P001 – Emma
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Just a short project to break from writer block. This is a fanfiction for a game Resident Evil 2 Remake, maybe it will somewhat confusing for the people who haven't played the game.

Just search in youtube:

  1. Resident Evil 2 Remake Speedrun Leon A
  2. Resident Evil 2 Remake Cutscene Leon A
  3. Resident Evil 2 Remake Speedrun Claire B
  4. Resident Evil 2 Remake Cutscene Claire B

When I realized it, I was drenched, looking at the moon exposed from the broken rooftop. The droplets from the rain wets my body, gave a sense of coldness, but strangely I didn't feel cold at all. It's just, something feels tingly and I felt a strange sense of numbness in my entire body.

Suddenly, I heard someone shouted nearby.

"Don't move!"

The voice was not directed to me.

"I'm not gonna hurt you--"

Another voice replied. From the voice, I could tell it was a male voice. Curious, I decided to take a peek. But... how come my body feels so weird? It's as if I took a powerful sedative. I feel strangely sleepy but my instinct tell me I won't be able to woke up if I went to sleep now.

"I said DON'T MOVE!"

"I'm just passing through. I'm going to ask you to lower that weapon."

A fat middle aged man pointing a shotgun toward a man in his twenties. Hmm, I felt like I have saw the man somewhere, but where is it... I can't remember.

"Like hell you are! You're going to turn around, and go right back out the way you came back in."

The fat middle aged man shoved his shotgun and pointed at the door behind the man. The man's eyes met with mine.

He said,

"I think your daughter needs help, sir."

Huh? Daughter?

The middle aged man clicked his shotgun and pointed it to the man's face.

"Don't tell me how to deal with my daughter."

Eh? Eh?

I didn't even know this person at all. How come he claims me to be his daughter?

I silently watched the situation like I was watching a TV drama like I was uninvolved.

"Drop it!"

Suddenly a woman appears in the side pointing a gun to my dad(?). With a reflex, my dad(?) changed his aim to the woman, but the man took the opportunity to take out his gun.

Ouch, now the situation becomes 1 vs 2.

Or not! The woman was pointing her gun to me! Why?

"No! Wait!"

Dad(?) covered me from the woman's aim. Thanks to that, the woman stopped.

"Step aside. We need to terminate her before she turns."

"Terminate? That's my -ing daughter!"

Dad(?) says it with indignation in his voice. It's as if he had suffered from great tragedy. Hearing his voice somewhat making me sad as well, even though I didn't have any memories about this man in front of me.

Watching his anguished expression, the man lowered his gun.

"Ada... Just let them be."

Hmm, Ada... he said? This scene feels familiar somehow. I approached them without thinking. But the man claimed as my dad chided me.

"Emma, sweetheart, I told you to stay put..."


For the first time, I speak. My throat feels hoarse, but I somehow managed to let out a voice. The man, dad... he put his weapon down and approach me. The other two watched us silently, they seems didn't have any intention to interfere.

"Yeah, Emmie. Daddy's here. I'm here, OK?"

Dad said as he hugged my drenched body.

He murmured quietly, but still enough for everyone in the room to hear his voice.

"Those -ing things outside... Look what they did to us."

He looked at the two before continued, yelled to them,

"You're a cop. You're supposed to know something -- how did this happen!? HUH!?"

The man turned his head to the woman, but she didn't say anything either. I could only watch with a dumbfounded expression.

I also want to know what is this situation!

"She was our sweet little angel..."

Dad looked grieved.

Wait, if he is my dad, then where is the mom?


Dad gripped my arms, and says while holding back his tears.

"Mommy's sleeping, honey, OK?

And I'm gonna put you to bed too, OK? ...Emma."

Huh, this conversation...I remembered. This is a conversation in the game Resident Evil 2 remake! I played this game lots of times, so I somewhat memorized the dialog.

Ada... Ada Wong1https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Ada? Then, that man with permanent hair wax is Leon2https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Leon?

Whatever happens to him, even if he drenched with blood, falling into the sewer, or got pummeled by Mr.X, his hair will still in perfect shape!

Wait, that's not what I should be concerned for... Just now, dad called me [Emma]3https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Emma_Kendo, isn't he?

The name itself didn't left any impression to me, even after playing this game so much time, I didn't remember this name. This is why I didn't instantly recognized my current situation. However, if the daughter of the gun shop owner, I remembered. She was unfortunate child whose infected by the T virus outbreak.

This numbness, this sense of tingling, perhaps this is the infection?

I would turn into zombie? Oh NO!

No, there is one more pressing issues. To prevent his daughter to zombified, the dad will shot her to death, after he says he will put her to bed. And coincidentally, he said that just now.

While I was stupefied trying to comprehend all the information, dad grabbed me. While he carried my body, he walked to the nearby room, he said to Leon and Ada.

"Just go... Just give us some privacy."

SLAM!  * door closes *

Well, I guess I'm in a pinch.