2-24: Non-Explosive Train Trip
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I leaned towards the window, drops of condensation from the morning still sprinkled on, falling down and behind as the train chugged along the tracks. Fields of grain being tended to by workers with shirts tied around their waists became blurred smears, no longer distinguishable as anything at all as we sped by them.  I wondered if they were as tired as I was. We had arrived and boarded early this morning and arisen and left the castle even earlier still. I hadn't even had time to have a proper goodbye with Terra. Not even a kiss. It would be lonely and a bit boring without her. Although it wasn't like Caela would be bad company. 

I leaned back, took a deep breath and exhale then let myself relax, "How did you sleep, Caela."

The demoness was stretching, arms raised into a peak above her head. Her still impressive muscles and slight glistening from the sweat left over from lugging the luggage all the way here plus the slight peak of abs her shirt was giving as she stretched would have probably broken a certain girlfriend of mine. For me it was eye candy, yes, but unlike Terra, I can control myself. She looked at me and smiled, "Well enough. I take it you and Terra had a nice night?"

"Yes. We did. And a nice sleep as well."

She crossed her legs as she laid down on the seat, "I could tell. Is Terra fine? Didn't see her give any goodbyes."

"Oh, I may have worn her out. She might still be sleeping now."

"It's noon in the capital."

"As I said, I wore her out."

"Remind me to help Terra buy you a leash."

"You realize I would just put Terra in it right?"

"I said I'd buy it with her not who it was for." 

I laughed, "Yes, also did you hear the polycule is meeting us in Honipolis."

"Those idiots... I hated dealing with them."


"They teased me and while I'm not you know who levels; I am still weak to that." (Why is this just insult Terra the chapter? - Terra)

"Oh? Do you like any of them?"

Caela shook her head furiously, "I don't."

"Hm. Oh yes, how will you deal with your grandfather?"

"Oh, I plan on ignoring him."

"That's not very healthy, you know."

"It is for him."

I nodded, leaving it at that. We continued to chat, as the light grew orange outside, and the conversation turned towards Quaza.

"Do you ever worry about Quaza?" Caela asked biting into some bread we had purchased from the food cart. "That she'd take Terra from you?"

"No. I mean yes, but... I mean if it was Terra's choice, I would let her."

"Do you hate Quaza?"

"Hate? Well, no. She's pretty, smart, funny, and despite my jealousy, I would call her something like a friend. You really should be asking Terra that question. She really seems like she's repressing emotions towards her. No, rather it is more like she doesn't know what she feels about her."

"Ah, rage and love I'm guessing. I mean childhood friend and then the death of Terra's parents? Wow. If this was a serialized novel, they'd be such a good tragic couple."

"Good thing this isn't a story."

"You know Terra can like both of you if she wants."

"Yeah, but I want her only to be with me."

Caela frowned and looked a little nervous, "A-And what if Terra wanted to be with someone else?"

"Like Quaza? I already told you that answer." I scowled.

Caela began to say something, but I already had my earmuffs on and was boarding the train to dreamland. I just didn't care to converse with her on the subject any longer.

I awoke to find the cabin empty. The sun was up again, high into the sky. I stretched and wandered into the on-cabin bath, a shower with a strict three-minute timer per hour. Of course, that limit was just a suggestion for someone like me. After fifteen minutes of getting clean and just the minimal amount of makeup and styling I decided to find the dining car where I was certain Caela was lazing around in.

The car was moderately filled with demons and humans and humons happily chatting and sitting about. I was honestly shocked how little they seemed to give to the fact that recently a train like this had been blown up by a crazy fanatic. I looked around a little before finding Caela drinking at the bar, alone. I slid into the stool next to her.

"Bit early to be drinking. no?"

"Not when you spent all night thinking and worrying." She said downing some more of her liquor. 

"What had you thinking? Our mission?"

"No. No. It's nothing I want to discuss with you. At least for now."

I nodded, "I see want to figure it out for yourself before asking others?"

"Something like that. Say, did you bring any money, I kind of forgot my purse."

I sighed, "I can see why you and Terra are becoming close friends."

She gave a little chuckle, then ordered some wings for us to snack on. I ate them absentmindedly while looking at the decor of the car. It was faded and gave a slight air of unease to me. Honestly, it would have been a mercy if another bomber had taken this one out. (That's a bit harsh. - Terra) (It looked like someone's grandma's house) (Then describe it. - Terra) (No. Pot, meet Kettle, blah, blah, blah.)

"You think we can get an army going?" I asked.

Caela looked at me head cocked slightly to the right, food still in her mouth. "Obviously, I mean you are the daughter of the last Lord, plus it is on Honi's order."

"Yeah, but it isn't like we're at war or the humans are being particularly aggressive right now."

"Fair point. But it isn't like the idea of getting to fight some humans wouldn't appeal to a lot of my kind, you know?"

"You do remember I'm a quarter demon, right?"

"You know what I meant." Caela sighed, "I don't get why she couldn't have sent Quaza and you to this it would have been easier with the Princess and Lord's Daughter."

"Hey. First, I may have suggested nicely that she not pair me with her daughter. Second, you're the granddaughter of Ahrl the Undying, it isn't like you don't have clout."

"Adoptive granddaughter. I'm not related to him."


"Yes, his Lord title was forfeited for the immortality along with some other things."

"Oh. I see. Well, you are still his granddaughter, regardless of blood."

"I'd rather not be."

"Oh, so you would have rather not have met Terra and stayed Lyre."

"Shut up, would you."

I grinned at her. "Just be happy our job is in the city and not where the others are."

She rolled her eyes and me and we continued to chat the rest of the day away.


We arrived in the city the following afternoon, being ushered off and helped to the castle by the guards, our arrival announced by Honi in advance. Hayli was being swarmed by fans, news of her parentage having somehow made it around, which she seemed rather uneasy by, especially the flirting some tried, trying to get with a lord's daughter would obviously be a big boon to anyone.

"I'm sorry, can you please leave Hayli alone. She has a partner already also." I said to one guard who would not leave us alone as we waited in the fireplace room for the polycule to show up. 

"Oh? I bet whatever loser she's dating couldn't compare to a man like me."

"I think her partner would be happy to hear that. Now leave us before I cut you down, you annoying simpleton."

"It's fine, Caela. I can ignore him. Even if he is trying to insult Terra."

At the name Terra the guard froze, and suddenly made up and excuse to leave.

"Wow, Terra still has some clout here." I remarked, happy the annoying man was gone. 

"I mean she did kill the emperor, plus she was a Shield."

"And her name being a target. I can see why they sent her to the cave instead of here."

"I wouldn't mind her company."

"If she was here, you'd be too busy to do your job." I mean I also would have been happy if she was here, though to say that to Hayli would be a bit... I don't know. Ugh, I'm usually more confident, but Hayli scares me when it comes to Terra. 

"Hey, true, but you don't have to say it."

"But I did."

"God, I hope the polycule hurries up, before someone annoys me to death."

I sighed and closed my eyes, "Wake me when they do."

(By request of Terra who loves to add backstory as if she dreamed them, I am being forced to add something I told her later here.) (I literally do dream them, Caeie. - Terra) (Sure, I believe you.)

(I nervously opened the door. I had been busy practicing sword fighting with my grandfather when I was suddenly called by a maid to go see Quaza and a guest. I wasn't even aware she had a guest coming. I wondered who they were. 

"Excuse me, Quaza, you called for me?"

"Yes, Lyre. I need you to help me with something." 

"What." I said a bit wary. 

"I can hear the tone in your voice." She motioned next to her. A human girl in one of her dresses, face redder than a tomato was sitting down, fidgeting constantly. "This is my dear friend Terra."

"A human?"

"Yes. Are you blind or something?"

I ignored my friend and stared at the human, trying to figure something out, there was something off about her, the way she looked? Her composure? I frowned staring her up and down. She was extremely cute, enough so that I was having trouble focusing on her without turning red myself "Hey, is Terra a girl?"

"Oh, well, she's shy about it but, she was born a boy."

I blinked, "That's a thing?"

"Yes, obviously."

"You can... be a girl." Thoughts began to swirl in my head, which I shook away. Not now Lyre, you had a duty to do. You could consider things later.

Quaza gave me a strange smile, "Two of you huh?"

I sighed and replied to my princess, "What does that mean Quaza?"

She smiled, "Oh, nothing. Now where was I? Yes, I may need you to teach Terra here topics which my mother may bring up in conversation at dinner."

"Why me? Why can't you do it?"

"I may be a bad teacher for that kind of stuff."

"You mean because you don't pay attention to anything your mom says?"

"No, it's, uh. You're a much better fit to teach her. I've already gotten her table manners down. Now I need to go wash up, I'll leave you alone."

"Fine but I get to choose the next board game we play."

"Of course."

"Oh yeah, I don't speak human language that well, will she be able to understand?" 

From behind me a voice spoke in a Royal Demon accent with a hint of Border Demon in the way it flowed, "I am fluent in speaking Demon."

"Yes, Olli and I helped teach her. So that we could have conversations without her siblings eavesdropping,"

"She's friends with Olli too. I am so sorry for her."

"Just talk with her, please. We need the dinner to go well."

"Fine. Enjoy your bath, your highness."

She scoffed at me, "Also be nice to her, she is important to me."

"I can be nice, thank you."

She rolled her eyes and left the room. 

I turned to the human.

"I am Lyre, a pleasure to meet another friend of Quaza. Now let's begin, what is your opinion on the deer shortage in North Yafrest?"

Terra sighed and we began our instruction.)