Chapter 1: Alive Again!
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Opening his eyes Richard found himself lying on a very uncomfortable bed and his surroundings looked like a white enclosed room. Forcing himself to get up he soon realised that his hands, legs and even his head were bounded by metallic straps hinged into the metal bed on which he was lying.


An ear-stinging sound entered his ears which was followed by the sound of steps. Richard tried moving his head to get a look at the origin of the sound only to end up being reminded about his head being fixed in place by the metal strap.

"Doctor do you think we succeeded? Or is it another failure" Richard heard a muffled sound of a person and soon saw a bunch of people wearing some sort of costume which looked like personal protective equipment covering their whole body right above him, staring at his face.

"I'm not sure but let's observe him for a while. The chances of failure should be very less after the changes I made..." The other person who seemed to be in charge here said in a similar muffled voice.

"What the fuck are you guys talking about?" Richard finally unable to keep his calm lashed out, anyone would if they woke up only to find themselves in such a situation.

"Impressive, he can speak." The person who was the leader said.

"I can do much more than that you faggot. Undo me and I'll show you how I'll fuck your ass." Richard said profanity coming out of his mouth as easily as the butter melts on a hot pan.

Richard thought he had successfully made the other person angry but that was not so the case. The person behind the mask was anything but mad at Richard because being able to abuse meant that he had enough intelligence to do so, something which all the previous subjects failed to show.

Richard soon realized this when he heard the other two people who looked to be in a much higher position compared to the rest congratulating their leader.

"Congratulations Doctor! You've finally created a perfect human from a zombie. We finally found ourselves a ray of hope!" The two said as the other people behind them also started praising the person.

"Yes, we've finally done this. Thanks to our joint efforts. Dr Lorean and Dr Jenny don't underestimate your efforts. I was able to come so far thanks to the help of you two when I had given up on this project completely." The leader said.

"Look at you, Dr Lucy! So modest even though you're so young." Lorean said.

"That indeed is the case. Considering the efforts Dr Lucy put into this project our input would be like a piece of dirt compared to hers. We even feel a bit ashamed that even though she's the youngest amongst us we depend on her so much rather than being someone who she can depend on." Jenny said.

The two women lamented while praising their leader Dr Lucy who retorted while saying "That's not the case. If not for the already done research work by you all and the rest of the doctors I won't be able to succeed in this project so my being able to get this result at such an age is all thanks to the joint effort of our group."

Hearing the woman's words the others felt good inside even though they earlier refused to take credit for it. They were again about to praise her back but Richard interrupted them.

"Excuse me? If your praising each other is over, can you bastards untie me so that I can fuck your sorry asses for binding me like this?"

Hearing Richard the group finally remembered him. Lorean asked Lucy while looking at Richard's angry face "He seems a bit aggressive. Is it because he still has some parts of the zombie virus in him?

"Most probably, but it can also be because he always had an aggressive nature," Lucy said.

"Well....I hate to bring this up...but Dr Lucy are you sure you're gonna do it with him?" Jenny brought up a topic that the rest of the group was trying hard not to speak of as a result now the whole group went silent while staring at Lucy...except for Richard.

"Hellloooo~ you motherfucking bimbos. Can you hear me!! Untie me so that I can smack some sense into your cow dung of a brain. At least look at me when this daddy is talking to you! I'll make sure to fuck you a little less painful if you do so....."

The group acted like they didn't hear Richard at all and focused on their leader who after a few moments finally opened her mouth "Well, it was my idea...and what's better than testing the results myself? Even if I don't want to do's not like anyone else is as young as me the chances of the project being successful would be greater if the seed enters inside me." Lucy said in a solemn mood.

The other nodded hearing her. If Lucy refused to do it then even if they tried it the chances of success would be very low because of their aged bodies. The group soon understood the mood and left the room while wishing Lucy good luck. It was now only Lucy and Richard alone in the white room.

Lucy looked down at Richard who was now looking at her and removed her face mask. Richard, who was still hurling abuses stopped for a moment seeing such a pretty woman before continuing "A beauty is it? I'll fuck your ass and show you around the world while you're on my dick you understand me? Hurry up and untie me like a whore you are and ride my dick."

"Unfortunately I can't untie you for now but as far as me riding your dick is seem to be in luck," Lucy said as she removed her PPE in a well-practised manner leaving Richard wide-eyed at his situation.