Chapter 5: Giving Raven a Headache
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RWBY With Reverse Morals
Chapter 5: Convincing Raven and giving her a Headache  

Raven's breathing was heavy when she finally pulled off Gray and lay beside him. Raven grinned as she stared at Gray. Her rough treatment left him an exhausted mess. He was struggling to control his breathing as small tremors racked his body.

What started out as rough and on a pile of crafting foam in the living room turned into Raven carrying Gray, dropping him onto the floor mattress and riding him one last time. As Raven lay beside Gray, she couldn't help but reach out and softly grope his chest. In this world, women loved a man's chest as much as men loved women's breasts back on Earth.

Too exhausted for anything else, Gray rolled over, pressed his back against Raven's chest, and pulled her arms around himself. He had never been the little spoon back on Earth, but in this world, there was no way Raven would ever let him be the big spoon. But while Gray would never admit it, it felt right being the little spoon to Raven. This world affected his mind more than he realized; he was genuinely becoming 'Gray.' 


With a yawn, Gray rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and when he opened them, the first thing he saw was the dagger Raven gave him after their first night together. The small blade was in its sheath, lying next to the mattress. Gray grabbed it as he rolled over in the bed to face Raven. The bandit woman closed her eyes, but Gray could tell she wasn't sleeping. "So, when do we start my training?" He asked with a smile.

Raven sighed, then cracked an eye open to look at him. "Why do you assume I'm someone who can train you? I'm not a huntsman." Raven asked. It was true; if Gray didn't have his knowledge of the show, he probably wouldn't suspect Raven of being a former huntress turned bandit. She didn't carry her weapon or bandit mask in the city; those things would draw too much attention. She also never worried about danger in Vale; between her semblance and bird form, she could easily avoid any trouble.

Gray hummed at Raven's question; he quickly thought of what to say as he reached out and touched her arm. Gray slowly trailed his hand up Raven's arms, down her chest, and over her abs. "Well, you don't get a body like this from selling flowers." His fingers started to trace the small scars on Raven's body. He could feel the muscles under her skin tighten and flex. "So, you're either a huntsman or a criminal since this apartment with only a mattress and some blankets is clearly a safe house. So what are you?"   

Raven let out a small laugh at Gray's words. She then smacked away his hand as she ignored his question. "What do you even need training for? Last time I checked whores only need to know how to lay on their back." Raven said as she reached out and gripped Gray's head between his wolf ears. "Just put your head between my legs, and maybe I'll pay you when you're done."

Gray ignored Raven's taunt and squinted at her as he thought. 'If I ask Raven to kill Cinder for me, will she? No doubt Raven's strong enough to take Cinder out now. But then again, if I ask her to kill Cinder, she'll question why, and she's not dumb. I doubt Raven will buy any lie I tell her. If she finds out Cinder works for Salem, well, judging by how she acted in the show, she might leave and never come back or even kick me out of this apartment. But, then again, that's not even the biggest problem.'

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Raven questioned as Gray was still squinting at her.

"I'm thinking," He replied simply.

"Don't hurt yourself. You might be the first whore to do that." Raven taunted, but once again, Gray ignored her as he thought.   

'Even if Raven kills Cinder for me, no questions asked, what would that solve? The real problem is Salem, and Salem wants Vale to be destroyed. If Cinder dies or gets stopped now, would Salem send someone else to destroy this place? The best time to destroy this Kingdom would be during the Vytal Festival for the most damage and chaos. No, if I kill Cinder now, Salem could send someone like Watts or that big guy who doesn't feel pain to take Cinder's place. If Salem does that, I won't know their plans like I know Cinder's. No, I should wait until the Vytal Festival to take Cinder down. Don't give Salem a chance to send anyone else; I'll just have to try to minimize the damage Cinder does until then. Which shouldn't be too bad; I mean, really, when you think about it, a lot of the major shit that happens is because team RWBY fucks up.' With that final thought and a nod, Gray smiled at Raven. "I've decided, yes, you will train me so I can go to Beacon when the new school year starts."

 Raven just stared at Gray for a few moments. She let out a sigh as she pressed a hand to her forehead. "No, Just stick to being a whore." 

"I'm not asking you anymore. Now, I'm telling you. You will train me." Gray raised his hand and revealed the small dagger Raven had given him; he quickly pulled off the sheath and pointed the blade at Raven's stomach. "Well, do you agree to train me?" 

Raven stared at the blade for a moment. Then, a feral smile appeared on her face. Before Gray could blink, he was suddenly on his back. Raven held his wrists with her left hand, pinning them above his head. The dagger was now in her right hand as Raven straddled him. "Why would I train you?" Raven asked while tapping the blade flat against his cheek. "Give me one good reason."

"Cause you like having sex with me! If I die because I'm weak, I'm taking my dick with me!" Gray quickly replied. 

Raven just let out a laugh. "I'll admit I enjoy fucking you, but you'll have to do better. Than that."

Gray let out a frustrated groan, then tilted his head in thought. He couldn't really offer the woman anything. The only thing he could really think of was sex. Gray didn’t really have much money or really anything else besides sex. "Well, if you train me and get me in better shape, I'll be even sexier than I am now. You know, nice and fit." Gray said as he rubbed his naked body against her. Raven's eyes trailed over him, imagining it.  

"So you have nothing to offer me? But if I keep telling you no, you'll keep begging, won't you?" Raven asked.

Gray thought about it for a moment. "No, if you don't train me, I'll just leave this place and search for someone who will. But since I don't have much money, I'll probably have to pay them in sex like I'm offering you." Gray stated plainly. While Raven was the best opportunity he had since she was literally on top of him. There were still other things Gray could do. He could even go to Patch and convince Yang to train him; even though she isn't as strong as Raven, some training is better than nothing.

Thankfully for Gray, he wouldn't have to go to such lengths. Raven shook her head and sighed. "I just knew from the moment I met you you'd be a headache. Do you think you can even survive my training? I won't go easy on you, and who knows, you might even die." Raven warned as she stared him down. 

Gray gulped at the thought of Raven's training. He couldn't imagine what the bandit leader would put him through. But Gray also knew there was surviving standing in Cinder's, and Selam's, way without knowing how to fight in this world. He honestly doubted he had any plot armor. Gray wasn't the main character of this world. After all, that was Team RWBY. But, instead of showing fear, he smiled. "You already know I like it rough." Gray teased.

"Fine, I'll train you. But if you can't take my training, I'll chain you to my bed, where you will stay. I'm not going to waste my time for nothing." Raven said with a sharp glare. Gray just looked away with a nervous laugh. "Now, I think it's time to punish you for even daring to pull a blade on me." Tossing away the dagger, Raven reached between her legs and gripped Gray's soft cock.

"Uh, there's no way it can go again." Gray nervously stated.

"It will. It just depends on how rough with you I have to be." Raven grinned.


Early the following day, Gray was gathering his clothes in bags. The only thing Raven told Gray when she pushed him off the mattress was to pack his bags. They would leave the apartment to start Gray's training.

"Are you really sure you want to do this?" Raven asked as she sat on the bed watching Gray. "You really want me to train you? I wasn't joking. You could die during my training." 

Gray just shivered at the thought. He would be lying if he said he wasn't afraid. Gray was an average person back on Earth, and while he'd been in his share of fights and even bar fights, he had never been in a battle to the death. The only thing that gave him confidence was his new body and aura. Gray could feel the power of arua flowing through his veins; it gave him strength, and he believed that even with no training, he was already at the level of an Olympic athlete. But more importantly, one thought kept popping up as he spent a week in this world. 'If Jaune could survive going into Beacon, then I can too; I mean, even as I am now, I'm probably better than Jaune even by the time they reach Atlas. Right?"

But as Raven's question lingered, he knew what he wanted to say. Gray has always wanted to give his own 'Protagonist Promise.' "I've made up my mind, I will get strong and join Beacon. When I make up my mind, I don't back down." Gray stated as he turned to Raven with his hands on his hips. "When I met you, I made up my mind to fuck you for money even though you were big and scary, and I did. See, I can do anything when I put my mind to it." He joked.
Raven just rolled her eyes as she stood up. "If you say so, just don't say I didn't warn you." With a flick of her wrist, Raven activated her semblance, creating a portal in the center of the room. "Let's go." 

"Oh, Raven, can you carry these for me? You're such a strong woman, and I'm such a weak little boy." Gray said in his best cutesy voice as he pointed at all of his bags of clothes. Raven just sighed as she snatched the bags up. Gray really was enjoying his new female role and the power it gave him. Every day, he can almost feel himself becoming more of a bratty girl (a bratty guy in this world) in ways he never would have acted back on Earth. 


"Uh, nice place you got here," Gray said as the pair walked through the portal and into Raven's bandit camp tent. 'Seems smaller in person.' Gray thought as he looked around. The tent was nothing more than Raven's bed, a small floor table with pillows for chairs, some rugs, and many liquor bottles.

"Shut it," Was Raven's reply. 

The flap of Raven's tent was pulled open as the young woman, Vernal, walked in. "Ma'am, you're back-" Vernal started to speak, but she froze when she saw Gray. "Who's? If you don't mind me asking, ma'am."

"Oh, forget me already? Do I have to show you my cock again so you'll remember?" Gray was quick to reply. He gripped his pants with a smile, causing Vernal to turn pink as her eyes quickly went to his pants. But she quickly turned away when Raven dropped Gray's bags of clothes onto the floor with a thud.

"Ignore him. Go and fetch me some breakfast." Raven ordered as she took a seat at the table. 

"Yes, ma'am." Vernal bowed and quickly followed orders as she rushed out of the tent.

"So, what's for breakfast?" Gray asked as he took a seat at the table.

"You will get nothing. That cock of yours pays for training. But if you want food, you will hunt it yourself. If you want to shower, you will not use the camp shower. You will only be allowed to use my bed when I feel like using you. Other than that, find your own place to sleep." Raven said as she poured herself a cup of tea.

"What? Why?" Gray replied instantly, a slight whine in his voice that he didn't mean to add. Gray wanted to spend his days learning about his aura, unlocking his semblance. Hunting his own food and everything else Raven said seemed like it would only waste his time when he could be training. 

Raven's eye twitched at his whine. "Shut it. You're here for training, but you are not a member of this camp. Food, showers, tents to sleep in, those are for members of this camp that provide for this camp." Raven stated firmly. "If you want food, this forest is full of plenty of animals to hunt. There is a river down the hill if you want to shower. As for where you will sleep, I don't care. Figure it out."

"If I eat you out right now, will you feed me breakfast?"

"No, if you can't hunt an animal to eat, then how will you ever be able to hunt a Grimm."

"Fine, fine, be that way." Gray pouted. "But what what am I supposed to hunt with? I bet even you can't hunt with this little knife." Gray said as he pulled out the small dagger Raven gave him.

Before Raven could reply, Vernal entered the tent with a steaming bowl of stew. "Ma'am, I have your breakfast," Vernal announced as she placed the food on the table.

"Vernal, take this brat to the armory," Raven stated. She then pointed at Gray. "You, go pick a weapon, then go out and hunt. Or don't eat your choice." 

Gray let out a groan. "How about anal? I've never done that before." From what Gray learned, women in this world loved anal while men in this world didn't like anal because it was too 'dirty to pull your thing in there .' Because of this, when those words left Gray's mouth, Vernal looked at him with wide eyes, and Raven put a hand to her forehead.

"Vernal, take this brat to the armory and get him a weapon. Then take him to the forest to hunt animals, but keep an eye on the idiot so he doesn't get eaten by a stray Grimm." 

"Tch, be that way. Come on Vernal, the way Raven's being mean to me, maybe you'll get my first-time anal." Gray said with a wave as he walked out of the tent.

Vernal quickly spun around to face Raven. "I would never-" Vernal quickly started to say, but Raven cut her off.

"Just go," Raven stated, causing Vernal to bow slightly as she quickly walked out of the tent. 'I shouldn't have agreed to this.' Was all Raven could think with a sigh. 


A/N: I post this story on other websites, and on another site I talked about letting the readers choose what kind of weapon Gray will use. I'll take the topped like comments and weapon ideas and pick the one I think I can do the most with, the one that will fit the character the most. So if you have an ideas for a weapon feel free to throw it in a comment. Grays weapon won't be revealed for a few chapters so there's plenty of time for some brainstorming. the only thing is I want Gray to be a femme fatale type; he's going to have a seductive theme because Gray's most powerful weapon will be his seductiveness. So, if you post a weapon idea, do so with that in mind. Gray will be a more agile fighter (think Neo, but nowhere near as good in the time he has to train.) with a seductive theme.

So far the ideas I got are - Some whips, pistols, spears and such. But let me bounce some ideas off you guys; the concept of a whip sword sounds fun (all I can think of is a threaded cane from Bloodborne). Throw a pistol in there somewhere since it's RWBY. Or it could be a sword whip with a pistol sidearm. Or a hand fan weapon that fires dust wind blades and has a bladed edge for melee combat. Or maybe a simple, powerful gun like Sombra or Chisato. Hell, this is RWBY. Anything can be a weapon; what about a camera to play off the stereotype that all pretty girls (pretty guys in this world) are obsessed with taking selfies, some kind of dust camera (Like in Genshin). But, I am leaning towards one-handed weapons since his semblance will require using his left hand. While not always so, it's possible to use a two-handed weapon. When he uses his semblance, he must have his left hand free. 

Speaking of semblance, I plan on revealing Gray's semblance before his weapon. But while you'll see the unlocking and first ability, the semblance's full power will only appear throughout the story. But if people are interested, I wouldn't mind putting the whole semblance at the end of the chapter in which it's revealed. I'll put it in an author's note. (Right now, everything I've written about Gray's semblance is in a massive rambling paragraph in a Word doc, but if people are interested, I'll throw it into an easy-to-understand format.)