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Pov 3 person

The comercial district of the vale is one of the bigger groups of stores bazaars , restaurants and other service places in the middle  portion of the vale, where vast populations of people and faunus move throughout the day. 

Numerous types of nightclubs may be found a few blocks back from the district. Most of the folks you see walking around here don't belong to the criminal part of the vale these are just people who, after a hard day, went to have a little fun. Although there are not many police patrols on the area where the nightclub is locate, but it is safe enough for people to go out and drink.

Slowly, the sun sets as the fragmented moon emerges in its stead when a thin covering of snow covered the street and trees signaling the arrival of winter. Despite the hostile atmosphere in the valley's underworld, a group of young people gathers in an alleyway behind one of the nightclubs without realizing they are moving out of sight of the Police .

"Have you heard that the spider people are allegedly searching for a girl in the valley?" 

The other five are questioned by a boy wearing a black hoodie.

 "Yes, reportedly she robbed them and everyone claims that she have a illusion-related semblance . So many people are curious about her"

Says the man wearing a red shirt.

"Everything is ok , blue? "

Asks man with a black jacket looking at his frightened friend who keeps looking around the alley .

"She was terrified by ghost."

The deer faunus respond.

" What? "

Asks the man wearing a black jacket.

"Recently, she was terrified by a young girl. Apparently she looked like a ghost and made little child hands grab your ankles ."

Says the man wearing a red shirt.

"Can we return now, from tomorrow, we are begine work ?"

Blue says, embarrassed by the conversation's subject as the man in the red shirt prompted by this suggestion , take a scroll out from his pocket to check the time.

"Should we return ? Tomorrow is our first formal day of work as hunters" 

Wonders the man in the red shirt looking at his team who agreed with him .

"Sorry Crimson, but we are going back"

Says red shirt man to his friend.

" I will stay a little longer"

Says Crimson and as a result, the four individuals departed the alley, leaving him alone.

Crimison pov

'All four of them except for me , become hunters . Because of which they never have time . First school now missions and where is the place for our friendship ? '

'We've known each other since we were young children, and we all aspired to be hunters. However, as I grew older, my level of fear increased to the point that I gave up.'

Thinking of my own fear the image of a frightened Blue appears before my eyes .

'She aspires to be a hunter but she is still terrified by a ghost running through the alleys.' 

Thinking about it , I shake my head .

"Spirits don't exist . Just kids were making fun of her "

I ponder while I crack open the beer I've been holding in my hand the entire talk. Carefully drink , I rest on the trash can but suddenly I feel a tiny cold hand  clutch my arm.

'wait for one fucking minute.' 

Before I can finish my thinking I feel another five hands touch my body . I can feel two hands draw me toward the dumpster I was leaning on, while holding onto my ankles and hugging me at the waist. Due to the last hand gripping my hand and pulling it to the side, I drop my beer.

I try to look around, but another two hands block my vision. However, the two hands on my eyes are different , they are softer to the touch than the ones on my body which seem rougher and dirtier . I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack and am unable to speak. However, that feeling of light breath on my neck makes the rest of my strength leave my body .

"Guess who?"

A young girl's soft, innocent voice whispers in my ear. However, given the circumstances—alone in a dark alley—this voice seemed to have come from hell. I can't tell by the tone of her voice whether it's a joke or sarcasm. I find it difficult to maintain my expression. I am unable to move or think, and the unexpected nature of the event makes the first thought that comes to mind cause me to become pale. Which result in making the voice to giggle in joy . In such a setting, her soft young voice and small, icy hands on my body drives my imagination wild.

'I'm going to die.'

'Help!!! '

The hands on my body clamp even tighter as I attempt to flee. My hands suddenly feel free, and I drop to the ground. But as I turned around to face the dumpster, nobody was there.

'This will give me nightmares.'

With this thought without waiting any more I run as fast as I can towards the exit of the alley .

3 person POV

A girl with shoulder-length black hair wearing a white one-piece knee-length spring dress and a black winter jacket was visible on the dumpster on which the crimson was leaning . Her legs are bandaged below the knees , while on her feet she has a pair od white winter boots . A wide smile was evident on her face as with her single ruby eye , she looked at the man she was holding . 

The lamps in the alley made the girl's shadow blend perfectly with the shadow of the dumpster and the man who does not notice it. Letting the man out from under the influence of her ability the girl in a swift movement goes down from the dumpster to the side of it and wrapping herself in a ball in its darkened corner, she make the frightened man without noticing her ran quickly out of the Alley . Finally unable to contain her amusement, the girl lets out a laugh like if she had won a game.

"This horrifying face .He nearly peed his pants."

Saying these words, the girl takes several deep breaths to finally calm down. Getting up slowly , the girl checked the pockets of her jacket in which there were things she had stolen from the man . She keeps the jewelry and money . Then she threw his wallet away. As she moves toward the alley, her steps become a trot, and the trot becomes a run.

 She moves silently through the alleyways, Slipping right on the edge of sight of the people still active on the streets while her entire body emits a delicate blac-red radiance which apparently no one has been able to see . She moves so gracefully when she descends ladders, fire escapes, and steps that one may mistakenly believe she is flying. 

The girl arrives at her destination after around 20 minutes of sprinting, and arrives to the quiet side street where she remove a cable that was tucked away in the hole on the wall of old building . With the help of the cable, the girl got to the roof where she then pulled the cable to the roof, securing it from falling down.


While adjusting my bangs I stand on the clock store's roof where i pull off the blindfold which od on my left eye. Looking at the sky I see a shattered moon that I can't help but stare at.

'This is comforting in some way.'

I think with a sigh . Wasting no time I walk up to the door on the roof. I open the door which I lock with a padlock, and then after entering I tuck the key in my pocket .

'Five months have passed since I discovered this paradise. During this time I cleaned all the dust and coobwebs in the building.'

The dark wood on the floor has now come back to life. The red wallpaper on the walls bears witness to the building's former glory. There are no longer any fabric on the extremely detailed black furniture. Even the piano and other instruments have been cleaned, and the gaps around the boarded-up windows have been masked with cloth. 

Looking at my progress I slowly walk past the clock room which is along the path. The outside surfaces of the clocks were cleaned and the floor was swept event here. Using a flashlight, I enter the kitchen and open the flap underneath the table which I closed before exiting.

The same set of stairs that descend to the bunker are now lit by bulbs. Descending the stairs, I enter a long now-lit corridor after passing through which I approach the open bunker door . The heat is palpable to me. Dust and humidity have both disappeared. Air is filtered by ceiling fans. Additionally, the bunker has been cleaned. The gray paint that covers the concrete is likely to blame for the bunker's lack of fungus.

The day after I discovered the location, five months prior. I went to look around the remainder of the shelter. A room the same size as the entrance room is to the right of the entrance. Like the majority of the shelter, it was empty. A smal bathhouse is located on the left. It has a basic toilet, sink and shower which is work but its is a water faucet that is attached to a pipe with two water taps .

 Following cleaning, the area housing the generator revealed itself to be a control room housing all the mechanisms.

'I found this bunker contains a well with a water pump . However, it took me a month to get it to function.'

I have seen the generator in the warehouse where the Lotus people gathered. But I had never see the pump. To heat the water, the pump itself used the generator .

'I'm not sure how much dust is remaining . But I'll come up with a solution when it starts to run low'

'The pump itself is five years old, and the generator is also, so they shouldn't fail too soon. Therefore, the proprietor of the clock shop must knew about the bunker as he rebuilt it.That is why the ventilation systems were functional.But I don't know where the ventilation itself ends.'

But in the end I was content just because there was hot water available. 

'A hot water mean... Shower.'

Thinking about it , with joy I remove my white winter boots then I carefully proceed to the room on the left barefoot where I carefully pull my clothing down and store them on the ground , meanwhile setting the hot water on. Well now looking at the whole bunker people would used the following adjectives to describe bunker actual state:

'Developmental condition .Most people wouldn't be comfortable in such circumstances, but for me, it's the best experience I've ever had. Indeed, things have improved since I first discovered this location.'

I reflect as I enter the shower. There are many bottles of shampoo and liquid soap on the ground just next to my feet. Next to the shower, a number of towels are stacked. Toothbrush and toothpaste are on the sink. 

Finishing my quick bath I turn off the water , then I reach for the towel lying next to the shower . Wrapping my body with a towel I pick up the clothing off the ground and then I head over to the other room .

Little has changed into the the bunker "main" room  . Two winter jackets, among a couple pairs of shoes laying on the ground nearby main door .They serve as a kind of closet . To which I walk up and put away my shoes and jacket I was wearing just now. Walking through the main room I approach the door which are opposite to the bathroom door . It is behind this door that is where I have arranged my bedroom .

When I open the door, I find the room in a different condition than when I discovered it five months before. The floor of this now room is covered in white textiles and linens. A mattress with springs covered in a quilt and a few pillows is in the center of the room. Several pairs of garments are spread out on the mattress' side.

'I resided in the trade district for five months. When I had taken enough money, I stopped stealing and looked around the valley for a store selling cheap clothing. I then began stealing only food, a lot of meals worked wonders . With a warm and cozy place to sleep.'

' I have not been malnourished for several months now, thanks to decent eating . Warm water , the soap and shampoo made me clean, so thanks to that , my skin is now an attractive shade of pale . My black hair has also grown back in luster. '

I think while putting today's soiled clothing atop the laundry I still needed to do. I then grab the pink T-shirt and put in on . I choose a pair of black, short shorts and put them on. A towel is now available. I put my it on my head as I dried my hair.

'Since my physical condition has improved, I feel less worried and sleep better. I can now conjure even more hands from the shadows thanks to my increased energy . Now I have enough energy to strengthen my body without worrying about wasting too much energy Strengthening my body I can even see a glowing red-black hue. '

'  Fortunately, it seems that I am the only one who sees it otherwise I would be very visible . But thanks to this I am now more nimble and quicker than I was.' 

Thinking about it I have little smile on my face.

' Now when I was guaranteed with a food supply I consequently had more free time too , so I cleaned the bunker and went for a few walks when I saw a group of drunk individuals. I tried to stay away from them, but I overheard them discussing how a particular pawn shop would buy back stolen goods. ' 

'The world was filled with new options to generate money after that chat.It is possible to sell both jewelry and information there. So I start stealing jewelry after i checked out this pawn shop and found it to be trustworthy.' 

' A pair of gold earrings from people in residential areas is enough for three days of living with delicious meals three times a day!'

I think while letting my hair loosen as I lay down on the mattress after laying down my towel.

'So I gave up on this district entirely. I now go " hunting " for a whole day in the northern residential district every three days. My clones' hands have gotten so quick and nimble that they can easily remove a watch or chain. Naturally, I took much more precautions than I had in other districts.' 

'But in the end no one paid attention because the low theft rate was included in the monthly balance sheet. Naturally, I had more time now, so I chose to take up collecting information as a hobby. I researched information collecting for a month and who knew that listening to gossip was so much fun. ' 

Thinking about it my mouth makes a tiny smile

' I discovered a number of things while obtaining knowledge from people. About the circumstances in the Vale , Atlas, Mistral the white fang and numerous other stuff . But without a doubt, my other hobby, "gaming," was what I discovered to be the most fascinating over the course of a few months.'

' I used to go to " play " with other people when I was bored. Positioning myself so that my shadow would fall on my victim's shadow and my clone's hands would hold that person's ankles or wrists, I would hide quickly enough so that they wouldn't have time for them not to notice them. To make it more effective, I did it in the alleys. Naturally, I didn't pass up the chance to loot them.'

'After all Who will believe them if they say they were robbed by a ghost, ? Every expression on their face and yell brought a smile to my face. I never had time to play or have fun , so making people uncomfortable and making fun of them made me even happier. I don't care if my selfish fun gives anyone nightmares as long as I enjoy it . '

'Obviously, there are other things I've been doing over the previous few months. It would be inaccurate to assume that all I learnt was how to gather information and intimidate individuals. I learned a lot more about my ability too .' 

' From listening inebriated hunters I learnt that my clones are semblance, and the energy inside of me is aura. Thanks to listening to their rantings about the Academy I now mnie that aura is a representation of the soul. During this time, in addition to the changes in my body, there were also many changes in my Aura . Looks like my aura increased as my state of life improved. So much knowledge about it made me start to wonder .'

'How much can my clones and I can lift ? Can I use my aura to improve clones ? My clones hands have always been able to take stuff back to shadow . But what if the object is heavier than what they can carry? Can they still carry it? Can they take them back to shadow ?' 

' Then I realize that I never had the time or energy to check such things . First of all, I can' t sink in shadow stuff that i can't lift. However, the mattress I'm lying on provides the answer . I'm capable of sinking objects bigger than my shadow '

'I considered hiding stuff there, but it's the same as when I first attempted it when I was 7 years old. Through testing I know that the hands that are holding the objects when they are in my shadow are constantly "active" so they still take aura . But this apparently prevents these items from being lost wherever they go . '

' Still I had enough aura to lug a mattress to my bunker from a store two hours away from the clock store. In the end, it's not profitable; perhaps later, when I will have more aura. I considered attempting to capture a living object in my shadow, but I was unsuccessful. For some reason living creatures disappear from hand after entry , on the other hand dead bodies do not have this problem . '

Thinking about it gives me the creeps. I don't know what's on the other side of the shadow, the fact that living beings have simply disappeared makes me prefer to refrain from further experimentation.

' Returning to the topic of strength. Clones' hands can get stronger form aura . However, even without reinforcing them three pairs or six hands can hold a grown man firmly in place. The most hands I can make right now is twenty . It was with the help of twenty aura-filled hands that I was able to open the main bunker door .' 

' Although I am not strong . Even if I focus all of my aura on my owne hands, I am as powerful as a well-built adolescent guy. But the sheer amount of clone hands I have compensates for my lack of strength. However, I can still be at least three times faster than before, so speed is still to my benefit. No one below hunter level can catch me . However, a hunter will have no trouble catching me.'

'Naturally, there are a lot of things I've learned about my clones. But I stopped my experiments and training because recentli I've heard a lot of rumors about a burglar who uses her illusion to steal from people. Then I came up with a brilliant idea . However, this concept needed research and time.'

'So I did what I do best. I started overhear folks in bars and alleys in search of the greatest information to locate that person. I even sneaked into the gang area where this thif had committed numerous crimes recently, listening for information. One of the gangsters claimed that this thif only frequents the streets that are overseen by a councilor from the Vanile family,.'

'But that was the most useful data. Why there only?'

With this knowledge, things started to gradually become more intriguing.