Ex Ch 13 – Top 10 Deaths
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On the screen, a heavily armored man slowly advances through a rocky tunnel. He trembles and shivers. Then, he looks around with his eyes wide open, searching for something.

He lowers his head, trying to see what’s on the bottom of the cliff.


A weird cry resounds through the tunnel and the man jumps, surprised. But he does so with such bad luck that he slips, falling to the bottom of the cliff.

Before the screen turns black, a phantasmal version of the same man appears right next to its lifeless body, complaining about something.


“Hahahaha! Did you see that!? He was surprised because one of those goat-birds’ cries and literally fell to his death! Hahaha!”

“How can you be so unlucky?”

“Did you see his face when his foot slipped? Put it again, I want to see it again!”

“This one clearly goes to the top ten, don’t you think?”

“He died to the stupidest mob in the whole dungeon. Of course, we have to put it on the list!”


“Sure. But I still like that one who dies to his own water spell hitting his crotch better. That one is the undisputable top one.”

“That’s true too...”

“I like more that one who dies when his own mob falls on top of him.”

“Hahaha, that one is hilarious too.”

“But then, if we add this one to the list, we will have eleven deaths. Which one should we remove? The one with the worm?”


“The one with the worm.”

“I agree. As funny as it is to see a guy running away in fear, get devoured, and die in despair, the rest are better.”

“The one with the worm it is, then. Now we have to name it.”

“Pfft, hahaha!”

“What’s up now?”

“Hahaha, nothing, nothing. I just remembered the one with the minotaur boss and started laughing again.”

“Oh, yeah. That one is very funny too. I don’t think I can achieve something like that even if I try to do it on purpose…”

“Hey, let’s focus! I’ll add this new video, but we first have to decide how to call it. ‘Scared to death’?”

“Nah, that’s lame. ‘Unwanted suicide’ is better.”

“I… I don’t like it, it’s too gruesome. How about ‘Deadly jumpscare’?”

“Ooh, I like it! Let’s name it like that!”

“So… does anybody have another video with a stupid death?”

“Oh, yes! I have this one here… The guy was so stupid he went inside the Eternal Rest Zone while poisoned and fell asleep. I believe he’s the first and only player to ever actually die while inside of it. But what’s funny is his rambling and insults after his death…”


The Mad Rat’s Lab’s Top 10 Stupidest Deaths (temporary ranking)

1. Wetted His Pants

2. Mobbed

3. Deadly Jumpscare

4. Man-thing Brainwash

5. It’s soo cut– Aagh, save me!

6. Minotaur Bowling

7. They’re Everywhere! EVERYWHERE!

8. Slimy Benny Hill

9. -100% Damage. ‘Am I healing my enemies!?’

10. Poisoned Dreams


This top ten deaths list, with the links to the videos, went viral and the players who created it decided to make a new one every month. The surprising thing is they never got tired of it, nor did they ever run out of videos.

This extra chapter is an idea from Pokemonking0924. I liked it, so I wrote it.