Chapter 30
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Yun Ho looked over at his friend. Kyu Hyun was dancing with a guy that they met over the past weekend. Kyu Hyun was completely back to himself and with what he knows now, and had been through because of Kyu Hyun and Chang Min—he was exhausted.

Standing up, he walked up to him and grabbed him on the shoulder. Kyu Hyun looked at him surprised, “What?”

“We need to talk,” he said.

Kyu Hyun looked at him crazy, “We just arrived?”

“Yeah, but this doesn’t feel right,” he said.

Looking at his friend, “But we always party. When have you been against it?” 

Yun Ho shook his head. “Do you really not remember anything?”

The guy he was dancing with touched him on the shoulder and said, “I’m leaving. You have my number if you want to hook up later.”

Kyu Hyun nodded with a smirk and slapped him on the butt as he left. When he turned to Yun Ho looked at with disappointment.

“Chang Min is sitting with you child in his womb and you’re here ready to fuck around!”

Kyu Hyun placed his hands in his pockets and shook his head. Shrugging his shoulders, he said, “I really don’t get it. Theres nothing between him and I, why are you bothered?”

“What the fuck is wrong with you? You were just going on about how you wanted to fix things between you and him and have a future with him. You have a child on the way and just from a hit to your head, it’s like what has happened over the past months means nothing to you. We STOPPED partying Hyun! We stopped. We have get together’s at each other’s homes and Chang Min makes the food. Sometimes you’re even running behind him like a dog and yet here, man, I don’t know what the fuck to do. You’re going to regret all of this when you get your memories back.”

Kyu Hyun raised a brow. Sighing, he went to sit down on the couch and looked at his friend, “Honestly Yun, I don’t know what to say. I went through my phone and I saw all the shit I sent him, what he sent me. The pictures of us together and I don’t know–it’s like I know him, but at the same time I want nothing to do with him and this thing about a child? It’s hard to believe. My father told me about the hospital incident and the pregnancy scare and then to believe that I actually wanted a child with him that I went and got him pregnant—it just sounds like bullshit.”

He looked at the glass that he was drinking from earlier on. The ice was melted in the glass and what was left of the alcohol would probably taste diluted. Watching the water drip from the glass as he thought about Chang Min, he continued, “We had sex and it was fucking good. Mouth watering unbelievable. I never experienced something like that with any of my other fucks before.”

“Isn’t it because he isn’t just a fuck and actually the person you want to be with?” Yun Ho asked.

Kyu Hyun wished he could kill his friend. “And why would that be?”

Yun Ho held up his hands. “Man, look, your memories may be screwed up, but your body definitely isn’t. If sex was good between you yet you don’t like him, then tell me why your dick is still limp around all these bitches—we both know how you liked to hit and dive even while you were with your boyfriends. You never wanted a serious relationship, but you were just getting serious with Ji Soo when you suddenly decided to give Chang Min a chance, and all of this happened because you got caught. I still don’t understand why the fuck you changed, but you were doing good, Hyun. What are you going to do when your child gets here? Chang Min has every right to tell you to fuck off. You might not even get to see her grow up.”

Kyu Hyun felt his heart skip a beat. His gaze unfocussed as he thought of how big the bump was. “It’s a girl?”

He could feel within his heart that it was growing warm with excitement and a feeling he was unfamiliar with.

Shaking his head, Yun Ho said, “We don’t know yet, but you were hoping that it’s a girl. You said she’ll be adorable, just like Chang Min.”

Kyu Hyun scoffed in disbelief and rubbed his face. The mood he was in to party had disappeared. 


“What do you want?” Chang Min asked, refusing to open the gate for Yun Ho.

He glared at Chang Min, saying, “Can’t you see my hands are full? Open the damn gate before I break it.”

“No,” Chang Min said, closing the door and locking it.

He went back to the living room and pressed play, continuing the drama.

Yun Ho sighed as he placed the bags down. Taking out the key from his pocket that Kyu Hyun gave him in case of an emergency.

Chang Min stared at Yun Ho in disbelief for a moment as he emerged from the doorway. He placed the bags down on the floor, walked up to the first couch and picked up a pillow. He looked down at the pillow as he squeezed it, then looked at Chang Min and threw him hard with it.

“What the hell is your problem?” Chang Min asked him after throwing the pillow back at him.

“Don’t yell, you’ll stress the baby out,” he grumbled, walking to the kitchen.

“Why are you here?”

“Because your boyfriend’s screws were knocked out of place, there’s no one to look after you.” Turning to Chang Min, he said, “Your father is worried about you and told me to check in on you.”

Sighing, he said, “I’m fine. I just tend to cry myself to sleep some nights.”

Walking to the couch he was lying on, he asked as he looked down at Chang Min, who had his eyes on the t.v, “How are you holding up?”

He chuckled, “Didn’t I just say I cry myself to sleep?”

“It could just be the hormones.”

Chang Min shook his head, remaining silent.

His phone suddenly buzzed on the coffee table. He raised his head to see who it was and when he saw Won Woo’s name flash across the screen; he groaned and continued watching.

Frowning, Yun Ho asked, “Who’s Won Woo?”

“Someone I fucked,” he said.

Yun Ho’s eyes widened. “What? When?”

“The day I left Kyu Hyun’s ass.”

“Oh, so you left my friend who got injured for you for someone else?”

Chang Min sat up and stared at him. “If I left your friend for him, then why didn’t I answer the phone and exposed myself to you?”

Yun Ho stared at him, thinking about it. “How long did you see him and how many times did you fuck?”

Sighing, he turned the t.v off saying, “He’s the one who drove me to the hospital after I woke up bleeding.”

“Oh… him? Wait, you screwed the security guy?”

Chang Min nodded his head with a smirk as he lay down staring at Yun Ho, who was deep in thought with a surprised look on his face.

Shaking, Yun Ho looked at him, saying, “I’m telling him.”

“Do what you want. I don’t care.”


A few days later…

“First Yun Ho now you? Why are you here?” Chang Min asked.

Kyu Hyun entered through the sliding door after he couldn’t get through the front door because he had no key for it. He had to jump the wall as well and the previous day it rained.

Chang Min could see that his expression was livid, and it was already late in the night, and this fool decided to invade his space.

Staring at Chang Min as they stood in the passage from the living room leading to the master bedroom. Kyu Hyun grabbed Chang Min by the throat and squeezed, asking, “What’s this I’m hearing about you getting your ass fucked by someone else?”

Chang Min thought he was dying, but the moment those words came from his mouth, he couldn’t give a damn. “Oh, so you can whore around, but I can’t.”

He squeezed harder, saying, “You’re pregnant with my child!”

Chang Min smacked him across the face yelling, “Fuck you, you motherfucker! You’re not my child’s father.”

“Is that so?” Left Kyu Hyun’s mouth and the next thing Chang Min felt was Kyu Hyun lifting him up into the air, picking him up, carrying him to the master bedroom.

His nerves had spiked, he didn’t know what was going to happen–this man was always unpredictable in the past.

Throwing him on the bed when they arrived at the room, he stripped out of his clothes and ripped Chang Min’s off his body.

Kyu Hyun had no plans in mind for him and Chang Min, but when Yun Ho told him what he heard, his mind shot blank–right now he didn’t know he was here with Chang Min until…

Kyu Hyun felt a sharp pain stab at his brain. The pain was so terrible that his body went numb.

Chang Min raised his hand, smacking him across the face. 

Opening his eyes, he looked up and found Chang Min bouncing on his manhood and the feeling coming from where they were joined blew his mind away.

Kyu Hyun looked at Chang Min’s hands that were clawing into his skin and he yelled in pleasure, pleasing himself.

His gaze moved to where they were joined and as he took in the pleasure, he could feel that his toes were curling as his fingertips clawed into Chang Min’s waist. 

Lifting himself up, he met Chang Min’s body thrust for thrust as he smacked their lips together in a tongue locking exchange. 

Chang Min’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as Kyu Hyun took over. This man suddenly started doing what his body knew best, swallowing each of his yells while making his yell louder while he was cautious of his growing belly. 

Cumming inside Chang Min as their bodies locked in on cloud nine, Kyu Hyun said as they kissed, “I love you, Chang Min.”

Chang Min, who was in a daze, let his tears fall. “I love you more.”

Chuckling, Kyu Hyun brought him in for a hug and laid them down on their sides. Closing his eyes, he took in a deep breath, then the realisation sunk in. His eyes snapped open. He sat up on the bed and looked down at Chang Min and saw that his breathing was evened out.

Looking away, he made himself comfortable against the headboard. Running through what had just happened in his mind, he frowned.

“What the fuck just happened?”

Chang Min suddenly reached over, then cuddled up to him. 

He positioned himself right so that Chang Min would be comfortable and, as he stopped moving, he realised that he just acted out of instinct again.