Chapter 16 – A simple deduction.
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Sometime later, you woke up again, this time at night.

The first thing you do...

"Fuck!!! I had a ready-to-eat meal in front of me, literally spreading her legs for me to dig in, but I fell asleep?! Shame on you, Gulliver Goodman! Shame on you!" - You cursed yourself in your mind.

It was humiliating enough to be treated like a baby and be breastfed, but when offered sex by a willing and stunning female, you fell asleep like a bonafide baby. This was the shame of a century.

"Dammit! Next time... Next time..." - You continue to curse some more before sighing to yourself, promising revenge.

After calming down, your mind slowly relaxed, taking in details you didn't notice.

Through the only open window in this white room, the clear sky and moonlight shone a dim light on you, barely allowing you to see your surroundings.

It had to be said that the night here was enchanting, as the carpet of stars in the sky was something you never saw in your life. The air you breathed was so fresh and unpolluted that the air in the city was comparable to sewage steam.

"Beautiful..." - You murmur in a daze, vacantly staring at the night sky.

"Rich people probably spend a fortune to experience this, but I get it for free. How didn't I notice it before?" - You thought in a daze.

Until now, your nerves were so taut that you ignored the situation of this world, that civilization as you know it no longer existed. Now that you were relaxed, you finally started to notice these things.

The insignificant number of survivors could not affect the power of nature anymore, and as it recovered, its shadowed miracles showed themselves again in their bright splendor.

"What. Beautiful?" - A female voice sounded from your left.

"Aleshanee? No, her voice is different. That means..." - You thought and turned your head to your left.

You saw in the dim light a golden-eyed beauty with braided shoulder-length greenish-dark hair. Although you couldn't see her clearly, you can tell she is not inferior to Aleshanee in the looks department.

Just like before, you notice that you are still both naked, only this time, instead of hugging your arm, her hand rested on your chest gently while leaning her head on your shoulder.

"Miss Byhalia?" - You ask.

"Yes. Aleshanee, tell?" - She smiled and asked in unpracticed yet concise English.

"She did, yes. She said you take turns taking care of me. Thanks for taking care of me." - You smile back.

Although they are under orders, you should at least thank her. It isn't an object without feelings.

"Don't, thank. I get. Something. In return." - She smiled with narrowed eyes, her eyes slightly out of focus as if thinking of something.

"You do? What do you get?" - You ask without thinking much.

"Hehe. Secret." - She giggled and kept mum.

Seeing her ambiguous reaction, you couldn't help but think about Aleshanee's actions and words and the information you already know.

In the files left by the doctor, it mentions that B-type infected can reproduce with regular people, and the resulting child is a B-type. And although it has yet to be confirmed, it is hypothesized that the resulting offspring between B-type and uninfected have superior qualities. Finally, female B-types have an increased tendency to procreate with Pure ones, likely because their body is more durable and is unlikely to miscarry, unlike a Pure One female.1I did some editing to the file. Changes are in green.

Putting 1+2...

"Holy shit! She wants the D! No, rather, she wants me to put a bun in her oven! And so does Aleshanee!" - You finally realize.

Thinking about this, you felt your blood flow go to your nether region, pitching an instant tent against the blanket.

You couldn't help it. Forget about being a healthy male. It was your goddamn fetish! A fantasy of yours. It could be said to be the basest sexual desire of most males— To breed an attractive female.

Yeah, it's cringy and perhaps petty, but humans are animals, and male humans are male animals. Some may view this as a kink, and some might think it is part of human nature, the animal part of us. Regardless, you think it's hot, and your body is honest with itself.

Byhalia seemed to have noticed your tent, a hint of excitement in her eyes.

You also noticed her reaction and couldn't help but blurt out something cringe-worthy, "Want to mate?"

Byhalia's eyes flashed with desire, but then they dimmed in disappointment, reluctantly tearing her gaze from your raised lance.

"I do. But you are weak. Shaman ordered today after you sleep again. Not do it until healthy." - She said unwillingly.

"Fuck..." - You utter, realizing you won't be getting any action in the next few days.

You thought for a moment before asking hopefully, "Can you at least help me relieve it?"

Getting jacked off by her was good, too. At least you won't have this raging boner disturbing you.

However, her following words dashed your hopes, "No. Shaman said you can't. Same as mating. Your body can't handle it. Need rest."

"... Dammit." - You sigh, your hopes of getting some release dashed.

However, your Jr. seemed oblivious to its dark fate, obnoxiously raising its head in vain expectation like a pampered child. You could only let it calm down by itself.

You weren't too depressed, though. You will get your due... When healthy enough.

While waiting for your hard-on to relax, you ask, "Do you know where my stuff is?"

"Stuff? Oh! Mean belongings, yes?" - Byhalia didn't understand your slang at first but quickly caught on.

"Yes, my belongings." - You nod.

"They kept with Chief. In a safe place. No worry." - Byhalia smiled.

"As expected. I need the Chief's permission to get Rosa back. I need to send her back to my world and fabricate my existence before things get out of hand." - You thought anxiously.

From what you know, Rosa has the power to fabricate just about anything digital, including Video and Sound. As long as you send her back to your house, she can do it.

"That reminds me. Is the stuff I took back still there?" - You thought.

The last time you woke up, although you worried about your house getting searched, you forgot you could check your couch to see if anything was moved in the vicinity of your space, IE, the 1.5m radius from where you left your world.

After a simple scan, you found that all your stuff on the couch and table remained untouched.

Rested on the couch were some tools, including a heavy-duty cutter, a drill, heavy-duty gloves, protective eye goggles, ear muffs, an all-purpose tool kit, a plasma cutter, and two car batteries. Sure, they all exist in your world too, but they are the upgraded 22nd-century version with better materials and technology. Although some of them started to rust or age, you can use them after some maintenance and cleaning with a few special maintenance sprays and a repair kit you took from there.

There were other items in the shop, but you didn't need them since they were primarily for futuristic home appliances, so you didn't take them... for now.

"Thank god! Perhaps the police didn't search my house yet." - You sigh in relief.

But then, you frowned again.

"No. Maybe the police only didn't touch my stuff. I need to let them know of my existence as soon as possible. I need Rosa."

With a goal in mind, you make a request, "Miss Byhalia, can I see the Chief, then, please? I want to have my AR assistant back."

Byhalia frowned and said, "You want to see Chief? He said see you when healthy. If bored, maybe read or play? We have books and games in the tribe."

"Thanks for the offer, but I still need it. It's urgent." - You say bitterly.

If you were a resident of their world, you could have waited some more. However, you were not. You are part of an arguably-functional modern society in another world. Your disappearance for almost two weeks is bad enough, but with gangsters sniffing after you, you needed to make arrangements. Fast.

Byhalia looked troubled, but she still nodded, "Fine. I Ask."

And then... she stayed still, with no sign of getting up.

After waiting for half a minute, your patience started running out.

"... Er... Miss Byhalia?" - You call out.

"Reporting to Shaman. Please, no disturb." - Byhalia replied with a tinge of annoyance.

Hearing her words and tone, you immediately shut up.

"She is using her crystal to communicate." - You figured.

After waiting for another minute, Byhalia spoke again.

"I report to Shaman, and Shaman report to Chief. Chief agrees. He comes here. We wait." - She said and didn't move.

"Er... Shouldn't we get dressed first, then?" - You ask.

"No need. Nudity normal. We dress very little unless cold. Better absorb sunlight." - Byhalia shook her head.

"Oh... Makes sense." - You nod, remembering that the B-types have limited photosynthesis.

"So... Anything you can tell me about this Chief of yours? Any warnings?" - You ask in preparation for the meeting, afraid of royally fucking up.

Byhalia's eyes closed for a moment as if weighing her words carefully before speaking.

"Can't say much. I am a lowly Servant, no evolve. I can't say anything without permission. Punished or killed if do. Can only give advice." - Byhalia hesitated and said.

"She's a servant? Makes sense. Someone of a higher status wouldn't take care of me like this." - You figure.

"What advice?" - You ask.

"Be respectful. Don't lie." - Was all she said.

"... I understand." - You purse your lips and nod.

You both then waited silently for a few minutes until the door got opened.


The door creaked as a man stepped into the room.

"... That's their Chief?" - Your eyes betrayed a weird look.

Thanks to the dim light coming from the window, you could tell that the man looks around 20-30, is suave, has a short greenish-black mohawk, and wears a worn black sleeveless leather jacket without a shirt and wears blue jeans, walking barefoot. The man's exposed toned chest had a few old scars here and there and tribal tattoos.

If it wasn't for the man's piercing golden eyes and greenish-grey complexion, you would think he is an overly handsome punk rocker from the 70s.

"Hello. Iver, right?" - The man asked straightforwardly in a neutral tone.

"Yes, hello. You must be this tribe's Chief, right?" - You answer and ask back, swallowing the urge to comment on his attire.

"I am. I wanted to talk to you for the past eleven days, but your abnormal condition kept you unconscious." - The man said in fluent English.

"What did you want to talk about?" - You ask curiously.

"I have many things to ask, but for starters, how did you make those items disappear?" - The Chief narrowed his golden eyes as if to pierce your skull with his gaze.

"He saw it!" - Your heart rate accelerated.

Your most precious asset, your ability, was partially exposed to a powerful being. This is a dangerous situation! There is no telling what could happen now.

The thought of spouting a lie crossed your mind, but Byhalia's warning blared in your mind.

You subconsciously turned your head to Byhalia, only to find that the beauty's eyes were vacant like a vegetable. She was still hugging you, and her body was warm as she breathed, but she lost consciousness.

"W-Wha...?!" - You utter, at a loss for words.

"Don't worry. I made her lose consciousness so that this little conversation stays between us." - The Chief explained.

"I... I see." - You gulp and turn to look at the terrifying man in front of you.

"So, are you going to answer my question or not?" - The Chief asked in the same tone.

"I... Can I choose not to answer?" - You ask, trying your luck.

"..." - The Chief remained silent, but his eyes narrowed further, turning into slits as he glared at you.

"..." - You stare back, cold sweat forming on your forehead.

After staring at each other for a minute, just as you were about to break, the Chief sighed.

"Fine. I won't make you answer it... for now." - He relented.

"Thank the fucking god..." - You internally sigh.

"Next, I would like to ask, how the fuck did you get into the city without getting found out by surveillance Husks? Rather, how did you even survive alone without getting killed for like over ten days?! Any random Outsider can kill you!" - The Chief said incredulously.

"Er... pass, please." - You say with a nervous smile.

"... Well, at least you didn't lie to me. I'll skip this one too. For now." - The Chief sighed exasperatedly.

Just as you sighed in relief again, the Chief asked his third question.

"Why is your immune system so weak? It is as if you were never exposed to viruses in this world. Even a Pure One shouldn't be this weak." - The Chief said with suspicion.

"... Pass, please." - Was the only thing you could say.

What are you supposed to tell him? That you come from an alternate reality that is 130 years less advanced?

The Chief only frowned and didn't comment on his question further. Instead, he continued to question.

"Why are you still a Pure One? You likely have never even eaten an ounce of Outsider meat. How didn't you starve to death?" - The Chief asked with a raised eyebrow.




"Sigh. You know, I can ignore all four of those questions. But there is one more thing I would like to ask..." - The Chief drawled.

"...Gulp*..." - You could only gulp, bracing for the last question.

After a 10-second wait, as if to make you overly agitated, the Chief asked a surprising question that made you want to slap yourself.

"... Why in father sky's holy shit are your clothes produced with over-a-century-old technology in 2022 by a company that never existed?! Actually, why are they all brand new?! Even the Corrupted cant make these nowadays!" - The Chief snarled.


This time, you couldn't even answer back. You could only silently raise your blanket as if to form a wall.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Raise the blanket like a baby hiding from the boogeyman. You do that while I do a simple deduction with the information I know." - The Chief said with a shrug.


"If I take all the previous points and compile them into possibilities, I can reach three possible and increasingly ridiculous conclusions." - The chief raised three fingers.

"One, you are from a technological enclave made over 150 years ago, focusing on teleportation technology. However, although realistically the most plausible, it is the least likely out of the three due to obvious factors, such as reasoning, timing, budget, etc."

"Two, you are from the past, teleported to the future for some reason. That would explain why you have a weak immune system and items from over a century ago, but it doesn't explain your spatial ability and the fact that those companies don't exist in my timeline. I know they don't exist since I checked in the goddamn library."

"And that leaves option number three, the most ridiculous yet probable answer, one I was racking my brain for a few hours to come up with due to how ridiculous it is. You are a resident of another reality who gained the absurd power to freely travel between my reality and your reality through unknown means. This can also explain all the above points to perfection."

"So. What do you think, Iver? Am I wrong in my simple deduction?" - The Chief narrowed his eyes.


When your MC got stripped away from his bullet-proof plot armor.