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Hello everyone,

Thanks for your patience. As I had announced earlier (last chapter), I will be moving to a 2 week release schedule. Next chapter will be release at 3:30 PM PST on January 9, 2021.

Belated Christmas to those who celebrate it, early New Years, and stay safe.



Day 429; 0556 (Morning)
Focus: TL7

SC4: “Good. You’re all here.”

Declared SC4, just as TL7 entered his large, rectangular office which appeared more organized than usual.

The normally chaotic office was much larger than TL7 remembered. Documents and journals that had once littered the floor were now organized deep inside several new bookshelves lining the walls of the room. 

[Clean.] Thought TL7 as he reminisced over the times when he would visit SC4’s office to discuss ongoing projects and active prospects. [It’s impressive that he found the time to organize every research paper and dissertation he received from my contemporaries.]

After quickly scanning the room, TL7 briskly walked towards the only remaining empty chair while hiding his embarrassment from the group of people waiting for his arrival. 

His Freakazoid graphic t-shirt stuck to his well defined torso as he passed by two of his colleagues, who seemed to ignore his presence altogether.

[It’s one of those days, huh?] TL7 commented internally.

After seating himself, he waved down the two team leaders -- TL1 and TL3 -- and made an inquiry.

TL7: “Who is that?”

He asked, while pointing at the unknown woman sitting across the room from them with his eyes.

In response, TL3, who wore the stereotypical attire of a researcher -- white overcoat worn over a white long sleeve, button up shirt and black slacks -- hesitantly shrugged her shoulders as her mouth slightly trembled, seemingly unsure how to answer verbally. TL1 on the other hand, ignored his question altogether, scoffing to herself as she sifted through her notes in preparation for the meeting. It was a very fitting response for a woman who prided herself with her wardrobe of boorish colored pant suits she wore on a daily basis.

Thinking to himself, TL7 scowled internally. [They are pretty girls, but their personalities need some work...well I’m not one to talk.]

The casual interaction was unsurprising to TL7. He dismissed the behavior of his colleagues as simple, eccentric quirks that came with the type of individuals who chose to work in a field of research that exceeded common sense.

[I am certain my contemporaries see me in the same light.] He convinced himself, while plopping his notes onto the ominous looking oak table shared between him and the other team leaders.

SC4: “AHEM! The meeting will start promptly, please prepare yourselves accordingly.”

SC4 bellowed while taking a brief look at each of his subordinates. 

Interrupted by SC4’s boisterous announcement, TL7 blankly glared at his boss until he got SC4’s attention. With both men staring intensely at each other, TL7 subtly used his eyes to ask SC4 who the woman sitting beside him was.

Accurately receiving the message, SC4 lifted his hand and waved it to one side, then sighed and slouched back into his mesh work chair. TL7 nodded in compliance, and then resumed shuffling through his notes as if nothing pressing had transpired.

[Alright, I can wait.] TL7 thought. [For that man to act like this…that woman must be a ballbuster.]

With the clock on the wall marking the time as 6:00 AM, SC4 started the meeting.

SC4: “Today marks the 429th day of the 1st BETA Phase. The current time is 0600. Security measures have been deployed. The meeting will commence in ten seconds.”

As SC4 finished his brief introduction, TL7 and the two other team leaders all looked-up from their work and exchanged brief glances with one another. Each of their faces had a look of confusion.

[Nutcracker...she’s a real nutcracker for SC4 to act with such formality.] TL7 concluded.

Outside of all-hands meetings, where all personnel took part in a facility-wide assembly, SC4 would always approach private meetings informally to promote a comfortable atmosphere for all participating individuals.

The moment of confusion quickly changed to understanding once the group found the unidentified woman writing notes into a transparent board sitting on her lap.

Picking up the gazes of his subordinates, SC4 cleared his throat and continued.

SC4: “AHEM. Now that the room is secure from any eavesdroppers, I hereby declare that the 1st official meeting of operation ‘Prodigal Son’ be open for discussion.”

With the meeting officially open, SC4 took a small sip from his large mug filled with coffee, then waited for one of the three team leaders to ask the question on everyone's minds.

TL1: “, who are you?”

TL1 bluntly asked the woman wearing a blue business suit, without moving her eyes from her research notes.

Slightly startled by such forward communication, the woman hesitated before looking towards SC4’s direction, seeking for approval. Only after receiving a nod from him, did she reply.

Woman: “I am what you would call an archivist. My job is similar to that of a stenographer in a courtroom. I am here to document the happenings of closed-door meetings occurring within the 4th Research Facility. By all means, please treat me as-if I am a ghost and continue the meeting as you would without my presence.”

TL1: “Concerning.”

TL1 said under a sigh.

Looking at SC4, TL1 continued.

TL1: “Explain.”

In light of the sudden and disrespectful command, SC4’s right eye twitched with irritation, but he managed to calm himself down before responding. He understood that an immediate reprimand would only cause the meeting to degrade into chaos -- but that did not mean TL1 avoided punishment.

SC4: “Due to a series of incidents stemming from unprofessionalism...namely, the on-site brothel and of course, the unsanctioned tampering of several dozen test subjects...the Directors of Project Prometheus deemed it necessary to hire a 3rd party observation group to document and catalogue all official meetings. We are only now implementing the directive after subjecting the 3rd party through an extensive vetting process.”

TL1: “Tch.”

SC4: “Of course, this is only for official meetings.”

SC4 continued while cracking a sinister grin.

Irritated by the whole situation, TL7 decided to speak up.

TL7: “So you’re covering your own ass.”

SC4: “Ah, TL7! That remark of yours can get you a hefty reprimand. Best be wary.”

TL7: “Cut the shit and start the meeting.”

SC4: “Ahem…”

TL7: “Ghost lady, what shall we call you?”

TL7 asked the woman, while waiting for SC4 to recover.

Woman: “...”

Unsure what to make of the meeting's group dynamic, the woman looked towards SC4 for approval to speak, but was denied the opportunity.

SC4: “A4. You may refer to her as A4.”

SC4 answered for the woman as he rubbed his forehead with his thumb and index finger.

[Archivist of the 4th Research Facility -- unimaginative.] TL7 thought to himself.

SC4: “TL7, I know that look...haaah. Nevermind that.”

Sighing to himself, SC4 shuffled a stack of papers placed to the side of him, then turned his attention back to the three team leaders.

SC4: “Alright. Progress reports. Let’s start with you TL1.”

TL1: “Understood. However, before I begin, I would like to verify the significance of our task. I assume the operation was named ‘Prodigal Son’ due to our objective in finding 513 -- the only wayward test subject in the experiment. Am I correct in this assumption?”

Upon hearing her question, TL7 sunk his face into his palms and mumbled something inaudible to the rest of the group.

SC4: “...yea…”

TL1: “Very good, then I shall start. Subject 502, who goes by the name ‘Damon,’ has successfully completed his rigorous training under the purview of the Priestesses of Fertility, a predominantly female, militaristic group operating under the Order of Bounty. He was contacted by an Alpha team member shortly after his graduation ceremony, and was briefed on his mission to locate Subject 513.”

“Afterwards, Damon and four other graduates of the training program registered as an official party under the Hunter Coalition, and have set-out to raise their rank as a group in order to travel north towards the inaccessible lands of the Forbidden Forest.”

“The following is the itinerary I have created for Damon and his group...

  • Raise group rank within the Hunter Coalition to a minimum of: Tier 4.
  • Raise individual rank within the Hunter Coalition to a minimum of: Tier 3.
  • Head to the Frontier Town of Rasa and wait for further instructions.
    • Travel east to the Kingdom of Ecalard, stopping at Lux, the capital city. 
    • From Lux, travel north using the primary trade route. Once out of Ecalard’s territory, the route travels through lands controlled by several Elutheron Nations -- be wary of shady trade deals.
    • Upon passing through the Elutheron Nations, continue following the trade route into unclaimed territory until the Frontier Town of Rasa is reached. (Warning: there is no route security from this point onward.)

...with the winter season on Halios coming to an end, it is expected that Damon and his group will reach Rasa before the summer season begins.”

“That is all for my report.”

SC4: “Good. I have a few questions. First. When will Damon depart? Second. What is the likelihood that he will survive the journey unharmed? Third. What will his method of travel be? Fourth. How reliable are his companions?

TL1: "To answer your first question, he will depart as soon as possible. The roads should be clear of most obstructions caused by the winter season as trade routes have started to re-open."

“To answer your second question, I believe he will survive the journey.”

SC4: “...could you be more specific, we are scientists, after all.”

TL1: “Not all of us.”

She quipped, while glaring at TL7.

Sensing the growing animosity, TL7 responded by scratching the side of his face with his middle finger pointed at TL1. This caused TL1's eyes to narrow in fury, but before she could rebut, SC4 chimed-in.

SC4: “That’s quite enough. Continue.”

TL1: “Tch...once Damon enters unclaimed territory where route security is non-existent, he may run into trouble, mainly in the form of monsters and beasts highly resistant to Natural Energy. That said, since Subject 513 had managed to survive on his own in the company of such creatures, I am confident Damon will come out unharmed. Damon is the superior test subject, after all.”

SC4: “...”

[What a load of biased shit.] TL7 remarked in his mind. [...and unscientific…]

Noticing TL7’s scowl, TL1 cracked a smile and continued.

TL1: “To answer your third question, Damon and his group will be travelling on foot, unless they pick up an escort mission. If they do manage to find an escort mission, they will likely travel by mount or armored carriage. To answer your last question, members and trainees from the Priestesses of Fertility are considered the pinnacle of talent and potential. Their sole purpose is to wage war against the blight; to sow seeds of life.”

[Why is everyone in this place so god damn cryptic?] TL7 complained internally, sinking his face into his palms once more.

SC4: “...I see. Good, good. I expect updates on his…Damon's progress regularly. Let us hope that he survives the journey, lest we lose all credibility in the archetype program...I hope you are aware of what will happen if that scenario were to come to fruition.”

SC4 warned TL1, before turning his attention to TL3.

---Chapter End