriously still calling me that?

Elliot : "you know I feel sad when you called me that every time we met right Arisa"

They said that woman can hold their grudge for a long time. it seemed true

Kasumi : "ohh... Elliot is here~♪ What are you doing her Elliot"

When she realized it was me... Kasumi greet me while raising her hand.

Elliot : "Still energetic as always Kasumi... just visiting some acquaintance... what about you?"

Kasumi : "We were on our way back from practice and just happened to pass by this live house! It looked so cool I just had to come in!"

She explained like it was normal things to do... well if not because of her personality... I didn't think she can make her band like it is now.

After some time the other member also enter the live house.

Tae/Rimi/Saaya : "Sorry to intrude"

After they notice us, they walked closer to us.

Tae : "ah.. the kissing pair is together again"


Arisa : "Don't call us that!?"

Kasumi : "But Arisa, you looked really happy when we asked how the kiss feel some time ago"

Tae : "Yeah... you said something about stepping into adulthood first or something"

Arisa : "w-wha... stupid you shouldn't said that in front of him!?"

She shout to both of them with a red face... I decided to stir clear from three of them... It had a high chance that a protagonist will suffer a violence when a tsundere was feeling embarrassed like this.

Better safe than sorry. I decided to talk with Saaya and Rimi until Arisa calmed down. It was quite the luck that hey came here. so It saved me the time.

after that I introduced them to Marina and invited them to perform in the event.

-few moments after that-

Kasumi : "Live event? Really? Of course we'll do it!"

Arisa : "Wait just a second, Kasumi. Don't you think we should hear more about it, first?"

Saaya : "Sorry Elliot... Could you tell us more about this event, then?"

I decided to explain it in more detail with Marina. About this live house and what the event entail.

Kasumi : "Okay, I get it! I think...?"

Even though she said that... she looked like she didn't understand a thing.

Arisa : "They want us to perform in this live house's next event, basically. How did you not understand that? It was very simple!"

Rimi : "Ahaha.."

Kasumi : "A real live event... I don't know if we are adequate but we'll do our very best!"

Arisa : "You're accepting too easily!"

Arisa was doing her best retorting to all of kasumi antic.

Kasumi : "Aww, but it sounds like fun!"

Saaya : "... I don't think she's going to change her mind. I guess that means we're performing!"

Marina looked glad that we got our first band. But before that I need to know how good they are. Even though they were in the list of Marina. I want to hear their performance in person.

Elliot : "That's great! I know its sudden... How about you perform for us now? I want to at least know how good you are"

Tae : "Oh so you want to hear our performance... Its fair I think when you already perform for us... how about it Kasumi?"

Kasumi : "Of course... lets use the studio then... don't you agree guys~♪"

All of them nods at Kasumi enthusiasm. Marina then guide us to the stage.

It took some time to prepare the equipment. But after some time they were ready on the stage.

I looked at them. Kasumi was on vocal and guitar, Rimi on bass, Otae on lead guitar, Arisa on Keyboard and Saaya on Drums. They already checked their equipment.

They looked at us and Kasumi as their leader started to speak.

Kasumi : "We are Poppin'Party... We will hold a sparkling heart pounding performance for you... Our first song is Mae e Susume (Keep on Moving)"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvB2V-IoYwE >>>>>short version mv from the anime

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwQmJgEraaU >>>>> full version without video

The song started... The sound of Piano was heard in the stage...
Tatoe donna ni yume ga tōku tatte .....
(No matter how distant our dream is.....)
All of them started singing the intro...

After some time the other instrument also started playing.

They sing the lyric one by one.

It was quite a fresh experience for me.

Starting from Rimi, Otae, Saaya, Arisa and then Kasumi.

Their singing was heard on the stage.

They have quite the beautiful voice with different feeling from each other.

All of their voice was supporting each other in the music.

Sometimes they sing it alone sometimes they sing it together.

Even though their skill in their instrument can't be said to be the best.

When I listened to their music, I can't help but to smile influenced by their performance.

Is this what she meant by a sparkling heart pounding performance?

I don't know about that but I quite enjoyed their performance.

When I knew it, their performance ends. Me and Marina gave our applause to their performance.

Kasumi was waving at us feeling very happy.

Marina : "I guessed they are good enough for the event"

Elliot : "Yeah... Their skill need to be improved but I think they can captivated the audience just fine"

I talked with Marina about our judgement of Poppin'Party. So from this, Four more bands to go I guess. We focused again and they are preparing their next song.

Marina then looked at me thinking about something.

Marina : "Hey, Elliot now that I think about it... aren't we forgetting something important?"

Elliot : "I don't know, but If you can't remember, then I guessed its not something important"

Marina : "I guess its true"

Then We listened to their next song.

-In the cafe outside-

The waiter was feeling worried. There was a mountain of plate in one of the table. however there was only one little girl in the table. She was Marina guest so she happily serve her when she said that Marina told her that she can order whatever she wanted. But now she was sweating. she can't leave her post here because lack of staff to tell Marina about this.

When she tried to ask her to politely to stop, she was stared by the girl. It was very scary, the girl eyes was turning purple and there was scary gleam in it. It was like staring into the abyss. She didn't understand how she can be scared from a little girl.

She decided to just serve what she ordered and blame it all on Marina.

After this Marina and Elliot paled when they were seeing the number of plate and zero in the bill.